

Scientific breakthrough , the kind that can potentially save lives, can sometimes be lying right out in the open for us to discover, in the evolved , accumulated body of human anecdote , for example, or in the time-tested adaptations that we observe in the natural world around us. 科学上的突破, 有潜力救人命的那种, 有时候就处于明处, 等待我们去发现, 例如人类轶事的堆积体的演变, 或者是 我们观察到的在自然界中 经过了时间考验的适应能力。
Scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; breakthrough:n.突破;开始取得成功之时;adj.突破性的; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; in the open:在户外;在野外; evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) accumulated:v.积累;积聚;(数量)逐渐增加;(accumulate的过去式和过去分词) anecdote:n.轶事;奇闻;秘史; time-tested:adj.久经试验的;经受时间考验的; adaptations:n.适应;改编(adaptation的复数); observe:v.观察;看到;庆祝;监视;
Science starts with observation , but the trick is to identify the patterns and signatures that we might otherwise dismiss as myth or coincidence , isolate them, and test them with scientific rigor . 科学始于观察, 但其中的窍门是去发现其中的规律与特征, 那些我们通常可能会视为 神话或是巧合的东西, 把它们孤立出来,并用严格的科学来试验。
observation:n.观察;观测;监视;(尤指据所见、所闻、所读而作的)评论; identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: signatures:n.签名;鲜明特征(signature的复数); dismiss:v.不予考虑;摒弃;消除;解雇; myth:n.神话;虚构的人,虚构的事; coincidence:n.巧合,巧事;同时存在;并存;相同; isolate:v.孤立; n.[微]分离菌; rigor:n.严厉;精确;苛刻;僵硬;
And when we do, the results will often surprise. 当我们这样做的时候,结果通常是惊人的。
Western Australia has had a particular problem with shark attacks over the last three years, unfortunately and tragically culminating in five fatal shark attacks in a 10-month period during that time. 澳大利亚西部地区曾有过一个特定的难题, 是关于近三年来的鲨鱼袭击, 其中不幸悲惨的 在十个月内连续发生了五起 致命的鲨鱼袭击。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; tragically:adv.悲剧地;悲惨地; culminating:v.(以某种结果)告终;(在某一点)结束;(culminate的现在分词) fatal:adj.致命的;灾难性的;毁灭性的;导致失败的;
But Western Australia is not alone in this. 但西澳大利亚的问题并不是特例
The incident of shark engagements on humans is escalating worldwide . 鲨鱼与人类发生接触的事件 正在向全球扩散
engagements:n.订婚;订婚期间;约定,约会;战斗;(engagement的复数) escalating:v.(使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧;(escalate的现在分词) worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地;
And so it's not surprising, perhaps, that in July of this year, 因此今年七月发生的 鲨鱼群体袭击减灾系统
Shark Attack Mitigation Systems in collaboration with the University of Western Australia Oceans Institute made an announcement which captured the attention of the worldwide media and of ocean users worldwide, and that was around the development of technology to mitigate or reduce the risk of shark attack based on the science of what sharks can see. 也是在预料之中的。 西澳大利亚大学海洋研究所发表了一项申明 该申明引起世界范围内的 媒体以及海洋使用者 的注意, 它是围绕着缓和或是减少鲨鱼袭击 的风险所要研发的科技, 它是科学原理是基于鲨鱼的视野。
Mitigation:n.减轻;缓和;平静; collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; Institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院; captured:adj.捕获的;被俘的;v.捕获;占领;引起;(capture的过去式和过去分词) media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; mitigate:vt.使缓和,使减轻;vi.减轻,缓和下来;
And I have for you today the story of that journey , but also the notion that science can be as powerful as a translator as it can be for invention. 我今天的主题就是想你讲述 那段旅程的故事, 除此以外,我还想说 科学作可以像转换器一样有力 它的核心在于创新。
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; notion:n.观念;信念;理解;
When we began this process , we were looking, it was about three years ago, and we'd just had the first two fatal shark attacks in Western Australia, and by chance , in a previous role, 最开始的时候 我们在观察,大概三年前, 在西澳大利亚刚发生了两起 鲨鱼袭击案件, 巧合的是,在我前一项工作中,
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; by chance:偶然;意外地; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
I happened to be having dinner with Harry Butler. 我曾有幸跟哈利·巴特勒共进晚餐。
Now Harry Butler, who most Australians would know is a famous naturalist , had spent a lot of time in the marine environment. 哈利·巴特勒,这个在澳大利亚十分出名的自然学家 在海洋环境相关的研究中花费了很多时间。
naturalist:n.自然主义者; adj.自然的(等于naturalistic); marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵;
Harry Butler is a precursor , if you like, to the late Steve Irwin. 哈利·巴特勒对于之后的史蒂夫·欧文 可以说是一个先导。
When I asked him about what the solution to the problem might be, the answer was quite surprising. 当我询问他关于 解决这个问题可能的方案时, 他给的答案让我吃惊。
He said, "Take a black wetsuit , band it in yellow stripes like a bumblebee , and you'll be mimicking the warning systems of most marine species ." 他说:“拿一个黑色的潜水衣, 涂上像大黄蜂一样的黄色条纹, 这样你就可以模拟了对大部分 海洋生物有效的警告系统。”
wetsuit:n.潜水服;防寒泳衣;湿式保暖服; band:n.带;波段;频带;箍;v.加彩条(或嵌条等);(将价格、收入等)划分档次; stripes:n.条子布;条纹布(stripe复数形式);v.给…加条纹(stripe的三单形式); bumblebee:n.[昆]大黄蜂; mimicking:v.模仿人的言行举止;做滑稽模仿;像,似;(mimic的现在分词) species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
I didn't think about that much at the time, and it wasn't until the next three fatal shark attacks happened, and it caused me to think, maybe there's some merit to this idea. 我在当时并没有多想, 直到又发生了三起严重的鲨鱼袭击, 我才开始思考, 这个想法可能有它的益处。
And I turned to the web to see if there might be some clues . 然后我开始上网搜索, 看有没有什么线索。
And it turns out the web is awash with this sort of evidence that supports this sort of thinking. 然而我发现网上泛滥着 支持这项思维的 这一类的证据。
awash:adj.被浪冲打的;与水面齐平的;充斥的; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
So biologically , there are plenty of species that display banding or patterns, warning patterns, to either be cryptical in the water or warn against being attacked, not the least of which is the pilot fish which spends a big slab of its life around the business end of a shark. 所以在生物学中,有很多的物种 身上有带状图案或警告图案, 用于在水中隐蔽自己 或是在遭遇袭击时发出警示, 其中之一的就是鲭类海鱼, 它们一生的大部分时间 都环绕在鲨鱼的周围。
biologically:adv.生物学上,生物学地; display:n.显示;炫耀;vt.显示;表现;陈列;vi.[动]作炫耀行为;adj.展览的;陈列用的; banding:n.捆扎;[电子]条带;v.联合,结合(band的现在分词); cryptical:adj.神秘的;隐藏的;含义模糊的; slab:n.厚板,平板;混凝土路面;厚片;v.把…分成厚片;用石板铺; business end:n.(工具或武器)行使主要功能的一端;
On the human side, Walter Starck, an oceanographer , has been painting his wetsuit since the 1970s, and anthropologically , 在人类这边,沃尔特·斯塔克,一名海洋学家, 从70年代就开始给他的潜水服涂色了, 而从人类学上讲,
oceanographer:n.海洋学家;海洋研究者; anthropologically:adv.人类学上;
Pacific island tribes painted themselves in bands in a sea snake ceremony to ward off the shark god. 太平洋岛屿上的部落为了抵挡鲨鱼神 的海蛇典礼上, 在自己的身上涂上条纹。
bands:n.乐队;法官; ceremony:n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼; ward:n.病房; v.防止;
So what's going on here? 那么这到底意味着什么?
Is this an idea lying wide out in the open for us to consider and define ? 这是一个处于明处的发现,等待我们 去考虑并下定义?
We know that sharks use a range of sensors when they engage, particularly for attack, but the sight sensor is the one that they use to identify the target, and particularly in the last number of meters before the attack. 我们都知道鲨鱼有一系列的感应器 用于锁定目标,尤其是进攻时, 但视觉传感器是它们用来 辨认目标的,尤其是 在将要进攻的最后几米内。
sensors:n.[自]传感器,感应器;感测器(sensor的复数); particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
It makes sense to pay attention to the biological anecdote because that's time-tested evolution over many millennia . 关注生物轶事是有意义的 因为那是经历了数千年 时间的考验的进化。
pay attention to:注意 evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; millennia:n.千年期(millennium的复数);一千年;千年庆典;太平盛世;
But isn't human anecdote also an evolution of sorts, the idea that there's a kernel of truth thought to be important, passed down from generation to generation, so that it actually ends up shaping human behavior? 但人类轶事不也是各种各样的进化, 有核心真理的这个想法 被认为是很重要的, 一代代地传承下来, 所以最终塑造了人类的行为?
I wanted to test this idea. 我想要验证这个观点。
I wanted to put some science to this anecdotal evidence, because if science could support this concept, then we might have at least part of the solution to shark attack right under our very nose. 我想往这个轶事凭证中 注入一些科学, 因为如果科学能支撑这一概念, 那么我们至少由可能得出一部分结论, 关于鲨鱼的袭击。
To do that, I needed some experts in shark vision and shark neurology , and a worldwide search, again, led to the University of W.A. 要这样做,我需要一些 鲨鱼的视野与经内科的专家, 而世界范围的搜索,再一次, 把我领到了西澳大学
vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; neurology:n.神经病学;神经学;
on the doorstep here, with the Oceans Institute. 的海洋研究所。
And professor Nathan Hart and his team had just written a paper which tells us, confirms that predatory sharks see in black and white , or grayscale . 而且南森·哈特跟他的团队 刚刚写了一篇文章, 确定地告诉我们掠夺性鲨鱼 的视野是黑白的,或者不同程度的灰色。
predatory:adj.掠夺的,掠夺成性的;食肉的;捕食生物的; in black and white:白纸黑字; grayscale:灰度;灰度图;灰度级;灰度模式;
So I called up Nathan, a little bit sheepishly , actually, about this idea that maybe we could use these patterns and shapes to produce a wetsuit to try and mitigate the risk of shark attack, and fortunately, he thought that was a good idea. 所以我联系了南森, 稍有犹豫地告诉他我的想法, 来制造潜水服从而减轻被鲨鱼攻击的风险, 而且幸运的是,他觉得这个想法不错。
So what ensued is a collaborative bit of research supported by the West Australian State Government. 所以我们确保了一次由西奥州政府 支助的一次协作性研究。
ensued:vi.跟着发生,接着发生;继起;vt.追求; collaborative:adj.合作的,协作的;
And we did three key things. 我们完成了三个重要事项。
The first is that we mapped the characteristics , the physical characteristics of the eyes of the three main predatory sharks, so the great white, tiger and bull shark. 首先,我们找出了三种主要攻击鲨鱼 视觉对应的 特征,物理特征。 其中有大白鲨,虎鲨和白真鯊。
characteristics:n.特征;特点;品质;(characteristic的复数) physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查;
We did that genetically and we did that anatomically . 我们从遗传学角度 以及解剖学角度这样做了
genetically:adv.从遗传学角度;从基因方面; anatomically:adv.结构上;解剖学上;
The next thing we did was to understand, using complex computer modeling, what that eye can see at different depths, distances, light conditions, and water clarity in the ocean. 接下来我们所做的是去了解, 运用复杂的电脑模型, 在海水的不同的深度,距离, 光线条件与海水透明度下 鲨鱼的眼睛能看到什么。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; clarity:n.清楚,明晰;透明;
And from there, we were able to pinpoint two key characteristics: what patterns and shapes would present the wearer as hidden or hard to make out in the water, cryptic, and what patterns and shapes might provide the greatest contrast but provide the greatest breakup of profile so that that person wasn't confused for shark prey or shark food. 而从那里,我们能够 精确出两个关键的特征: 有哪些图案和形状在水中 能够便于隐藏或是让其难以辨认, 然后有那些图案和形状可能 提供最高的对比度但最大程度 轮廓的解体, 所以那个人不会被混淆成 鲨鱼的猎物或食物。
pinpoint:vt.查明; adj.精确的; n.针尖; wearer:n.佩带者;穿用者; contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比; profile:n.轮廓;简介;形象;外形;v.扼要介绍;概述;写简介; confused:adj.困惑的; v.使糊涂; (confuse的过去分词和过去式) prey:n.猎物;受害者;受骗者;v.折磨;掠夺;捕食(on,upon);损害(on,upon);
The next thing we needed to do was to convert this into wetsuits that people might actually wear, and to that end, I invited Ray Smith, a surfer, industrial designer, wetsuit designer, 接下来我们要做的就是把它转换成 人们可能会穿的潜水服, 在这一点,我请到了雷·史密斯, 他是冲浪者,工业设计师,也是潜水服设计师,
convert:v.转换; n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人; wetsuits:n.潜水服;防寒泳衣;湿式保暖服; industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票;
and in fact the guy that designed the original Quiksilver logo , to come over and sit with the science team and interpret that science into aesthetic wetsuits that people might actually wear. 而且实际上他设计了原始的极速骑板的商标, 把他请来与科学团队商讨, 并把其中的科学诠释成 人们可能去穿的美观的潜水服。
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; logo:n.标志; interpret:v.诠释;说明;口译;把…理解为; aesthetic:adj.美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的;
And here's an example of one of the first drawings. 这里是初期绘画的例子之一。
So this is what I call a "don't eat me" wetsuit. 这是我所称为“不要吃我”的潜水服。
So this takes that banding idea, takes that banding idea, it's highly visible , provides a highly disruptive profile, and is intended to prevent the shark from considering that you would be ordinary food, and potentially even create confusion for the shark. 它把条纹的那个思想, 运用那个思想,它是高度可见的, 赋予了一个高度混淆的轮廓, 而它的意图是不让鲨鱼 把你当成普通的食物, 并可能潜在的对鲨鱼制造困惑。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; visible:adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目; disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的; intended:adj.预定的;计划的;v.打算;计划;想要;(intend的过去分词和过去式) confusion:n.困惑;混淆;混同;困窘;
And this one's configured to go with a surfboard . 而且这个是跟冲浪板搭配的。
configured:adj.配置; v.使…成形; surfboard:n.冲浪板;vi.以冲浪板滑水;
You can see that dark, opaque panel on the front, and it's particularly better for the surface, where being backlit and providing a silhouette is problematic . 你可以看见正面不透明的嵌板, 这个对于在水面特别有好处, 因为在水面背光而显出的轮廓 是一个很大的问题。
opaque:adj.不透明的;不传热的;迟钝的;n.不透明物;vt.使不透明;使不反光; panel:n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;v.镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰); backlit:n.后面打光;背光式; silhouette:n.轮廓,剪影;v.使…照出影子来;使…仅仅显出轮廓; problematic:adj.问题的;有疑问的;不确定的;
Second iteration is the cryptic wetsuit, or the one which attempts to hide the wearer in the water column . 第二个迭代是隐秘潜水服, 或着说是把潜水者隐藏在 水体间的潜水服。
iteration:n.[数]迭代;反复;重复; attempts:n.企图,试图;尝试(attempt的复数);v.试图;努力去做(attempt的三单形式); column:n.栏目,纵队;
There are three panels on this suit, and in any given conditions, one or more of those panels will match the reflective spectra of the water so as to disappear fully or partially , leaving the last panel or panels to create a disruptive profile in the water column. 这件潜水服上有三个嵌板, 并且在任何环境下, 至少有一个嵌板 会与水中的反射光谱匹配, 所以潜水者将完全或部分消失, 让剩下的嵌板在水体中 制造出混乱的外形。
panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式); reflective:adj.反射的;反映的;沉思的; spectra:n.光谱;范围(spectrum的复数形式); disappear:v.消失;失踪;不复存在; partially:adv.部分地;偏袒地;
And this one's particularly well-suited to the dive configuration , so when you're deeper under the water. 而且这件潜水服对潜水配置 特别的合适, 也就是当你在深水里的时候。
well-suited:adj.便利的;适当的; dive:n.潜水;跳水;俯冲;猛冲;v.猛冲;(头朝下)跳入水中;[体]跳水(运动); configuration:n.配置;结构;外形;
So we knew that we had some really solid science here. 因此我们知道我们这里 有一些很坚实的科学。
We knew, if you wanted to stand out, you needed to look stripy , and we knew if you wanted to be cryptic, you needed to look like this. 我们知道,如果你想引人注目, 你必须得看起来花哨, 我们还知道如果你想隐秘, 你必须看起来像这样。
But the acid test is always going to be, how would sharks really behave in the context of these patterns and shapes. 但是决定性得考验永远都会是, 鲨鱼在这些 图案与形状面前会如何表现。
acid test:关键性的测试; behave:v.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
And testing to simulate a person in a wetsuit in the water with a predatory shark in a natural environment is actually a lot harder than you might think. 然而在自然环境下模仿一个在 水中穿着潜水服的人 加上一只攻击性鲨鱼 其实比你想像的要难很多。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So we have to bait the rig, because we need to get the statistical number of samples through to get the scientific evidence, and by baiting the rig, we're obviously changing shark behavior. 因此我们必须用引诱设备, 因为我们需要获取样本 统计数量来得到科学证据, 而当我们使用引诱设备, 鲨鱼的行为显然也被改变了。
statistical:adj.统计的;统计学的; baiting:v.下诱饵;激怒;纵犬袭击(野兽);(bait的现在分词)
We can't put humans in the water. 我们不能把人放入水中。
We're ethically precluded from even using humanoid shapes and baiting them up in the water. 我们甚至从道德上排除了运用 似人的形状来作为诱饵。
ethically:adv.伦理上; precluded:排除; humanoid:adj.像人的;n.类人动物;
But nevertheless , we started the testing process in January of this year, initially with tiger sharks and subsequently with great white sharks. 但无论如何,我们在今年一月份 开始了试验流程, 从虎鲨开始, 紧接着是大白鲨。
nevertheless:adv.然而,不过;虽然如此;conj.然而,不过; initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; subsequently:adv.随后,其后;后来;
The way we did that was to get a perforated drum which is full of bait, wrap it in a neoprene skin, and then run two stereo underwater cameras to watch how the shark actually engages with that rig. 我们所做的是 将一个装满鱼饵的多孔的滚筒, 用橡胶皮包裹起来, 然后开启两台立体声水下摄像机 来观察鲨鱼是如何对待那个设备的。
perforated:adj.穿孔的;有排孔的;v.穿孔(perforate的过去分词); drum:n.鼓; v.打鼓; wrap:v.缠绕;隐藏;掩护;包起来;缠绕;穿外衣;n.外套;围巾; neoprene:n.[橡胶]氯丁橡胶; stereo:n.立体声;立体声音响;adj.立体(声)的; underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下; engages:从事;
And because we use stereo, we can capture all the statistics on how big the shark is, what angle it comes in at, how quickly it leaves, and what its behavior is in an empirical rather than a subjective way. 并且因为我们运用了立体声, 我们可以捕捉到关于鲨鱼大小的所有数据, 还有它是从哪个方向来的,停留了多长时间, 还有从实验角度上来看它的行为 而不是通过主观推断。
statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数) empirical:adj.经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的; subjective:adj.主观的;个人的;自觉的;
Because we needed to preserve the scientific method, we ran a control rig which was a black neoprene rig just like a normal black wetsuit against the, what we call, 因为我们需要维持科学的方法, 我们运行了一个控制装备, 它是一个黑橡皮的装备, 就像对,我们所说的, 校管系统技术装备的一个
SAMS technology rig. 普通的黑色潜水衣。
And the results were not just exciting, but very encouraging, and today I would like to just give you a snapshot of two of those engagements. 而且所获取的结果不仅是激动人心, 还非常鼓舞人心, 而且今天我想向你们呈现其中 两次接触的一个快照简单印象。
So here we've got a four-meter tiger shark engaging the black control rig, which it had encountered about a minute and a half before. 所以在这里有一个四米长的虎鲨 与黑色控制设备发生接触, 它们是在大约 一分半钟前相遇的。
engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词) encountered:v.遭遇,遇到;偶然碰到;意外地遇见;(encounter的过去分词和过去式)
Now that exact same shark had engaged , or encountered this SAMS rig, which is the Elude SAMS rig, about eight minutes before, and spent six minutes circling it, hunting for it, 现在这只同样的鲨鱼也接触了, 或者说遭遇了这个SAMS设备, 这是一个SAMS躲避装备, 那是大约八分钟前, 并且用了六分钟在附近环绕,搜索
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式) Elude:vt.逃避,躲避;
looking for what it could smell and sense but not see, and this was the final engagement. 鲨鱼能够闻到感觉它的存在,但却看不到, 而这是最终的接触。
Great white sharks are more confident than the tigers, and here you see great white shark engaging a control rig, so a black neoprene wetsuit, and going straight to the bottom, coming up and engaging. 大白鲨比虎鲨更有自信, 而现在你看到一只大白鲨 与控制设备发生接触, 所以说是一个黑色橡皮潜水衣, 并直奔底部, 游上来 并与其发生接触。
confident:adj.自信的;确信的; great white shark:n.噬人鲨(栖居于温热海域);
In contrast to the SAMS technology rig, this is the banded one, where it's more tactile , it's more investigative , it's more apprehensive , and shows a reluctance to come straight in and go. 与SAMS科技设备相比, 这个是有条形的, 因此更有质感, 更有探究性, 更容易理解, 并表示不愿直来直去。
banded:adj.有带子的;v.绑扎(band的过去式); tactile:adj.[生理]触觉的,有触觉的;能触知的; investigative:adj.研究的;调查的;好调查的; apprehensive:adj.忧虑的;不安的;敏悟的;知晓的; reluctance:n.[电磁]磁阻;勉强;不情愿;
(Applause) (掌声)
So, it's important for us that all the testing is done independently , and the University of W.A. is doing the testing. 因此,将所有的试验分开完成对我们来说很重要, 而西澳大学正在做这项试验。
It'll be an ongoing process. 这将是一个持续的过程。
ongoing:n.发展; adj.持续存在的;
It's subject to peer review and subject to publication . 它将接受同业调查以及公布。
peer review:n.各领域专家互相评阅;同行评审;同业监督小组;同业互查组织; publication:n.出版物;发表;公布;发行;
It's so important that this concept is led with the science. 另外至关重要的是这个概念 要追寻科学。
From the perspective of Shark Attack Mitigation Systems, we're a biotechnology licensing company, so we don't make wetsuits ourselves. 从鲨鱼攻击缓解系统的角度来看, 我们是一个生物科技授权公司, 我们不会自己做潜水服。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; biotechnology:n.[生物]生物技术;[生物]生物工艺学; licensing:v.批准;许可;(license的现在分词)
We'll license others to do that. 我们会授权其他人去做。
But I thought you might be interested in seeing what SAMS technology looks like embedded in a wetsuit, and to that end, for the first time, live, worldwide -- 但是我觉得你可能会感兴趣 SAMS科技结合潜水服看起来会是 什么样子,为了实现这个目标, 全球首次直播--
I can show you what biological adaptation, science and design looks like in real life. 我将向你呈现生物适应、 科学与设计在现实中的样子。
So I can welcome Sam, the surfer, from this side. Where are you, Sam? 因此我请出冲浪者山姆, 在这边。山姆,你在哪?
(Applause) (掌声)
And Eduardo. 和爱德华多。
(Applause) (掌声)
Cheers, mate . 你好,老兄。
mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对;
Cheers. 你好。
Thanks, gentlemen. (Applause) 谢谢,先生们。(掌声)
So what have we done here? 那么在这里我们做了什么?
Well, to my mind, rather than take a blank sheet and use science as a tool for invention, we've paid attention to the biological evidence, we've put importance to the human anecdotal evidence, and we've used science as a tool for translation, translation of something that was already there into something that we can use for the benefit of mankind . 这么说吧,在我看来,与其是拿一张白纸 并把科学作为一个创造的工具, 我们关注了生物学上的线索, 我们把重点放在了 人类的轶事证据上, 并且我们把科学作为转化 的一个工具, 把一个已经存在的东西转化为 可以造福人类的东西。
sheet:n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸;v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开;adj.片状的; for the benefit of:为…的利益; mankind:n.人类;男性;
And it strikes me that this idea of science as a tool for translation rather than invention is one that we can apply much more widely than this in the pursuit of innovation . 而且把科学作为转化工具 而不是发明的点子让我深受启发, 我们可以在追寻发明的旅程中 可以取得更广的运用。
apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; in the pursuit of:追求;为了追求; innovation:n.创新,革新;新方法;
After all, did the Wright brothers discover manned flight, or did they observe the biological fact of flight and translate that mechanically , replicate it in a way that humans could use? 毕竟,怀特兄弟是发现了 人工飞行, 还是观察了飞行的生物学原理 并将其转化为机械的,复制成了 一个人们可以运用的东西?
Wright:n.制作者;工人; translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; mechanically:adv.机械地;呆板地;物理上地; replicate:vt.复制; vi.重复; adj.复制的; n.复制品;
As for the humble wetsuit, who knows what oceanwear will look like in two years' time, in five years' time or in 50 years' time, but with this new thinking, 至于这个简陋的潜水服, 谁知道在两年后、 五年后、甚至十年后, 它会演变成什么样,但有了这个新的想法,
humble:adj.谦逊的; vt.使谦恭;
I'm guessing there's a fair chance it won't be pure black. 我想它很有可能 不会是纯黑的。
Thank you. 谢谢 .
(Applause) (掌声)