

Today is best day ever. 今天是个最好的日子
Moving Day! 搬家日!
For who? 谁搬家?
Answer: The Boov. 答案是: 所有波星人
Who are the Boov? 波星人是什么人?
Answer: Best species ever at running away. 答案: 最牛的宇宙流浪种族
All Boov settlers , please report to your assigned transport . 所有的波星人移居者 请到您指定的港口
settlers:n.移民;殖民者;(settler的复数) assigned:v.分配(某物);分派;指定;委派;(assign的过去分词和过去式) transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放;
You are allowed one carry-on . 每人只允许带一件行李
Excusing me. Sorries. 借过 抱歉
Excusing me. Pardon the me, friend. 借过 抱歉 朋友
Boov do not friend. 波星人从没有朋友
Uh-oh. Sorries. 抱歉
Who am I? I am Oh. 我是谁? 我叫小欧
I has been given this name by my many, many friends. 很多朋友都这么叫我 于是我便有了这名字
Good morning! - Oh. 早上好! - 欧
Hi, guys. - Oh. 嘿 伙计们 - 欧
Hello. - Oh. 你好 - 欧
I am very excitement to make a new fresh start! 又能住进新家了 我太兴奋了!
We are all moving to best planet ever for to hiding. 这次的星球非常适合躲藏
Our new home! 我们的新家!
Captain Smek! 船长斯麦克!
My fellow Boov! 我的波星人同志们!
I has saved us again. 我再次地拯救了大家
A bit lower. 低一点
No, stop! 不 停下!
Up a bit. Up a bit. 高一点 高一点
Perfect. Walk away. Walk away. 好了 别动了 别动了
My fellow... 我的同志...
My... 我的...
fellow... 同志...
Boov. 波星人们
Good news! 好消息!
Thanks to my leadership skills... 在我英明的领导下...
cowering , running and pulling a skedaddle ... 我们畏缩 逃跑 颠沛流离...
cowering:v.(因恐惧而)蜷缩,畏缩,退缩;(cower的现在分词) skedaddle:vi.逃走;仓皇逃散;n.逃走;匆匆离去;
we are safe from our enemy... 安全躲避了我们的天敌...
the Gorg. 瓜星人
Nasty . 肮脏
Give Daddy some sugar! 给爷来点掌声!
Captain Smek has saved us again! 船长斯麦克又拯救了我们!
We are now arrived at the best hiding place yet in the Milky Way . 我们来到了牛奶系(指银河系)最适合隐藏的地方
at the best:adv.充其量,至多; Milky Way:na.[天]银河;
And the Gorg are lactose intolerant . 而瓜星人最受不了乳糖
lactose:n.[有化]乳糖; intolerant:adj.无法忍受的;偏狭的;
Genius ! 我太有才了!
They will never find us here. 他们永远也找不到我们
Thank you! 谢谢
Best of yet... 而且...
this planet is full of great stuff . 这个星球好东西特别多
Look at these delicious fruits! 看这种美味的水果!
That makes me feel so good. 我感觉真棒!
What fun at a party! 要是聚会上吃多有意思!
Boov do not party. 波星人从不聚会
Also, this planet is inhabited . 这星球上有居民
But do not worry. 但不用担心
The native savages are simple and backwards. 那些纯洁的土著很容易满足的
native:adj.本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来的;天赋的;n.本地人;土产;当地居民; savages:n.野蛮人(savage的复数);残酷的人;v.凶猛地攻击;激怒(savage的三单形式);
They are so ugly , they are cute! 看上去很丑 但挺可爱的!
Everything you need to know about them can be found... 他们的所有信息可在这个...