

I should've known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall. 我早该料到你也会来,麦格教授
Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. 晚上好,邓布利多教授
Are the rumors true, Albus? 那些传言是真的吗,阿不思?
I'm afraid so, professor. 恐怕是真的,教授
The good and the bad. 有好消息,也有坏消息
And the boy? - Hagrid is bringing him. 那孩子呢?- 海格会带来的。
Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important? 把这么重要的事托付给海格办,这是不是明智?
Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life. 哎,教授,我能把性命托付给海格
Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall. 邓布利多教授,麦格教授
No problems, I trust, Hagrid? 没遇到什么麻烦吧,海格?
No, sir. 没有,先生
Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. 我们飞过布里斯托尔的时候小家伙就睡着了
Try not to wake him. 可别吵醒他
There you go. 给你
Do you really think it's safe, leaving him with these people? 阿不思,把孩子交给这家人,你真觉得安全吗?
I've watched them all day. 我观察了他们一整天
They're the worst sort of Muggles . 没见过比他们更槽糕的麻瓜啦
They really are... - The only family he has. 一他们真是… 一是这孩子唯一的亲人
This boy will be famous. 这孩子会出名
Every child in our world will know his name. 我们世界里的孩子
Exactly. 说得正是
He's far better off growing up away from all of that. 他成长的时候得让他远离那些事
far better off:最好;
Until he's ready. 直到他准备好为止
There, there, Hagrid. 好了,好了,海格
It's not really goodbye, after all. 这毕竟不是真正的告别
Good luck... 祝福你
...Harry Potter. 哈利.波特
Up. Get up! 起床!快起床!
Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo! 醒醒,表弟!要去动物园啦
Here he comes, the birthday boy. 喔,你来了,我们的小寿星
Happy birthday, son. 生日快乐,儿子
Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything. 你给我乖乖做早饭,别再把东西烤糊了
Yes, Aunt Petunia . 好,佩妮阿姨
I want everything to be perfect... 我希望今天样样事情都顺顺当当的
...for my Dudley's special day! 我们的小达力今天过生日
Hurry up! Bring my coffee, boy. 快点!拿咖啡来,小子
Yes, Uncle Vernon. 是,弗农姨父
Aren't they wonderful, darling? 瞧这些礼物多棒,宝贝儿?
How many are there? 一共多少件?
36. Counted them myself. 三十六件,我亲自数的
36?! But last year I had 37! 只有三十六件?就在去年我还有三十七件呐
But some are bigger than last year's. 对…对…可是今年有些礼物要比去年大
I don't care how big they are! 我不管它们有多大!
This is what we're going to do. 好了,好了,那么这样吧,一会儿出去
We're going to buy you two new presents. How's that, pumpkin ? 再给你买两个新礼物 怎么样,心肝?
I'm warning you now, boy. 我现在警告你,小子
Any funny business , any at all... 要是耍什么花招,哪怕就一次
funny business:非法的,不合道德的;
...and you won't have any meals for a week. 我就罚你一星期不准吃饭
Get in. 上车
Make it move. 快叫它动
Move! 动!
Move! - He's asleep! 一快动! 一它在睡觉
He's boring . 真没劲
Sorry about him. 真对不起,他从没尝过那种滋味
He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there... 一天一天地躺在那儿