

You may have noticed that I'm wearing two different shoes. 你或许发现了, 我穿着两只不一样的鞋。
It probably looks funny -- it definitely feels funny -- but I wanted to make a point . 这看起来也许挺可笑—— 穿着的感觉的确挺可笑的—— 我是为了说明一件事情。
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; to make a point:表明一种观点;
Let's say my left shoe corresponds to a sustainable footprint , meaning we humans consume less natural resources than our planet can regenerate , and emit less carbon dioxide than our forests and oceans can reabsorb . 假设我左脚的鞋代表可持续的足迹, 可持续足迹的意思是 人类消耗的自然资源 比地球可再生的要少, 以及我们排放的二氧化碳 比森林和海洋能再吸收的要少。
corresponds:v.相一致;符合;类似于;相当于;通信;(correspond的第三人称单数) sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; footprint:n.足迹;脚印; consume:v.消耗;吃;毁灭;烧毁; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); regenerate:vt.使再生;革新;vi.再生;革新;adj.再生的;革新的; emit:v.发出,射出,散发(光、热、声音、气等); carbon dioxide:二氧化碳; reabsorb:vi.再吸附;重吸收;
That's a stable and healthy condition. 那是一个稳定而健康的状态。
Today's situation is more like my other shoe. 而当今的形势更像是 我的另一只鞋。
It's way oversized . 它大太多了。
At the second of August in 2017, we had already consumed all resources our planet can regenerate this year. 到2017年8月2日, 我们消耗的资源就已经 超过了地球这一年可再生的量。
consumed:adj.沉迷…的; v.消耗,耗费; (consume的过去分词和过去式)
This is like spending all your money until the 18th of a month and then needing a credit from the bank for the rest of the time. 这就好像刚到18号就 花光了这个月所有的钱, 然后剩下的日子要向银行借钱生活。
For sure, you can do this for some months in a row, but if you don't change your behavior, sooner or later , you will run into big problems. 当然,你可以连续几个月这么过, 但如果不改变行为习惯的话, 迟早你会面临大麻烦。
sooner or later:迟早,早晚;
We all know the devastating effects of this excessive exploitation : global warming , rising of the sea levels, melting of the glaciers and polar ice, increasingly extreme climate patterns and more. 我们都知道过度使用的毁灭性影响: 全球变暖、 海平面上升、 冰川和极地冰融化、 越来越极端的气候等等。
devastating:adj.毁灭性的; v.毁灭; (devastate的现在分词) excessive:adj.过多的,极度的;过分的; exploitation:n.开发,开采;利用;广告推销; global warming:n.全球(气候)变暖;地球大气层变暖; melting:adj.感人的;v.(使)熔化,融化;(melt的现在分词) glaciers:n.[地理][水文]冰川(glacier的复数);[地理][水文]冰河; polar:adj.极地的;南极(或北极)的;n.极线;极面; increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物;
The enormity of this problem really frustrates me. 这个问题的严重性让我很沮丧。
enormity:n.巨大;暴行;极恶; frustrates:vt.挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心;vi.失败;受挫;adj.挫败的;无益的;
What frustrates me even more is that there are solutions to this, but we keep doing things like we always did. 让我更沮丧的是, 这问题已经有解决方案了, 但我们的行为却毫无改变。
Today I want to share with you how a new solar technology can contribute to a sustainable future of buildings. 今天我想和你们分享, 新型太阳能技术如何帮助 实现建筑物的可持续未来。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; contribute to:有助于;捐献;
Buildings consume about 40 percent of our total energy demand, so tackling this consumption would significantly reduce our climate emissions . 因为建筑物消耗我们 能源总需求的约40%, 所以解决建筑物的能耗 会显着减少温室气体排放。
tackling:n.装备,用具;扭住;v.处理;抓住;(tackle的现在分词); consumption:n.消费;消耗;肺痨; significantly:adv.意味深长地;值得注目地; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数)
A building designed along sustainable principles can produce all the power it needs by itself. 根据可持续原则设计的建筑物 可实现电力生产、消耗的自给自足。
To achieve this, you first have to reduce the consumption as much as possible, by using well-insulated walls or windows, for instance . 想要达到此目标, 首先需要尽可能减少消耗, 比如使用隔热的墙或窗户。
These technologies are commercially available. 这些技术在市场上可以买到。
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); commercially:adv.商业上;通商上;
Then you need energy for warm water and heating. 在需要能源来提供热水和暖气时,
You can get this in a renewable way from the sun through solar-thermal installations or from the ground and air, with heat pumps . 可以用可再生的方式, 通过太阳能发热设备从太阳获取, 或者用热泵从地面和空气获取。
renewable:adj.可再生的;可更新的;可继续的;n.再生性能源; installations:n.[军]设施;装置(installation的复数形式);[机]设备; pumps:n.[机]泵; v.用泵送;
All of these technologies are available. 所有这些技术也是唾手可得。
Then you are left with the need for electricity . 最后要考虑的就是对电的需求。
In principle , there are several ways to get renewable electricity, but how many buildings do you know which have a windmill on the roof or a water power plant in the garden? 原则上,有几种办法来 获取可再生电能, 但你知道几个建筑物顶部有风车? 或花园里有水力发电站?
In principle:大体上,原则上; windmill:n.风车;风车房;旋转玩具;直升飞机;vt.使旋转;vi.作风车般旋转; power plant:n.发电厂;发电站;
Probably not so many, because usually, it doesn't make sense . 应该没有几个,因为, 通常情况下这不符合常理。
make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理;
But the sun provides abundant energy to our roofs and facades . 但是太阳为屋顶和外墙面 提供了大量能源。
abundant:adj.丰富的;充裕的;盛产; facades:n.外立面(facade的复数);
The potential to harvest this energy at our buildings' surfaces is enormous . 在建筑物表面取用能源 是潜力巨大的。
potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的;
Let's take Europe as an example. 让我们以欧洲为例。
If you would utilize all areas which have a nice orientation to the sun and they're not overly shaded , the power generated by photovoltaics would correspond to about 30 percent of our total energy demand. 如果把朝向阳光的 所有区域都利用起来, 并且这些区域没有被 过度遮盖的话, 太阳能光伏产生的能源 能提供我们能源总需求的30%。
utilize:v.利用;运用;使用;应用; orientation:n.方向;定向;适应;情况介绍;向东方; overly:adv.过度地;极度地; shaded:adj.荫蔽的;色彩较暗的;v.遮蔽住;使阴暗(shade的过去分词); generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词) photovoltaics:光伏;太阳光电;光生伏打
But today's photovoltaics have some issues . 但当今的太阳能光伏产品并不完善。
They do offer a good cost-performance ratio , but they aren't really flexible in terms of their design, and this makes aesthetics a challenge. 它们的性价比确实不错, 但设计不是很灵活, 这使得美观方面是个挑战。
ratio:n.比率;比例;v.用比例方式表达;求出…的比值;使…成比例; flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的; aesthetics:n.美学;美的哲学;
People often imagine pictures like this when thinking about solar cells on buildings. 人们在想到建筑物的太阳能电池时, 经常想象的是这样的画面。
This may work for solar farms, but when you think of buildings, of streets, of architecture , aesthetics does matter. 这也许在太阳能电厂适用, 但当你考虑到楼、街道 以及建筑物构架时, 美观很重要。
This is the reason why we don't see many solar cells on buildings today. 这就是当今安装太阳能电池的 建筑物不多的原因。
They just don't match. 因为根本就不搭。
Our team is working on a totally different solar-cell technology, which is called organic photovoltaics or OPV. 我们团队正着手于 完全不同的太阳能电池技术, 这种技术叫做 有机太阳能光伏,或OPV。
solar-cell:光电管; organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体;
The term organic describes that the material used for light absorption and charge transport are mainly based on the element carbon, and not on metals. “有机”的意思是, 用在光吸收和电荷传输上的材料 主要基于碳元素, 而不是金属。
describes:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形;(describe的第三人称单数) absorption:n.吸收;全神贯注,专心致志; transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放; mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;
We utilize the mixture of a polymer which is set up by different repeating units, like the pearls in a pearl chain, and a small molecule which has the shape of a football and is called fullerene . 我们用不同的重复性单元 合成了聚合物的混合物, 就像在珍珠链上的一粒粒珍珠, 以及一种有足球形状的 叫富勒烯的小分子。
mixture:n.混合;结合体;混合物;集合体; polymer:n.[高分子]聚合物; pearls:n.珍珠;像珍珠之物;(pearl的复数) molecule:n.[化学]分子;微小颗粒,微粒; fullerene:n.富勒烯;球壳状碳分子;
These two compounds are mixed and dissolved to become an ink. 混合并溶解这两种成分 使其成为油墨。
compounds:n.混合物,化合物;大院(compound的复数形式); dissolved:v.溶;使(固体)溶解;解除;终止;(dissolve的过去式和过去分词)
And like ink, they can be printed with simple printing techniques like slot-die coating in a continuous roll-to-roll process on flexible substrates . 就像真的墨水一样, 它可以用简单的印刷技术印出来, 比如在柔性基材上使用 连续卷对卷式槽模涂布技术。
techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数) continuous:adj.连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; substrates:n.基板;基底(substrate的复数);基片;
The resulting thin layer is the active layer, absorbing the energy of the sun. 这样制出的薄层是 用来吸收太阳能量的活性层。
layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次; absorbing:adj.引人入胜的;精彩的;v.吸收;吞并;同化;理解;(absorb的现在分词)
This active layer is extremely effective . 这个活性层极其高效。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象;
You only need a layer thickness of 0.2 micrometers to absorb the energy of the sun. 只需要0.2毫米厚的这种薄层 来吸收太阳的能量。
thickness:n.厚度;层;浓度;含混不清; micrometers:n.微米;[机]千分尺;分厘卡;[仪]测微计;
This is 100 times thinner than a human hair. 人类的头发都要比 这个薄层厚100倍。
To give you another example, take one kilogram of the basic polymer and use it to formulate the active ink. 举另外一个例子, 取一公斤基础聚合物, 制成活性油墨。
With this amount of ink, you can print a solar cell the size of a complete football field. 这样做出的油墨量 可以打印出整个足球场 那么大的太阳能电池。
solar cell:光电管;
So OPV is extremely material efficient , which I think is a crucial thing when talking about sustainability . 因此OPV在原料利用率上 是非常高效的, 我觉得这对于可持续发展很关键。
efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的; crucial:adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的; sustainability:n.持续性;永续性;能维持性;
After the printing process, you can have a solar module which could look like this ... 在印刷工序之后, 就能得到像这样的太阳能模块。
It looks a bit like a plastic foil and actually has many of its features. 它看起来有点像塑料片, 也确实具备很多塑料片的特征。
It's lightweight ... 它很轻,
it's bendable ... 可以折弯,
and it's semi-transparent. 而且是半透明的。
But it can harvest the energy of the sun outdoors and also of this indoor light, as you can see with this small, illuminated LED. 但它既能吸收室外的太阳能, 又能吸收室内的光, 这个被点亮的小LED灯就可以证明。
indoor:adj.(在)室内的;在户内进行的;在室内用的; as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; illuminated:adj.被照明的;v.照明;启发;兴奋(illuminate的过去分词);
You can use it in its plastic form and take advantage of its low weight and its bendability . 你可以利用它的塑料形式, 重量轻以及可弯曲的特点。
take advantage of:利用; bendability:n.弯曲性;
The first is important when thinking about buildings in warmer regions . 对于热带地区的建筑物, 重量轻是很重要的。
Here, the roofs are not designed to bear additionally heavy loads. 这些建筑物的屋顶设计 并不能承受特别重的负载。
They aren't designed for snow in winter, for instance, so heavy silicon solar cells cannot be used for light harvesting, but these lightweight solar foils are very well suited. 例如,这里的屋顶设计 不会考虑冬天的积雪, 所以不能用很重的 硅太阳能电池来获取光能, 那这些很轻的太阳能片 就非常适用了。
silicon:n.[化学]硅;硅元素; foils:n.[材]箔;薄片(foil的复数);v.衬托,挡开(foil的第三人称单数);
The bendability is important if you want to combine the solar cell with membrane architecture. 如果想把太阳能电池与 膜结构建筑结合起来, 可弯曲的特点就尤为重要。
Imagine the sails of the Sydney Opera as power plants. 想象一下,悉尼歌剧院的 帆结构变成发电厂。
Alternatively , you can combine the solar foils with conventional construction materials like glass. 或者,可把太阳能膜片与 玻璃之类的传统建筑材料相结合。
Alternatively:adv.非此即彼;二者择一地;作为一种选择; conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; construction:n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句;
Many glass facade elements contain a foil anyway, to create laminated safety glass . 反正许多玻璃外墙材料 已经包含了一层膜, 用来制作夹层安全玻璃。
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) laminated:adj.层压的;层积的;薄板状的;v.分成薄片;用薄片覆盖(laminate的过去分词); safety glass:n.安全玻璃(碎片无尖锐棱角的高强度玻璃);
It's not a big deal to add a second foil in the production process, but then the facade element contains the solar cell and can produce electricity. 在生产工序中加入 第二层膜并不难, 但这样做出的外墙材料中 包含了太阳能电池, 它就可以发电了。
a big deal:na.要人;重要的事;
Besides looking nice, these integrated solar cells come along with two more important benefits. 除了美观之外, 这些集成太阳能电池 还有两个重要的优点。
Besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词)
Do you remember the solar cell attached to a roof I showed before? 还记得我之前展示的 屋顶的太阳能电池吗?
In this case, we install the roof first, and as a second layer, the solar cell. 在该情况下,要先安装屋顶, 然后安装第二层,太阳能电池。
This is adding on the installation costs. 这增加了安装成本。
In the case of integrated solar cells, at the site of construction, only one element is installed , being at the same time the envelope of the building and the solar cell. 有了集成太阳能电池, 只需在施工现场安装一次, 建筑物的外壳与太阳能电池 同时安装。
site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹;
Besides saving on the installation costs, this also saves resources, because the two functions are combined into one element. 这样除了能节省安装成本, 还能节约资源, 因为两个功能合并成一个部件了。
Earlier, I've talked about optics . 之前我谈到了光学。
I really like this solar panel -- maybe you have different taste or different design needs ... 我很喜欢这个太阳能板—— 你可能会有不同的喜好 或设计需求——
solar panel:n.太阳能电池板;
No problem. 没问题。
With the printing process, the solar cell can change its shape and design very easily. 有了印刷工艺, 很容易改变太阳能电池的 设计和形状。
This will give the flexibility to architects , to planners and building owners, to integrate this electricity-producing technology as they wish. 这就给建筑师、规划师及业主 提供了灵活性, 可以按他们的意愿来 集成这种发电技术。
flexibility:n.灵活性;弹性;适应性; architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); planners:n.规划师;规划人员(planner的复数);计划人员;
I want to stress that this is not just happening in the labs . 我想强调一下, 这不是只发生在实验室里。
It will take several more years to get to mass adoption , but we are at the edge of commercialization , meaning there are several companies out there with production lines. 虽然还要几年才能 大规模采用这种技术, 但我们已经接近商业化, 意味着已经有公司具备生产线。
mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; adoption:n.采用;收养;接受; commercialization:n.商品化,商业化;
They are scaling up their capacities , and so are we, with the inks. 这些公司在扩大生产能力, 我们的油墨也在进步。
scaling:n.缩放比例; v.剥落; capacities:n.能力;容量;性能;生产量(capacity的复数);
(Shoe drops) (鞋子踢踏声)
This smaller footprint is much more comfortable. 足迹比较小的这个舒服多了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
It is the right size, the right scale . 它大小合适,尺度正确。
We have to come back to the right scale when it comes to energy consumption. 能源消耗方面,我们也要 回到正确的尺度。
And making buildings carbon-neutral is an important part here. 让建筑物保持碳中和是重要的一项。
In Europe, we have the goal to decarbonize our building stock [by] 2050. 在欧洲, 我们的目标是在2050年以前 使所有建筑物脱碳。
decarbonize:vt.除去碳素;脱去…的碳(等于decarburize); stock:n.股票; v.库存; adj.老一套的;
I hope organic photovoltaics will be a big part of this. 我希望有机太阳能光伏 将会发挥巨大作用。
Here are a couple of examples. 这有几个例子。
This is the first commercial installation of fully printed organic solar cells. 这是第一个商业安装的 全印刷的有机太阳能电池。
'"Commercial" means that the solar cells were printed on industrial equipment. “商业”是指太阳能电池 由工业设备印刷而成。
industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票;
The so-called "solar trees" were part of the German pavilion at the World Expo in Milan in 2015. 这个所谓的“太阳能树”是2015年 米兰世博会上德国馆的一部分。
so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; pavilion:n.阁;亭子;大帐篷;展示馆;vt.搭帐篷;置…于亭中;笼罩; Expo:n.展览会;
They provided shading during the day and electricity for the lighting in the evening. 它们白天可以遮阳, 晚上为灯供电。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) shading:n.(绘画的)明暗法; v.给…遮挡(光线); (shade的现在分词)
You may wonder why this hexagonal shape was chosen for the solar cells. 你也许会好奇,这太阳能电池 为什么会选六角形状。
Easy answer: the architects wanted to have a specific shading pattern on the floor and asked for it, and then it was printed as requested. 答案很简单: 建筑师想在地板上映出 特定的阴影图案, 要求了这个形状, 然后就按着要求印刷了。
Being far from a real product, this free-form installation hooked the imagination of the visiting architects much more than we expected. 离实际量产还很远的时候, 这个自由形式的安装 满足了来访的建筑师的设想, 效果远超我们的预期。
free-form:adj.自由形态的; hooked:adj.弯曲的; v.(使)钩住,挂住; (hook的过去分词和过去式) imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
This other application is closer to the projects and applications we are targeting. 另一个应用就更接近 我们的目标项目和应用了。
In an office building in S?o Paulo, Brazil , semitransparent OPV panels are integrated into the glass facade, serving different needs. 这是巴西圣保罗的一栋办公楼, 玻璃外墙中嵌有半透明的OPV板, 来满足多个需求。
Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家); semitransparent:adj.半透明的; panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式);
First, they provided shading for the meeting rooms behind. 首先,它们给背后的会议室提供遮蔽。
Second, the logo of the company is displayed in an innovative way. 其次,以一个创新的方式 展示了公司的标识。
logo:n.标志; displayed:v.陈列;展出;展示;显露(display的过去分词和过去式) innovative:adj.革新的,创新的;
And of course, electricity is produced, reducing the energy footprint of the building. 当然,也能发电, 减少了整栋楼的能源消耗。
This is pointing towards a future where buildings are no longer energy consumers , but energy providers . 这预示着一种未来, 那时建筑物将不再是能源消耗体, 而是能源供给体。
consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数) providers:n.供应者;提供者;供养人;(provider的复数)
I want to see solar cells seamlessly integrated into our building shells to be both resource-efficient and a pleasure to look at. 我想看到太阳能电池 无缝嵌入建筑物的外壳, 实现既资源高效又美观的应用。
seamlessly:adv.无缝地; shells:n.壳;壳状物;炮弹;v.炮击;给…去壳(shell的第三人称单数和复数)
For roofs, silicon solar cells will often continue to be a good solution . 至于屋顶,硅太阳能电池 将仍然是个好的选择。
But to exploit the potential of all facades and other areas, such as semitransparent areas, curved surfaces and shadings , 但还要挖掘所有外墙面 以及其他区域的潜力, 例如半透明区域, 弯曲的表面及阴影区域,
curved:adj.呈弯曲状的; v.(使)沿曲线运动; shadings:n.底纹;遮蔽;[印刷]明暗法;[印刷]描影法;留下阴影;
I believe organic photovoltaics can offer a significant contribution , and they can be made in any form architects and planners will want them to. 我相信有机太阳能光伏 能带来显着的贡献, 并且以建筑师和规划师 想要的任何形式呈现。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)