

I shoot Mr. Marlow twice, severing jugulars and carotids with near-surgical precision . 我向马洛先生开了两枪 用手术般的准度射断颈静脉和颈动脉
severing:v.切断;分离;分割;中止…的雇用合同;区别(sever的ing形式);n.切断;切割; jugulars:adj.颈静脉的;颈部的;咽喉的;n.颈静脉; carotids:adj.颈动脉的;n.颈动脉; precision:n.精度,[数]精密度;精确;adj.精密的,精确的;
He will die watching me take what is his away from him. 他只能眼睁睁看着 自己的生命被我夺去
This is my design. 这就是我的设想
I shoot Mrs. Marlow expertly through the neck. 我熟练地射穿了马洛太太的脖子
This is not a fatal wound . The bullet misses every artery . 这不是致命伤 子弹避开了所有动脉
fatal:adj.致命的;灾难性的;毁灭性的;导致失败的; wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害; bullet:n.子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子;vi.射出;迅速行进; artery:n.动脉;干道;主流;
She is paralyzed before it leaves her body. 在子弹离开身体前她就已全身瘫痪
Which doesn't mean she can't feel pain. 但这不代表她感受不到疼痛
It just means she can't do anything about it. 只是她自救无能 无力反抗
This is my design. 这是我的设想
This is DDX Security. 这里是DDX保安公司
Who am I speaking with? 请问您是哪位
I need the incident report for the home security company. 我要住宅安保公司的事故报告
This was recorded as a false alarm . 这次被记录为误报警
false alarm:假警报;虚警;
There was a false alarm last... week. 上周也有过一次误报警
He tapped their phone. 他窃听了他们的电话
Yeah. It's been tapped. 是的 电话被窃听了
He recorded Mrs. Marlow's conversation with the security company. 他录下了马洛太太和安保公司之间的对话
This is DDX Security. Who am I speaking with? 这里是DDX保安公司 请问您是哪位
Theresa Marlow. 特蕾莎.马洛
Can you please confirm your password for security purposes? 为了安全起见 能请您确认一下密码吗
Tea kettle . 平底茶壶
Thank you, Mrs. Marlow. We detected a front-door alarm. 谢谢 马洛太太 我们检测到了前门的警报
Yeah, sorry about that. 不好意思
Is there anyone in the house with you at this time, Mrs. Marlow? 现在屋里就您一人吗 马洛太太
I'm just here with my husband. 我和我老公都在
Do you require any further assistance? 您需要其它帮助吗
No. Thank you so much for calling. 不用了 多谢你打电话过来
And this is when it gets truly horrifying for Mrs. Marlow. 而真正让马洛太太毛骨悚然的事才刚刚开始
Everyone has thought about killing someone, one way or another, be it your own hand or the hand of God. 每个人都想过要杀人 用着某种方法 自己下手或等着神降天罚
Now think about killing Mrs. Marlow. 现在大家想想 杀害马洛太太
Why did she deserve this? 她为何落得如此结局
Tell me your design. 告诉我你们的设想
Tell me who you are. 告诉我你们是谁
Mr. Graham. 格雷厄姆先生
Special Agent jack Crawford . 我是特别探员杰克.克劳福德
Special Agent:n.特工;特务; Crawford:n.克劳福德(美国西部小镇);
I head the Behavioral Science Unit. 行为科学部负责人
We've met. - Yes. 我们见过 -是的
We had a disagreement when we opened up the museum. 我们在是否开放博物馆这点上有过分歧
I disagreed with what you named it. 我只是不同意你取的名字
The, uh, Evil Minds Research Museum. 邪恶心理研究博物馆吗
It's a little hammy , Jack. 这有点哗众取宠了 杰克
I see you've hitched your horse to a teaching post, and I also understand it's difficult for you to be social. 我知道你收起内心的躁动当了老师 我也理解你有社交困难
Well, I'm just talking at them. 我只是在对他们说话
I'm not listening to them. 并没有听他们回话
It's not social. - I see. 这不算社交 -好吧
May I? 你介意吗
Where do you fall on the spectrum ? 你现在情况是怎么样
My horse is hitched to a post that is closer to Asperger's and autistics than narcissists and sociopaths . 我内心的躁动 让我更加接近阿斯伯格综合症和孤独症 而不是自负和反社会
autistics:adj.[心理][内科]孤独症的;孤僻的;n.孤独症患者(常指儿童); narcissists:n.自我陶醉者; sociopaths:n.反社会的人;不爱社交的人;