

Adrian Kohler: Well, we're here today to talk about the evolution of a puppet horse. 艾德里安 科勒:我们今天来 是想讲讲木偶战马的进化
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; puppet:n.木偶;傀儡;
Basil Jones: But actually we're going to start this evolution with a hyena . 贝索 琼斯:事实上我们想以木偶鬣狗 来开篇
Basil:n.罗勒属植物(用于调味);斜刃面; hyena:n.[脊椎]鬣狗,土狼;
AK: The ancestor of the horse. 艾德里安 科勒:也就是木偶战马的先祖
Okay, we'll do something with it. 现在我们要表演了
(Laughter) (笑声)
Hahahahahahahahaha. 哈哈
The hyena is the ancestor of the horse because it was part of a production called "Faustus in Africa," 这个木偶鬣狗是木偶战马的先祖 因为它是整个制作的一部分 叫做“非洲的浮士德”
a Handspring Production from 1995, where it had to play draughts with Helen of Troy. 是我们回春手公司1995年的作品 用来在海伦特洛伊一剧中拖载重物
Handspring:n.翻筋斗;前手翻腾越; draughts:n.国际跳棋;
This production was directed by a South African artist and theater director, 这个作品是由一个 南非的艺术家和剧场导演来指导的
William Kentridge. 威廉 肯持觉
So it needed a very articulate front paw . 所以这个鬣狗需要有非常灵敏的前爪
articulate:vt.清晰地发(音); vi.发音; adj.发音清晰的; paw:v.抓;猥亵地乱摸;动手动脚;动手挑逗;n.(动物的)爪;(人的)手;
But, like all puppets , it has other attributes . 但是就像所有的木偶一样,它也有其他的特性
puppets:n.木偶;傀儡(puppet的复数); attributes:v.把…归因于; n.属性; (attribute的第三人称单数和复数)
BJ: One of them is breath, and it kind of breathes. 贝索 琼斯:其中之一就是呼吸 它能呼吸
AK: Haa haa haaa. 艾德里安 科勒:(呼吸声)
BJ: Breath is really important for us. 贝索 琼斯:呼吸对我们是很重要的
It's the kind of original movement for any puppet for us onstage . 在舞台上对木偶来说 这是一个非常基本的动作
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; onstage:adj.台上的;台上演出的;adv.上台;上场;
It's the thing that distinguishes the puppet -- 这是区分木偶-
AK: Oops. 艾德里安 科勒:不好!
BJ: from an actor. 贝索 琼斯:和演员的基本原则
Puppets always have to try to be alive. 木偶总是试图活过来的
It's their kind of ur-story onstage, that desperation to live. 这是它们台上的挣扎 它们对生命的渴望
AK: Yeah, it's basically a dead object, as you can see , and it only lives because you make it. 艾德里安 科勒:这是个没有生命的物体,像大家看到的 它只有在你使它活过来的时候 才有生命
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
An actor struggles to die onstage, but a puppet has to struggle to live. 演员试图在台上演死去 木偶在台上试图活过来
And in a way that's a metaphor for life. 这也是一种生命的隐喻
BJ: So every moment it's on the stage , it's making the struggle. 贝索 琼斯:所以每时每刻在舞台上,它都会试着试图活下去。
on the stage:在舞台上;现阶段;当演员;
So we call this a piece of emotional engineering that uses up-to-the-minute 17th century technology -- 我们管它叫做 一个情感工程 它使用最新的 十七世纪的技术-
emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词) up-to-the-minute:adj.最新的;最近的;直到现在的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
(Laughter) (笑声)
to turn nouns into verbs . 来把名词 变成动词
nouns:名词(noun的复数) verbs:n.[语]动词(verb的复数);
AK: Well actually I prefer to say that it's an object constructed out of wood and cloth with movement built into it to persuade you to believe that it has life. 艾德里安 科勒:其实我想说 这是个物体 由木头和布做的 当我们融入动作 就能诱使你相信它是有生命的
prefer:v.更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式) persuade:v.说服;劝说;使信服;使相信;
BJ: Okay so. 贝索 琼斯:好的
AK: It has ears that move passively when the head goes. 艾德里安 科勒:当它的头转的时候 耳朵能跟着移动
BJ: And it has these bulkheads made out of plywood , covered with fabric -- curiously similar, in fact, to the plywood canoes that Adrian's father used to make w hen he was a boy in their workshop . 贝索 琼斯:它有这些隔板 都是压合板作的 覆上布料- 事实上和艾德里安的父亲 还是个孩童时 在工作间里做的 压板独木舟出奇地相似
bulkheads:n.隔板;防水壁; plywood:n.夹板,胶合板; fabric:n.织物;布料;(社会,机构等的)结构; curiously:adv.好奇地;奇妙地; workshop:n.车间;研讨会;讲习班;工场;v.学习;
AK: In Port Elizabeth, the village outside Port Elizabeth in South Africa. 艾德里安 科勒:在伊丽莎白港,港外的小村庄里
BJ: His mother was a puppeteer . 贝索 琼斯:他的妈妈是一个木偶剧演员
And when we met at art school and fell in love in 1971, 我们在1971年 在艺术学院相识 相爱
I hated puppets. 我当时讨厌木偶
I really thought they were so beneath me. 总觉得它们很低贱
I wanted to become an avant garde artist -- and " Sesame Street" and Punch and Judy was certainly not where I wanted to go. 我想成为特别前卫的艺术家- 《庞奇和朱迪》可我绝对不想做的 事实上,我花了十年
avant garde:adj.先锋派的;先驱的;n.先驱;(艺术的)先锋派;前卫;前卫派;先锋艺术; Sesame:n.芝麻; Punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
And, in fact, it took about 10 years. 来发掘
AK: For us to love "Sesame Street".
BJ: And for me to discover the Bamaro bambano puppets of Mali in West Africa, where there's a fabulous tradition of puppetry , to learn a renewed , or a new, respect for this art form. 那里有令人惊叹的木偶制作传统 二十年后,出乎意料地
fabulous:adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的; puppetry:n.木偶;木偶戏;傀儡; renewed:adj.再次发生的; v.重新开始; (renew的过去分词和过去式)
AK: So in 1981, I persuaded Basil and some friends of mine to form a puppet company. 巴马口的艺术团
And 20 years later, miraculously , we collaborated with a company from Mali, the Sogolon Marionette Troupe of Bamako, where we made a piece about a tall giraffe. 名字叫做“高马”的,是一个真长颈鹿大小的木偶 但换做用藤蔓做主框架,
miraculously:adv.奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地; collaborated:v.合作;协作;通敌;勾结敌人;(collaborate的过去分词和过去式) Marionette:n.牵线木偶; Troupe:n.剧团;一班;一团;vi.巡回演出;
It was just called "Tall Horse" which was a life-sized giraffe.
BJ: And here again, you see the same structure . 但是差不多是一样的结构
The bulkheads have now turned into hoops of cane , but it's ultimately the same structure. 它需要在里面藏两个人,踩着高跷
hoops:n.箍;环;圈;(篮球)篮圈,篮框;(hoop的复数) cane:n.手杖;藤条;细长的茎;v.以杖击;以藤编制; ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究;
It's got two people inside it on stilts , which give them the height, and somebody in the front who's using a kind of steering wheel to move that head. 艾德里安 科勒:一个人在后腿这里 同时掌控尾巴,就像是鬣狗一样-
stilts:n.桩子,支柱;高跷;(stilt的复数) steering wheel:n.方向盘;(操)舵轮;
AK: The person in the hind legs is also controlling the tail, a bit like the hyena -- same mechanism , just a bit bigger. 贝索 琼斯:这个制作
hind:adj.后部的;n.雌鹿; mechanism:n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧;
And he's controlling the ear movement.
BJ: So this production was seen by Tom Morris of the National Theatre in London. 他的母亲说: “你有没有看过麦克 莫普构的书
And just around that time, his mother had said, "Have you seen this book by Michael Morpurgo called 'War Horse'?" 艾德里安 科勒:这是个关于一个男孩爱上一匹马的故事 这匹马被卖到去参加一次世界大战
AK: It's about a boy who falls in love with a horse.
The horse is sold to the First World War , and he joins up to find his horse. 在国家剧院演戏用?”
First World War:n.第一次世界大战(1914至1918年间,主战场在欧洲);
BJ: So Tom gave us a call and said, "Do you think you could make us a horse for a show to happen at the National Theatre?" 艾德里安 科勒:这主意听起来妙极了 贝索 琼斯:但是这马得能骑,它得有个骑士
AK: It seemed a lovely idea.
BJ: But it had to ride. It had to have a rider . (笑声)
AK: It had to have a rider, and it had to participate in calvary charges.
participate:v.参加;参与; calvary:n.骷髅地(耶稣被钉上十字架的地方);基督于十字架上之受难像;
(Laughter) 和骑兵团的费用
A play about early 20th century plowing technology and cavalry charges was a little bit of a challenge for the accounting department at the National Theatre in London.
plowing:v.犁;耕;开路;犁;耕地;(plow的现在分词) cavalry:n.骑兵;装甲兵;装甲部队; a little bit of a:一点点了;
But they agreed to go along with it for a while . 他们是马的藤圈系统的设计者
go along with:赞同;陪…一起去; for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
So we began with a test.
BJ: This is Adrian and [unclear], who went on to actually design the cane system for the horse, and our next-door neighbor Katherine, riding on a ladder . 我们的邻居卡瑟琳 艾德里安 科勒:一旦我们逼着卡瑟琳 经历了这个特别的“炼狱”
next-door:adj.隔壁的;邻家的;adv.邻家; ladder:n.阶梯;途径;梯状物;v.成名;发迹;在…上装设梯子;
The weight is really difficult when it's up above your head. 我们就意识到我们可能能够作出一个能被骑的马来
AK: And once we put Katherine through that particular brand of hell, we knew that we might be able to make a horse, which could be ridden. 所以我们做了个模型 是个纸板模型 比鬣狗稍小一点
So we made a model.
This is a cardboard model a little bit smaller than the hyena.
You'll notice that the legs are plywood legs and the canoe structure is still there.
BJ: And the two manipulators are inside. 因为我们不能从里面
But we didn't realize at the time that we actually needed a third manipulator, because we couldn't manipulate the neck from inside and walk the horse at the same time . 控制脖子的运动 同时也让马行走 艾德里安 科勒:在设计模型通过后, 我们开始作雏形 制作雏形很费了些时间
manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
AK: We started work on the prototype after the model was approved , and the prototype took a bit longer than we anticipated . 我们还得给雏形做个大箱子 它得被运往伦敦
prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态; approved:adj.被正式接受的,被正式认可的; v.赞成; (approve的过去分词和过去式) anticipated:adj.预期的; v.预期; (anticipate的过去式和过去分词)
We had to throw out the plywood legs and make new cane ones. 我们原本想在我们克珀城外的道路上试跑
throw out:v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出;
And we had a crate built for it. 但是一直忙到半夜我们也没顾得上试跑一回
It had to be shipped to London.
We were going to test-drive it on the street outside of our house in Cape Town, and it got to midnight and we hadn't done that yet.
test-drive:vt.试车; Cape:n.披肩;披风;短斗篷;地角;
BJ: So we got a camera, and we posed the puppet in various galloping stances .
posed:v.造成;引起;产生;提问;质询;摆好姿势;(pose的过去分词和过去式) galloping:adj.迅速增加(或蔓延)的;v.飞奔,奔驰;奔跑;(gallop的现在分词) stances:n.姿态(stance的复数);步型;
And we sent it off to the National Theatre, hoping that they believed that we created something that worked. 就相信我们真的是造出了能动的东西
AK: A month later, we were there in London with this big box and a studio full of people about to work with us.
BJ: About 40 people.
AK: We were terrified. 这里我有一个十八秒钟的录像
We opened the lid , we took the horse out, and it did work; it walked and it was able to be ridden. 是这个雏形第一次走路的录像
Here I have an 18-second clip of the very first walk of the prototype. 人们酝酿新题材的地方 当时我们还没有过关呢
This is in the National Theatre studio, the place where they cook new ideas.
It had by no means got the green light yet.
by no means:决不;
The choreographer , Toby Sedgwick, invented a beautiful sequence where the baby horse, which was made out of sticks and bits of twigs , grew up into the big horse. 慢慢长大变成壮年的马 尼克 斯达,国家剧院的导演
choreographer:n.编舞者,舞蹈指导; Toby:n.托比(男子名);矮胖老人形啤酒杯; sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列; twigs:[植]细枝;
And Nick Starr, the director of the National Theatre, saw that particular moment -- he was standing next to me -- he nearly wet himself.
And so the show was given the green light.
And we went back to Cape Town and redesigned the horse completely.
Here is the plan.
And here is our factory in Cape Town where we make horses. 这些马都是手工制作的
You can see quite a lot of skeletons in the background there. 二十世纪的科技含量很少
The horses are completely handmade .
There is very little 20th century technology in them. 因为这些马必须要很轻,可塑性强
We used a bit of laser cutting on the plywood and some of the aluminum pieces. 很不幸,它们不能被批量生产出来
But because they have to be light and flexible , and each one of them is different, they can't be mass-produced , unfortunately .
flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的; mass-produced:adj.大量生产的,大批生产的; unfortunately:adv.不幸地;
So here are some half-finished horses ready to be worked in London.
And now we would like to introduce you to Joey.
Joey boy, you there?
Joey, come here.
No, no, I haven't got it.
He's got it in his pocket.
BJ: Joey.
AK: Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey.
Come here. Stand here where people can see you.
Move around . Come on. 我会轻轻地讲,要不乔伊该发脾气了
Move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
I'd just like to describe -- 这里, 克莱格在控制马的头
I won't talk too loud. He might get irritated .
Here, Craig is working the head.
He has bicycle brake cables going down to the head control in his hand. 分别管一个耳朵
Each one of them operates either an ear, separately , or the head, up and down. 他也用他的手直接 耳朵显然是
But he also controls the head directly by using his hand. 对展示了马的表情非常重要的 当耳朵向后指
The ears are obviously a very important emotional indicator of the horse. 说明马不是害怕就是愤怒
When they point right back, the horse is fearful or angry, depending upon what's going on in front of him, around him. 或者当马放松的时候,头会垂下来
Or, when he's more relaxed , the head comes down and the ears listen, either side. 马的听觉十分常重要的 几乎比它们的视觉更重要
Horses' hearing is very important.
It's almost more important than their eyesight .
Over here, 请看这里的弦腱
Tommy's got what you call the heart position.
He's working the leg.
You see the string tendon from the hyena, the hyena's front leg, automatically pulls the hoop up.
string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的; tendon:n.[解剖]腱; automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Horses are so unpredictable .
(Laughter) 马上就给你一种
The way a hoof comes up with a horse immediately gives you the feeling that it's a convincing horse action. 后腿也有相似的动作
hoof:n.(马等动物的)蹄;v.猛踢(球);把(球)踢出很远 convincing:adj.令人信服的; v.使确信; (convince的现在分词)
The hind legs have got the same action.
BJ: And Mikey also has, in his fingers, the ability to move the tail from left to right, and up and down with the other hand. 很复杂的组合 艾德里安 科勒:你想说说关于呼吸的部分么?
And together, there's quite a complex possibility of tail expression . 贝索 琼斯:我们在呼吸的模拟上撞了南墙 艾德里安以为
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; expression:n.表现,表示,表达;
AK: You want to say something about the breathing? 他必须要把木偶的胸部剖成两半
BJ: We had a big challenge with breathing. 才能做出呼吸-
Adrian thought that he was going to have to split the chest of the puppet in two and make it breath like that -- because that's how a horse would breathe, with an expanded chest. 但是我们发现 如果这样做 作为观众的你们是看不到的
split:v.分离;使分离;劈开;离开;分解;n.劈开;裂缝;adj.劈开的; expanded:adj.扩充的;展开的;vt.扩大(expand的过去式);
But we realized that, if that were to be happening, you wouldn't, as an audience, see the breath.
So he made a channel in here, and the chest moves up and down in that channel. 这个和自然的动作是相悖的,上下动 所以就非常简单就解决了
So it's anti-naturalistic really, the up and down movement, but it feels like breath.
And it's very, very simple because all that happens is that the puppeteer breathes with his knees. 艾德里安 科勒:另一个表情 如果我在马这里按下去
AK: Other emotional stuff . 核心的表演者能够从身体里面摇动
If I were to touch the horse here on his skin, the heart puppeteer can shake the body from inside and get the skin to quiver . 这个木偶是用藤线作的
You'll notice, of course, that the puppet is made out of cane lines. 我在画这个马的三维立体图的时候选择的 为了能让它在空中腾跃
And I would like you to believe that it was an aesthetic choice, that I was making a three-dimensional drawing of a horse that somehow moves in space. 当然了,这里用的藤线很轻
aesthetic:adj.美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的; three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
But of course, it was the cane is light, the cane is flexible, the cane is durable , and the cane is moldable . 就是这块皮肤自己 是用透明的尼龙网作的
durable:adj.耐用的;耐久的;长期的;长久的;n.耐久品; moldable:adj.可塑造的;
And so it was a very practical reason why it was made of cane. 如果灯光师
The skin itself is made out of a see-through nylon mesh , which, if the lighting designer wants the horse to almost disappear , she can light the background and the horse becomes ghostlike . 你只能看见马的骨骼 如果你从下面打灯,它就变得更实际一些
see-through:adj.透明的;穿透的; nylon:n.尼龙,[纺]聚酰胺纤维;尼龙袜; mesh:n.网格;网状物;陷阱;困境;圈套;v.(使)吻合,相配,匹配,适合; disappear:v.消失;失踪;不复存在; ghostlike:adj.恐怖的;灵魂似的;adv.幽灵似地;
You see the skeletal structure of it.
Or if you light it from above, it becomes more solid.
Again, that was a practical consideration .
The guys inside the horse have to be able to see out.
They have to be able to act along with their fellow actors in the production.
And it's very much an in-the-moment activity that they're engaged in .
engaged in:从事于;忙于;
It's three heads making one character.
But now we would like you to put Joey through some paces.
And plant.
Thank you.
And now just --
All the way from sunny California we have Zem Joaquin who's going to ride the horse for us.
So we would like to stress that the performance you see in the horse is three guys who have studied horse behavior incredibly thoroughly . 贝索 琼斯他们在台上时 是不能够互相交谈的 因为他们都有麦克风
performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; thoroughly:adv.彻底地,完全地;
BJ: Not being able to talk to one another while they're onstage because they're mic'd. 轻声嘶鸣和大声嘶吼等等-
The sound that that very large chest makes, of the horse -- the whinnying and the nickering and everything -- that starts usually with one performer, carries on with a second person and ends with a third. 艾德里安 科勒:迈克 伯瑞特,来自莱斯特 (掌声)
whinnying:n.马嘶声;adj.马嘶声;vt.以嘶声表示;vi.嘶,嘶叫; second person:n.第二人称;
AK: Mikey Brett from Leicestershire.
(Applause) 迈克 伯瑞特,克莱格,里奥,
Mikey Brett, Craig, Leo,
Zem Joaquin and Basil and me.
Thank you. Thank you.