

So I'd like to start by focusing on the world's most dangerous animal. 我想从 这个世界上最危险的动物开始说起。
Now, when you talk about dangerous animals, most people might think of lions or tigers or sharks. 当你说到最危险的动物时, 大多数人们可能想到了狮子,老虎或者鲨鱼。
But of course the most dangerous animal is the mosquito . 但事实上世界上最危险的动物 是蚊子。
The mosquito has killed more humans than any other creature in human history. 蚊子造成的死亡人数 比其他任何一种动物造成的死亡都要多。
In fact, probably adding them all together, the mosquito has killed more humans. 实际上,把其他所有动物杀死的人类数目加起来, 都比不上蚊子杀死人类的数量。
And the mosquito has killed more humans than wars and plague . 因为蚊子而死亡的人,甚至比因为战争 和瘟疫而死亡的人还多。
And you would think, would you not, that with all our science, with all our advances in society, with better towns, better civilizations , better sanitation , 你可能认为, 随着科学的进步,随着社会的前行, 城镇环境变得更好,人们养成更好的生活习惯,卫生条件越来越优越,
civilizations:n.文明(civilization的复数形式); sanitation:n.[医]环境卫生;卫生设备;下水道设施;
wealth , that we would get better at controlling mosquitos , and hence reduce this disease . 社会越来越富裕,我们能更好的控制蚊子, 并以此减少疾病的发生。
wealth:n.财富;大量;富有; mosquitos:n.蚊子(mosquito的变形); hence:adv.因此;今后; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
And that's not really the case. 但是,实际情况并非如此
If it was the case, we wouldn't have between 200 and 300 million cases of malaria every year, and we wouldn't have a million and a half deaths from malaria, and we wouldn't have a disease that was relatively unknown 50 years ago now suddenly turned into 如果真的是那样, 就不会每年有2亿到3亿人受到疟疾的侵扰; 也不会 有一百五十万人死于疟疾; 也不会让一种 50年前我们还几乎一无所知的疾病 突然变成今天的
malaria:n.[内科]疟疾;瘴气; relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地;
the largest mosquito-borne virus threat that we have, and that's called dengue fever . 最大病毒威胁,而这种病毒是由蚊子传播的; 这种疾病叫做登革热。
mosquito-borne:adj.蚊媒的; dengue fever:登革热;
So 50 years ago, pretty much no one had heard of it, no one certainly in the European environment. 五十年前,几乎没人听说过登革热, 至少在欧洲没人听说过这种疾病。
But dengue fever now, according to the World Health Organization , infects between 50 and 100 million people every year, so that's equivalent to the whole of the population of the U.K. being infected every year. 而据世界卫生组织报道, 如今每年有5千万到1亿人感染登革热, 这相当于 整个英国的人口数量。
according to:根据,据说; Organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; infects:vt.感染,传染; equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式)
Other estimates put that number at roughly double that number of infections . 还有人估计每年登革热的感染人数 是这个数字的两倍。
estimates:n.估计;估价;估计的成本;v.估价;估算(estimate的第三人称单数和复数) roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; infections:n.传染病;口腔病害(infection复数形式);
And dengue fever has grown in speed quite phenomenally . 如今登革热蔓延得很快,
In the last 50 years, the incidence of dengue has grown thirtyfold. 在过去的50年中,登革热 的发病率增长了三十倍。
Now let me tell you a little bit about what dengue fever is, for those who don't know. 我来解释一下什么是登革热, 以防有人不了解这种疾病。
Now let's assume you go on holiday. 现在我们假设你要去度假了,
Let's assume you go to the Caribbean , or you might go to Mexico. You might go to Latin America , 你可能会去加勒比海沿岸, 又或者你会去墨西哥,或者拉丁美洲,
Caribbean:adj.加勒比海的;加勒比人的;加勒比语的;n.加勒比海; Latin America:n.拉丁美洲(以西班牙语或葡萄牙语为主要语言的美洲地区);
Asia, Africa, anywhere in Saudi Arabia . 亚洲,非洲,阿拉伯世界的的某个地方。
Saudi:adj.沙乌地阿拉伯(人或语)的;n.沙乌地阿拉伯人; Arabia:n.阿拉伯半岛(亚洲西南部,等于ArabianPeninsula);
You might go to India, the Far East. 你也可能去印度,远东地区。
It doesn't really matter. It's the same mosquito, and it's the same disease. You're at risk. 这都不重要。那里都有同一种蚊子, 和同一种疾病。你都可能患病。
And let's assume you're bitten by a mosquito that's carrying that virus. 假设你被一只 携带登革热病毒的蚊子咬了一口。
Well, you could develop flu-like symptoms . 接着你会出现类似感冒的症状,
flu-like:类似感冒的; symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数)
They could be quite mild . 这些症状可能都很轻。
mild:adj.温和的; n.(英国的一种)淡味麦芽啤酒;
You could develop nausea , headache, your muscles could feel like they're contracting , and you could actually feel like your bones are breaking. 你会觉得头疼,恶心, 肌肉酸痛,似乎肌肉都收缩起来, 你觉得你的骨头疼得像要断了。
nausea:n.恶心,晕船;极端的憎恶; muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数); contracting:adj.缔约的;承包的;收缩的;
And that's the nickname given to this disease. 这是登革热的另一个名称的由来。
It's called breakbone fever, because that's how you can feel. 它又被成为断骨热(也称骨痛热症)。 因为这就是疾病让你感受到的。
Now the odd thing is, is that once you've been bitten by this mosquito, and you've had this disease, your body develops antibodies , so if you're bitten again with that strain , it doesn't affect you. 而奇怪的是,你一旦被一只 携带登革热病毒的蚊子咬了,你患上了这种疾病, 你的身体会产生抗体, 如果以后你再被携带同一种病毒的蚊子咬了一口, 你不会再次被感染。
odd:adj.古怪的;奇数的;n.奇数; antibodies:n.[免疫]抗体(antibody的复数); strain:n.压力;品系;应力;张力;v.扭伤;拉紧;滤;损伤;
But it's not one virus, it's four, and the same protection that gives you the antibodies and protects you from the same virus that you had before actually makes you much more susceptible to the other three. 但是登革热的病毒不止一种,而是四种, 而如果你身体里有了一种登革热病毒的抗体, 抗体会保护你不再被这同一种病毒感染, 然而这种抗体却会让你更容易感染上其他三种登革热病毒。
So the next time you get dengue fever, if it's a different strain, you're more susceptible, you're likely to get worse symptoms, and you're more likely to get the more severe forms, hemorrhagic fever or shock syndrome . 于是,下一次如果你再遇上登革热, 而且还是与上次不同的病毒,而你因为身体里的抗体而变得更容易感染, 你这次的症状很可能比上次严重得多, 而且这次侵染你的病毒可能也比上次厉害得多, 你可能患上登革出血热,或者登革休克综合征。
severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的; hemorrhagic:adj.出血的; syndrome:n.[临床]综合征;综合症状;并发症状;校验子;并发位;
So you don't want dengue once, and you certainly don't want it again. 所以你一次都不想患上登革热, 你更加不想第二次患上它。
So why is it spreading so fast? 为什么登革热蔓延得这么快?
And the answer is this thing. 答案就是这种蚊子。
This is Aedes aegypti. 这是埃及伊蚊。
Now this is a mosquito that came, like its name suggests, out of North Africa, and it's spread round the world. 就像它的名字里说的,这种蚊子来自 非洲北部,现在已经遍布全球。
Now, in fact, a single mosquito will only travel about 200 yards in its entire life. They don't travel very far. 实际上,一只蚊子一生中只会 飞行200码(约183米)。它们飞不了多远。
What they're very good at doing is hitchhiking , particularly the eggs. 但它们很擅长搭便车, 特别是它们的卵。
hitchhiking:v.搭便车;搭顺风车;(hitchhike的现在分词) particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
They will lay their eggs in clear water, any pool, any puddle , any birdbath , any flower pot, anywhere there's clear water, they'll lay their eggs, and if that clear water is near freight , it's near a port, if it's anywhere near transport, those eggs will then get transported around the world. 它们把卵产在干净的水里,池塘,小水坑, 水盆,浇花的水壶, 任何有干净的水的地方,它们都可以产卵, 如果这些水恰好就在待运的货物旁边,或是临近港口, 或者在任何交通工具的旁边, 这些卵就会随着它们传播到世界的任何地方。
puddle:n.水坑,泥潭; vt.使泥泞,搅浑; vi.搅泥浆; birdbath:n.供鸟戏水的水盆;笨蛋; freight:vt.运送;装货;使充满;n.货运;运费;船货; transported:v.(用交通工具)运输,运送,输送;(transport的过去分词和过去式)
And that's what's happened. Mankind has transported these eggs all the way around the world, and these insects have infested over 100 countries, and there's now 2.5 billion people living in countries where this mosquito resides . 这就是登革热迅速蔓延的原因,人类 使这些卵得以周游世界。 这种蚊子已经传播到了一百多个国家 这些国家里居住着25亿人口, 这种蚊子就在他们身边
Mankind:n.人类;男性; infested:v.大量滋生;大批出没于;(infest的过去分词和过去式) resides:居住;存在;
To give you just a couple of examples how fast this has happened, in the mid-'70s, Brazil declared, "We have no Aedes aegypti," 举几个例子 来看看这种蔓延有多快。 70年代中期,巴西宣称:“巴西没有埃及伊蚊”
and currently they spend about a billion dollars now a year trying to get rid of it, trying to control it, just one species of mosquito. 如今他们每年要花十亿美元 灭蚊,试图控制蚊子的数量, 仅仅为了一种蚊子。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
Two days ago, or yesterday, I can't remember which, 两天前,或者是昨天,我记不太清楚哪一天,
I saw a Reuters report that said 我看到一则路透社的报道称
Madeira had had their first cases of dengue, about 52 cases, with about 400 probable cases. 马德拉发现了首例登革热 约有52例确诊,400人疑似患病。
That's two days ago. 这是两天前的消息。
Interestingly , Madeira first got the insect in 2005, and here we are, a few years later, first cases of dengue. 有意思的是,马德拉首次发现埃及伊蚊是在2005年 而如今,几年以后 就发现了第一例登革热病例。
So the one thing you'll find is that where the mosquito goes, dengue will follow. 所以你会发现,这种蚊子到了哪里, 登革热就随之而来。
Once you've got the mosquito in your area, anyone coming into that area with dengue, mosquito will bite them, mosquito will bite somewhere else, somewhere else, somewhere else, and you'll get an epidemic . 一旦在你所在的地区有这种蚊子, 任何一个携带登革热病毒的人进入了这一地区 蚊子都可能咬到他/她,然后蚊子也可能咬到其他人, 再咬到其他人,再咬到更多人, 于是你这个地区就会爆发流行病。
So we must be good at killing mosquitos. 所以我们必须很好的灭蚊。
I mean, that can't be very difficult. 我的意思是,这不应该是一件非常困难的事情。
Well, there's two principle ways. 除蚊主要有两种方法。
The first way is that you use larvicides . 一种方法是使用杀幼虫剂。
You use chemicals . You put them into water where they breed . 你可以使用化学药品,把药品倒进蚊子产卵的水域。
chemicals:n.化学制品;化学品;(chemical的复数) breed:v.繁殖;孕育;培育(动植物);导致;以…方式教育;n.品种;
Now in an urban environment, that's extraordinarily difficult. 但在城市里,这非常困难。
urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; extraordinarily:adv.非常;格外地;非凡地;
You've got to get your chemical into every puddle, every birdbath, every tree trunk. 你得把化学杀虫剂倒进每个水坑, 每个水盆,每个树干的空洞,
It's just not practical . 这太不实际了。
The second way you can do it is actually trying to kill the insects as they fly around. 另一种可行的方法 是杀死飞来飞去的成虫。
This is a picture of fogging. 这是一张雾化的相片。
Here what someone is doing is mixing up chemical in a smoke and basically spreading that through the environment. 这也是现在人们采取的措施, 他们用烟雾把化学药品混合起来 然后使之弥漫到到整个空间。
mixing:n.混合;混频;录音;v.混合,掺和,融合;调配;配制;相容;(mix的现在分词) basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
You could do the same with a space spray . 你也可以用喷雾器来喷洒。
spray:n.喷雾; v.喷;
This is really unpleasant stuff , and if it was any good, we wouldn't have this massive increase in mosquitos and we wouldn't have this massive increase in dengue fever. 这真是让人很不舒服的一件事。 然而如果这种方式有效,蚊子的数目就不会增长得这么快, 登革热也不会蔓延得这么迅速。
unpleasant:adj.令人不快的;不舒服的;不客气的 stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的;
So it's not very effective , but it's probably the best thing we've got at the moment. 虽然这些方法不是很有效,但这些 是我们现阶段最好的灭蚊方法了。
Having said that, actually, your best form of protection and my best form of protection is a long-sleeve shirt and a little bit of DEET to go with it. 说完了这些,事实上,对你和我来说,最有效的保护措施 还是一件长袖衬衫 和一点点的避蚊胺。
So let's start again. Let's design a product, right from the word go , and decide what we want. 现在让我们一起来设计一个灭蚊产品, 就从我们现在所知道的,来决定我们想要怎样的产品。
right from the word go:从一开始;
Well we clearly need something that is effective at reducing the mosquito population. 我们很清楚地知道有些措施可以 有效的减少蚊子的数量。
There's no point in just killing the odd mosquito here and there . 这里杀几只蚊子,那里杀几只蚊子的措施是毫无意义的。
here and there:各处,到处;
We want something that gets that population right the way down so it can't get the disease transmission . 我们想要的是使整个蚊子种群的数量降下来, 从而使疾病无法传播。
Clearly the product you've got has got to be safe to humans. 很明显,这种产品必须对人类无害
We are going to use it in and around humans. 我们会在人群中使用这一产品
It has to be safe. 它必须是安全无害的。
We don't want to have a lasting impact on the environment. 我们也不希望这种产品对环境有长期的影响。
We don't want to do anything that you can't undo. 我们不希望做任何有永久性伤害的事情。
Maybe a better product comes along in 20, 30 years. 也许在未来20到30年内会出现这样一种更好的产品。
Fine. We don't want a lasting environmental impact. 但我们不希望对环境产生长久的影响。
We want something that's relatively cheap, or cost-effective , because there's an awful lot of countries involved , and some of them are emerging markets, some of them emerging countries, low-income. 这种产品最好比较便宜,性价比高 因为灭蚊涉及很多很多国家 有些是发展中国家 而有些发展中国家的收入还不高。
cost-effective:adj.划算的;成本效益好的(等于cost-efficient); involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) emerging:adj.新兴的;v.出现,浮现,露出;暴露;(emerge的现在分词)
And finally , you want something that's species-specific. 最后,这种产品最好是专门针对埃及伊蚊这一个种群。
You want to get rid of this mosquito that spreads dengue, but you don't really want to get all the other insects. 你希望能根除这种散播登革热的蚊子 但你不想因此杀死其他所有昆虫
Some are quite beneficial . Some are important to your ecosystem . 有些昆虫对人们是有益的,有些则是维持生态环境平衡必不可少的。
beneficial:adj.有益的,有利的;可享利益的; ecosystem:n.生态系统;
This one's not. It's invaded you. 只有这种蚊子不是。它侵扰你的生活。
But you don't want to get all of the insects. 但你不会因此想杀死所有昆虫。
You just want to get this one. 你只是想消灭这一种。
And most of the time, you'll find this insect lives in and around your home, so this -- whatever we do has got to get to that insect. 而大多数时候,你会发现这种蚊子 就住在你的家里。 所以这就是我们为了消灭这些蚊子而必须做的。
It's got to get into people's houses, into the bedrooms, into the kitchens. 我们必须进到人们的房子里,他们的卧室里 厨房里。
Now there are two features of mosquito biology that really help us in this project, and that is, firstly , males don't bite. 蚊子的两种特性 能帮助我们更好的消灭它们 首先,雄蚊子是不咬人的
biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; firstly:adv.首先(主要用于列举条目,论点时);第一;
It's only the female mosquito that will actually bite you. 只有雌蚊子才会咬人。
The male can't bite you, won't bite you, doesn't have the mouth parts to bite you. 雄性蚊子不会咬人也不能咬人 它们没有咬人的嘴
It's just the female. 只有雌性蚊子才咬人。
And the second is a phenomenon that males are very, very good at finding females. 第二,我们发现雄性蚊子 非常擅长找到雌性蚊子
If there's a male mosquito that you release , and if there's a female around, that male will find the female. 如果你放飞一只雄蚊子 而且你的周围有雌蚊子,雄蚊子能马上找到雌蚊子。
So basically, we've used those two factors . 因此,我们可以利用这两点。
factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
So here's a typical situation, male meets female, lots of offspring . 这是一种典型情况 雄性蚊子找到雌性蚊子,产下很多下一代
typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; offspring:n.后代,子孙;产物;
A single female will lay about up to 100 eggs at a time, up to about 500 in her lifetime. 一只雌蚊子一次能 产多达100个卵 一生之中能产500个卵
Now if that male is carrying a gene which causes the death of the offspring, then the offspring don't survive, and instead of having 500 mosquitos running around, you have none. 如果这只雄蚊子携带一种 使后代致死的基因 那么它们的后代就无法生存 这样你就不会看到500只飞来飞去的蚊子 你一只都不会看到。
And if you can put more, I'll call them sterile , that the offspring will actually die at different stages, but I'll call them sterile for now. 而且如果你能放飞更多的不育的雄蚊子,我把这些携带这种基因的蚊子称为不育蚊子, 事实上它们的后代会在不同时期死亡, 但现在我先把它们叫做不育蚊子。
If you put more sterile males out into the environment, then the females are more likely to find a sterile male than a fertile one, and you will bring that population down. 如果你把更多的 不育蚊子放飞到自然环境中 那么雌蚊子很可能遇到一只不育雄蚊子 而不是一只能正常生育的雄蚊子,这样你就能把蚊子种群的数量降下来。
So the males will go out, they'll look for females, they'll mate. If they mate successfully, then no offspring. 于是,雄蚊子飞出去,它们寻找雌蚊子, 然后它们交配。如果它们与雌蚊子成功交配,则无法产生后代。
If they don't find a female, then they'll die anyway. 如果雄蚊子找不到雌蚊子,它们也会死去。
They only live a few days. 雄蚊子只能存活几天时间。
And that's exactly where we are. 这恰恰是我们想要的结果。
So this is technology that was developed in Oxford University a few years ago. 这就是几年前 牛津大学发明的一项技术。
The company itself, Oxitec, we've been working for the last 10 years, very much on a sort of similar development pathway that you'd get with a pharmaceutical company. 我在Oxitec这家公司工作了十年, Oxitec采用的是和药品公司 非常类似的研发方式。
pathway:n.路,道;途径,路径; pharmaceutical:adj.制药(学)的;n.药物;
So about 10 years of internal evaluation , testing, to get this to a state where we think it's actually ready. 在进行了约十年的内部评定和测试以后 我们认为这项产品已经成熟。
internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; evaluation:n.评价;[审计]评估;估价;求值;
And then we've gone out into the big outdoors, always with local community consent , always with the necessary permits. 于是我们开始在户外大面积的使用它, 当然总是先征求当地政府和社区的同意, 和必须的许可,
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; consent:vi.同意;赞成;答应;n.同意;(意见等的)一致;赞成;
So we've done field trials now in the Cayman Islands, a small one in Malaysia, and two more now in Brazil. 我们在一些地方进行了实地实验,包括开曼群岛的实验 马来西亚的一个小范围实验 以及巴西的两处实验。
And what's the result? 结果如何?
Well, the result has been very good. 结果令人非常满意。
In about four months of release, we've brought that population of mosquitos — in most cases we're dealing with villages here of about 2,000, 3,000 people, that sort of size, starting small — we've taken that mosquito population down by about 85 percent in about four months. 在放飞(雄蚊子)的四个月的时间里 我们改变了蚊子种群的数量 大多数情况下我们是在乡村做这些实验 大概2,000到,3000人的乡村 从小范围做起 在四个月里我们将蚊子种群的数量 减少了85%
And in fact, the numbers after that get, those get very difficult to count, because there just aren't any left. 事实上,后期蚊子种群的数目 非常难以统计,因为有些地方几乎没有蚊子了。
So that's been what we've seen in Cayman, it's been what we've seen in Brazil in those trials. 这是我们在开曼取得的成果, 我们在巴西的实验 也取得了同样的成果。
And now what we're doing is we're going through a process to scale up to a town of about 50,000, so we can see this work at big scale. 现在我们正在进行一个项目 使其有效范围扩大到5,000人的城镇 这样我们能检测这个产品在大范围使用的效果。
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
And we've got a production unit in Oxford, or just south of Oxford, where we actually produce these mosquitos. 并且我们已经在牛津镇,或者说是牛津镇南部,建立了一个生产基地 专门生产雄蚊子
We can produce them, in a space a bit more than this red carpet , 我们可以生产这些蚊子。 在这块红地毯这么大的面积里
red carpet:adj.隆重的;殷勤的;华贵的;
I can produce about 20 million a week. 我能每周生产出两千万只蚊子。
We can transport them around the world. 我们能把它们运到世界各地去。
It's not very expensive, because it's a coffee cup -- something the size of a coffee cup will hold about three million eggs. 这并不昂贵,因为它们才有一个咖啡杯大小。 一个咖啡杯大小的容器 能装下三百万颗卵
So freight costs aren't our biggest problem. (Laughter) 所以运费不会是我们最大的问题(笑)。
So we've got that. You could call it a mosquito factory. 我们做到了。你可以称之为蚊子工厂。
And for Brazil, where we've been doing some trials, the Brazilian government themselves have now built their own mosquito factory, far bigger than ours, and we'll use that for scaling up in Brazil. 而在巴西,我们曾经做实验的地方, 巴西政府自己修建起了 他们自己的蚊子工厂,比我们的大多了 我们就用这家工厂的产品在巴西进行大规模灭蚊。
scaling:n.缩放比例; v.剥落;
There you are. We've sent mosquito eggs. 你来看看吧。我们把蚊子卵寄过去,
We've separated the males from the females. 把雄蚊子和雌蚊子分开,
The males have been put in little pots and the truck is going down the road and they are releasing males as they go. 雄蚊子被放进小瓶子里, 卡车沿着路走, 这些雄蚊子被沿途放飞。··
down the road:只要沿着这条路;将来;在路上; releasing:n.释放;松释动作;脱扣释放;v.释放;排放;(release的现在分词);
It's actually a little bit more precise than that. 实际情况中操作会更精准一些。
You want to release them so that you get good coverage of your area. 你希望放飞的雄蚊子能 正好覆盖整个区域。
So you take a Google Map, you divide it up, work out how far they can fly, and make sure you're releasing such that you get coverage of the area, and then you go back, and within a very short space of time, you're bringing that population right the way down. 于是你拿一张谷歌地图,把地图 按照蚊子能飞的距离把地图上的面积分成小块, 这样你就能保证放飞的雄蚊子能恰好地 覆盖整个区域,放飞以后 过上很短的一段时间 你就能使这个区域的蚊子种群数量降下来。
We've also done this in agriculture. 我们也把这项技术用在农业上。
We've got several different species of agriculture coming along, and I'm hoping that soon we'll be able to get some funding together so we can get back and start looking at malaria. 我们也针对农业上一些其他种类昆虫开发了产品。 我希望很快 我们能获得一些资金,这样我们 能着手对付疟疾。
So that's where we stand at the moment, and I've just got a few final thoughts, which is that this is another way in which biology is now coming in to supplement chemistry in some of our societal advances in this area, and these biological approaches are coming in in very different forms, and when you think about genetic engineering , we've now got enzymes for industrial processing , enzymes, genetically engineered enzymes in food. 这就是我们现阶段取得的成果。 我最后还有几点想法 这是另一种方式,用生物学方法 来补充化学方法, 在某些比较先进的领域 这些生物学方法 都各不相同。 当你想到基因工程 我们现在有供工业制造用的酶, 食物中的基因改造过的酶。
supplement:v.补充;增补;n.补遗;增补(物);补充(物);添加物; societal:adj.社会的; biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品; approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度; genetic engineering:n.基因工程;遗传工程(学); enzymes:n.[生化]酶(enzyme的复数);酶类,酵素; industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) genetically:adv.从遗传学角度;从基因方面;
We have G.M. crops, we have pharmaceuticals , we have new vaccines , all using roughly the same technology, but with very different outcomes . 我们有基因改造过的粮食,我们有药品, 我们有新的疫苗, 都采用了几乎相同的技术,却带来了非常不一样的效果。
pharmaceuticals:n.药物(pharmaceutical的复数); vaccines:n.[药][计]疫苗; outcomes:n.结果;成果;后果;出路;(outcome的复数)
And I'm in favor, actually. Of course I am. 实际上我更倾向于
I'm in favor of particularly where the older technologies don't work well or have become unacceptable . 在那些旧的技术没有效果, 或者旧技术变得无法接受的领域(使用新技术)。
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); unacceptable:adj.不能接受(或允许、同意)的;
And although the techniques are similar, the outcomes are very, very different, and if you take our approach, for example, and you compare it to, say, G.M. crops, both techniques are trying to produce a massive benefit. 虽然这项技术是相似的 其结果却非常非常不同。 举例来说,如果你把我们的方法 和基因改造的粮食作比较, 两者都试图造福于人类,
techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数) compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较;
Both have a side benefit, which is that we reduce pesticide use tremendously . 但也都有各自的副作用。 那就是我们大大减少了杀虫剂的使用量。
pesticide:n.杀虫剂; tremendously:adv.非常地;可怕地;惊人地;
But whereas a G.M. crop is trying to protect the plant, for example, and give it an advantage, what we're actually doing is taking the mosquito and giving it the biggest disadvantage it can possibly have, rendering it unable to reproduce effectively. 但是,区别在于,基因改造的植物试图 通过给予植物抵抗力优势来保护植物, 而我们所做的则是 使蚊子获得其最大的劣势 以使其无法生育。
whereas:conj.然而;鉴于;反之; disadvantage:n.不利因素;障碍;不便之处; rendering:n.演奏;扮演;表演;翻译作品;v.使成为;给予;提供;回报;(render的现在分词) reproduce:v.繁殖;复制;再现;生育;
So for the mosquito, it's a dead end. 对于蚊子来说,这是它们的末日。
Thank you very much. (Applause) 非常感谢(掌声)