

Brothers and sisters, penguins all. 兄弟姐妹们,企鹅们
Everything in this world... 这世上所有的事
No matter how big... 无论多大
no matter how small... 无论多小
is connected in ways we never expected. 都有我们意想不到的关联
Yes, indeed. 是的
Mumble ! 马布尔!
Sorry... 对不起
Lift your head up 'Cause you're a star. 抬起头来 因为你是大明星
Be strong, boy, know who you are. 要坚强 孩子 知道你是谁吗?!
Come on, Erik, give it a shat . 来,艾瑞克,试试
Aw, my little munkin. 哦,我的宝贝
I'll go talk to him. 我去跟他谈谈
Oh, let me try. 噢,让我去吧
Hey, little guy. 嘿 小家伙
Are you okay'? - Mm-hm. 你好吗? - Mm-hm.
You're not joining the party? - Mm-mm. 为什么不和大家一起跳呢 - 不
Can you say why? 能告诉我为什么吗?
Why? 为什么?
Na. What I mean is, why are you...? 不不,我的意思是…
Uncle Mumble. I think he's asking, "Why dance?" 马布尔叔叔,我想他是问为什么要跳舞
Like, he needs a solid reason. Don't you, Erik? 好像需要一个理由 是不是,艾瑞克?
Plenty of reasons to dance. 是的 有很多跳舞的理由啊
What's mine, Pa? 我的是什么,爸爸?
Well, the only way to find out is to try it. 好吧 能找到理由的唯一方法就是 跳跳试试
Come on, son. It's just one big old fact after the other. 来吧儿子!只不过是轮流迈动脚步
No one'll laugh at you, I promise. 没人会笑话你的 我保证
Come on. On my feet. 来吧,到我脚上来
Yeah. 是啊.
You'll get the hang of it. All you gotta do... 你会学会的 你需要做的就是
is feel the beat. 感觉节奏
Come on, son. Let's shake this world! 来吧,儿子!让我们跳起来!
That's it. Get stupid. 就是这样!放开跳!
It's not funny! 这不好笑!
Can you whiz an cue and finishwith a headstand ? I don't think so. 你能倒立着用尾巴尿尿吗?我不觉得
whiz:n.飕飕声;奇才;vi.飕飕作声;vt.使飕飕作声; cue:n.暗示;提示;信号;(戏剧的)提示;v.给(某人)暗示(或提示); headstand:n.头手倒立;vi.作头手倒立;
Are you okay? Are you hurt? 你还好吗?受伤了吗?
Oh, gash . That was... Wow. 老天!刚才真是… 哇哦
Oh. Uh... 哦...嗯...
Erik. Erik. 艾瑞克 艾瑞克!
Erik, I'm really sorry. 艾瑞克 真的很抱歉
Come on, champ . 没事儿 孩子
champ:n.咀嚼; vt.焦急; vi.咬;
It wasn't that bad. 没那么糟了
When I was your age... 我在你这么大的时候
I got laughed at a lot. They thought I was weird too. 也经常被嘲笑 大家也认为我很怪异
Mumble! 马布尔!
I mean, different, in a coal way. 我... 我是想说,不是怪 是与众不同
Mumble! 马布尔!
Like, you're coal. 我是说 你是好孩子
I was uncool . 我很怪异
Easy, easy. 别说了
Really uncool. 我真的很怪
Okay. You know, Erik... 好了 你知道的 艾瑞克...
when your daddy's in a deep hole... 你爸爸这个人说错话...