

Chapter one. 第一章
This is the story of the Hayworth family. 这是有关海沃思一家人的故事
Oh, no. - Oh! 哦不 - 哦
Three siblings who loved each other. 三个兄弟姐妹相亲相爱
What do I owe you ? - $1,150, brother. 我欠你多少 - 1150 兄弟
I owe you:我欠你的;
Oh, dang . - Okay. 见鬼 - 好了
But money sometimes got in the way . 但一谈到钱就不好说了
in the way:妨碍;挡道;
Sarah was the middle child and the one with the least money. 萨拉是老二 钱最少
She lived in a tiny apartment with her wife, Denise, and their two kids. 她和老婆丹尼斯住在一个很小的公寓里 还有她们的两个孩子
They were always on top of each other. 她们要摞起来睡
Literally . 完全是字面意思哈
Hi, I was just calling about the counselor position. 嗨 我打来是想问一下法律顾问的职位
Oh, you got the job. 哦 你被雇用了
So you were supposed to fill the position, but you gave it to yourself. 你是要招聘工作人员的 但你却把这个岗位给了自己是吗
That's fun. Quick question. 可真逗 那我问你
Why did you even have me come in? 当初你为什么要让我去面试呢
I mean, you didn't even validate my parking, so- 你甚至都不给我一张停车票 害得我还
And we are so happy for you. 我们真为你高兴
It's a tough job market out there right now. 现在外面的工作很不好找
Good luck, and let us know if anything else opens up. 祝你好运 如果再有开放的职位请告诉我们一下
Can I just say one more thing? 我能加句话吗
There is a better job out there for you. 会有更好的职位等着你的
In the meantime , do you want to bake some cookies and look at pictures of Cate Blanchett in suits? 你想不想烤点饼干 然后看看凯特.布兰切特穿西服的照片
In the meantime:在此期间;于此际; bake:n.烤; v.焙; (变得)灼热; Cate:n.美食;佳肴;外购食物;
Yes, I would. 乐意之至
I thought we were going to Uncle Connor's place. 我以为今天要去康纳叔叔家呢
Yeah, his house has a second floor. 是啊 他家有两层呢
We have a second floor. - You're sitting on it! 我们家也有两层啊 - 你们不就正坐在二层吗
A few minutes away, 这头
Sarah's younger brother Connor had moved to the Bay Area with his wife and daughter. 萨拉的弟弟康纳和自己的老婆还有女儿 搬去了旧金山湾区
He'd made a fortune in finance , so much that he bought his house from Matt Damon. 他在金融业赚了不少钱 钱多的他从马特.达蒙手里买下了房子
fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生 finance:n.财政,财政学;金融;v.负担经费,供给…经费;
Yes, that Matt Damon. 没错 就是这个马特.达蒙
They even had a live-in nanny . 他们还有个住家保姆
live-in:adj.同居的;住在雇主家的; nanny:n.保姆;母山羊;
Lupe, can you do the thing? 卢佩 能给来个那个吗
A nanny who took care of all of them. 一个保姆 照顾一家子人
Daddy, when do the cousins get here? 爸 我的表亲们什么时候来啊
Soon, baby. Today's gonna be epic . 很快了 今天一定会很有趣的
Whole family together... - Yeah, it's gonna be lit. 一大家子人都在一起 - 一定很好玩
That's my girl. 好姑娘
Lupe. 卢佩
Come on. 来嘛
You're the best, Lupe! 你是最棒的 卢佩
In between Connor and Sarah financially was the oldest sibling, 财务状况在康纳和萨拉之间的那个 是他们的大哥
Tom. 汤姆
He was middle-class , but definitely not middlebrow. 他是个中产阶级 但是文化教养可不一般
middle-class:adj.中产阶级的;中层社会的; definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地;
What? 怎么了
Yeah, you know what? You're right. 你说的对
It's the wrong kind of funny. 这幽默的不好
- Good point. 没错