

These are dark time there is no denying . 毫无疑问 黑暗时期已经来临
Our world has prehaps faced no greater threat than it does today. 我们的世界面临着前所未有的威胁
But I say this to our citizens. 但我要对我的人民说
We, ever your servants ... 我们 作为你们的公仆
will continue to defend you liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you. 会一如既往地捍卫你们的自由 击退那些企图压迫你们的黑恶力量
liberty:n.自由;许可;冒失; repel:v.击退;抵制;使厌恶;使不愉快; seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求;
Your ministry remains strong. 你们的魔法部依旧强大
Hermione, tea is ready, Darling. 赫敏 亲爱的 茶泡好了
Coming, Mom! 妈妈 来了
Come on! Dudley hurry up. 快点 达力 快
I still don't understand why we have to leave? 我还是不明白 为什么非得走
Because it's not safe around here anymore. 因为这里不再安全了
Ron, tell your father suppers nearly ready. 罗恩 跟爸爸说晚餐快好了
She's so strong here. - Mm, she's wonderful isn't it. 她能应付这些事 -她多棒啊
Obliviate. 一忘皆空
Severus, I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. 西弗勒斯 我正担心你迷路了呢
Come, we have saved you a seat. 来 给你留了个座位
Do you bring news, I trust. 你应该带来了些情报吧
It will happen Saturday, next. At night fall. 下星期六 夜幕降临之时
I've heard differently my lord . 主人 我听到的有所不同
Dawlish, the auror has let slip that the Potter boy, will not be moved until the 30th of this month. 那个傲罗德力士无意中透漏 波特要到30号 也就是他满17岁的前一天
The day before he turns 17. 才会转移
This is a false trail . 这是条假情报
The auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. 傲罗办公室不再参与 保护哈利.波特的行动
Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the Ministry. 凤凰社相信我们的人已经打入了魔法部
Well, they got that right, didn't they. 难得啊 他们总算弄对了一件事
What say you, Pius ? 你怎么看 皮尔斯
One hears many things, my lord. 主人 乱花渐欲迷人眼
Whether the truth is among them, is not clear. 哪怕真相就在其中 也很难去伪存真
Spoken like a true politician . 这话说得像个政客
You will I think prove most useful, Pius. 以后会有你发挥的时候 皮尔斯
Where will he be taken, the boy? 他们打算把那男孩藏哪
To a safe house . 一个安全的地方
safe house:n.安全屋;
Most likely the home of someone in the Order. 应该是某个凤凰社成员的家里
I'm told its been given every manner of protection possible. 据说他们已经采取了各种保护措施
Once there it will be impractical to attack him 一旦他到了那里 就很难再抓到他了
My lord, 主人
I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. 我请缨参加这次行动
I want to kill the boy. 我要杀了那男孩
Wormtail! 虫尾巴
Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet? 我没跟你说过吗 让客人保持安静
Yes, my lord. 是的 主人
Right away , my lord. 马上 主人
Right away:立刻;
As inspiring as I find your bloodlust , Bellatrix. 你这种杀戮的欲望很鼓舞人心 贝拉特里克斯
inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词) bloodlust:n.杀戮欲;
I must be the one to kill Harry Potter. 但杀死哈利.波特的人 必须是我
But I face an unfortunate complication . 不幸的是 我面临一个难题
That my wand and Potters share the same core . 我和波特的魔杖共用一个杖芯
wand:n.魔杖; v.用扫描笔在…上扫描条形码; Potters:n.[陶瓷]陶工(potter的复数);v.闲逛(potter的单数第三人称); core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
They are, in some ways, twins. 从某种程度上来说 它们是双胞胎
We can wound but not fatally harm one another. 虽能造成伤害 但杀不死对方
wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害; fatally:adv.致命地;命中注定地;不可避免地;
If I am to kill him, 要想干掉他
I must do it with another's wand. 我必须用另一根魔杖
Come, surely one of you would like the honor. 当然 你们中的一位会享此殊荣