

So, these are the Dark Ages . 我们都有黑暗时代。 我说的
Dark Ages:n.黑暗时代(欧洲历史上从罗马帝国衰亡至公元10世纪的时期);
And the Dark Ages are the time between when you put away the Lego for the last time as a kid, and you decide as an adult that it is okay to play with a kid's toy. 黑暗时代是指 在你还是一个孩子, 最后一次玩毕放下乐高积木的时候, 和你已经长大成人,决定重新开始玩这个看起来是给小孩子玩的玩具的时候,之间的这段日子。
Started out with my then four-year-old. 就拿我来说吧,当我儿子四岁时,
'"Oh, should buy the kid some Lego. (我说:)“是时候给他玩乐高积木了。
That stuff 's cool." 那个挺好玩的。”
Walked into the Lego store. 我就跑去乐高专卖店,
Bought him this. 给他买了这个。
It's totally appropriate for a four-year-old. 这看起来倒真像是给四岁的孩子玩的(其实不然)。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I think the box says -- let's see here -- "8 to 12" on it. 我想盒子上写着 —— 让我们看这边 —— “八岁到十二岁”。
I turn to my wife and said, "Who are we buying this for?" 我问我太太:“到底我们这是给谁买呀?”
She's like, "Oh, us." I'm like, "Okay. All right. That's cool." 她回答:“哦,给我们自己吧。” 我说:“也成,好吧,那也挺好的。”
Pretty soon it got a little bit out of control. 没多久事情就失控啦。
The dining room looked like this. 我们的餐厅变成了这个样子。
dining room:n.餐厅;
You walk there and it hurts. 你走进去脚都硌得疼。
So we took a room downstairs in the basement that had been used as sort of an Abu Ghraib annex . 所以我们就启用了地下室的一个房间, 以前是用来虐待人的。(笑话)
downstairs:adv.在楼下;往楼下;adj.楼下的;n.楼下(尤指地面的一层); annex:vt.附加;获得;并吞;n.附加物;附属建筑物;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Torture , very funny. (我说我在家)虐待(人),(你们却觉得)好笑,
Wow, you guys are great. 哇,你们这帮听众真酷。
And we put down those little floor tiles . 然后我们就换掉了这些地砖。
And then I went onto eBay and bought 150 pounds of Lego -- 我就跑去易趣 买了150磅重的乐高——
(Laughter) (笑声)
which is insane . 这有点抽疯。
My daughter -- the day we got it, I was tucking her in -- and I said, "Honey, you're my treasure." 我女儿——我们买到手这些乐高那天晚上,临睡前我给她把被子掖好—— 我说: “宝贝,你是我的宝贝。”
And she said, "No, the Lego is the treasure." 她说:“不对,乐高才是宝贝。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then she said, "Dad, we're Lego rich." 接着她说:“爸爸,我们发乐高财了。”
I was like, "Yeah. 我说:“对,
I suppose we are." 我们是发乐高财了。”
So then once you do that you're like, "Oh, crap . Where am I going to put all this?" 当你做了这么疯狂的事, 你就觉得:“噢,坏了,我把它们搁哪儿呀?”
So you go to The Container Store and spend an enormous amount of money. 你就会去卖整理箱的地方, 花一大堆钱(买好多整理箱)。
And then you start this crazy sorting process that never -- it's just nuts. 然后你就分门别类的收拾吧。 没个头—— 简直就是发疯。
Whatever. 无所谓啦。
So then you realize there are these conventions . 接着你就开始注意到这些集会。
And you go to one of these conventions, and some dude built the Titanic . 你去了一个这种集会,看到别人竟然堆了个泰坦尼克号出来,
dude:n.男人,小伙子;(非正式)花花公子; Titanic:adj.巨大的;强大的;极端重要的;四价钛的;
And you're like, "Holy shit! 你就会说:“老天呀!
He had to come in like a truck, a semi , with this thing." 他得拿卡车 或者半挂车,来装这个玩意儿。”
And then built this -- this is the Smith Tower in Seattle . 接着有人做了这个——这是模拟西雅图的史密斯塔。
Just beautiful. 美极了。
And there's a dude selling these aftermarket weapons for Lego, because Lego -- the Danish -- no, they're not into guns. 接着有人卖这个, 给乐高补充的武器装备。 因为乐高吧——这些丹麦人—— 他们倒不迷恋武器,
aftermarket:n.零件市场;二级市场(等于secondarymarket); Danish:adj.丹麦的;丹麦人的;丹麦语(文)的;n.丹麦语;
But the Americans? Oh, we'll make some guns for Lego, no problem. 但是美国佬?哇,我们当然会给乐高添上武器了。不在话下。
And at a certain point you look around, you're like, "Whoa, this is a really nerdy crowd." 后来到一定的程度,你左右环顾一下, 你会说:“哇塞,这可真是一帮疯子。”
And I mean like this is a nerdy crowd, but that's like a couple of levels above furries . 我是说比一般的疯子 要疯上好几倍
(Laughter) (笑声)
The nerds here, they get laid -- except for the lady with the condoms in her pocket -- and you said to yourself at some point, "Am I part of this group? Like, am I into this?" 这帮疯子,他们特别自在—— 除了那个老带着个避孕套的女生—— 我就对自己说 “我也是他们的一份子么?我也好这个调调么?”
nerds:n.书呆子;网虫;讨厌鬼(nerd的复数); condoms:n.避孕套,安全套;(condom的复数)
And I was just like, "Yeah, I guess I am. 我回答自己:“对呀。我想我也是。
I'm coming out. 我应该告诉大家。
I'm kind of into this stuff, and I'm going to stop being embarrassed ." 我喜欢乐高,我不应该觉得羞愧。”
So then you really get into it. 之后你就彻底掉进去了。
And you're like, "Well, the Lego people in Denmark, they've got all this software to let you build your own virtually . 你会说:“好的,丹麦的乐高公司,他们有电脑软件 可以让你自己设计乐高。
And so this is like this CAD program where you build it. 比如这个电脑辅助设计的软件。
And then whatever you design virtually you click the button and it shows up at your doorstep a week later. 你可以假装搭一个积木,点击采购所有的零件, 一周后就送货上门了。
And then some of the designs that people do they actually sell in the store. 有些好的设计 他们还真在店里卖。
The Lego guys don't give you any royalties , strangely . 这些卖乐高的人也不给你什么专利,奇怪吧。
royalties:n.版税;稿酬(royalty的复数形式); strangely:adv.奇怪地;奇妙地;不可思议地;
But some user made this and then it sold. 但是有人用软件做了了么个东西,后来还卖钱了。
And it's pretty amazing actually. 特神。
Then you notice, that if that 接下来你会发现,
Lego-provided CAD program isn't enough, there's an entire open-source third party independent Lego CAD program that lets you do 3D modeling and 3D rendering and make, in fact, movies out of Lego, 3D films of which there are thousands on YouTube. 如果乐高公司的电脑软件还不够, 还有别的人,独立于乐高公司的 资源共享的那种电脑软件商。 你可以用他们的软件做立体模型, 立体表演, 还可以做出乐高电影来。 立体的影片。 Youtube上有成千上万这样的电影。
open-source:adj.(计算机)开放源代码; independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); rendering:n.演奏;扮演;表演;翻译作品;v.使成为;给予;提供;回报;(render的现在分词)
And some of them sort of mimicking famous films. 有些模仿已成名的电影片段,
And some totally original content . 有些是原创的。
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
Just beautiful. 美极了。
And people recreating all sorts of things. 人们还重现了一些东西。
I have to take a moment. 我得花点时间说说这个。
I love the guy who's like running away with his clasps , his hooks . 我喜欢这个像是要跑的人 拿着钩子夹子的。
clasps:n.钩(clasp的复数形式);扣子;v.扣住;紧握(clasp的第三人称单数形式); hooks:n.钩子;[机]挂钩(hook的复数);v.[机]钩;钓(hook的第三人称单数);
Okay. Anyway. 就这样。
(Laughter) (笑声)
There's a whole programming language and robotics tool. 我们有整个一个编码语言,还有机器人技术。
So if you want to teach someone how to program, kid, adult, whatever it is. 如果你想教人编程, 孩子啦,成人啦,都行。
And the guy that made this, he made a slot machine out of Lego. 做这个的人, 他拿乐高做了个投币自动售货机。
slot machine:n.投币自动售货机;吃角子老虎赌博机;老虎机;
And I don't mean he made Lego that looked like a slot machine. 不是说他用乐高搭了一个像投币自动售货机一样的东西,
I mean he made a slot machine out of Lego. 我是说他真的用乐高做出了一个投币自动售货机。
The insides were Lego. 里面的部件全是乐高。
There's people getting drunk building Lego. 有的人边做边喝,
And you've got to finish the thing before you puke . 你可得在吐得一塌糊涂前做完才行。
There's a whole gray market for Lego, thousands of home-based businesses. 乐高也有地下市场, 成千上万的家庭型工厂。
And some people will fund their entire Lego habit by selling the little guys. 有人为了能挣钱玩乐高, 还卖这些东西 。
But then you have no guys in your ships. 只是船上没人罢了。
And then just some examples. This stuff really is sculpture . 这里有些例子。这个东西像是个雕塑品。
This is amazing what you can do. 简直无法想象你能用乐高做到这一步。
And don't kid yourself; some architectural details, incredible organic shapes and just, again, nature out of, again, little blocks. 不是开玩笑的, 这些建筑上的细节,这些绝妙的生物形体, 这些仅仅是靠着这些小小的积木的自然魅力。
architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体;
This is my house. 这是我的乐高房子。
And this is my house. 这是我的真房子。
I was afraid a car was going to come smash it as I was taking a picture for you guys. 我给你们照这张照片的时候 特别担心有车过来轧坏了我的乐高房子。
smash:v.粉碎; n.破碎; adj.了不起的;
Anyway, I'm out of time. 我没时间继续了。
But just very quickly -- we'll just see if I can do this quick. 但是快速地—— 让我们看看我能不能完成这个。
Because there aren't enough TED logos around here. 这间屋里TED的标志有点不够。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Let's see here. 看这里。
Okay. 好了。
Ta-da. 完成了!
(Applause) (掌声)