

When I was a young boy, 当我还是个男孩时
I used to gaze through the microscope of my father at the insects in amber that he kept in the house. 我经常从爸爸的显微镜里观察 他放在家里琥珀中的虫子
gaze:v.凝视;注视;盯着;n.凝视;注视; microscope:n.显微镜; amber:adj.琥珀色的;琥珀制的;n.琥珀;琥珀色;vt.使呈琥珀色;
And they were remarkably well preserved , morphologically just phenomenal . 它们保存得很好 看上去挺壮观的
remarkably:adv.非常;极为;格外;出乎意料地 well preserved:adj.保养得很好的;保存得很好的; morphologically:adv.词法地;形态学上地; phenomenal:adj.现象的;显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的;
And we used to imagine that someday, they would actually come to life and they would crawl out of the resin , and, if they could, they would fly away. 我们曾幻想某天 他们会在现实中复苏 并爬出这些树脂 或许还会飞走
crawl:v.爬;匍匐行进;(昆虫)爬行;缓慢行进;n.爬泳;缓慢的速度;自由泳; resin:n.树脂;松香;vt.涂树脂;用树脂处理;
If you had asked me 10 years ago whether or not we would ever be able to sequence the genome of extinct animals, 十年前如果你问我 能否找出这种灭绝了的生物的基因排序
whether or not:是否…; sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列; genome:n.基因组;染色体组; extinct:adj.灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的;vt.使熄灭;
I would have told you, it's unlikely . 我会告诉你,这不大可能
If you had asked whether or not we would actually be able to revive an extinct species , 如果你问我 我们能否让灭绝的物种复活
revive:vi.复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;vt.使复兴;使苏醒;回想起;重演,重播; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
I would have said, pipe dream . 我会告诉你,呵呵
pipe dream:白日梦,空想;
But I'm actually standing here today, amazingly, to tell you that not only is the sequencing of extinct genomes a possibility, actually a modern-day reality, 但我今天站在这里 想告诉你们,在当今现实中 不单有望排列出绝种生物的基因
sequencing:n.[计]排序; v.[计]定序(sequence的ing形式); genomes:n.[遗]基因组(genome复数); modern-day:adj.当代的;今日的;
but the revival of an extinct species is actually within reach, maybe not from the insects in amber -- in fact, this mosquito was actually used for the inspiration for " Jurassic Park" — but from woolly mammoths , the well preserved remains of woolly mammoths in the permafrost . 而且复活灭绝的生物也是可以办到的 或许不是琥珀中的昆虫 事实上这种蚊子 曾给《侏罗纪公园》灵感 但从猛犸象从永久冻土内保存完好的遗迹中可以看出
revival:n.复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;再生效; mosquito:n.蚊子 Jurassic:adj.侏罗系的;侏罗纪的;n.侏罗纪; woolly:adj.羊毛的;模糊的;似羊毛的;n.羊;毛织衣服; mammoths:n.长毛象;猛犸象;庞然大物;adj.巨大的,庞大的;猛犸似的; permafrost:n.永久冻土,永久冻地;永久冻结带;永久冰冻;
Woollies are a particularly interesting, quintessential image of the Ice Age. 猛犸象是冰川时期 精萃和有趣的代表
Woollies:adj.羊毛的;模糊的;似羊毛的;n.羊;毛织衣服; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; quintessential:adj.精髓的,精萃的;
They were large. They were hairy. 他们体型庞大,浑身毛茸茸
They had large tusks , and we seem to have a very deep connection with them, like we do with elephants. 他们有硕大的獠牙,而且似乎人类和他们关系很密切 就像我们和大象的关系一样
Maybe it's because elephants share many things in common with us. 或许是因为大象 和我们有很多共同点
in common with:与…一样;
They bury their dead. They educate the next of kin . 他们掩埋逝者,他们养育后代
bury:v.埋葬;隐藏; next of kin:近亲属;
They have social knits that are very close. 有着紧密的群体关系
Or maybe it's actually because we're bound by deep time, because elephants, like us, share their origins in Africa some seven million years ago, and as habitats changed and environments changed, we actually, like the elephants, migrated out into Europe and Asia. 又或许是因为我们有着很长的历史 因为在几百万年前,和我们一样 大象的起源也是在非洲 随着栖息地和环境的改变 我们像大象一样迁徙 迁到欧洲和亚洲
bound:n.跳跃:v.跳跃着跑:形成…的边界(或界限)adj.一定会:很可能会: origins:n.起源; (origin的复数) habitats:n.[生态]栖息地;(动植物的)[经]产地(habitat的复数形式); migrated:v.(随季节变化)迁徙;移居;迁移;移动;转移;(migrate的过去分词和过去式)
So the first large mammoth that appears on the scene is meridionalis, which was standing four meters tall weighing about 10 tons, and was a woodland-adapted species 所以世上的第一头猛犸象 是南方猛犸,有四米高 约十吨重,而且是能适应林地的物种
and spread from Western Europe clear across Central Asia, across the Bering land bridge and into parts of North America . 然后从西欧跨过中亚 跨过白令陆桥 到达北美地区
North America:n.北美洲;
And then, again, as climate changed as it always does, and new habitats opened up, we had the arrival of a steppe-adapted species called trogontherii in Central Asia pushing meridionalis out into Western Europe. 随后由于常见的气候变化 新的栖息地也随之出现 所以我们有了能在中亚适应草原的猛犸物种 叫草原猛犸 所以猛犸就从南方迁移到西欧
And the open grassland savannas of North America opened up, leading to the Columbian mammoth, a large, hairless species in North America. 广阔的北美热带稀树草原也成为新栖息地 在这里有了哥伦比亚猛犸 一种在北美的大型少毛猛犸
grassland:n.草原;牧草地; savannas:n.热带稀树草原(savanna的复数); hairless:adj.无毛的;秃顶的;
And it was really only about 500,000 years later that we had the arrival of the woolly, the one that we all know and love so much, spreading from an East Beringian point of origin 仅仅50万年后 一种猛犸出现了 就是那种我们熟知并喜爱的 从东白令陆桥作为起点
across Central Asia, again pushing the trogontherii out through Central Europe, and over hundreds of thousands of years migrating back and forth across the Bering land bridge during times of glacial peaks and coming into direct contact with the Columbian relatives living in the south, 跨过中亚,将草原猛犸 推向中欧地区 再经过数百年的演变 在冰川时期 不断从白令陆桥来回往返 终于和栖息在南边的哥伦比亚种族 有了直接的联系
migrating:v.迁移;迁徙;移居(migrate的现在分词); back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的; glacial:adj.冰的;冰冷的;冰河时代的; peaks:n.山顶;峰巅(peak的复数); contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; relatives:n.亲戚;亲属;同类事物;(relative的复数)
and there they survive over hundreds of thousands of years during traumatic climatic shifts . 并且他们在恶劣的气候变化下 存活了成千上万年
traumatic:adj.外伤的;创伤的;n.外伤药; climatic:adj.气候的;气候上的;由气候引起的;受气候影响的; shifts:n.转移; v.转移; (shift的第三人称单数)
So there's a highly plastic animal dealing with great transitions in temperature and environment, and doing very, very well. 所以这是一种适应性极高的 能适应恶劣气候环境的动物
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; transitions:n.过渡,转变(transition的复数形式);转场效果;转换滤镜;
And there they survive on the mainland until about 10,000 years ago, and actually, surprisingly , on the small islands off of Siberia and Alaska until about 3,000 years ago. 直到一万年前,他们才从这个陆地上消失 事实上,很令人惊讶的是,在西伯利亚周边的一些小岛上 和在阿拉斯加那,他们3000年前才消失
surprisingly:adv.令人惊讶地;出乎意料地 Siberia:n.西伯利亚;
So Egyptians are building pyramids and woollies are still living on islands. 所以埃及人在建造金字塔时 猛犸象还在岛上生活着
And then they disappear . 之后他们才消失的
Like 99 percent of all the animals that have once lived, they go extinct, likely due to a warming climate and fast-encroaching dense forests that are migrating north, 像99%曾经存活过的动物一样 他们灭绝很可能是由于气候的暖化 和在北迁过程中 迅速生长起来的森林
and also, as the late, great Paul Martin once put it, probably Pleistocene overkill , so the large game hunters that took them down. 另外,正如已故的伟大保罗马丁曾经指出 很可能是“更新世时期”将他们赶尽杀绝 强大的猎人将他们都干掉了
Pleistocene:n.[地]更新世(的); overkill:vt.过度地杀伤;n.过度的杀伤威力;
Fortunately , we find millions of their remains strewn across the permafrost buried deep in Siberia and Alaska, and we can actually go up there and actually take them out. 幸运的是,我们找到数以万计的遗骸 散布在斯伯利亚和阿拉斯加 深埋的永久冻土内,所以我们可以到那里 将它们取出来
Fortunately:adv.幸运地; strewn:v.撒;散播(strew的过去分词);adj.撒满的;散播的;
And the preservation is, again, like those insects in [amber], phenomenal. 同样,对它们的保护也是完善的 就像那些琥珀中的昆虫一样
So you have teeth, bones with blood which look like blood, you have hair, and you have intact carcasses or heads which still have brains in them. 所以你能看到牙齿,带血迹的骨头 看起来像血,你也能看到毛发 还能看到完整的尸体 或是仍有大脑在内的头部
intact:adj.完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的; carcasses:n.尸体;兽体(carcass的复数形式);
So the preservation and the survival of DNA depends on many factors , and I have to admit, most of which we still don't quite understand, but depending upon when an organism dies 保护措施和DNA的存活将依靠很多方面因素 另外我不得不承认 还有很大一部分仍旧是未解之谜 但依据生物死亡的时间
survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商; organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物;
and how quickly he's buried, the depth of that burial, the constancy of the temperature of that burial environment, will ultimately dictate how long DNA will survive over geologically meaningful time frames . 以及掩埋的速度和深度 还有掩埋环境温度的稳定性 我们可以从地质学角度的有效时间范围内 得出DNA还能存活多久
constancy:n.坚定不移;恒久不变; ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; dictate:v.决定;口述;支配;强行规定;n.规定;命令; geologically:adv.从地质学角度; meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; frames:n.[计][电子][通信]帧,[电影]画面;[建][计]框架;眼镜架(frame的复数);
And it's probably surprising to many of you sitting in this room that it's not the time that matters, it's not the length of preservation, it's the consistency of the temperature of that preservation that matters most. 对这里的大多数人来说,这可能有些不可思议 因为时间不是关键 保存时间的长度也不是关键 关键是保存温度的稳定性
So if we were to go deep now within the bones and the teeth that actually survived the fossilization process , the DNA which was once intact, tightly wrapped around histone proteins , is now under attack 所以如果我们真要去深究那些 经历了石化过程的骨头和牙齿 那么那些曾经完整,被组蛋白紧裹的DNA 将无疑暴露在细菌的威胁中
fossilization:n.石化;僵化; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; tightly:adv.紧紧地;坚固地; wrapped:adj.极高兴的;十分满意的;v.用…包裹;用…缠绕;(wrap的过去分词和过去式) proteins:n.[生化]蛋白质(protein复数);
by the bacteria that lived symbiotically with the mammoth for years during its lifetime. 这些细菌也是当初与猛犸象在世时 共生的细菌
bacteria:n.[微]细菌; symbiotically:adv.symbiotic的变形adj.[生物学]共生的[亦作symbiotical];
So those bacteria, along with the environmental bacteria, free water and oxygen, actually break apart the DNA into smaller and smaller and smaller DNA fragments , until all you have are fragments that range from 10 base pairs to, in the best case scenarios, a few hundred base pairs in length . 因此那些细菌,和其他环境细菌 游离水和氧气,其实会将DNA分解 分解成更小的DNA片段 这些片段分布不均 小的才有10对碱基对,最好的情况下 也只有几百对碱基对
So most fossils out there in the fossil record are actually completely devoid of all organic signatures . 所以化石记录那里大部分的化石 其实都是完全无有机特征的
fossils:n.[古生]化石(fossil复数形式); devoid:adj.缺乏的;全无的; organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; signatures:n.签名;鲜明特征(signature的复数);
But a few of them actually have DNA fragments that survive for thousands, even a few millions of years in time. 只有很少的一部分 有存活数千年的有DNA片段 有的甚至有几百万年历史
And using state-of-the-art clean room technology , we've devised ways that we can actually pull these DNAs away from all the rest of the gunk in there, and it's not surprising to any of you sitting in the room that if I take a mammoth bone or a tooth and I extract its DNA that I'll get mammoth DNA, 利用最先进的净化室技术 我们设计了不同方案从这些粘泥状物体中 提取出这些DNA 如果我拿出一根猛犸骨或一颗牙齿 然后提取它的DNA,我将得到猛犸的DNA 这对大家来说,不足为奇
state-of-the-art:adj.最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; devised:v.设计(devise的过去式和过去分词);计划;发明; all the rest:其他所有相关信息; gunk:n.泥状物质;黏性物质;无特殊形状之一堆; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹;
but I'll also get all the bacteria that once lived with the mammoth, and, more complicated , I'll get all the DNA that survived in that environment with it, so the bacteria, the fungi , and so on and so forth. 但我同时也得到了与猛犸同时期的细菌 应该说,我提取到了 生存在那个时期的所有DNA 还有细菌,真菌,还有杂七杂八的
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) fungi:n.真菌;菌类;蘑菇(fungus的复数);
Not surprising then again that a mammoth preserved in the permafrost will have something on the order of 50 percent of its DNA being mammoth, whereas something like the Columbian mammoth, 另一件不足为奇的事是 保存在冻土里的猛犸 会有约50%的是属于自己的DNA 而像哥伦比亚猛犸
living in a temperature and buried in a temperate environment over its laying-in will only have 3 to 10 percent endogenous . 生活在一种温度下,掩埋在自己温和的墓地里 却只有3%到10%属于自己的DNA
temperate:adj.温和的;适度的;有节制的; endogenous:adj.[生物]内生的;内因性的;
But we've come up with very clever ways that we can actually discriminate , capture and discriminate , the mammoth from the non-mammoth DNA, and with the advances in high-throughput sequencing, we can actually pull out and bioinformatically re-jig all these small mammoth fragments and place them onto a backbone of an Asian or African elephant chromosome . 然而我们想出了巧妙的方法 我们其实能够区别,捕捉区别 哪些是猛犸的DNA 加上高通量测序的帮助 我们能够提取出 并从生物信息角度重新加工这些小DNA片段 然后植入亚洲象或非洲象 的染色体主链上
come up with:提出;想出;赶上; discriminate:vt.歧视;区别;辨别;vi.区别;辨别; capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 high-throughput:高通量; backbone:n.支柱;主干网;决心,毅力;脊椎; chromosome:n.[遗][细胞][染料]染色体(形容词chromosomal,副词chromosomally);
And so by doing that, we can actually get all the little points that discriminate between a mammoth and an Asian elephant, and what do we know, then, about a mammoth? 这样做,我们就能得到这些小点 来区别猛犸和亚洲象 那么,我们能从猛犸身上了解到什么呢?
Well, the mammoth genome is almost at full completion , and we know that it's actually really big. It's mammoth. 其实,猛犸的基因组基本是排满的 它确实很大,毕竟是猛犸嘛
So a hominid genome is about three billion base pairs, but an elephant and mammoth genome is about two billion base pairs larger, and most of that is composed of small, repetitive DNAs that make it very difficult to actually re-jig the entire structure of the genome. 原始人的基因大概有30亿对碱基对 但是大象和猛犸的基因 约多出20亿对碱基对 大部分是由小而重复的DNA组成的 这使得重组整个基因组变得十分困难
hominid:n.原始人类;人科动物;adj.人类及其祖先的; composed:adj.由…组成的; v.组成; (compose的过去分词和过去式) repetitive:adj.重复的; structure:n.结构;构造;建筑物;vt.组织;构成;建造;
So having this information allows us to answer one of the interesting relationship questions between mammoths and their living relatives, the African and the Asian elephant, 所以拥有这些信息,我们就能够 解答那有趣的种族问题 包括猛犸之间,和它们如今在世的近亲 那些非洲象亚洲象
all of which shared an ancestor seven million years ago, but the genome of the mammoth shows it to share a most recent common ancestor with Asian elephants about six million years ago, so slightly closer to the Asian elephant. 所有那些七百万年前都是一家人的象 但是猛犸的基因显示 它和亚洲象有着最近的共同祖先 约在六百万年前 所以多少和亚洲象比较亲近
With advances in ancient DNA technology, we can actually now start to begin to sequence the genomes of those other extinct mammoth forms that I mentioned, and I just wanted to talk about two of them, the woolly and the Columbian mammoth, both of which were living very close to each other during glacial peaks, 在研究古代DNA技术的帮助下 我们现在已经能开始重组 其他灭绝了的猛犸物种的基因 我在这里就提两种 长毛猛犸和哥伦比亚猛犸 在冰川时期 两种生活得非常近
so when the glaciers were massive in North America, the woollies were pushed into these subglacial ecotones, and came into contact with the relatives living to the south, and there they shared refugia , and a little bit more than the refugia , it turns out. 当北美的冰川还是很庞大的时候 长毛猛犸就被推进冰川下的过渡带 来到南边,接触到了其他种族 他们一同避难 慢慢地,就不止避难了
glaciers:n.[地理][水文]冰川(glacier的复数);[地理][水文]冰河; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; subglacial:adj.冰川下的; refugia:n.[生]残遗种保护区;冰期生物种遗区(单数形式refugium);
It looks like they were interbreeding . 似乎他们还相互交配繁殖
And that this is not an uncommon feature in Proboscideans, because it turns out that large savanna male elephants will outcompete the smaller forest elephants for their females. 这在长鼻类动物中不是新鲜事 因为发现 大型的热带草原公象 比稍小的森林象更会求偶
So large, hairless Columbians outcompeting the smaller male woollies. 所以硕大的,无毛的哥伦比亚猛犸 完胜稍小的公长毛猛犸
It reminds me a bit of high school, unfortunately . 这让我不禁想起高中的时候
reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) unfortunately:adv.不幸地;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So this is not trivial , given the idea that we want to revive extinct species, because it turns out that an African and an Asian elephant can actually interbreed and have live young, 这其实很重要 因为我们要复活灭绝的种类 因为我们发现非洲象和亚洲象 是能够杂交产生后代的
and this has actually occurred by accident in a zoo in Chester , U.K., in 1978. 这在1978年的英国切斯特的一座公园里 是有发生过的
occurred:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在;(occur的过去分词和过去式) Chester:n.切斯特(美国港口城市);切斯特(英国一城市);
So that means that we can actually take Asian elephant chromosomes , modify them into all those positions we've actually now been able to discriminate with the mammoth genome, we can put that into an enucleated cell, differentiate that into a stem cell , 这就意味着我们能把亚洲象的染色体 嵌入到我们目前能够与猛犸基因区别开来 的所有基因位置 我们可以将它放入一个无核的细胞中 分化为一个干细胞
chromosomes:n.[遗][细胞][染料]染色体(chromosome的复数形式); modify:vt.修改,修饰;更改;vi.修改; differentiate:vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别; stem cell:干细胞;
subsequently differentiate that maybe into a sperm , artificially inseminate an Asian elephant egg, and over a long and arduous procedure , actually bring back something that looks like this. 然后或许再分化为一个精子 人工授精到亚洲象的卵子里 在经过一个漫长艰苦的过程 我们弄出了这么一个东西
subsequently:adv.随后,其后;后来; sperm:n.精子;精液;鲸蜡油; artificially:adv.人工地;人为地;不自然地; inseminate:vt.使受胎;栽植;人工授精; arduous:adj.努力的;费力的;险峻的; procedure:n.步骤;手术;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;
Now, this wouldn't be an exact replica , because the short DNA fragments that I told you about will prevent us from building the exact structure, but it would make something that looked and felt very much like a woolly mammoth did. 确切来说,这不是一个精确复制品 因为我提到的短DNA片段 会妨碍我们构建真实的结构 但我们还是做出来看起来感觉起来 都很像长毛猛犸的生物
Now, when I bring up this with my friends, we often talk about, well, where would you put it? 当我把这个给朋友看的时候 我们经常会谈到,不错,但你能把它放在哪啊?
Where are you going to house a mammoth? 你打算把它关在哪里啊?
There's no climates or habitats suitable . 我们没有合适的气候和住所啊
Well, that's not actually the case. 好吧,其实这些都不是问题
It turns out that there are swaths of habitat in the north of Siberia and Yukon that actually could house a mammoth. 我们发现在北西伯利亚和育空地区 有成片的栖息地 那里可以给猛犸生活
Remember, this was a highly plastic animal that lived over tremendous climate variation . 记住,这是一种经历过无数天云变幻气候 的高适应性生物
tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; variation:n.变异;变体;变奏;变种;
So this landscape would be easily able to house it, and I have to admit that there [is] a part of the child in me, the boy in me, that would love to see 所以它们能很容易适应这个地方 我必须承认,我不会像小孩一样幼稚地说 我很想再次看到
these majestic creatures walk across the permafrost of the north once again, but I do have to admit that part of the adult in me sometimes wonders whether or not we should. 这些庄严宏伟的生物 横跨北边的冻土,但我得承认 成人的理智仍时不时让我纠结 我们是否应该这么做
majestic:adj.庄严的;宏伟的; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Ryan Phelan: Don't go away.
You've left us with a question. 你留给了我们一个问题
I'm sure everyone is asking this. When you say, "Should we?" 我确定每个人都想问,当你说“我们应该吗?”时
it feels like you're reticent there, and yet you've given us a vision of it being so possible. 你似乎有些不确定 但是你又向我们展示了它是及其可能的
reticent:adj.沉默的;有保留的;谨慎的; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
What's your reticence ? 你为什么有些不确定?
Hendrik Poinar: I don't think it's reticence. 我不觉得是不确定
I think it's just that we have to think very deeply about the implications , ramifications of our actions, and so as long as we have good, deep discussion like we're having now, I think we can come to a very good solution as to why to do it. 我觉得只是我们需要深入的思考 我们行动的意义和影响 只要我们继续有良好并深入的讨论我们为什么这么做 就像我们现在这样 我们会有一个好的答案
implications:n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数); ramifications:n.(众多复杂而又难以预料的)结果,后果;(ramification的复数) as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
But I just want to make sure that we spend time thinking about why we're doing it first. 我只想确定在我们付诸实践之前 花足够的时间去思考这么做的原因
RP: Perfect. Perfect answer. Thank you very much, Hendrik. 完美的回答谢谢你,Hendrik
HP: Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢(掌声)