

Let's go!
I'm open, I'm open. -I don't see it! 传给我 传给我 -我没看见
Take your time! -Run! 抓紧时间 -跑位
Run! -Go go! 进攻 -上 上
Let's go! -Defense! Defense! 上 -卫冕 卫冕
Come on man! 好样的
Hustle hustle! -Control that ball! 紧逼防守 紧逼防守 -注意控球
Bolton! I'm open! -Set it up! Let's go! 博尔顿 传给我 -组织起来 上
All right let's go! Let's move! Let's move! 很好 上 移动 注意移动
Watch the run in. -Watch the back door ! 注意穿插 -注意后面
back door:后门;非法途径;
Get it! 知道
That concludes the first half of play 决赛上半场最终结果
concludes:v.结束; (conclude的第三人称单数)
In our final game with the west high knights 西部高校骑士队以47比26
Leading defending champion east high wildcats 47:26. 领先卫冕冠军东部高校野猫队
Sixteen minutes remain in the game. 比赛还有16分钟
All right! No more x's and o's. OK? 好了 放弃交叉挡拆战术
Forget about the scoreboard 别想着记分板上的数字
Because here's a number that matters. 更重要的是
Sixteen. There's 16 minutes left in this game, guys. 16分钟 比赛还剩下16分钟
There's only 16 minutes left in the season. 这个赛季还剩下16分钟
And for the seniors on this squad ... guys... 对于篮球队的毕业生... 伙计们...
seniors:n.年长者,老年人;资历较深的人(senior的复数形式); squad:n.班;小队;五人组(篮球队的非正式说法);vt.把…编成班;把…编入班;
You've only got sixteen minutes left in a wildcat uniform . 你们还能穿野猫队服16分钟
So make them count. 别让自己后悔
Sixteen minutes to be a team. 16分钟内 你们是一个团队
Captains! 队长时间
All right. 好了
Hey guys. 伙计们
Now you heard coach. 听到教练的话了
We're all gonna remember the next sixteen minutes 我们都将记住接下来的16分钟
For a long time after we leave east high. 即使离开东部高校很久以后
So it's now or never. 此时不搏 更待何时
Chad. 查德
What team? -Wildcats! 什么队 -野猫队
What team? -Wildcats! 什么队 -野猫队
What team? -Wildcats! 什么队 -野猫队
?Sixteen sixteen sixteen minutes left better get it done.? ?16 16 16分钟 争取胜利?
?Sixteen sixteen sixteen more minutes get ready game on!? ?16 16 16分钟 整装待发?
?Sixteen sixteen sixteen minutes left running out of time.? ?16 16 16分钟 时间紧迫?
?Sixteen sixteen sixteen more minutes and it's on the line .? ?16 16 16分钟 一触即发?
on the line:处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上;
?Sixteen sixteen sixteen minutes left got to get it done.? ?16 16 16分钟 争取胜利?
?Sixteen sixteen sixteen more minutes till we're number one!? ?16 16 16分钟 唯我独尊?
?W-I-L-D Wildcats!? ?W I L D 野猫队?
Huddle up! Let's go! 围过来 快
Huddle:vt.把...挤在一起; vi.蜷缩; n.拥挤;
?W-I-L-D Wildcats! Come on come on.? ?W I L D 野猫队 加油 加油?
Ready? 准备好了吗
Break! 加油
?W-I-L-D Wildcats! Now's the time.? ?W I L D 野猫队?
?Got to get it inside down low in the paint now shoot!? ?低空运球 突破内线 投篮?
?Score!? ?得分?
?-Gotta work together -Defense!? ?-合作 -回防?
?Give me the ball.? ?传球?
?Fast break keep the ball in control let it fly from downtown .? ?快速突破 保持控球 弧线划过三分线?
?Three more.? ?再得三分?
?Show them we can do better.? ?我们能做得更好?
Come on boys! 加油 男孩们