

Peter. 彼得
Your momma wants to speak with you. 妈妈有话跟你说
Come on, Pete. Take these fool things off. 快点 彼得 把这傻玩意儿摘掉
Why have you been fighting with the other boys again, baby? 宝贝 你怎么又跟别的小孩打架了
Peter? 彼得
They killed a little frog that ain't done nothing. 他们弄死了一只无辜的小青蛙
Smushed it with a stick. 用棍子把它捅烂了
You're so like your daddy. 你真像你爸爸
You even look like him. 长得也很像
And he was an angel. 他是个天使
Composed out of pure light. - Mer? 他就是光 -梅
Composed:adj.由…组成的; v.组成; (compose的过去分词和过去式)
You got a present there for Peter, don't you? 你不是有礼物要给他吗
Of course. 当然
I've got you covered, Pete. 我帮你放好了 彼得
You open it up when I'm gone, okay? 等我走了以后再打开好吗
Your grandpa... 外公他会
is gonna take such good care of you. 好好照顾你的
At least until your daddy comes back to get you. 至少在爸爸回来接你之前这段时间
Take my hand. 握住我的手
Peter. 彼得
Pete, come on. 彼得 过去啊
Take my hand. 握住我的手
Mom? 妈妈
No! No! No! No! 不 不 不 不
Mom! No! 妈妈 不要走
Come with me. - No! 跟我来 -不
You've got to stay here. Please. 待在这里别动 听话
No... 不要
Okay? 好吗
Mom! 妈妈
┌ ┐ └ ┘ ┌ ┐ └ ┘ ┌ ┐ └ ┘
Drop it! 放下它
Drop it, now! - Hey, cool, man. No problem. 立刻放下 -哥们儿 没问题
No problem at all. 一点问题都没有
How do you know about this? 你怎么知道这东西的
I don't even know what that is. 我连它是什么都不知道
I'm just a junker , man. I was just checking stuff out. 我就是个捡破烂的 就随便翻翻
junker:n.(美俚)破车;吸食麻药者; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
You don't look like a junker. 你可不像捡破烂的
You're wearing Ravager garb . 你穿着掠夺者的制服
This is just an outfit , man. 就是件外套而已
Ninja Turtle , you better stop poking me. 忍者神龟 你别戳我了
Ninja:n.(受过偷窃技术专门训练被雇作间谍或刺客的)日本武士;n.忍者; Turtle:海龟,乌龟 poking:v.捅;推;戳;探;露出;伸出;探出;(poke的现在分词)