

Do you know that we have 1.4 million cellular radio masts deployed worldwide ? 你知道 全世界有一千四百万 无线电信号发射塔吗?
cellular:adj.细胞的;多孔的;由细胞组成的;n.移动电话;单元; masts:[船]船桅;[船]桅杆(mast的复数形式); deployed:v.部署(deploy的过去式);展开; worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地;
And these are base stations. 而且还有信号站.
And we also have more than five billion of these devices here. 我们还有超过 五十亿的 像这样的设备.
These are cellular mobile phones. 蜂窝式移动电话.
And with these mobile phones, we transmit more than 600 terabytes of data every month. 我们每个月 要用这些手机传输超过600 万亿字节 的数据.
transmit:v.传送;发射;播送;传播;传染; terabytes:n.兆兆字节(信息量度单位,terabyte的复数);
This is a 6 with 14 zeroes -- a very large number. 就是一个6后面跟14个0 这是个非常大的数字.
And wireless communications has become a utility like electricity and water. 而且无线通讯 已经变成了像水和电 一样的基本生活必需品.
wireless:adj.无线的;无线电的;n.无线电;v.用无线电发送; utility:n.公用事业;实用;实用程序;adj.多用途的;多效用的; electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪;
We use it everyday. We use it in our everyday lives now -- in our private lives, in our business lives. 我们每天都用它. 我们生活中用得着, 私人生活和工作中也依赖它.
And we even have to be asked sometimes, very kindly, to switch off the mobile phone at events like this for good reasons. 有些时候出于必要 我们还会被和气地要求把手机关掉 就像今天这样的场合.
mobile phone:移动电话
And it's this importance why I decided to look into the issues that this technology has, because it's so fundamental to our lives. 我决定关注这个话题 的原因是很重要的 那是因为这项技术 对我们的生活非常重要.
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
And one of the issues is capacity . 还有一个问题是容量问题.
The way we transmit wireless data is by using electromagnetic waves -- in particular , radio waves. 我们现在用来传输无线数据的方式是 电磁波,更准确地是无线电波.
electromagnetic:adj.电磁的; in particular:尤其,特别;
And radio waves are limited . 无线电波是有局限性的.
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
They are scarce; they are expensive; and we only have a certain range of it. 它稀少又昂贵, 而且我们只有一定的范围可以使用.
And it's this limitation that doesn't cope with the demand of wireless data transmissions and the number of bytes and data which are transmitted every month. 这个限制, 使其不能满足 利用无线数据传输的 每个月大量的字节和数据.
limitation:n.限制;局限;限度;控制; cope:v.处理;n.大圆衣; transmissions:n.传输;传染;播送;发射;广播;传动装置(transmission的复数) transmitted:v.传送;输送;发射;播送;传播;传染;(transmit的过去分词和过去式)
And we are simply running out of spectrum . 而且它能使用的范围也都已经被利用了.
There's another problem. 还有一个问题
That is efficiency . 就是能效.
These 1.4 million cellular radio masts, or base stations, consume a lot of energy. 这些一百四十万个无线信号发射塔或者是基站, 要消耗大量的能量.
And mind you, most of the energy is not used to transmit the radio waves, it is used to cool the base stations. 还要指出的是,这其中大部分的能量 并不是用来传输无线电波的, 而是用在冷却基站的.
Then the efficiency of such a base station is only at about five percent. 这样的一个基站的效率 大概只有百分之五.
And that creates a big problem. 这就是个大问题.
Then there's another issue that you're all aware of. 还有一个大家都知道的问题.
You have to switch off your mobile phone during flights. 那就是坐飞机的时候你得 把手机关了.
In hospitals, they are security issues. 在医院里,还有安全问题.
And security is another issue. 数据的安全性是另一个问题.
These radio waves penetrate through walls. 这些无线电波能穿透墙面.
They can be intercepted , and somebody can make use of your network if he has bad intentions . 它就能被截获, 有人就可以利用你的网络 干些坏事什么的.
intercepted:v.拦截;拦阻;截住;(intercept的过去式和过去分词) make use of:使用,利用; intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数)
So these are the main four issues. 这就是主要的四个问题.
But on the other hand , we have 14 billion of these: light bulbs , light. 另一方面, 我们有一百四十亿个 灯泡.
on the other hand:另一方面; bulbs:n.[电]灯泡;[植]鳞茎;大浇斗(bulb的复数);
And light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. 而光是电磁波谱中的一部分.
So let's look at this in the context of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, where we have gamma rays. 我们来利用一点背景知识. 这是一个完整的电磁波谱,这里是伽玛射线,
context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; gamma:n.微克;希腊语的第三个字母;
You don't want to get close to gamma rays, it could be dangerous. 你不会想利用伽玛射线,因为它是危险的.
X-rays, useful when you go to hospitals. X光可以用在医疗上.
Then there's ultraviolet light. 这里是紫外光.
it's good for a nice suntan , but otherwise dangerous for the human body. 如果想晒黑一点,它倒是帮得上忙. 但其它时候对人体却是有害的.
Infrared -- due to eye safety regulations , can be only used with low power. 红外线 出于对眼睛的安全考虑 你只能用很低的功率.
Infrared:n.红外线;adj.红外线的; regulations:n.章程;规则;法规;管理,控制;(regulation的复数)
And then we have the radio waves, they have the issues I've just mentioned. 然后有无线电波,它的问题我们刚刚谈过.
And in the middle there, we have this visible light spectrum. 中间这里,我们有可见光区域.
It's light, and light has been around for many millions of years. 它是光, 光在生活里有许多许多百万年了.
And in fact, it has created us, has created life, has created all the stuff of life. 事实上,是光创造了我们. 它创造了生命 创造了生命的全部.
So it's inherently safe to use. 所以光本身就是安全可用的.
And wouldn't it be great to use that for wireless communications? 如果能直接用于无线通讯难道不是很棒吗?
Not only that , I compared [it to] the entire spectrum. 不仅只是这个,我比较了一下整个光谱.
only that:只是;要不是; compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
I compared the radio waves spectrum -- the size of it -- with the size of the visible light spectrum. 我比较了无线电波光谱 把它的大小和 可见光谱的大小进行了比较.
And guess what? 猜猜结果如何?
We have 10,000 times more of that spectrum, which is there for us to use. 可见光谱能用的范围是无线电波的一万倍, 这些都可以被我们利用.
So not only do we have this huge amount of spectrum, let's compare that with a number I've just mentioned. 所以我们不仅有这么大光谱范围可以用, 我来把刚才提到的数字和这些比较一下.
We have 1.4 million expensively deployed, inefficient radio cellular base stations. 我们一共有 一百四十万个造价高, 效率低的无线电波发射基站.
expensively:adv.昂贵地;乱花钱地; inefficient:adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的;
And multiply that by 10,000, then you end up at 14 billion. 把这个数字乘以一万, 那就是一百四十个亿.
multiply:vt.乘; vi.乘; v.多样地; adj.多层的;
14 billion is the number of light bulbs installed already. 一百四十个亿恰好是已经在使用中的电灯泡的数量.
So we have the infrastructure there. 所以我们已经有了基础设施在那.
Look at the ceiling, you see all these light bulbs. 看屋顶上,你看那些灯泡.
Go to the main floor, you see these light bulbs. 再看主层上,还能看到很多灯泡.
Can we use them for communications? 我们能把它们用于沟通吗?
Yes. 能.
What do we need to do? 我们需要做什么呢?
The one thing we need to do is we have to replace these inefficient incandescent light bulbs, florescent lights, with this new technology of LED, 有一件事我们需要做的 就是把这些效率不高的白炽灯 和荧光灯 换成新技术的LED(发光二极管)
incandescent:adj.辉耀的;炽热的;发白热光的; florescent:adj.花盛开的,开花的;
LED light bulbs. LED灯.
An LED is a semiconductor . It's an electronic device. LED是个半导体,是个电子器件.
semiconductor:n.[电子][物]半导体; electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的;
And it has a very nice acute property. 它有一个特别好的敏锐的性能.
Its intensity can be modulated at very high speeds, and it can be switched off at very high speeds. 它的亮度是可以 高速调节. 它也能以很快的速度开启或关闭.
intensity:n.强度;强烈;[电子]亮度;紧张; modulated:adj.已调的; v.调整,调节;
And this is a fundamental basic property that we exploit with our technology. 这是我们发展这项技术的 一个很基础的 性能.
So let's show how we do that. 让我来演示下我们是怎么做的.
Let's go to the closest neighbor to the visible light spectrum -- go to remote controls. 让我们来看看离可见光最近的光谱 遥控器的光谱.
You all know remote controls have an infrared LED -- basically you switch on the LED, and if it's off, you switch it off. 大家都知道遥控器有红外线的LED, 开机的时候就开了LED,关了遥控的同时关了LED.
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; switch on:n.接通;
And it creates a simple, low-speed data stream in 10,000 bits per second, 20,000 bits per second. 它发射一个简单的,低速的数据流 每秒传输十万个字节, 或者每秒二十万个字节.
Not usable for a YouTube video. 如果使用Youtube这是不够的.
What we have done is we have developed a technology with which we can furthermore replace the remote control of our light bulb . 我们所做的就是 开发了一项新技术 我们可以用这项新技术 取代我们对灯泡的远程控制.
furthermore:adv.此外;而且; remote control:遥控; light bulb:n.灯泡;
We transmit with our technology, not only a single data stream, we transmit thousands of data streams in parallel , at even higher speeds. 在我们技术里, 我们不是只用一个简单的数据流 我们在同一时间并行传输 几千个数据流, 而且传输速度更快.
parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);
And the technology we have developed -- it's called SIM OFDM. 我们开发的这项技术 叫SIM OFDM.
And it's spacial modulation -- these are the only technical terms, I'm not going into details -- but this is how we enabled that light source to transmit data. 它还有特殊的调控-- 这都是技术词汇,就不深入了-- 是这项技术 使得我们能利用光源 进行数据传输.
spacial:adj.空间的;存在于空间的;占地位的; modulation:n.[电子]调制;调整; technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; enabled:v.使得;授予…权力;(enabled是enable的过去式) source:n.来源;水源;原始资料;
You will say, "Okay, this is nice -- a slide created in 10 minutes." 你会说:"嗯,这不错, 花十分钟就能做出这样的一页幻灯片."
But not only that. 但这不是全部.
What we've done is we have also developed a demonstrator . 我们还研发了 一个演示仪器.
And I'm showing for the first time in public this visible light demonstrator. 这是我第一次在公开场合 展示这台可见光的演示仪器.
And what we have here is no ordinary desk lamp . 这里放着的是 一个普通的台灯.
desk lamp:桌灯,台灯;
We fit in an LED light bulb, worth three U.S. dollars, put in our signal processing technology. 我们放入一个价值三美元的 LED灯泡, 加入我们信息处理的技术.
And then what we have here is a little hole. 这里有一个小洞.
And the light goes through that hole. 光从这个小洞穿过.
There's a receiver. 这里是个接收装置.
The receiver will convert these little, subtle changes in the amplitude that we create there into an electrical signal. 这个接收装置能把我们创造的 这些很微小的亮度变化 转化为电子信号.
convert:v.转换; n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人; subtle:adj.微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的; amplitude:n.振幅;丰富,充足;广阔; electrical:adj.有关电的;电气科学的;
And that signal is then converted back to a high-speed data stream. 这些电子信息再被转化成 高速的数据流.
In the future we hope that we can integrate this little hole into these smart phones. 将来我们希望能 把这样的小洞整合到 智能手机中.
And not only integrate a photo detector here, but maybe use the camera inside. 不仅是加入一个照片感应装置, 还可以在里面放一个照相机.
So what happens when I switch on that light? 所以当我打开灯的时候 会发生什么呢?
As you would expect, it's a light, a desk lamp. 就像你期待的那样, 它是个灯泡,一个台灯.
Put your book beneath it and you can read. 把你的书放在下面,就能阅读,
It's illuminating the space. 它照亮了空间.
But at the same time , you see this video coming up here. 但在同时,你能看到这上面有视频开始播放.
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
And that's a video, a high-definition video that is transmitted through that light beam . 这个高清晰度的视频 是用光束传输的.
high-definition:高清晰度; beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波);
You're critical . 你有些怀疑.
You think, "Ha, ha, ha. 想着,"哈哈,
This is a smart academic doing a little bit of tricks here." 这是聪明的学者用了一点小诡计."
But let me do this. 但如果我这样做.
(Applause) (掌声)
Once again. 再来一次.
Still don't believe? 还不相信?
It is this light that transmits this high-definition video in a split stream. 就是这个台灯 把高清晰的视频通过分开的数据流传输的.
transmits:v.传送;发射;播送;传播;传染;(transmit的第三人称单数) split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的;
And if you look at the light, it is illuminating as you would expect. 如果你看着这灯, 它还是那么亮.
You don't notice with your human eye. 人类的眼睛无法分辨这些变化.
You don't notice the subtle changes in the amplitude that we impress onto this light bulb. 你不会发现我们加在这个灯泡上的 亮度的微小变化.
It's serving the purpose of illumination , but at the same time, we are able to transmit this data. 它起到了提供照明的作用, 同时也传输了数据.
And you see, even light from the ceiling comes down here to the receiver. 你能看到, 即使是屋顶上的光也能照到这个接收装置上.
It can ignore that constant light, because all the receiver's interested in are subtle changes. 接收装置能忽略固定不变的光, 因为它只关心那些 微小的变化.
You also have a critical question now, and you say, "Okay, do I have to have the light on all the time to have this working?" 你还是时不时地会有怀疑的问题. 你会说:"好吧 我是不是得时刻开着灯 才能让它工作呢?"
And the answer is yes. 答案是:是的
But, you can dim down the light to a level that it appears to be off. 但你能调暗这灯 暗到它看起来像是关着的.
dim:adj.暗淡的,昏暗的; v.使暗淡,使失去光泽; n.笨蛋,傻子;
And you are still able to transmit data -- that's possible. 这样它还是可以传输数据.
So I've mentioned to you the four challenges. 我提到过四个挑战.
Capacity: 容量.
We have 10,000 times more spectrum, 10,000 times more LEDs installed already in the infrastructure there. 我们有一万倍的光谱范围 一万多倍的LED灯 已经搭建在基础设施中.
You would agree with me, hopefully, there's no issue of capacity anymore. 我想你会同意说 容量已经不再是个问题.
Efficiency: 经济.
This is data through illumination -- it's first of all an illumination device. 这是通过照明传输数据 首先是照明仪器.
first of all:adv.首先;
And if you do the energy budget , the data transmission comes for free -- highly energy efficient. 如果你想减少能量消耗, 这数据传输是免费的 很节能的方法.
budget:n.预算,预算费;v.安排,预定;把…编入预算;adj.廉价的; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地;
I don't mention the high energy efficiency of these LED light bulbs. 我没提过LED灯泡的 高度节能的性质.
If the whole world would deploy them, you would save hundreds of power plants. 如果整个世界都用它们, 那我们能省许多的发电场.
That's aside. 这个先放在一边.
And then I've mentioned the availability . 我还提到了可用性.
You will agree with me that we have lights in the hospital. 我们都知道医院里有灯泡,
You need to see what to do. 你得看得到要做什么.
You have lights in an aircraft . 飞机上也有灯泡.
So it's everywhere in a day there is light. 所有地方都有灯泡.
Look around. Everywhere. Look at your smart phone. 看看周围,所有地方.看看你的智能手机.
It has a flashlight, an LED flashlight. 它有一个闪光灯,那是个LED灯.
These are potential sources for high-speed data transmission. 它们都是潜在的高速数据传输的设备.
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数)
And then there's security. 还有安全问题.
You would agree with me that light doesn't penetrate through walls. 你会同意说 光不能穿透墙壁.
So no one, if I have a light here, if I have secure data, no one on the other side of this room through that wall would be able to read that data. 所以如果我有个灯泡在这, 如果我有安全相关的数据, 在墙那边的人是不可能 透过墙壁猎取我的数据的.
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
And there's only data where there is light. 只有在有光的地方才能看到数据.
So if I don't want that receiver to receive the data, then what I could do, turn it away. 所以如果我不希望接收装置接收数据, 我能做的是 把它转开.
So the data goes in that direction, not there anymore. 所以数据是往那个方向传,不是这了.
Now we can in fact see where the data is going to. 现在我们能真的看到数据是往哪里传了
So for me, the applications of it, to me, are beyond imagination at the moment. 所以对我来说, 这项技术的应用前景 是超乎想像的.
We have had a century of very nice, smart application developers . 过去的一个世纪里,我们有很棒很聪明的应用设备开发者.
application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用; developers:n.开发商;发展者;[摄]显影剂(developer的复数);
And you only have to notice, where we have light, there is a potential way to transmit data. 你只需要注意到,哪里有光 哪里就能用来传输数据.
But I can give you a few examples. 我来举几个例子.
Well you may see the impact already now. 你可能已经注意到了它的影响力了.
This is a remote operated vehicle beneath the ocean. 在这片海域下面, 有一个远程操控的移动设备.
And they use light to illuminate space down there. 它们用光来照亮底下的空间.
And this light can be used to transmit wireless data that these things [use] to communicate with each other. 光能被用来传输无线数据 这些东西就能用光来相互交流.
Intrinsically safe environments like this petrochemical plant -- you can't use RF, it may generate antenna sparks , but you can use light -- you see plenty of light there. 自然而然地保护了环境 在那些石化工厂里 你不能用RF, 它会在天线上产生火花, 但它可以用光,你能看到许多的灯光在那.
Intrinsically:adv.本质地;内在地;固有地; petrochemical:adj.石化的;n.石油化学产品; generate:v.产生;引起; antenna:n.[电讯]天线;[动]触角,[昆]触须; sparks:n.(船或飞机上的)无线电通信师;
In hospitals, for new medical instruments; in streets for traffic control. 在医院里, 用于新的医疗设备; 在街上用来控制交通状况.
Cars have LED-based headlights , LED-based back lights, and cars can communicate with each other and prevent accidents in the way that they exchange information. 车辆有LED灯做的前灯,后灯 这样车辆间就能交流了. 它们这样交换信息的方式 能阻止交通事故的发生.
headlights:n.(车辆的)前灯,前灯的光束;(headlight的复数) in the way:妨碍;挡道; exchange:n.交换;交流;交易所;兑换;v.交换;交易;兑换;
Traffic lights can communicate to the car and so on. 而且信号灯也能和车辆进行沟通.
And then you have these millions of street lamps deployed around the world. 而且全世界还有几百万个 这样的路灯.
lamps:n.灯具(lamp的复数); v.看;
And every street lamp could be a free access point. 即使是这路灯也能成为免费的发射点.
We call it, in fact, a Li-Fi, light-fidelity. 我们叫它 Li Fi 忠于光的.
And then we have these aircraft cabins . 还有这些飞机机舱.
There are hundreds of lights in an aircraft cabin, and each of these lights could be a potential transmitter of wireless data. 里面有几百盏灯, 每一个这样的灯 都有潜在的传输无线信号的能力.
So you could enjoy your most favorite TED video on your long flight back home. 所以你就能在长长的回家旅途中 享受你最喜欢的TED视频.
Online life. So that is a vision , I think, that is possible. 线上生活.我想这个设想是可行的.
So, all we would need to do is to fit a small microchip to every potential illumination device. 我们需要做的就只是 把一个微小的芯片 插入到每一个潜在的照明设备中.
And this would then combine two basic functionalities : illumination and wireless data transmission. 这就整合了 两个基本的功能: 照明和无线数据传输.
And it's this symbiosis that I personally believe could solve the four essential problems that face us in wireless communication these days. 我个人相信,这种组合 能解决我们现在无线信号传输中 四个关键的问题.
symbiosis:n.[生态]共生;合作关系;共栖; personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的;
And in the future, you would not only have 14 billion light bulbs, you may have 14 billion Li-Fis deployed worldwide -- for a cleaner, a greener, and even a brighter future. 在将来, 我们不仅仅是有只一百四十万个灯泡, 而是有一百四十万个Li Fi. 遍布全球 创建一个更干净 更绿色,更光明的未来.
Thank you. 谢谢,
(Applause) (掌声)