

The entire model of capitalism and the economic model that you and I did business in, and, in fact, continue to do business in, was built around what probably Milton Friedman put more succinctly . 资本主义运作的整个模式 以及你我过去和现在 以及你我过去和现在 做生意的经济模式, 是基于这样一个概念。 这个概念米尔顿·弗里德曼(美国经济学家) 可能说得更简洁,
capitalism:n.资本主义; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; succinctly:adv.简洁地;简便地;
And Adam Smith, of course, the father of modern economics actually said many, many years ago, the invisible hand, which is, "If you continue to operate in your own self-interest you will do the best good for society." 当然,亚当·斯密,现代经济学之父 在很多很多年前就说过, 也就是“无形的手”, 这是说,“如果每个人都 追求自身利益, 这有助于实现公共福祉。”
invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; self-interest:n.私利;利己主义;
Now, capitalism has done a lot of good things and I've talked about a lot of good things that have happened, but equally, it has not been able to meet up with some of the challenges that we've seen in society. 现在,资本主义做了很多好事, 而且我也提到了很多发生过的好事, 但另一方面,它还是没有办法 解决我们社会中面临的一些 挑战。
meet up with:偶遇;碰面;符合标准;
The model that at least I was brought up in and a lot of us doing business were brought up in was one which talked about what I call the three G's of growth: growth that is consistent , quarter on quarter; growth that is competitive , better than the other person; and growth that is profitable , so you continue to make more and more shareholder value. 这个我和在座的大多数都熟悉的商业模式 这个我和在座的大多数都熟悉的商业模式 就是我提到过的 我称之为的“3G增长”模式: 可持续的增长, 一个季度接着一个季度; 有竞争力的增长, 做到比其他人都好; 做到比其他人都好; 所以你持续地创造 股东价值。
consistent:adj.始终如一的,一致的;坚持的; competitive:adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的; profitable:adj.有利可图的;赚钱的;有益的; shareholder:n.股东;股票持有人;
And I'm afraid this is not going to be good enough and we have to move from this 3G model to a model of what I call the fourth G: the G of growth that is responsible . 但是我不得不说只做到这些已经不够了, 我们需要从这个3G模式 转变到一个我称之为的 4G模式: 一种负责任的增长。
And it is this that has to become a very important part of creating value. 而且这必须是创造价值过程中 一个非常重要的 组成部分。
Of not just creating economic value but creating social value. 也就是不仅要创造经济价值 也要有社会价值。
And companies that will thrive are those that will actually embrace the fourth G. 那些真正会变强大的公司会是 那些真正做到第四个G的。
thrive:v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达; embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括;
And the model of 4G is quite simple: 而且这个4G模式其实非常简单:
Companies cannot afford to be just innocent bystanders in what's happening around in society. 公司不能再充当无辜的旁观者 而无视社会上正在发生的一切。
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; innocent:adj.无辜的;无罪的;无知的;n.天真的人;笨蛋; bystanders:n.旁观者(bystander的复数);
They have to begin to play their role in terms of serving the communities which actually sustain them. 他们需要开始负起自己的责任 来服务社区 - 那些真正支撑他们的人们。
communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) sustain:v.支持;支撑;遭受;证实;
And we have to move to a model of an and/and model which is how do we make money and do good? 而且我们需要转变到 一个双赢的模式,一个 我们如何又赚钱又做好事的模式?
How do we make sure that we have a great business but we also have a great environment around us? 我们如何才能保证 我们的生意兴隆 但同时我们也共同营造一个良好的环境呢?
And that model is all about doing well and doing good. 而那个模式 而那个模式
But the question is easier said than done . 但是问题说起来容易做起来难。
easier said than done:说起来容易做起来难;
But how do we actually get that done? 我们怎么才能做到这一点呢?
And I do believe that the answer to that is going to be leadership. 我坚信 这个问题的答案就是领导力。
It is going to be to redefine the new business models which understand that the only license to operate is to combine these things. 它要重新定义 新的商业模式, 这个模式强调 要想从事商业运营, 就必须把这些方面结合起来。
redefine:vt.重新定义; license:v.许可;批准;
And for that you need businesses that can actually define their role in society in terms of a much larger purpose than the products and brands that they sell. 也就是你需要那些可以 真正定义自己的社会角色 的公司, 它们能从更大的社会使命角度考虑, 而不仅是从自身的产品和品牌出发。
And companies that actually define a true north , things that are nonnegotiable whether times are good, bad, ugly -- doesn't matter. 那些能够找到自身方向的公司, 有着容不得商量的事情, 不管世道如何变化- 都不会改变的一些东西。
true north:n.真北(以地轴北极为正北); nonnegotiable:adj.不可谈判的,禁止转让的; ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的;
There are things that you stand for. 你坚信着一些事情。
Values and purpose are going to be the two drivers of software that are going to create the companies of tomorrow. 价值和目标会是 两个软驱动, 它们会创造出 未来的公司。
And I'm going to now shift to talking a little bit about my own experiences. 我现在来 谈谈我自身的一些体验。
I joined Unilever in 1976 as a management trainee in India. 1976年,我作为一个管理培训生 加入了联合利华在印度的分部。
management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; trainee:n.练习生,实习生;受训者;新兵;训练中的动物;
And on my first day of work 我上班第一天
I walked in and my boss tells me, "Do you know why you're here?" 我的主管告诉我, “你知道你为什么在这里吗?”
I said, "I'm here to sell a lot of soap." 我说,“我来这里卖很多的肥皂。”
And he said, "No, you're here to change lives." 然后他说,“不,你是来改变生活的。”
You're here to change lives. 你是来改变生活的。
You know, I thought it was rather facetious . 你知道,我当时认为这太扯了。
We are a company that sells soap and soup. 我们是个卖肥皂和汤的公司。
What are we doing about changing lives? 我们怎么能改变生活?
And it's then I realized that simple acts like selling a bar of soap can save more lives than pharmaceutical companies. 但就是那时我认识到了 简单的举动 比如卖一块肥皂 可以比制药公司 拯救更多的生命。
I don't know how many of you know that five million children don't reach the age of five because of simple infections that can be prevented by an act of washing their hands with soap. 我不知道在座有多少人知道 五百万孩子活不过5岁 只因为简单的感染,而那些感染 通过用肥皂洗手就可以预防。
We run the largest hand-washing program in the world. 我们发起了 全世界最大的 “洗手” 项目。
We are running a program on hygiene and health that now touches half a billion people. 我们也在运营着一个关于卫生与健康的项目, 目前已经影响了5亿人。
It's not about selling soap, there is a larger purpose out there. 这不仅仅是卖肥皂, 我们有一个更大的目标。
And brands indeed can be at the forefront of social change. 而品牌真的可以 处在社会变革的最前沿。
And the reason for that is, when two billion people use your brands that's the amplifier . 原因是, 当有20亿人用你的品牌时, 那就是很好的品牌效应。
Small actions can make a big difference. 小举动可以产生大变化。
Take another example, 再举一个例子,
I was walking around in one of our villages in India. 我在印度的一个村子里走着。
Now those of you who have done this will realize that this is no walk in the park. 你们中有过这样经历的 会知道这可不像是在公园里散步。
And we had this lady who was one of our small distributors -- beautiful, very, very modest , her home -- and she was out there, dressed nicely , her husband in the back, her mother-in-law behind and her sister-in-law behind her. 我们有一位女士 曾经是我们的一个小的经销商 - 她很漂亮,很谦虚,她的家 - 而她就站在外面, 穿着非常得体, 她的丈夫在她身后,然后是她的婆婆以及 她的小姑子。
distributors:n.经销商,[电]分电器;配销商,分销商; modest:adj.些许的;谦虚的; nicely:adv.细致地;有吸引力;令人满意;令人愉快;adj.强健的; mother-in-law:n.岳母;婆母;
The social order was changing because this lady is part of our Project Shakti that is actually teaching women how to do small business and how to carry the message of nutrition and hygiene. 社会秩序正在改变 因为这位女士 是我们沙克蒂项目的参与者。 这个项目教妇女 如何做小生意 以及如何传播普及 卫生与健康知识。
We have 60,000 such women now in India. 现在我们有6万这样的妇女 在印度。
It's not about selling soap, it's about making sure that in the process of doing so you can change people's lives. 这不是关于卖肥皂, 这是关于确保 在这个过程中 你可以改变其他人的生活。
in the process of:在…的过程中;
Small actions, big difference. 小举动,大改变。
Our R&D folks are not only working to give us some fantastic detergents , but they're working to make sure we use less water. 我们的研发团队 不仅仅是为了创造美妙的洗涤剂, 而是为了保证我们可以少用水。
fantastic:奇异的,空想的 detergents:n.[化工]洗涤剂(detergent的复数);清洁剂;
A product that we've just launched recently , 我们最近开发的一个清洗产品,
launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) recently:adv.最近;新近;
One Rinse product that allows you to save water every time you wash your clothes. 它可以在你每次洗衣服的时候 节约用水。
And if we can convert all our users to using this, that's 500 billion liters of water. 如果我们可以让我们所有的用户都使用这个产品, 那就是(节约)五千亿升的水啊。
convert:v.转换; n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人; liters:n.(计量)公升(容量单位)(liter的复数)
By the way , that's equivalent to one month of water for a whole huge continent . 顺便说一句,这相当于一整个大陆 一个月的用水量。
By the way:顺便说一下; equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的;
So just think about it. 大家想想看吧。
There are small actions that can make a big difference. 小举动可以产生巨大的变化。
And I can go on and on . 我还可以举很多例子。
on and on:继续不停地;
Our food chain , our brilliant products -- and I'm sorry I'm giving you a word from the sponsors -- 我们的食品供应链, 我们的伟大的产品- 不好意思给大家插播一下广告-
food chain:n.食物链; sponsors:n.赞助商;主办单位(sponsor的复数);v.赞助(sponsor的三单形式);主办;倡议;
Knorr, Hellman's and all those wonderful products. 家乐牌、家乐以及这些很棒的产品们。
We are committed to making sure that all our agricultural raw materials are sourced from sustainable sources , 100-percent sustainable sources. 我们致力于确保 我们所有的农业原材料 都来自可持续发展的环境, 百分之百。
committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式) agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; sourced:adj.有来源的; v.发起; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数)
We were the first to say we are going to buy all of our palm oil from sustainable sources. 我们是最早 宣布要从可持续的环境中采购 我们所有的棕榈油的。
I don't know how many of you know that palm oil, and not buying it from sustainable sources, can create deforestation that is responsible for 20 percent of the greenhouse gasses in the world. 不知道有多少人了解 不从可持续的环境中获取棕榈油, 会造成森林的过度砍伐从而产生 全球20%的温室气体。
deforestation:n.采伐森林;森林开伐; greenhouse:n.温室;暖房;
We were the first to embrace that, and it's all because we market soap and soup. 我们是第一家做出改变的公司, 这都是因为我们卖肥皂和汤。
And the point I'm making here is that companies like yours, companies like mine have to define a purpose which embraces responsibility and understands that we have to play our part in the communities in which we operate. 我的意思是说 像你我的公司 必须要确定一个目标, 这个目标要负有责任感 同时明白我们需要 在我们所处的社会里起到一定作用。
We introduced something called 我们提出了一个叫做
The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, which said, "Our purpose is to make sustainable living commonplace , and we are gong to change the lives of one billion people over 2020." 联合利华可持续生活计划, “我们的目标是创造一个可持续生活的共同家园, 我们要在2020年改变10亿人的 生活状态。“
commonplace:n.老生常谈;司空见惯的事;普通的东西;adj.平凡的;陈腐的; gong:n.锣;钟状物;奖章;v.鸣锣传唤;.鸣锣;发出铜锣般的声音;
Now the question here is, where do we go from here? 现在的问题是, 我们要怎么做到这点呢?
And the answer to that is very simple: 答案很简单:
We're not going to change the world alone. 我们不能仅靠一己之力来改变世界。
There are plenty of you and plenty of us who understand this. 有很有的你和我 明白这一点。
The question is, we need partnerships , we need coalitions and importantly, we need that leadership that will allow us to take this from here and to be the change that we want to see around us. 问题是, 我们需要合作,我们需要联盟, 非常重要的是,我们需要一种领导力, 它可以带领我们 一起改变世界 一起改变世界
partnerships:n.伙伴关系;合伙;(partnership的复数) coalitions:n.联合;结盟(coalition的复数);
Thank you very much. 非常感谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)