

You know, one of the things that I'd like to say upfront is that 如你们所知道的,有一件事我想说在最前面
I'm really here by accident. 我能来到这里实在是很偶然。
And what I mean -- not at TED -- that I'm -- at this point in my life, truly my set of circumstances 我是指,并非来到TED, 而是我 能达到我生活的这个状态,和我的周围真实的环境
I would truly consider an accident. 我真的认为这是一个偶然。
But what I'd like to talk to you about today is perhaps a way in which we could use technology to make those accidents happen often. 但是,我今天想对你们说的 是一种我们可以用来使用科技的方法, 也许能让这种偶然的事情经常发生。
Because I really think, when I look back at how I actually ended up in this accident, technology played a big role in that. 因为我真的认为,当我回顾我是如何成长起来 在这种偶然中,科技发挥了非常重要的作用。
So, what I'd like to do today is tell you a little bit about myself, because I'd like to put in context what I'm going to tell you. 因此,今天我想做的事情就是告诉你们一点关于我的事情, 因为我希望能告诉你们我将要讲述的事情的背景
And I think you will see why the two greatest passions in my life today are children and education. 并且我希望你们将会发现为什么我生命中目前最强烈的热情 是孩子和教育。
And once I put that in context, 我一旦交代了这个背景
I'd like to tell you a little bit about technology: why I believe technology is a tremendous enabler; a very powerful tool to help address some of these challenges. 我将要告诉你们一点关于科技的事情: 为什么科技是一个极其强大的梦想实现者; 一个可以处理这些挑战的非常强大的工具。
Then, about the initiative that Chris mentioned, that we decided to launch at AMD that we call 50x15. 然后,关于基督曾提到的首创精神 我们决定在AMD提倡起来,并且称之为 50x15.
initiative:n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权;adj.起始的; launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射;
And then I'll come back to the beginning, and tell you a little bit more -- hopefully convince you -- that I believe that in today's world, it is really important for business leaders 然后,我们将回到开始提到的 告诉你多一点——希望可以说服你—— 我对这个今天这个世界的信仰。 非常重要的是,对于一个商业领袖
not only to have an idea of what their business is all about, but to have a passion for something that is meaningful . 应该不止知道他们的生意是做什么的, 也应该对那些非常有意义的事情充满热情。
So, with that in mind, first of all let me tell you, 请记住我刚刚讲的内容,首先让我向你们介绍
first of all:adv.首先;
I'm one of five children. I'm the oldest, the other four are women. 我是家里五个孩子中的一员。我是最大的,另外四个是女性。
So I grew up in a family of women. 所以我成长在一个女性的家庭里。
I learned a lot about how to deal with that part of the world. 我学到了很多方法应对这世界的另一半。
(Laughter) (大笑)
And as you can imagine, if you can picture this: 如你们所想象的,如果你们可以描绘这样的景况:
I was born in a very small village in Mexico, in, unfortunately , very poor surroundings , and my parents did not have a college education. 我出生在墨西哥的一小村庄里, 不幸的是,那里的环境非常糟糕, 而且我的父母没有接受过高等教育。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; surroundings:n.周围的环境;环境;(surrounding的复数)
But I was fortunate to be able to have one, and so were my four sisters. 但是我很幸运的接受了高等教育,同样我的妹妹们也是。
That kind of tells you a little bit of an idea of the emphasis that my parents placed on education. 这个也许可以告诉你一点印象,关于 我的父母是如此重视教育。
My parents were fanatics about learning, and I'll come back to that a little bit later. 我的父母对学习十分着迷, 过一会儿,我会再回到这点继续讲述。
But one of the things that exposed me early to learning, and a tremendous curiosity that was instilled in me as a child, was through a technology which is on the screen -- is a Victrola . 但是有一件事情让我很早就开始学习, 极大的好奇心就已经渗入了我,在我还是个小孩子时, 在屏幕上显示出来的一个科技品,是个手摇留声机。
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式) curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; instilled:v.逐渐灌输,逐步培养(感受、思想或行为);(instill的过去式和过去分词) Victrola:n.手摇留声机;
My father found that in a junkyard , and was able to repair it and make it work. And somehow -- to this day I frankly don't know how he was so aware of what was going on in the world -- but 我的父亲在垃圾站找到了它, 并切能够修好了它,让它运行起来。并且, 坦白的说,直到今天我还不知道他怎么竟如此深刻的了解 这个世界是怎么运行的。但是
junkyard:n.废品旧货栈;废物堆积场;旧汽车丢弃的地方; repair:v.修理;修补;修缮;补救;n.修理;修补;修缮; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; to this day:至今;
by inviting me to sit down with him when I was only a few years old, and playing records in this Victrola by Mozart, and he would tell me how Mozart was the most romantic of all the classic composers ever, 他邀请我坐在他的身边,在我很小的时候 用那个手摇留声机播放莫扎特的音乐,他告诉我 莫扎特是所有的古典作曲家中最浪漫的,
romantic:adj.浪漫的;爱情的;n.浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人; classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的; composers:n.作曲家;作曲者(composer的复数形式);
and how Claire de Lune , which was one of his favorites, was a real exposure to me to classical music. 以及他最喜欢的月光曲(Claire de Lune) 是如何 将我引入了古典音乐的大门。
Lune:n.半月形;弓形;半月形物; exposure:n.暴露;显露;揭露;面临; classical:adj.古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的;n.古典音乐;
He explained to me about Johann Strauss , and how he created the waltzes that became so famous in the world. 他向我讲解小约翰·斯特劳斯,以及他如何创造了华尔兹 它在全世界变得如此知名。
Strauss:n.施特劳斯(奥国作曲家); waltzes:vi.跳华尔兹舞; vt.硬拖; adj.圆舞曲的; n.华尔兹舞;
And would tell me a little bit about history too, when he'd play the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky on this little Victrola, and he would tell me about Russia 他还会跟我讲述一点历史 当他用那个手摇留声机给我播放柴可夫斯基的《1812序曲》时 他会给我讲述关于俄国的一些事情
and all the things that were happening in Russia at those times and why this music, in some way, represented a little bit of that history. 以及那时在俄国发生的所有事情 以及为什么这个音乐 以某种方式,再现了一点那段历史。
represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
And even as a child he was able to instill in me a lot of curiosity. 我还是个小孩子的时候,他就能激发出我很大的好奇心
And perhaps to you this product may not look like high tech, but if you can imagine the time when this occurred -- it was in the mid '40s -- this was really in his view a pretty piece of high tech. 也许对你们来说这个结果不是那么高科技, 但是如果你能想象到当这发生的时候 是在40年代中期,在他看来这真的是非常高科技的一件事。
Well, one of the things that is really critical to try to distill from that experience is that in addition to that, people ask me and say, well, how did your parents treat you when you were a child? 那么,有一件非常重要的事情是,试图 从那些经历中提取一些什么,以及除此之外 人们会问我说,嗯, 你的父母是如何对待你的呢,当你还是个孩子?
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; distill:vt.提取;蒸馏;使滴下;vi.蒸馏;滴下;作为精华产生(等于distil); in addition to:除…之外; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣;
And I always said that they were really tough on me. 我通常说,他们对我很苛刻。
And not tough in the sense that most people think of, where your parents yell at you or hit you or whatever. 但是不是人们通常想象中的那种苛刻, 父母训斥你或者打你或者其他类似的。
They were tough in the sense that as I grew up both my mother and father would always say to me, it's really important that you always remember two things. 他们对我的苛刻体现在,当我长大了 我的父亲母亲总是对我说, 非常重要的是,你总能记住两件事。
First of all, when you go to bed at night, you've got to look back on the day and make sure that you felt the day was a day which you contributed something, and that you did everything you could to do it the best way you could. 首先,当你晚上爬上床去, 你已经回顾了这一天,并且确信你感到 这一天里你做出了贡献 你做的所有的事情都是用你能做到最好的方式。
contributed:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物); (contribute的过去式和过去分词)
And the second thing they said: and we trust you, that no matter where you are or where you go, you will always do the right thing. 第二件事是他们对我说:“我们相信你, 不论你在那或者要去哪, 你总是在做正确的事情。
Now, I don't know how many of you have ever done that with your kids but if you do, please trust me, it's the most pressure you can put on a child, to say -- 现在,我不知道你们当中有多少这样对你们的小孩, 但是如果你们这样做了,请相信我, 这是你们能给小孩子最大的压力了,对他说:
(Laughter) (大笑)
- we trust you that you will always do the right thing. 我们信任你,你总是在做正确的事情。
When I was out with my friends drinking beer, 当我在外面和我的好友喝啤酒的时候,
I always was very aware of those words -- 我总是会想到这些话
(Laughter) (大笑)
- and very careful. One of the things that has happened with technology is that it can only be helpful if it is useful, of course, but it can only be helpful too if it's accessible , and it can only be helpful if it's affordable . 然后就很小心。关于科技,我的心得是 显然,科技有用才会有益, 只有可获取才会有益, 只有可负担才会有益。
accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的; affordable:adj.负担得起的;
And in today's world, being useful, affordable and accessible is not necessarily what happens in a lot of the technology that is done today. 在今天这个世界里,能使用、可支付得起、可获取到 并没有发生在 现今实现的很多科技上。
So one of our passions in our company, and now one of my personal passions, is to be able to really work hard at making the technology useful, accessible and affordable. 因此我们公司的一项使命, 也是我个人的一项使命,就是致力于 使得科技能够使用、可获取、可支付得起。
And to me, that is very, very, critical. 对我来说,这非常、非常的重要。
Now technology has changed a lot since the Victrola days. 现在科技已经改变了很多东西,从手摇留声机的时代之后,
You know, we now have, of course, incredibly powerful computers. 如你所知道的,我们已然拥有了不可想象得强大的计算机。
A tremendous thing that people refer to as a killer app is called the internet. 一件伟大的事情是,人们接触到了一个招人喜爱的应用,那就是因特网。
Although frankly speaking, we don't believe the internet is the killer app. 尽管坦白说来,我们不认为因特网是招人喜爱的应用。
What we believe is that the internet, frankly, is a connection of people and ideas. 我们认为因特网,坦白的说, 是人和人、想法和想法之间的连接。
The internet happens to be just the medium in which those people and ideas get connected. 因特网恰好就是 人和人、想法和想法之间连接的媒介。
And the power of connecting people and ideas can be pretty awesome . 而这种连接起人和人、想法和想法的力量是非常让人惊叹的。
And so we believe that through all the changes that have occurred, that we're faced today with a tremendous opportunity. 因此我们相信,通过这些已经发生了的变化, 现在我们面对着一个巨大的机遇。
If we can connect people and ideas more intensely -- and although you've seen a plethora and a myriad of products that have come to the market today, the key to me is how many of these products are able to provide people connectivity in a useful way. 如果我们可以更紧密的将人与人、想法与想法连接起来,尽管 你已经看到了太多太多的产品 已经投放到市场,对我来说的关键是 有多少这些产品是能够提供给人们连接,用一种有用的方式。
intensely:adv.强烈地;紧张地;热情地; plethora:n.过多;过剩;[医]多血症; myriad:adj.无数的;种种的;n.无数,极大数量;无数的人或物; connectivity:n.[数]连通性;
Accessibility , in an easy manner, and also affordability , that regardless of the economic status that a person could have, that they could have the opportunity to afford this technology. 可以被获取到,以一种简单的方式, 以及可以支付得起, 不必考虑一个人的经济状况。 他们可以有机会支付得起这种科技。
Accessibility:n.易接近;可亲;可以得到; affordability:n.支付能力;负担能力;可购性; regardless:adj.不管的; v.不顾后果地; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; status:n.地位;状态;情形;重要身份;
So when you look at that, we said, well, we would like to then enable that a little bit. We would like to create an initiative. 因此,当你看到那样,我们说,那么,我们希望 能够推动它一点点。我们想要发起这个计划。
And a couple of years ago at AMD, we came up with this idea of saying, what if we create this initiative we call "50 by 15," 几年前,在AMD, 我们提出了这个想法 将我们发起的这个计划称之为 50*15
what if:如果…怎么办?
where we are going to aim, that by the year 2015, half of the world will be connected to the Internet so that people and ideas can get connected. 我们的目标是,到2015年之前, 将半个世界都连接到因特网上 使得人与人、想法与想法得到连接。
We knew we couldn't do it by ourselves, and by no means did we ever intend to imply that we at AMD could do it alone. 我们知道我们不能仅凭自己完成它,而且绝不 试图我们AMD独自去做。
by no means:决不; intend:v.打算;计划;想要; imply:v.意味;暗示;隐含;
We always felt that this was something that could be done through partnerships with governments, industry, educational institutions , a myriad of other companies and, frankly, even competitors. 我们总是能感到这是能够完成的事情 通过人们之间的合作,包括政府、工业界、 教育机构,和大量的其他公司,以及,坦白说来,我们的竞争者。
partnerships:n.伙伴关系;合伙;(partnership的复数) educational:adj.教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的 institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数)
So, it is really a rather lofty initiative, if you want to think that way, but we felt that we had to put a real stake up in the years ahead that was bold enough and courageous enough that it would force us all to think of ways to do things differently. 因此,这真正是一个高尚的创始计划, 如果你用那种方式思考, 但是我们感到我们应该在前面几年做一些铺垫工作 这些工作要足够显眼足够勇敢 这样能促使我们所有人去思考各种方式来把事情做得各有特色。
lofty:adj.高的;崇高的;高级的;高傲的; stake:n.桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金;v.资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌; bold:adj.大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的; courageous:adj.有胆量的,勇敢的;
And I'll come back to that in a minute, because I think the results so far have been remarkable , and I can only anticipate and get real excited about what I think is going to happen in the next eight years, while we get to the 2015 initiative. 我一会儿再回到这个话题继续说明,因为我认为 这个结论到目前为止已经很显著, 而且我能预测到并感到兴奋,关于 我认为将要发生在之后八年里的事情, 当我们向那个2015年的计划进发。
remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; anticipate:v.预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用;
Where are we today? 今天我们在哪里?
That's year by year. This comes from our friends at Gapminder.com. 年复一年。这个来自我们的朋友的站点Gapminder.com。
Those of you who've never looked at their website, you should look at it. It's really impressive . And you can see how the Internet penetration has changed over the years. 你们中没有看过这个网站, 应该去看看它。它给人非常深刻的印象。你能够看到 因特网对我们生活的影响在这些年里是如何变化的。
impressive:adj.感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的; penetration:n.渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力;
And so when we gave ourselves this scorecard to say well, where are we related to our goal, towards 2015, the thing that becomes apparent is three pieces. 因此当我们给我们自己这个积分卡然后说 嗯,对于我们2015年的目标我们到哪里了, 这个逐渐变得清晰的事情有三个方面。
scorecard:n.记分卡;一种用于检验或测试的系统或程序; apparent:adj.显然的;表面上的;
One is the western world, defined mostly by Western Europe and the United States, has made an awful lot of progress. 一是西方世界, 主要是指西欧和美国, 已经得到了很大的进步。
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
The connectivity in these parts of the world are really truly phenomenal and continue to increase. 连接在这部分世界里 已经非常显著并在持续增长。
As a matter of fact , we think reaching 100 percent is very doable , even before the 2015 timeframe . In other parts of emerging countries, such as India and China, the progress has been good -- 实际上,我们认为实现100%的连接是可行的 甚至在2015年的计划之前。在其他崛起中的国家, 例如印度和中国,这个进程是优秀的,
As a matter of fact:事实上; doable:adj.可做的; timeframe:n.时间表; emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词)
has been solid, has been good. But in places that are not as developed, places like Africa, Latin America and other places in the world, the progress has been rather slow. As a matter of fact, 是一步一个脚印的,是很好的。但是还有些地方还有待发展, 例如非洲,拉丁美洲以及世界上其他地方, 发展进程还十分缓慢。实际上,
Latin America:n.拉丁美洲(以西班牙语或葡萄牙语为主要语言的美洲地区);
I was just recently visiting South Africa. 我刚刚拜访了南非。
I had the opportunity to have a discussion with President Mbeki, and one of the things that we talked about is, what is it that's keeping this connectivity goal from moving ahead faster? 我有机会和总统Mbeki进行了一次交谈, 我们谈的事情中,有一个是关于究竟是什么 阻碍着“连接”的目标快速前进?
And one of the reasons is, in South Africa, it costs 100 dollars a month to have a broadband connectivity. 有个原因是,在南非, 需要花费100美元每月来拥有宽带连接。
It is impossible, even in the United States, for that cost, to be able to enable the connectivity that we're all trying to reach. 这是不可能的,即使是在美国,由于费用高昂 来实现我们努力去达到的“连接”。
So we talked about ways in which perhaps one could partner to be able to bring the cost of this technology down. 因此我们讨论了几种方案也许可以合作 来降低使用这项科技的费用。
So when you look at this chart, you look at the very last -- it's a logarithmic chart on a horizontal scale . 因此当你看到这个图表, 你看到这最后——这是一个水平范围的对数表。
logarithmic:adj.对数的; horizontal:n.水平线;水平面;横线;水平位置;adj.水平的;与地面平行的;横的; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
You look at the very end: we've got quite a long way to go to get to the 2015 goal of 50 percent. 你看这最下面: 我们还有很长的路去实现2015年的目标来达到50%
But we're excited in our company; we're motivated . 但是让我们激动的是,我们公司已经开始了。
motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
We really think it's a phenomenal driver of things to force us to do things differently, and we look forward to being able to actually, working with so many partners around the world, to be able to reach that goal. 我们真的认为它是一种显著的事物 促使我们独特的完成事情,我们希望能够真正的 和世界上如此多的合作者一起工作, 来实现那个目标。
look forward to:盼望,期待;
Now, one of the things I'd like to explain by 50x15 which I think is really critical, is that it is not a charity . 现在,关于50x15我们想解释一点 我们认为这一点是至关重要的,是它并非是慈善行为。
It is actually a business venture . 它实际上是一个商业投机。
Let's take a small segment of this, of this unconnected world, and call it the education market. 让我们考虑这个未连接起来的世界的一个部分, 称之为教育市场。
segment:n.段;部分;片;弓形;v.分割;划分; unconnected:adj.不连接的;无关联的;
When you look at elementary school children, we have hundreds and hundreds of millions of children around the world that could benefit tremendously from being able to be connected to the Internet. 当你观察小学里的孩子们时, 全世界,我们拥有数十亿的儿童 能极大的受益 于能够连接到英特网上。
elementary school:小学; tremendously:adv.非常地;可怕地;惊人地;
Therefore, when we see that, we see an opportunity to have a business that addresses the need of that segment. 因此,当我们看到那点,我们就看到一个机会 来做针对这部分需求的买卖。
And when we embarked in this initiative, from the very beginning we said it very clearly: This is not a charity. 当我们开始从事于这样一个原创工作,从一开始 我们就说得很清楚:这不是一个慈善行为。
This is really a business venture, one that addresses a very challenging segment of the market. 这其实就是一个商业投机, 它针对了这个市场的一个极具挑战的部分。
Because what we have learned in the last three years is that this segment of the market, whether it's education or under-developed nations, either way, it's a segment that demands 因为在最近三年里我们了解到的 是市场的这个部分,不论它是教育 还是欠发达国家,任意一种,它都是要求
incredibly high quality, incredibly high reliability , tremendous low cost and access, and a lot of challenges that frankly, without actually doing it, it would be very difficult to understand, and 可靠的高质量,可靠的可依赖性, 非常低的成本以及可获取,还有很多的挑战 坦白说来,实际上并没有开始着手来做。 这显得很难理解,
I'll explain that in just a minute. 我再解释一会儿。
It is an initiative that is focused on simple, accessible and human-centric solutions. 这是一个集中于简单、可获取、以人为中心的解决方案的创始计划。
What we mean by that is, you know, frankly, the PC was invented in 1980, roughly speaking more or less , and for 20-odd years, it hasn't changed. 我们这样说的目的是, 如你所知道,坦白来说,个人电脑在1980年被发明,粗略的说来 大概有20年的历史,它没有什么变化。
roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; more or less:或多或少;
It is still, in most places, a grey or black box , and it looks the same, 在大多数方面,它仍然是一个或者灰色或者黑色的黑子,看起来都一样
black box:黑箱;(装在飞机上记录飞行情况等的)密封仪器;
And frankly, and I know that sometimes I offend some of my customers when I say this, but I truly mean it, if you could take the name of the computer off the top of it, it would be very difficult to judge who made it, because they're all highly commoditized but they're all different. 而且坦白说来,我知道有时我冒犯了我的一些顾客 当我这样说的时候,但是我真心的是这样认为的。 如果你能从电脑顶部把它的标签除去, 它将会很难鉴别出是谁生产了它, 因为它们都完全的高度商品化,但是它们又都各不相同。
offend:v.得罪;犯罪;违背(人情); highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地;
So there has not been a human-centric approach to addressing this segment of the market, so we really believe it is critical to think of it. 因此现在还没有一个以人为中心的方法 来应对这个市场的这个部分。 因此我们真的认为去思考它是很重要的。
It reminded me a lot of the talk we heard this morning, about this operating room machinery that was designed specifically for Africa. 它让我想起早上听到的很多演讲,关于这个 专门为非洲设计的 手术室的机械设备 。
reminded:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的过去分词和过去式) machinery:n.机械;机器;机构;机械装置; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地;
We're talking about something very similar here. 我们在这里讨论一点很相似的问题。
And it has to be based on a geo-sensitive approach. 用一种基于地缘敏感的方式。
What I mean by that is that in some parts of the world, the government plays a key role in the development of technology. 我这样说是指,在这个世界上的一些部分, 政府对于技术的发展起着核心的作用。
In other parts it doesn't. 在其他部分却不是的。
In other parts of the world you have an infrastructure that allows for manufacturing to take place , 在这世界的另外一些地方,有基础设施 允许工厂开办起来,
infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造; manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); take place:发生;举行;
In other parts it doesn't. And then we have to be sensitive about how this technology can be developed and put into action in those regions . 在其他地方就不行。并且我们必须去感觉到 如何能发展这种技术 并且在那些地区投入应用。
sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人; regions:n.地区;地域;行政区;左近;(region的复数)
And the last piece which is really important -- and this is an opinion that we have not shared by many; this is one where we seem to stand alone on this one -- 最后很重要的一点 这是一个并没有被我们与很多人分享的观点。 这一点我们认为和这样一个观点一致的
is that we really believe that the greatest success of this initiative can come by fostering local integrated end-to-end ecosystems . 就是我们真的认为这个创始计划的伟大成功 能够通过促进本地端到端的生态系统整合来实现。
fostering:v.促进;助长;培养;鼓励;抚育;(foster的现在分词) integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词) end-to-end:n.[计]端对端;首尾相连; ecosystems:n.生态系统(ecosystem的复数);
What I mean by that, and let me use this example, the country of South Africa, because I was just there, therefore I'm a little bit familiar with some of the challenges they have. 我的意思是,让我举这样一个例子, 在南非,因为我刚刚去过那里, 因此我对他们面临的挑战有一点点的了解。
It's a country of 45 million people. It's an economy that's emerging. 它是一个拥有四千五百万人口的国家。它是一个正在崛起的经济体。
It's beginning to grow tremendously. 它已经开始迅速的成长。
They have an objective to lowering the cost of connectivity. 他们有一个把连接的成本降低下来的目标。
objective:n.目标; adj.客观的;
They have a computer company that makes computers in South Africa. 他们有一个在南非生产计算机的公司。
They're developing a software-training environment in their universities. 他们在他们的大学里开发一个软件培训的环境。
What a place, what an ideal place to create an ecosystem that could build the hardware and the software needed for their schools. And to my surprise, I learned in South Africa 这是多么理想的一个地方 来创造一个能够建立起软硬件的生态环境 为他们的学校。让我惊奇的是,我了解到在南非
they have 18 dialects , I always thought they only had two -- 他们有18种方言,我一直以为他们只有2种—
English and Afrikaans -- but it turns out they have 18 dialects. 英语和南非荷兰语—但是后来发现他们有18种方言。
And to be able to meet the needs of this rather complex educational system, it could only be done from inside. 为了满足这如此复杂的教育系统的需要 它只能从内部去实现。
I don't think this segment of the market can be addressed by companies parachuting from another place of the world, and just dumping product and selling into the markets. 我不认为这部分市场可以通过 世界上其它地方的公司空降过来 以及只是倾倒产品和往市场里销售可以满足。
addressed:v.写(收信人)姓名地址:致函:演说:演讲:向…说话; (address的过去分词和过去式) parachuting:n.跳伞;v.跳伞;伞降;空投;(parachute的现在分词) dumping:n.倾倒,倾卸;v.丢弃,扔掉;抛弃;抛售;(dump的现在分词)
So we believe that in those regions of the world where the population is large, and there's an infrastructure that can provide it, that a local integrated end-to-end system is really critical for its success. 因此我们相信在世界上的这些地区 人口众多, 有基础设施能够提供它, 一个本地的集成的端到端的系统 对它的成功是非常重要的。
This is a picture of a classroom that we outfitted with computers in Mexico, in my home country. 这个图片是一个我们用电脑装配好的教室 在墨西哥,我的家乡。
This particular classroom happens to be in the state of Michoacan. 这个特别的教室恰好在Michoacan州。
Those of you that might be familiar with Mexico -- 你们中熟悉墨西哥的人应该知道
Michoacan is a very colorful state. Michoacan是一个色彩丰富的地方。
Children dress with very colorful, colorful clothes, and it is incredible to see the power that this has in the hands of kids, in a computer. And I have to tell you that it's 孩子们穿着色彩鲜艳的衣服, 让人不敢相信,看到了在这些孩子的手里 电脑发挥的威力。并且我要告诉你
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; in the hands of:由…掌握;在…掌握中;
so easy to appreciate the impact that access to technology and connectivity can have in the lives and education of these kids. 很容易就提高了这些效应,影响来自高科技的使用 生活中可得到的连接,以及这些孩子的教育。
appreciate:v.欣赏;感激;感谢;理解; impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
We just recently opened a learning laboratory in a school in the West Cape in South Africa, in a school that's called Nelson Mandela School, and when you see the faces and activities of these children being able to access computers, it's just phenomenal. 我们最近在一个学校开办了一个学习实验室 在南非的西开普, 一个称为Nelson Mandela的学校, 当你看到这些孩子的活泼的笑脸和动作 当他们能够用上电脑时,这很震撼人。
laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; Cape:n.披肩;披风;短斗篷;地角;
And recently they've written us letters, telling us how excited they are about the impact that this has had on their lives, on their educational dreams, on their capabilities, and it's just phenomenal. 最近他们给我们写了信, 告诉我们他们是多么的激动,因为这 给他们的生活带来的影响,实现了他们受教育的梦想, 他们的技能,这真的是很震撼人。
We have now deployed 30 different technologists in 18 different countries, and we have been able to connect millions of people in an effort to continue to learn what this particular segment of the market needs and demands. 我们开发了30中不同的技术 在18个不同的国家里,我们已经能够 连接起数百万的人,尝试继续学习 这个特别的市场的需求。
deployed:v.部署(deploy的过去式);展开; technologists:n.技术人员(technologist的复数);[劳经]技术专家;
And I have to tell you that although millions doesn't sound like a lot in terms of the billions that need to be connected, it's a start. And we are learning a lot. 我要告诉你们的是,尽管 数百万听起来不算太多 和需要被连接起来的几十亿的人数比较起来, 这只是一个开始。我们学到了很多。
And we're learning a tremendous amount about what we believe this segment needs to be able to be effective . 我们学到了非常多,关于 我们相信这部分市场需要变得能有效用。
One example of this has been the One Laptop Per Child. 有一个例子是“一个孩子一个笔记本电脑”。
Some of you are familiar with this. 你们有些人了解这个。
This is a partnership between MIT and a group of companies -- 这是MIT和一些公司之间的一个合作项目——
Google is involved , Red Hat -- and AMD is a key player. 谷歌参与了,还有红帽—AMD是一个重要的角色。
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
The electronics behind the One Laptop Per Child are based on AMD technology -- it's a microprocessor . “一个孩子一个笔记本电脑”项目背后的电子设备 是基于AMD技术的。是个微处理器。
electronics:n.电子学;电子工业; microprocessor:n.[计]微处理器;
But to give you an idea how creative this group of people can be, one of the objectives of the One Laptop Per Child is to be able to achieve a 10-hour battery life. 但是,为了让你们知道这一群人是多么的富有创造力, “一个孩子一个笔记本电脑”项目的一个目标是 能够实现10个小时的电池供电工作。
creative:adj.创造性的; objectives:n.目的(objective的复数形式);目标;宗旨; battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位;
Because it was felt that as a school day would last at least eight hours, and you wanted the child to have the ability to use the laptop for at least one full day without having to recharge it. 因为当他们离开学校之后 还有可能至少持续八个小时,并且 你希望孩子能够使用笔记本 至少一整天都不需要再充电。
school day:教学日;上课日; recharge:v.给(电池)充电;恢复体力;休整;n.再袭击;再装火药;
The engineers have done a phenomenal amount of innovation on this part, and battery life on this product is now 15 hours -- just through a lot of innovative work people have done because they're passionate and motivated to be able to do this. 工程师们已经在这部分做了大量的创新, 并且这个产品的电池供电时间现在达到了15小时 通过人们的大量的创新工作 因为他们为了能实现它而富有激情和动力。
innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法; innovative:adj.革新的,创新的; passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的;
We expect this to be deployed towards the end of this year, and we're very excited at the opportunities that this is going to offer in the field of education. 我们希望这个能在年底被部署 我们非常激动,这些即将提供的机会 在教育领域。
in the field of:在…方面,在…领域;
It's a highly focused product aimed at strictly the education market. 它是专门针对教育市场开发的专门的产品。
Not only in the developing countries, but actually in the developed regions as well, because there are parts of the United States where this can have also a huge impact on the ability to make education more fun and more efficient . 不止在发展中国家,并且实际上 在发达地区也同样,因为 在美国的有些地区,那里 让教育变得更有趣更有效将会产生巨大的影响。
We also have partnered with TED in this project, with Architecture for Humanity , and along with the TED Prize winner Cameron Sinclair, we're having a contest that we have issued to the architectural community to come up with the best design for a computer lab for an emerging region. 我们也参与到TED 这个项目中,和Architecture for Humanity(机构名)一起, 还有TED奖的获奖人Cameron Sinclair, 我们之间有一个竞赛,我们组织了一个建筑社区 来实现一个为发展中地区的电脑实验室的最佳设计。
Architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; Humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; issued:v.宣布;公布;发出;将…诉诸法律;(issue的过去分词和过去式) architectural:adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
And we're really thrilled about the opportunity to be part of this, and can't wait to see what comes out of this exciting, exciting activity. 能作为这个社区的一部分,我们真的感到高兴, 并迫不及待的希望看到这个非常令人激动的事情实现。
thrilled:adj.非常兴奋; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的过去分词和过去式)
Let me come back to the beginning to end this presentation . 让我会到演讲开始的时候 来结束这次演讲。
I'll tell you that one of the things that I feel is really critical for us in industry, in business, is to be able to be passionate about solving these problems. 我要告诉你们这些事情中,一件 我感到对我们的工业、商业真的很重要的 是能够充满热情的来解决这些问题。
I don't think it's enough to be able to put them on a spreadsheet and look at numbers and say, yes, that's a good business. 我不认为把“他们放在电子表格中 然后看着数字,说,是的,这是一个好事情”是足够的。
I really believe that you have to have a passion for it. 我真的认为你们应该对此有热情。
And one of the things that I learned too from my parents, and I'll give you a little anecdote , especially from my father. 并且有一样事情我从我的同伴们那里学到的, 我要给你们讲一点轶事,特别是从我父亲那里知道的,
anecdote:n.轶事;奇闻;秘史; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
And it took me a while to understand it, but he said to me, when I went to college, he said, you're the first person in the family to go to college. 并且让我花了一些时间去理解到它。 但是他对我说,当我进入大学的时候,他说, 你是这个家庭里第一个进入大学的人。
And it's really important you understand that for civilization to make progress, each generation has to do better than the last one. 你要能理解这是非常重要的 让文明能够进步, 每一代人都应该比过去的一代要做的好。
And therefore, this is your opportunity to do better than my generation. 因此,这是你能够比我这一代要做得好的机会。
Frankly, I don't know that I really understood what he told me at the time. 坦白的讲,在他跟我说的时候我并没有十分理解。
I was eager to go off to college, and go find girls, and study, and girls, and study, but then I finished college 我急切的想要进入大学,去找女孩子们,去学习, 女孩子们,学习。。。但是当我离开学校
I graduated. I decided to get married. 我毕业了。我决定结婚了。
And on my wedding day, my father came to me again and said, you know, 在我的婚礼哪天,我的父亲又一次走近我跟我说,你知道,
I'm going to remind you again, that each generation has to do better than the last one. 我又要提醒你一次,每一代人 都必须比上一代人做的更好。
You have to be a better husband than I was, because that's how you make progress. And now he began to make sense . 你必须要做一个比我更好的丈夫, 因为那是你进步的方式。现在他开始变得有意义。
make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理;
Because I knew what a great husband he was, and now he was once again beginning to put pressure on me, like he did when I was a little kid. And then a few years later I had a child, my first child, and again, my father comes to the hospital, and we're looking at the glass, 因为我知道了他是多么伟大的一个丈夫, 现在他有一次开始给我压力, 就像我是个小孩子的时候做的。几年后,我有了个孩子, 我的第一个孩子,又一次,我的父亲来到 医院,我们看着玻璃
and see all the children on the other side , and he said, 看到在另一边的所有的小孩子,他说
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
I've got to remind you again, that for each generation to do better you're going to have to be a better father than I was. 我要再一次提醒你,每一代人都必须比上一代做得更好。 你必须要作一个比我更好的父亲。
That's when it dawned on me the tremendous challenge that he was placing on me, because he was a great father. 我恍然大悟,这极大的挑战 他给了我,因为他是一个伟大的父亲。
But the key is that he instilled in me a passion to really get up every day in the morning and want to do better. 但是最重要的是他给我教诲我要富有热情的 在每天早上,起床并且真的想要要做得更好,
To really get up and think that my role in life is not just to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. 起床然后思考生活中我的角色 不是一个财富500强的企业的CEO。
It's got to be that someday I can look back, and this place is truly better through some small contribution that perhaps each of us could make. 而是当有一天我回头来看, 这个地方真的变得更好,通过一些小小的贡献 也许我们每个人都能做一点。
Thank you very much. 谢谢大家。
(Applause) (鼓掌)