

[This talk contains mature content] 【本演讲包含成人内容】
mature:v.成熟; adj.明白事理的;
Moritz Riesewieck: On March 23, 2013, users worldwide discovered in their news feed a video of a young girl being raped by an older man. 莫里兹·里斯维克: 2013 年 3 月 23 日, 世界各地的用户 在他们的新闻推送里 发现了一个年轻女孩 被年长男性强奸的视频。
worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; raped:v.强奸;强暴(rape的过去分词和过去式)
Before this video was removed from Facebook, it was already shared 16,000 times, and it was even liked 4,000 times. 在这个视频从 Facebook 上被移除前, 它已经被转发了 1.6 万次, 甚至被点赞了 4 千次。
This video went viral and infected the net. 这个视频被疯转, 像病毒一样侵染了网络。
viral:adj.滤过性毒菌引起的;滤过性毒菌的; infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式)
Hans Block: And that was the moment we asked ourselves how could something like this get on Facebook? 汉斯·布洛克: 也正是在这一刻,我们问自己, 这种东西是怎么得以 出现在 Facebook 上的?
And at the same time , why don't we see such content more often? 同时,为什么我们没有 更加频繁地看见这种内容?
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
After all, there's a lot of revolting material online, but why do we so rarely see such crap on Facebook, Twitter or Google ? 毕竟网络上有很多 令人反胃的资料信息, 但为什么我们很少在 Facebook 、 推特,或谷歌上看到这样的垃圾?
revolting:adj.令人作呕的;极其讨厌的;v.反抗,反叛;叛逆;(revolt的现在分词) rarely:adv.很少地;难得;罕有地; crap:n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎; Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎;
MR: While image-recognition software can identify the outlines of sexual organs , blood or naked skin in images and videos, it has immense difficulties to distinguish pornographic content from holiday pictures, Adonis statues or breast-cancer screening campaigns. 莫:虽说图像识别软件 可以在图片和视频中 分辨性器官、血或者裸体, 它很难从度假照片、阿多尼斯雕像, 或乳腺癌检查的宣传活动中, 区分出色情内容。
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: outlines:n.轮廓; v.概括(outline的三单形式); sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的; organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数); naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) immense:adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的; distinguish:vt.区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出;vi.区别,区分;辨别; pornographic:adj.色情的;色情作品的;春宫画的; Adonis:n.[希神]阿多尼斯;爱神;美少年;美男子; statues:n.[建]雕像(statue的复数);v.在…处装饰;用雕像装饰(statue的三单形式);
It can't distinguish Romeo and Juliet dying onstage from a real knife attack. 它无法区分舞台上 罗密欧与朱丽叶的死亡, 和现实中的持刀袭击。
Romeo:n.年轻的男情人;风流放荡的男子; onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场;
It can't distinguish satire from propaganda or irony from hatred , and so on and so forth. 它无法区分讽喻和煽动, 反语和仇恨, 如此种种。
satire:n.讽刺;讽刺文学,讽刺作品; propaganda:n.宣传;传道总会; irony:n.讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事;adj.铁的;似铁的; hatred:n.仇恨;憎恨;厌恶;
Therefore, humans are needed to decide which of the suspicious content should be deleted, and which should remain. 因此,需要人类来判断 可疑内容中哪些应被删除, 哪些可以保留。
Humans whom we know almost nothing about, because they work in secret. 我们对这些人几乎一无所知, 因为他们进行的是秘密工作。
They sign nondisclosure agreements, which prohibit them from talking and sharing what they see on their screens and what this work does to them. 他们签了保密协议, 禁止他们谈论与分享 自己在屏幕上看到了什么, 以及这份工作对他们造成的影响。
nondisclosure:adj.保密的;不泄露的; prohibit:v.阻止;(尤指以法令)禁止;使不可能;
They are forced to use code words in order to hide who they work for. 他们被迫使用暗号 以隐藏他们的雇主。
They are monitored by private security firms in order to ensure that they don't talk to journalists . 他们被私人安保公司监控, 以确保他们不会同记者交谈。
ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; journalists:n.新闻记者(journalist的复数);
And they are threatened by fines in case they speak. 而要是他们发声, 便会被威胁处以罚款。
All of this sounds like a weird crime story, but it's true. 这些听起来像是 某个离奇的犯罪故事, 但这是真实的。
These people exist, and they are called content moderators . 这些人是存在的, 他们被称为“网络审查员”。
HB: We are the directors of the feature documentary film "The Cleaners," 汉:我们是专题纪录片《The Cleaners》 (《网络清道夫》)的导演。
and we would like to take you to a world that many of you may not know yet. 请让我们将你们带往 一个你们大多数人 可能还未曾知晓的世界。
Here's a short clip of our film. 这是我们电影的一个片段。
(Video) Moderator: I need to be anonymous , because we have a contract signed. (视频)审查员:我必须匿名, 因为我们签了合同。
anonymous:adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的; contract:v.收缩;感染;订约;n.合同;婚约;
We are not allowed to declare whom we are working with. 我们不被允许透露 我们在为谁工作。
The reason why I speak to you is because the world should know that we are here. 我之所以和你对话的原因 是因为世界应当知道 我们在这里。
There is somebody who is checking the social media . 有人在检查社交媒体。
We are doing our best to make this platform safe for all of them. 我们在尽自己所能 为他们所有人 维持一个安全的平台。
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
Delete. 删除。
Ignore . 忽略。
Delete. 删除。
Ignore. 忽略。
Delete. 删除。
Ignore. 忽略。
Ignore. 忽略。
Delete. 删除。
HB: The so-called content moderators don't get their paychecks from Facebook, Twitter or Google themselves, but from outsourcing firms around the world in order to keep the wages low. 汉:这个被称作“网络审查员”的群体 并不是直接从Facebook、 推特,或谷歌拿工资, 而是受雇于世界各地的外包公司, 以降低时薪成本。
so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; paychecks:n.付薪水的支票,薪水;((paycheck的复数) outsourcing:n.外包;外购;外部采办; wages:n.[劳经]工资; v.开展(运动等)(wage的第三人称单数形式);
Tens of thousands of young people looking at everything we are not supposed to see. 成千上万的年轻人 看着我们不应当看到的一切。
And we are talking about decapitations , mutilations , executions , necrophilia , torture , child abuse . 我们指的是斩首、残割、 处决、尸奸、酷刑、儿童虐待。
decapitations:n.斩首;解雇;撤职; mutilations:n.毁损;残缺;切断; executions:n.死刑(execution的复数形式);实行;完成; necrophilia:n.恋尸癖,[医]恋尸狂; torture:v.折磨;拷问;歪曲;n.折磨;拷问;歪曲; child abuse:n.摧残儿童;虐待儿童;
Thousands of images in one shift -- ignore, delete, day and night. 一次轮值要处理几千张图像—— 忽略,删除—— 不论昼夜。
And much of this work is done in Manila , where the analog toxic waste from the Western world was transported for years by container ships, now the digital waste is dumped there via fiber-optic cable . 这项工作大部分是在 马尼拉进行的, 多年来西方世界 都用集装箱船 将有毒的电子垃圾 输向这里, 如今数字垃圾正通过 光纤电缆倾倒在同一个地方。
Manila:n.马尼拉麻;马尼拉纸(等于manilla);adj.马尼拉纸制的;马尼拉麻制的; analog:n.[自]模拟;类似物;adj.[自]模拟的;有长短针的; toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; transported:v.(用交通工具)运输,运送,输送;(transport的过去分词和过去式) digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; dumped:v.丢弃,扔掉;丢下;抛弃;倾销,抛售;(dump的过去分词和过去式) via:prep.通过;经由;n.道路;[医]管道; fiber-optic:纤维光学; cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住;
And just as the so-called scavengers rummage through gigantic tips on the edge of the city, the content moderators click their way through an endless toxic ocean 而正如同所谓的拾荒者 在城市边缘的 巨大垃圾山里翻捡一样, 网络审查员点击着鼠标, 趟过一片无边无际的、
scavengers:n.食腐动物;清道夫;[助剂]清除剂;拾荒者; rummage:vt.检查; n.翻找; vi.翻找; gigantic:adj.巨大的,庞大的; tips:n.尖端; v.(使)倾斜,翻覆; (tip的第三人称单数和复数) on the edge of:adv.几乎;濒于;在…边缘; endless:adj.无止境的;连续的;环状的;漫无目的的;
of images and videos and all manner of intellectual garbage , so that we don't have to look at it. 由图像、视频和各种知识垃圾 构成的充满毒素的汪洋, 感谢于此, 我们无需亲自面对这些内容。
intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的; garbage:n.垃圾;废物;
MR: But unlike the wounds of the scavengers, those of the content moderators remain invisible . 莫:但和拾荒者们身上的伤口不同, 网络审查员的伤口是看不见的。
wounds:n.(身体上的)伤,伤口; v.使(身体)受伤; (wound的第三人称单数和复数) invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物;
Full of shocking and disturbing content, these pictures and videos burrow into their memories where, at any time, they can have unpredictable effects: eating disorders , loss of libido , anxiety disorders , alcoholism , depression , which can even lead to suicide . 这些图片和视频充斥着 令人震惊与不安的内容, 烙印在他们的记忆里, 随时可能造成难以预计的影响: 饮食失调、性欲丧失、 焦虑症、酗酒、 抑郁症,甚至可能造成自杀。
disturbing:adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的;v.打扰;干扰;搅乱;使不安;(disturb的现在分词) burrow:n.地洞,洞穴v.挖掘;穴居;潜伏; unpredictable:adj.不可预知的;不定的;出乎意料的;n.不可预言的事; disorders:n.无秩序,混乱; v.[电子]扰乱(disorder的单三形式); libido:n.性欲;生命力; anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事; alcoholism:n.酗酒;[内科]酒精中毒; depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁; suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀;
The pictures and videos infect them, and often never let them go again. 那些图片和视频感染了他们, 往往再也不会放过他们。
If they are unlucky , they develop post-traumatic stress disorders, like soldiers after war missions . 如果不幸的话,他们会像 从战场归来的士兵一样, 患上创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。
unlucky:adj.不幸的;倒霉的;不吉利的; post-traumatic:adj.受伤后的; missions:n.任务; v.给…交代任务; (mission的复数)
In our film, we tell the story of a young man who had to monitor livestreams of self-mutilations and suicide attempts , again and again , and who eventually committed suicide himself. 在影片里,我们讲述了 一个年轻人的故事: 他的工作是监控 自残以及自杀企图的直播, 周而复始, 然而最终,他也以自杀的方式 结束了自己的生命。
livestreams:现场直播活动;直播流; attempts:n.企图,试图;尝试(attempt的复数);v.试图;努力去做(attempt的三单形式); again and again:adv.再三地,反复地; eventually:adv.最后,终于; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
It's not an isolated case, as we've been told. 我们被告知的是, 这样的事并非个例。
isolated:adj.偏远的; v.隔离,孤立,脱离;
This is the price all of us pay for our so-called clean and safe and "healthy" 这是我们所有人, 为了我们所谓的干净、安全、 且“健康”的社交媒体环境,
environments on social media. 付出的代价。
Never before in the history of mankind has it been easier to reach millions of people around the globe in a few seconds. 在人类历史中, 从未有哪个时代 能像现在这样轻易地在数秒之内便触及 全球各地的数百万人。
What is posted on social media spreads so quickly, becomes viral and excites the minds of people all around the globe. 在社交媒体上发布的内容 传递得如此之快, 迅速爆红疯转, 刺激全球所有人的神经。
Before it is deleted, it is often already too late. 在它被删除之前, 往往已为时晚矣。
Millions of people have already been infected with hatred and anger, and they either become active online, by spreading or amplifying hatred, or they take to the streets and take up arms. 数百万人已经 被憎恨和愤怒感染, 他们抑或在网上变得活跃, 继续传播或放大憎恨, 抑或走上街头, 诉诸暴力。
HB: Therefore, an army of content moderators sit in front of a screen to avoid new collateral damage. 汉:因此, 一支由网络审查员形成的军队, 守在屏幕前, 防止新的附带损害产生。
And they are deciding, as soon as possible, whether the content stays on the platform -- ignore; or disappears -- delete. 他们必须尽快做出决断, 是否保留某条内容——忽略; 还是让它消失——删除。
as soon as:一…就; disappears:v.消失;不见;消亡;失踪;丢失;(disappear的第三人称单数)
But not every decision is as clear as the decision about a child-abuse video. 但并不是每个决定 都能像对儿童虐待的视频那样 迅速做出清晰明了的判断。
What about controversial content, ambivalent content, uploaded by civil rights activists or citizen journalists? 对于由民权活动人士、 公民记者上传的 有争议的、模棱两可的内容, 该怎么处理呢?
controversial:adj.有争议的;有争论的; ambivalent:adj.矛盾的;好恶相克的; uploaded:vt.上传; civil rights:na.公民权;
The content moderators often decide on such cases at the same speed as the [clear] cases. 网络审查员在判断这些案例时, 通常和处理泾渭分明的案例时 使用同样的速度。
MR: We will show you a video now, and we would like to ask you to decide: 莫:下面我们会让大家 观看一段视频, 我们想让你们决定:
Would you delete it, or would you not delete it? 你们会删除它吗? 还是不删除它呢?
(Video) (Air strike sounds) (视频)(空袭声)
(Explosion) (爆炸)
(People speaking in Arabic) (人们用阿拉伯语交谈)
MR: Yeah, we did some blurring for you. 莫:没错,我们已为大家 对视频进行了打码处理。
A child would potentially be dangerously disturbed and extremely frightened by such content. 一个孩子要是看到这样的内容, 可能会感到严重不安, 以及极度恐惧。
potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; dangerously:adv.危险地;不安全; disturbed:adj.不安的; v.干扰; (disturb的过去分词和过去式) extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; frightened:adj.害怕的;受惊的;惊吓的;v.使惊吓;使惊恐;(frighten的过去分词和过去式)
So, you rather delete it? 那么,你们觉得删了更好?
But what if this video could help investigate the war crimes in Syria ? 但要是说,这段视频能帮助调查 在叙利亚发生的战争罪行呢?
what if:如果…怎么办? investigate:v.调查;研究;审查; Syria:n.叙利亚共和国;
What if nobody would have heard about this air strike , because Facebook, YouTube, Twitter would have decided to take it down? 要是因为Facebook、Youtube、 推特都决定撤除这段视频, 导致无人得知这场空袭呢?
air strike:n.空袭;空中打击;
Airwars, a nongovernmental organization based in London, tries to find those videos as quickly as possible whenever they are uploaded to social media, in order to archive them. Airwars 是一个位于伦敦的 非政府组织, 他们试图在这些视频 上传到社交网络时, 尽快找到这些视频, 以便对它们进行归档记录。
nongovernmental:adj.非政府的;非政治的; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; archive:n.档案馆;档案文件;
Because they know, sooner or later , Facebook, YouTube, Twitter would take such content down. 因为他们知道,这些内容迟早 会被Facebook、Youtube、推特删除,
sooner or later:迟早,早晚;
People armed with their mobile phones can make visible what journalists often do not have access to. 拥有手机的人们能曝光 记者们通常难以接触的事情。
Civil rights groups often do not have any better option to quickly make their recordings accessible to a large audience than by uploading them to social media. 人权组织为了让他们的录像 能迅速向广大观众公开, 除了上传到社交媒体 常常没有更好的选择。
option:n.选择;可选择的东西; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的; uploading:v.上载;上传;(upload的现在分词)
Wasn't this the empowering potential the World Wide Web should have? 这难道不是万维网应当拥有的 能够赋予力量的潜力吗?
empowering:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;增加(某人的)自主权;(empower的现在分词) World Wide Web:n.万维网;
Weren't these the dreams people in its early stages had about the World Wide Web? 这难道不是万维网初具雏形时, 人们对它抱有的梦想吗?
Can't pictures and videos like these persuade people who have become insensitive to facts to rethink ? 这样的图片和视频 难道无法劝说已对事实 变得麻木的人们 开始反思吗?
persuade:v.说服;劝说;使信服;使相信; insensitive:adj.感觉迟钝的,对…没有感觉的; rethink:v.重新考虑;再想;n.重新考虑;反思;新想法;
HB: But instead, everything that might be disturbing is deleted. 汉:然而,一切可能 造成不安的内容都被删除了。
And there's a general shift in society. 在社会中还有这样的 一种变化趋势。
Media, for example, more and more often use trigger warnings at the top of articles which some people may perceive as offensive or troubling. 比如说,媒体更加频繁地在有人可能感到冒犯 或者不安的文章顶部 使用“敏感警告”。
trigger:n.触发器; v.触发; perceive:v.注意到;意识到;将…理解为;认为; offensive:n.进攻;攻势;攻击;侵犯;adj.冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的;
Or more and more students at universities in the United States demand the banishment of antique classics which depict sexual violence or assault from the curriculum . 美国的大学校园内 有越来越多的学生 要求从课程中剔除 描写性暴力或性侵犯的古典内容。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) banishment:n.流放,充军;放逐; antique:adj.古老的; n.古董; vi.觅购古玩; classics:n.经典;名著;杰作;(classic的复数) depict:vt.描述;描画; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; assault:v.袭击;殴打;威胁;非议;(assault的现在分词) curriculum:n.课程;总课程;
But how far should we go with that? 但这些行为的尺度该如何把握?
Physical integrity is guaranteed as a human right in constitutions worldwide. 在世界各地的宪法中, 身体健全是被保障的基本人权。
Physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; integrity:n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正; guaranteed:adj.必然的; v.保证; human right:n.人权; constitutions:构成;
In the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , this right expressly applies to mental integrity. 欧盟的《基本权利宪章》明文规定, 这项权利同样适用于心理健全。
Charter:n.章程; v.包租(飞机、船等); Fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; European Union:n.欧洲联盟; expressly:adv.清楚地,明显地;特别地,专门地; applies:v.适用;申请;运用;专心;(apply的第三人称单数)
But even if the potentially traumatic effect of images and videos is hard to predict, do we want to become so cautious that we risk losing social awareness of injustice ? 但即使图像和视频 带来的潜在创伤难以预测, 我们是否想变得如此谨小慎微, 以至于要冒险失去 对不公的社会意识?
cautious:adj.谨慎的;十分小心的; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; injustice:n.不公正;不讲道义;
So what to do? 那么该怎么做呢?
Mark Zuckerberg recently stated that in the future, the users, we, or almost everybody, will decide individually what they would like to see on the platform, by personal filter settings. 马克·扎克伯格最近声明 在未来,用户们, 即我们,或者几乎是任何人, 将会通过个人过滤设定, 个人独立决定在平台上 想看到的内容。
recently:adv.最近;新近; individually:adv.个别地,单独地; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; filter:n.滤波器;过滤器;滤光器;滤声器;v.过滤;渗入;(用程序)筛选;缓行;
So everyone could easily claim to remain undisturbed by images of war or other violent conflicts , like ... 也就是说任何人能轻松地声称 看到战争和暴力冲突的图像时 能不为所动,比如说——
claim:v.要求;声称;需要;认领;n.要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得; undisturbed:adj.安静的;镇定的;未被扰乱的;泰然自若的; violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的; conflicts:n.冲突; v.抵触;
MR: I'm the type of guy who doesn't mind seeing breasts and I'm very interested in global warming , but I don't like war so much. 莫:我是那种不介意 看到胸部的男人, 我对全球变暖很感兴趣, 但不怎么喜欢战争。
global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖;
HB: Yeah, I'm more the opposite, 汉:嗯,我就比较相反,
I have zero interest in naked breasts or naked bodies at all. 我对胸部或者裸体 压根没有一点兴趣。
But why not guns? I like guns, yes. 但何不谈谈枪支? 没错,我喜欢枪。
MR: Come on, if we don't share a similar social consciousness , how shall we discuss social problems? 莫:看嘛,如果我们没有 共享相似的社会意识, 我们该如何讨论社会问题?
How shall we call people to action? 我们该如何呼吁人们行动?
Even more isolated bubbles would emerge . 更多互相孤立的泡泡会浮现。
bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数) emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;
One of the central questions is: "How, in the future, freedom of expression will be weighed against the people's need for protection." 核心问题之一是: “在未来,我们该如何平衡 言论自由与人们对保护的需求。”
It's a matter of principle . 这是个原则性的问题。
Do we want to design an either open or closed society for the digital space? 我们想为数字空间 设计一个相较开放 或是封闭的社会?
At the heart of the matter is "freedom versus security." 问题的核心是 “自由 vs. 安全感”。
Facebook has always wanted to be a "healthy" platform. Facebook 一直想成为 一个“健康”的平台。
Above all, users should feel safe and secure. 重中之重的是, 用户应当感到安全。
It's the same choice of words the content moderators in the Philippines used in a lot of our interviews . 在我们的很多采访中, 菲律宾的网络审查员们 也使用了同样的遣词。
Philippines:n.菲律宾; interviews:n.面试; v.对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);
(Video) The world that we are living in right now, (视频)我相信, 我们正生活的世界,
I believe, is not really healthy. 并不是真的健康。
(Music) (音乐)
In this world, there is really an evil who exists. 在这世界上, 确实存在着邪恶。
(Music) (音乐)
We need to watch for it. 我们需要警惕它。
(Music) (音乐)
We need to control it -- good or bad. 我们需要控制它——无论好坏。
(Music) (音乐)
[Look up, Young man! --God] [年轻人,抬头看!——上帝]
MR: For the young content moderators in the strictly Catholic Philippines, this is linked to a Christian mission. 莫:这些来自信奉天主教的菲律宾的 年轻网络审查员们, 对于他们来说,这份工作 和基督教的使命有所联系。
To counter the sins of the world which spread across the web. 为了对抗在网络上传播的 这个世界的罪恶。
'" Cleanliness is next to godliness ," “清洁近于圣洁”,
Cleanliness:n.清洁; godliness:n.虔诚;信仰;敬神;
is a saying everybody in the Philippines knows. 这个说法在菲律宾人尽皆知。
HB: And others motivate themselves by comparing themselves with their president, Rodrigo Duterte. 汉:其他人则将自己与他们的总统 罗德里戈·杜特尔特相比较,
motivate:v.激励;激发;成为…的动机;是…的原因; comparing:v.比较;对比;(compare的现在分词)
He has been ruling the Philippines since 2016, and he won the election with the promise: "I will clean up." 他自 2016 年当选以来 一直掌权菲律宾, 他凭借“我会进行清扫”的承诺 在当年的选举中胜出。
And what that means is eliminating all kinds of problems by literally killing people on the streets who are supposed to be criminals, whatever that means. 而这个承诺的意思是 通过杀掉街上被视为罪犯的人, 不管这是什么意思, 从而达到 排除社会上各种问题的目的。
eliminating:v.排除;清除;消除;淘汰;(eliminate的现在分词) literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
And since he was elected, an estimated 20,000 people have been killed. 自从他当选以后, 估计有 2 万人被杀。
And one moderator in our film says, "What Duterte does on the streets, 我们影片中的一位审查员说: “杜特尔特在街头上怎么做,
I do for the internet." 我在网络上也怎么做。”
And here they are, our self-proclaimed superheroes , who enforce law and order in our digital world. 这就是他们, 我们的“自我标榜的超级英雄”, 在数字世界里维持法制与秩序。
self-proclaimed:adj.自称的; superheroes:超级英雄(superhero的名词复数); enforce:v.强制执行;强迫;迫使;
They clean up, they polish everything clean, they free us from everything evil. 他们进行扫除, 把一切擦拭得干干净净, 他们将我们 从一切邪恶中解放出来。
Tasks formerly reserved to state authorities have been taken over by college graduates in their early 20s, equipped with three- to five-day training -- this is the qualification -- who work on nothing less than the world's rescue . 曾经为国家机关保留的任务 如今落到了二十岁出头的 大学毕业生肩上, 他们接受完三天到五天的训练, ——这便是他们的资格证, 他们的工作不亚于拯救世界。
formerly:adv.以前;原来; reserved:adj.内向的; v.预订,预约; (reserve的过去分词和过去式) authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数) qualification:n.合格;学历;资历;限定条件; nothing less than:完全是;不亚于;与…一模一样; rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救;
MR: National sovereignties have been outsourced to private companies, and they pass on their responsibilities to third parties. 莫:国家权能被外包给私人公司, 他们又将自己的责任 托付给第三方。
sovereignties:n.主权;君权;主权国家;(sovereignties是sovereignty的复数); outsourced:v.交外办理;外购;(outsource的过去分词和过去式)
It's an outsourcing of the outsourcing of the outsourcing, which takes place. 情况就是—— 外包,再外包,再外包。
With social networks, we are dealing with a completely new infrastructure , with its own mechanisms , its own logic of action and therefore, also, its own new dangers, which had not yet existed in the predigitalized public sphere . 对于社交网络, 我们要处理的是一个全新的架构, 它有着自己的运行机制, 自己的行为逻辑, 因而也有其特定的潜在新危险。 这些危险在电子化时代以前的 公共领域中不曾存在过。
infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造; mechanisms:n.机制;[机]机构(mechanism的复数);机械;[机]机构学; logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的; sphere:n.球;领域;球体;球形;v.使成球形;包围;把…放在球内;使处于天体之间;
HB: When Mark Zuckerberg was at the US Congress or at the European Parliament , he was confronted with all kinds of critics . 汉:当马克·扎克伯格在美国国会 或者欧洲议会时, 他面对的是各式各样的批评。
Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交; European Parliament:n.欧洲议会(由欧盟各国选举产生,负责法律的制定和修改); confronted:v.使…无法回避;降临于;处理;面对;对抗;(confront的过去分词和过去式) critics:n.评论家;批评者;吹毛求疵的人(critic的复数);
And his reaction was always the same: "We will fix that, and I will follow up on that with my team." 而他的反应总是千篇一律的: “这一点我们会改进, 那一点我们团队会跟进。”
But such a debate shouldn't be held in back rooms of Facebook, Twitter or Google -- such a debate should be openly discussed in new, cosmopolitan parliaments , 可是这样的辩论不应该在 Facebook 、推特 或谷歌的幕后进行—— 这样的辩论应当被公开探讨, 在崭新的、国际化的议会中,
debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; cosmopolitan:adj.世界性的;四海一家的;n.四海为家者;世界主义者; parliaments:n.议会,国会;
in new institutions that reflect the diversity of people contributing to a utopian project of a global network. 在新的机构中—— 它们应当能反映 “为全球化网络理想工程 做出贡献的人们的多元化”。
institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) reflect:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化: contributing:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助;增加;增进;(contribute的现在分词) utopian:adj.乌托邦的;空想的;理想化的;n.空想家;乌托邦的居民;
And while it may seem impossible to consider the values of users worldwide, it's worth believing that there's more that connects us than separates us. 考虑到全球用户的价值观 虽说看上去不可能 但值得相信的是, 我们之间的 联系将比隔阂更强大。
MR: Yeah, at a time when populism is gaining strength, it becomes popular to justify the symptoms , to eradicate them, to make them invisible. 莫:没错, 在这个民粹主义抬头的时点, 为症状辩解、将它们消除、将它们隐形, 这样的做法变得普及。
populism:n.民粹主义,平民主义; justify:v.证明合法;整理版面;替…辩护; symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数) eradicate:vt.根除,根绝;消灭;
This ideology is spreading worldwide, analog as well as digital, and it's our duty to stop it before it's too late. 这种观念正在全世界扩散, 无论在现实里还是在网络上, 而我们的义务 是在为时已晚前阻止它。
ideology:n.意识形态;思想意识;观念学; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
The question of freedom and democracy must not only have these two options . 自由和民主的问题 并不能只有这两个选项。
democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; options:n.选择; v.得到或获准进行选择; (option的三单形式)
HB: Delete. 汗:删除。
MR: Or ignore. 莫:或者忽略。
HB: Thank you very much. 汗:谢谢大家。
(Applause) (掌声)