

I guess the story actually has to start maybe back in the the 1960s, when I was seven or eight years old, watching Jacques Cousteau documentaries on the living room floor with my mask and flippers on. 我想,这个故事 也许应该从1960年开始说起, 当我七八岁的时候, 在客厅的地板上看着雅克·库斯托的纪录片, 当时还带着潜水面镜和脚蹼呢。
living room:n.客厅;起居室; flippers:n.脚蹼(flipper的复数);蛙鞋;
Then after every episode , I had to go up to the bathtub and swim around the bathtub and look at the drain , because that's all there was to look at. 每集结束后,我还要走到浴缸前, 在浴缸里到处游一游,看一看下水道管, 因为那是所有能看到的东西。
episode:n.一段经历;片段,插曲;一集; bathtub:n.浴缸; drain:v.排水;流干;喝光,耗尽;n.排水;下水道,排水管;消耗;
And by the time I turned 16, 到我十六岁的时候,
I pursued a career in marine science, in exploration and diving , and lived in underwater habitats , like this one off the Florida Keys, for 30 days total. 我开始了海洋科学的研究 考察和潜水, 甚至住在水下装置里,比如这个,是离佛罗里达群岛不远的地方, 生活了总共30天。
pursued:v.追击,追踪;继续从事(pursue的过去分词形式); career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术; diving:n.潜水;跳水;跳水运动;v.下潜;跳水;潜水;(dive的现在分词) underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下; habitats:n.[生态]栖息地;(动植物的)[经]产地(habitat的复数形式);
Brian Skerry took this shot. Thanks, Brian. 布莱恩·斯凯利拍得这张。谢谢你,布莱恩。
And I've dived in deep-sea submersibles around the world. 我通过潜水器游遍世界各地。
dived:v.(使)潜水;俯冲;(使)跳水;急剧下降;钻研(dive的过去式和过去分词); deep-sea:adj.深海的; submersibles:adj.能潜水的;能沉入水中的;
And this one is the deepest diving submarine in the world, operated by the Japanese government. 这是个世界上可潜最深的潜水艇, 由日本政府管理。
And Sylvia Earle and I were on an expedition in this submarine 20 years ago in Japan. 我和西尔维娅 娥尔丽 在的一个考察队的潜水艇里, 是20年前,在日本。
And on my dive, I went down 18,000 feet, to an area that I thought would be pristine wilderness area on the sea floor. 在我这次潜水中,我到达了水下一万八千英尺(五千四百八十六米)的深度, 到了一个我以为 在海底会是完全原始的,野生的区域。
pristine:adj.原始的,古时的;纯朴的; wilderness:n.荒野;(草木丛生的)荒地;荒芜的地方;杂草丛生处;
But when I got there, I found lots of plastic garbage and other debris . 但是当我到了那里,我发现了 大量的塑料垃圾和其他碎片残骸。
garbage:n.垃圾;废物; debris:n.碎片,残骸;
And it was really a turning point in my life, where I started to realize that I couldn't just go have fun doing science and exploration. 这成为了我人生的一个转折点。 让我意识到 我不能单纯地开开心心做科学研究和探险,
turning point:转折点;
I needed to put it into a context . 我需要把它纳入一个行动中,
I needed to head towards conservation goals. 我需要朝着保护环境的目标前行。
So I began to work with National Geographic Society and others and led expeditions to Antarctica. 于是我开始和 国家地理学会和其他组织合作, 并带领考察队到南极。
Geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; expeditions:n.探险(expedition的复数);远征;
I led three diving expeditions to Antarctica. 我带领了三个潜水考察队到南极洲。
Ten years ago was a seminal trip, where we explored that big iceberg , B-15, the largest iceberg in history, that broke off the Ross Ice Shelf . 十年前可以说是一个意义深远的航程, 让我们发现了B-15这个巨大的冰山, 历史上最大的,撞毁罗斯冰架的冰山。
seminal:adj.种子的;精液的;生殖的; explored:v.探索;勘探;考察;探险;(explore的过去式和过去分词) iceberg:n.[地理]冰山;显露部分; Ice Shelf:n.冰架(与陆地相接的厚层浮动冰体);
And we developed techniques to dive inside and under the iceberg, such as heating pads on our kidneys with a battery that we dragged around, so that, as the blood flowed through our kidneys, it would get a little boost of warmth before going back in to ou r bodies. 我们还研发了 在冰山内部和下面潜水的技术。 比如,给我们的肾脏装的 带着可拖动电池的热水垫。 这样,当血液流过我们的肾脏, 会得到一点热量 然后再循环到全身。
techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数) pads:n.软垫,护垫; v.填充,覆盖,保护; (pad的第三人称单数和复数) kidneys:n.[解剖]肾脏;转炉的附着物;肾形矿脉(kidney的复数); battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位;
But after three trips to Antarctica, 不过,到南极洲的三次航行后,
I decided that it might be nicer to work in warmer water. 我决定,在稍微温和的水中工作应该会更好。
And that same year, 10 years ago, 于是同一年,也就是10年前,
I headed north to the Phoenix Islands. 我朝北到达菲尼克斯群岛(也叫凤凰群岛)
And I'm going to tell you that story here in a moment . 我稍后会在这告诉大家这个故事,
in a moment:立刻;
But before I do, I just want you to ponder this graph for a moment. 不过在此之前,我只想请大家仔细想想这个图表。
You may have seen this in other forms, but the top line is the amount of protected area on land, globally, and it's about 12 percent. 你或许已经通过其他形式看过此图, 位于上面的曲线显示纳入保护的 全球陆地面积总量 大约是百分之十二
And you can see that it kind of hockey sticks up around the 1960s and '70s, and it's on kind of a nice trajectory right now. 你能看到它像向上的曲棍球棒一样, 在二十世纪六十到七十年代迅速爬升 它目前已沿着一个良性轨道发展了。
And that's probably because that's when everybody got aware of the environment and Earth Day and all the stuff that happened in the '60s with the Hippies and everything really did, I think, have an affect on global awareness . 或许是因为 那时每个人产生环境意识 倡导地球日, 以及六十年代,这个嬉皮士时代发生的所有事情。 的确如此,我想,这对全球环境意识有一定影响。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: Hippies:n.嬉皮士(hippy的复数); global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道;
But the ocean-protected area is basically flat line until right about now -- it appears to be ticking up. 可是海洋保护区域(的曲线) 基本维持水平 直到现今,才稍微显现上升。
And I do believe that we are at the hockey stick point of the protected area in the ocean. 而且我深信,我们目前处在海洋保护区域的 曲棍球棒效应一样的转折点时刻。
I think we would have gotten there a lot earlier if we could see what happens in the ocean like we can see what happens on land. 我想,我们本来可以在早以前就到达这个时刻, 如果我们可以像看到在陆地上发生的事一样 看透海洋。
But unfortunately , the ocean is opaque , and we can't see what's going on. 可惜不幸的是,海洋是不透明的, 我们不能轻易看到里面发生什么事。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; opaque:adj.不透明的;不传热的;迟钝的;n.不透明物;vt.使不透明;使不反光;
And therefore we're way behind on protection. 因此,我们的海洋保护远远落后于陆地。
But scuba diving, submersibles and all the work that we're setting about to do here will help rectify that. 不过,水肺潜水和潜水艇 和我们在这准备做的所有工作 将会帮助我们修正这点。
scuba:n.水肺;水中呼吸器; rectify:vt.改正;精馏;整流;
So where are the Phoenix Islands? 那么,菲尼克斯群岛在哪里呢?
They were the world's largest marine-protected area up until last week when the Chagos Archipelago was declared. 他们曾是世界最大的海洋保护区域, 直到上个星期, 查戈斯群岛取而代之,宣布成为最大的海洋保护区域。
It's in the mid-Pacific. It's about five days from anywhere. 它在中太平洋,到哪里都要差不多五天时间,
If you want to get to the Phoenix Islands, it's five days from Fiji, it's five days from Hawaii, it's five days from Samoa. 如果你想去菲尼克斯群岛, 从斐济岛去要五天时间 从夏威夷去要五天,从萨摩亚去也是五天。
It's out in the middle of the Pacific, right around the Equator. 它在太平洋正中, 离赤道很近的地方。
I had never heard of the islands 10 years ago, nor the country, Kiribati, that owns them, till two friends of mine who run a liveaboard dive boat in Fiji said, "Greg, would you lead a scientific expedition up to these islands? 我十年从未听说过该群岛。 更别提菲尼克斯群岛的主权国,基里巴斯了。 直到我的两个在斐济经营船宿潜水生意的朋友 说:“格雷格,你要带头在这些群岛做科学考察吗?
They've never been dived." 还从来没人来这里潜过水呢。”
And I said, "Yeah. 接着我说,“好啊。
But tell me where they are and the country that owns them." 告诉我它们在哪里,属于哪个国家吧。“
So that's when I first learned of the Islands and had no idea what I was getting into. 因此,那就是我初次听说菲尼克斯群岛 而且我完全不知我要去的到底是什么地方。
But I was in for the adventure . 我当时去纯粹是探险。
Let me give you a little peek here of the Phoenix Islands-protected area. 让我在此给大家略微透漏一下菲尼克斯群岛保护区域。
It's a very deep-water part of our planet. 它是地球上一个非常深的水域。
The average depths are about 12,000 ft. 平均深度大约一万两千英尺
There's lots of seamounts in the Phoenix Islands, which are specifically part of the protected area. 在菲尼克斯群岛,有大量的海底山脉, 这些山脉,也是保护区域特别的一部分。
seamounts:n.海底山; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地;
Seamounts are important for biodiversity . 海底山脉对于生物多样化至关重要。
There's actually more mountains in the ocean than there are on land. 事实上,海底的山脉比陆地的还要多。
It's an interesting fact. 这点是一个有趣的事实。
And the Phoenix Islands is very rich in those seamounts. 而且,菲尼克斯群岛充满海底山脉。
So it's a deep -- think about it in a big three-dimensional space, very deep three-dimensional space with herds of tuna, whales, all kinds of deep sea marine life like we've seen here before. 因此,它是深邃的-试想一下一个大的三维立体空间, 非常深邃的三维立体空间 有着成群结对的吞拿鱼,鲸鱼, 以及各种各样的深海海洋生命, 就像我们在前面的演讲中见到的一般。
three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; herds:n.畜群;大量(herd的复数);人群;v.聚在一起;结交(herd的三单形式);
That's the vessel that we took up there for these studies, early on, and that's what the Islands look like -- you can see in the background. 这就是我们早期 考察时开的船。 这是群岛的样子;大家可以从背景中看到。
They're very low to the water, and they're all uninhabited , except one island has about 35 caretakers on it. 他们出水很低, 除了一个岛之外都是无人居住的。 这个岛也只有大约三十五位护岛者
uninhabited:adj.无人居住的,杳无人迹的; caretakers:n.看管者;看门人;守护者;adj.临时代理的;
And they've been uninhabited for most of time because even in the ancient days, these islands were too far away from the bright lights of Fiji and Hawaii and Tahiti for those ancient Polynesian mariners that were traversing the Pacific so widely. 他们基本上一直以来都鲜为人知。 因为即使在古代, 这些岛太远了 从发着亮光的的斐济,夏威夷和塔希提岛过 对于那些古老的波利尼西亚航海者 那些远距离横跨太平洋的人来说都太远。
Tahiti:n.塔希提岛(位于南太平洋,法属波利西亚的经济活动中心); Polynesian:adj.波利尼西亚的;波利尼西亚人的;n.波利尼西亚人; mariners:n.[水运]水手;西雅图水手; traversing:n.穿越,通过;v.穿过(traverse的ing形式);横越;
But we got up there, and I had the unique and wonderful scientific opportunity and personal opportunity to get to a place that had never been dived and just get to an island and go, "Okay, where are we going to dive? 我们抵达那里, 拥有这个对于我个人和科学研究都是唯一而且绝佳的机会 那就是到一个人类潜水记录空白的地方 我到了目的地后说,”好啦,从哪里跳下去呢?
unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
Let's try there," 让我们试试那儿吧。“
and then falling into the water. 接着就跳水里了。
Both my personal and my professional life changed. 就这样我的私人生活和职业生涯都发生了改变。
Suddenly, I saw a world that I had never seen before in the ocean -- schools of fish that were so dense they dulled the penetration of sunlight from the surface, coral reefs that were continuous and solid and colorful, large fish everywhere, manta rays. 突然间,我看到这样一个世界 我在海洋中未曾见过的-- 鱼群密密麻麻 它们使从海洋表面照射进来的光变得昏暗, 绵延不断的珊瑚礁 结实又色彩斑斓, 巨大的鱼到处都是 魔鬼鱼之类的
dense:adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的; dulled:adj.钝的; vt.使迟钝; vi.减少; penetration:n.渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力; sunlight:n.日光; coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的; reefs:n.礁石(reef的复数形式); v.收帆; continuous:adj.连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的; manta:n.外套;女用披巾;
It was an ecosystem . Parrotfish spawning -- this is about 5,000 longnose parrotfish spawning at the entrance to one of the Phoenix Islands. 它是一个生态系统 - 比如说鹦嘴鱼产卵 大约五千只长鼻鹦嘴鱼在 菲尼克斯群岛的一个入口处产卵。
ecosystem:n.生态系统; Parrotfish:n.隆头鱼;鹦嘴鱼; spawning:v.播种,产卵;大量生成(spawn的现在分词);n.产卵;增殖;
You can see the fish are balled up and then there's a little cloudy area there where they're exchanging the eggs and sperm for reproduction -- events that the ocean is supposed to do, but struggles to do in many places now because of human activity. 你能看到这些鱼群乱作一团 然后有个地方模糊不清 它们在那里交换卵子和精子完成交配。 这本是在大海中稀松平常的事, 现今在很多地方却变得艰难, 主要是人类的活动造成的。
sperm:n.精子;精液;鲸蜡油; reproduction:n.繁殖,生殖;复制;复制品; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
The Phoenix Islands and all the equatorial parts of our planet are very important for tuna fisheries , especially this yellowfin tuna that you see here. 菲尼克斯群岛和地球上其他赤道部分 对于吞拿鱼渔业至关重要, 尤其是你看到的这种黄鳍吞拿鱼。
equatorial:adj.赤道的,近赤道的;中纬线的;n.赤道仪; fisheries:n.渔业;渔场(fishery的复数);捕鱼术;渔业公司; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; yellowfin:n.黄鳍金枪鱼;
Phoenix Islands is a major tuna location . 菲尼克斯是一个主要的吞拿鱼聚集地。
And sharks -- we had sharks on our early dives , up to 150 sharks at once, which is an indication of a very, very healthy, very strong, system. 还有鲨鱼--我们在早期的潜水中见过鲨鱼, 一次多达150条 这说明 它是一个非常非常健康,强大的体系。
dives:n.富豪; indication:n.显示;表明;标示;象征;
So I thought the scenes of never-ending wilderness would go on forever, but they did finally come to an end . 我几乎以为 这样生生不息的野生生命的画面 会不断出现, 但我们最后还是都游遍了。
never-ending:adj.不停的;无限的; finally come to an end:终于走到了尽头;
And we explored the surface of the Islands as well -- very important bird nesting site, some of the most important bird-nesting sites in the Pacific, in the world. 之后我们还考察了岛屿的表面-- 这是一个很重要的鸟类栖息地, 在太平洋乃至世界上来说最重要的鸟类栖息地。
And we finished our trip. 接着我们的考察结束了。
And that's the area again. 这是菲尼克斯保护区域
You can see the Islands -- there are eight islands -- that pop out of the water. 你能看到--有八个岛屿 突出水面。
The peaks that don't come out of the water are the seamounts. 顶峰没有浮出水面的是海底山脉。
Remember, a seamount turns into an island when it hits the surface. 记得,当一个海底山的顶峰高出水面时它就变成一个岛屿。
And what's the context of the Phoenix Islands? 那么,菲尼克斯是什么背景呢?
Where do these exist? 它们在哪里呢?
Well they exist in the Republic of Kiribati, and Kiribati is located in the Central Pacific in three island groups. 他们在基里巴斯共和国 基里巴斯坐落在太平洋中央 三个群岛体系中。
located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式)
In the west we have the Gilbert Islands. 西边是吉尔伯特群岛,
In the center we have the Phoenix Islands, which is the subject that I'm talking about. 中间是菲尼克斯群岛, 也是我今天谈论的主题。
And then over to the east we have the Line Islands. 东边是莱恩群岛。
It's the largest atoll nation in the world. 是世界上最大的环状珊瑚岛。
And they have about 110,000 people spread out over 33 islands. 基里巴斯有 十一万人口 散落分布在三十三个多岛上。
spread out:冒火;喷火;
They control 3.4 million cubic miles of ocean, and that's between one and two percent of all the ocean water on the planet. 他们拥有三百四十万立方英里的海洋 占百分之一到百分之二 的地球海水总量。
And when I was first going up there, 当我第一次到那里时,
I barely knew the name of this country 10 years ago, and people would ask me, "Why are you going to this place called Kiribati?" 也就是十年前,我几乎不晓得这个国家的名字-- 人们问我, ”你为什么要去一个叫做基里巴斯的地方呢?“
And it reminded me of that old joke where the bank robber comes out of the courthouse handcuffed , and the reporter yells, "Hey, Willy. Why do you rob banks?" 让我想起一个老掉牙的笑话 带着手铐的银行抢劫犯从法院出来, 记者们大声问,”嗨,威利,你为啥抢银行呢?“
reminded:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的过去分词和过去式) robber:n.强盗;盗贼; courthouse:n.法院;(美)县政府所在地; handcuffed:v.给…戴上手铐(handcuff的过去式和过去分词);
And he says, "cause that's where all the money is." 接着他说,”因为钱都在那儿。“
And I would tell people, "Why do I go to Kiribati? 于是,我会告诉他们,”为什么我去基里巴斯?
Because that's where all the ocean is." 因为海都在那儿。“
They basically are one nation that controls most of the equatorial waters of the Central Pacific Ocean. 他们基本是一个 控制着最多赤道水域的 太平洋中央的国家。
They're also a country that is in dire danger. 他们也是一个 处在极其危险中的国家。
Sea levels are rising, and Kiribati, along with 42 other nations in the world, will be under water within 50 to 100 years due to climate change and the associated sea-level rise from thermal expansion and the melting of freshwater into the ocean. 海平面在不断上升, 基里巴斯,和世界上其他四十二个国家一样, 将会在未来五十年到一百年内被海水淹没。 由于气候变化, 全球海平面由于全球变暖而上升, 融化的淡水进入海洋
associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式) sea-level:海平面; thermal:adj.热的;热量的;保热的;n.上升的热气流; expansion:n.扩张;膨胀;扩展;扩大; melting:adj.感人的;v.(使)熔化,融化;(melt的现在分词) freshwater:adj.淡水的;无经验的;n.淡水;内河;湖水;
The Islands rise only one to two meters above the surface. 而这些岛屿只 高出海平面一两米高。
Some of the islands have already gone under water. 一些岛屿已经被海水淹没了。
And these nations are faced with a real problem. 这些国家正面临着这个严峻的问题。
We as a world are faced with a problem. 全世界都不得不面临着这个问题。
What do we do with displaced fellow Earthlings who no longer have a home on the planet? 当这些人们颠沛流离, 无家可归时,我们该做什么?
displaced:v.取代;替代;置换;迫使(某人)离开家园;转移;(displace的过去式和过去分词) Earthlings:n.世人,俗人;凡人(earthling的复数形式);
The president of the Maldives conducted a mock cabinet meeting underwater recently to highlight the dire straits of these countries. 马尔代夫的总统 最近召开了一次有嘲讽意味的 水下内阁会议, 主要为了强调这些国家所面临的巍巍可及的境地。
Maldives:n.马尔代夫(亚洲群岛国家名); conducted:v.组织;安排;实施;执行;指挥;带领;引导;(conduct的过去分词和过去式) mock:n.英国模拟考试;adj.仿制的,虚假的;v.嘲笑;不尊重; cabinet:n.内阁;储藏柜;陈列柜;adj.内阁的;小房间用的;玲珑的;细木工做的; recently:adv.最近;新近; highlight:vt.突出;强调;使显著;加亮;n.最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;加亮区; straits:n.[海洋]海峡;困难(strait的复数);
So it's something we need to focus on. 这是我们需要的关注的。
But back to the Phoenix Islands, which is the subject of this Talk. 回到菲尼克斯群岛, 也是我们今天的主题。
After I got back, I said, okay, this is amazing, what we found. 我回去之后,说, 我们发现的东西实在是太棒了。
I'd like to go back and share it with the government of Kiribati, who are over in Tarawa, the westernmost group. 我想回去和基里巴斯的政府分享我的探索成果。 政府在西边岛系的 塔拉瓦岛。
So I started contacting them -- because they had actually given me a permit to do this -- and I said, "I want to come up and tell you what we found." 于是我开始和他们联络-- 因为他们给我许可让我做研究- 我便说,”我想回去告诉你们我们的成果。“
And for some reason they didn't want me to come, or it was hard to find a time and a place, and it took a while, but finally they said, "Okay, you can come. 由于某种原因,他们似乎不想让我来, 或者是因为确定一个见面的时间和地点比较困难,也花了不少时间, 最终他们说,”好吧,你可以来。
But if you come, you have to buy lunch for everybody who comes to the seminar ." 不过如果你来的话,要给每一个 参与的人都带一份午餐。”
So I said, "Okay, I'm happy to buy lunch. 于是我说,“没问题,我乐意效劳。
Just get whatever anybody wants." 只要告诉我大家吃什么。”
So David Obura, a coral reef biologist , and I went to Tarawa, and we presented for two hours on the amazing findings of the Phoenix Islands. 这样,大卫 奥布拉,一位珊瑚礁生物学家,和我去了塔拉瓦岛, 我们花了两个小时 介绍我们的菲尼克斯的惊奇发现。
biologist:n.生物学家; findings:n.调查发现;判决;裁决;(finding的复数)
And the country never knew this. They never had any data from this area. 这个国家的人们从来都不知道这些。他们没有关于这个区域的任何数据。
They'd never had any information from the Phoenix Islands. 没有这些岛屿的任何资料。
After the talk, the Minister of Fisheries walked up to me and he said, "Greg, do you realize that you are the first scientist who has ever come back and told us what they did?" 谈话结束后,渔业部长朝我走来, 说,“格雷格,你知道吗, 你是第一位(考察结束后) 亲自回来,告知我们研究成果的 科学家。”
He said, "We often issue these permits to do research in our waters, but usually we get a note two or three years later, or a reprint . 他说,“我们常常批准他们 到我们的水域做调查研究, 可惜我们通常只在两三年后得到一个通知, 或者一个再版文件。
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; reprint:vt.再版;重印;n.重印;翻版;
But you're the first one who's ever come back and told us what you did. 你是第一个专程回来讲解我们你们研究的人。
And we really appreciate that. And we're buying you lunch today. 我们真的感谢你,今天的午餐由我们来请客。
And are you free for dinner?" 那个,你有空一起吃个晚餐吗?”
And I was free for dinner, and I went out to dinner with the Minister of Fisheries in Kiribati. 我当然有时间, 接着我和基里巴斯的渔业部长出去吃了个晚餐。
And over the course of dinner, 晚餐期间,
I learned that Kiribati gains most of its revenue -- it's a very poor country -- but it gains what revenue is has by selling access to foreign nations to take fish out of its waters, because Kiribati does not have the capacity to take the fish itself. 我了解到基里巴斯的国家收入来源- 它是一个非常贫困的国家-- 是通过向 其他国家出售 在他们海域的捕鱼权, 因为基里巴斯自己并没有 捕鱼的能力。
revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力;
And the deal that they strike is the extracting country gives Kiribati five percent of the landed value. 他们通过向 前来捕鱼国收取 捕获价值百分之五的 手续费来获利。
So if the United States removes a million dollars' worth of lobsters from a reef, 这样,如果美国 从珊瑚礁捕获价值一百万美元 的龙虾的话,
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) lobsters:n.龙虾;(供食用的)龙虾肉;(lobster的复数)
Kiribati gets 50,000 dollars. 基里巴斯只获得五万美元。
And, you know, it didn't seem like a very good deal to me. 在我看来,这可不是一桩好买卖。
So I asked the Minister over dinner, 于是我在吃饭的时候问这位部长,
I said, "Would you consider a situation where you would still get paid -- we do the math and figure out what the value of the resource is -- but you leave fish and the sharks and the shrimp in the water?" 说,“你会不会考虑一下 通过另外一种方式来得到同样的收入-- 由我们来计算和分析被捕获的资源的价值-- 你只要把鱼类,鲨鱼 和虾子留在水中不要捕杀就好?”
do the math:盘算一下; resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备); shrimp:n.虾;小虾;矮小的人;vi.捕虾;adj.有虾的;虾制的;
He stopped, and he said, "Yes, we would like to do that to deal with our overfishing problem, and I think we would call it a reverse fishing license ." 他停下来,想一想,说,“当然,我们愿意这样做 来解决我们的过度捕捞的问题, 恩,我想,让我们叫它逆向捕鱼证吧。”
overfishing:n.渔捞过度;vt.过度捕捞(overfish的现在分词); reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的; license:v.许可;批准;
He coined the term "reverse fishing license." 他发明了逆向捕鱼证这个词汇。
So I said, "Yes, a 'reverse fishing license.'" 于是我也符合,“对,逆向捕鱼证。”
So we walked away from this dinner really not knowing where to go at that point. 我们吃过饭离开以后, 对于怎么做个计划毫无头绪。
I went back to the States and started looking around to see if I could find examples where reverse fishing licenses had been issued , and it turned out there were none. 我回到美国,开始研究 看能否找到一些例子, 逆向捕鱼证 已经被授予的先例。 可是我一无所获。
licenses:n.许可(license的复数);授权;v.允许(license的三单形式); issued:v.宣布;公布;发出;将…诉诸法律;(issue的过去分词和过去式)
There were no oceanic deals where countries were compensated for not fishing. 没有任何一个海洋方面的案例 是关于哪个国家停止捕鱼受到津贴的。
oceanic:adj.海洋的;海洋产出的;在海洋中生活的;广阔无垠的; compensated:v.补偿;弥补;给(某人)赔偿(或赔款);(compensate的过去式和过去分词)
It had occurred on land, in rainforests of South America and Africa, where landowners had been paid not to cut the trees down. 在陆地上曾有发生, 在南美洲和非洲的热带雨林, 土地拥有者因为不砍树 而收到补偿。
occurred:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在;(occur的过去分词和过去式) rainforests:n.(热带)雨林; South America:n.南美洲; landowners:n.地主(landowner的复数形式);土地所有者;
And Conservation International had struck some of those deals. 国际保护基金会已经处理过这样的案例。
So I went to Conservation International and brought them in as a partner and went through the process of valuing the fishery resource, deciding how much Kiribati should be compensated, what the range of the fishes were, brought in a whole bunch of other partners -- the government of Australia, the government of New Zealand , the World Bank . 于是我找到国际保护基金会 邀请他们参与进来, 一起浏览整个过程: 评估渔业资源, 决定基里巴斯应该收到多少补贴, 以及鱼类的种类, 还吸引很多其他单位的参与-- 像澳大利亚政府, 新西兰政府,世界银行。
fishery:n.渔业;渔场;水产业; bunch:n.群;串;突出物;vi.隆起;打褶;形成一串;vt.使成一串;使打褶; Zealand:西兰岛(丹麦最大的岛) World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构);
The Oak Foundation and National Geographic have been big funders of this as well. 橡树基金会以及国家地理 他们也是巨大的出资人。
Oak:n.橡树;橡木色;橡木家具;adj.栎树的;栎木制的; Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
And we basically founded the park on the idea of an endowment that would pay the equivalent lost fishing license fees to this very poor country to keep the area intact . 我们出于捐助的理念, 基本上成立了这个保护区, 补贴这个穷困的国家 在捕鱼权方面失去的费用。 以保持这个海域完好无缺。
endowment:n.捐赠;捐助;捐款;天资; equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; intact:adj.完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的;
Halfway through this process, I met the president of Kiribati, 在这个过程中,我见过基里巴斯的总统,
President Anote Tong . 汤安诺总统--
He's a really important leader, a real visionary , forward-thinking man, and he told me two things when I approached him. 他是一位重要领袖, 真正有远见,前瞻远瞩的人-- 当我接触他时,他告诉我两件事。
visionary:adj.梦想的;幻影的;n.空想家;梦想者;有眼力的人; forward-thinking:adj.前瞻的,有远见的; approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式)
He said, "Greg, there's two things I'd like you to do. 他说,“格雷格,我想拜托你两件事。
One is, remember I'm a politician , so you've got to go out and work with my ministers and convince the people of Kiribati that this is a good idea. 第一,记得我是一个政治家, 因此你要和我的部长们合作, 让基里巴斯人民信服。
politician:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩; ministers:n.部长,大臣; v.辅助; (minister的第三人称单数和复数) convince:v.使确信;使相信;说服,劝说;
Secondly, I'd like you to create principles that will transcend my own presidency . 第二,我想请你建立相关法规, 不受总统任期限制的法规。
principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) transcend:v.超出,超越(通常的界限); presidency:n.总统(或董事长,会长,大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配;
I don't want to do something like this if it's going to go away after I'm voted out of office." 我可不想 我一离开就半途而废。
So we had very strong leadership, very good vision and a lot of science, a lot of lawyers involved . 这样,我们拥有了强有力的领导团队,远见卓识, 很多科学研究,还有众多律师的参与。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
Many, many steps were taken to pull this off. 花了很多努力才得以实现。
And it was primarily because Kiribati realized that this was in their own self-interest to do this. 这主要是因为基里巴斯认识到 这和他们的切身利益息息相关。
primarily:adv.首先;主要地,根本上; self-interest:n.私利;利己主义;
They realized that this was a common cause that they had found with the conservation community . 他们意识到 他们和国际保护基金会 不谋而合。
Then in 2002, when this was all going full-swing , a coral-bleaching event happened in the Phoenix Islands. 2002年, 当我们全力推行到高潮的时候, 在菲尼克斯群岛发生了珊瑚礁漂白事件。
Here's this resource that we're looking to save, and it turns out it's the hottest heating event that we can find on record. 这正是我们试图拯救的资源, 这个漂白事件是有记载起来 海水温度最高的一次。
The ocean heated up as it does sometimes, and the hot spot formed and stalled right over the Phoenix Islands for six months. 海水有时会升温, 高温点形成并正好出现在 菲尼克斯群岛长达六个月。
It was over 32 degrees Celsius for six months and it basically killed 60 percent of the coral. 海水温度高于32摄氏度持续六个月呀。 高温杀死了大约 百分之六十的珊瑚。
So suddenly we had this area that we were protecting, but now it appeared to be dead, at least in the coral areas. 于是,本来我们是计划保护这个区域的, 突然间它却奄奄一息,至少珊瑚成了这样。
Of course the deep-sea areas and the open ocean areas were fine, but the coral, which everybody likes to look at, was in trouble. 当然深海区域和开放水域是问题不大的。 但是,人人都喜欢欣赏的珊瑚,却巍巍可及。
Well, the good news is it's recovered and recovering fast, faster than any reef we've seen. 不过,好消息就是,珊瑚后来恢复了。 而且恢复得很迅速, 比我们见到的任何珊瑚都快。
This picture was just taken by Brian Skerry a few months ago when we returned to the Phoenix Islands and discovered that, because it is a protected area and has healthy fish populations that keep the algae grazed down and keep the rest of the reef healthy, the coral is booming , is just booming back. 这张照片是几个月前由布莱恩·斯科利拍得, 当时我们返回菲尼克斯群岛, 我们发现,因为它已经成为一个保护区域, 它拥有了健康的鱼群 使海藻落地生长 并维持其余的珊瑚礁健康生长, 珊瑚生长得繁茂,很快就恢复原状。
algae:n.[植]藻类;[植]海藻; grazed:v.吃青草;放牧;放牛;放羊;擦伤;(graze的过去分词和过去式) booming:adj.兴旺的,繁荣的;大受欢迎的;v.兴旺(boom的现在分词);发出隆隆声;
It's almost like if a person has multiple diseases , it's hard to get well, you might die, but if you only have one disease to deal with, you can get better. 这就像一个生病的人 被多种疾病缠身, 很不容易恢复健康,还有可能会死去, 但是如果你只需要和一种疾病抗争,就可能恢复得快。
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类;
And that's the story with climate-change heating. 这就是气候变化导致水温过热告诉我们的。
It's the only threat, the only influence that the reef had to deal with. 温度是唯一的威胁, 珊瑚礁唯一要面对的。
There was no fishing, there was no pollution, there was no coastal development, and the reef is on a full-bore recovery . 没有过度捕捞,没有污染,没有填海工程, 珊瑚礁可以全力复原。
coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的; full-bore:贯眼;等径孔道;全孔射击; recovery:n.恢复,复原;痊愈;重获;
Now I remember that dinner I had with the Minister of Fisheries 10 years ago when we first brought this up and I got quite animated during the dinner and said, "Well, I think that the conservation community might embrace this idea, Minister." 现在我记得十年前和渔业部长的晚餐, 当我们在晚餐中第一次提出这个想法时,我特别兴奋 和他们说:“部长,我想环境保护组织 应该会喜欢这个理念。”
animated:adj.栩栩如生的; v.使具活力; (animate的过去分词和过去式) embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括;
He paused and put his hands together and said, "Yes, Greg, but the devil will be in the details," he said. 他停下来,双手合十,回答说: “对的,格雷格, 但是魔鬼藏在细节中,”他说道。
And it certainly was. 的确如此。
The last 10 years have been detail after detail ranging from creating legislation to multiple research expeditions to communication plans, as I said , teams of lawyers, 过去十年一直在处理不计其数的细节 从建立相关法律 到多种研究和勘探 沟通计划, 以及我说过的,律师团队,
legislation:n.立法;法律; as I said:正如我所说的
MOUs, creating the Phoenix Islands Trust Board. 谅解备忘录啦, 创建菲尼克斯信托委员会,
And we are now in the process of raising the full endowment. 目前我们所处的募集全额捐助的流程,
in the process of:在…的过程中;
Kiribati has frozen extracting activities at its current state while we raise the endowment. 基里巴斯已经停止所有外来捕捞活动 当我们正在为其募集款项
We just had our first PIPA Trust Board meeting three weeks ago. 三周前,我们才召开了第一个菲尼克斯群岛保护区域会议。
So it's a fully functional up-and-running entity that negotiates the reverse fishing license with the country. 信托基金已经开始运作 全速运转 致力于和基里巴斯商榷逆向捕鱼证书的事宜
functional:adj.功能的; entity:n.实体;存在;本质; negotiates:vt.谈判,商议;转让;越过;vi.谈判,交涉;
And the PIPA Trust Board holds that license and pays the country for this. 由菲尼克斯群岛保护区域信托基金来持有该证书 向基里巴斯补偿因禁止捕鱼造成的损失。
So it's a very solid, very well thought-out , very well grounded system, and it was a bottom-up system, and that was very important with this work, from the bottom up to secure this. 目前已发展成为一套相当可靠,缜密 以及十分稳定的体系。 这也是一个至下而上的系统, 这对于这项工作非常关键。 至下而上来确保体系的完善。
thought-out:adj.慎重考虑后产生的; well grounded:adj.基础牢固的;有充分根据的; bottom-up:adj.[计]自底向上的;从细节到总体的;
So the conditions for success here are listed. 这里列出了几项成功的条件。
You can read them yourselves. 大家可以看一下。
But I would say the most important one in my mind was working within the market forces of the situation. 不过我不得不说我脑海中最重要的一点 是在这种情形下, 在市场力量范畴内开展工作。
market forces:n.市场调节作用;市场力量;
And that insured that we could move this forward and it would have both the self-interest of Kiribati as well as the self-interest of the world. 才能保证我们得以继续向前, 既保证了基里巴斯的自身利益 也保全了世界利益。
insured:n.被保险人;adj.已投保的;v.确保;给…保险(insure的过去式和过去分词); as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
And I'll leave you with one final slide, that is: how do we scale this up? 我将播放最后一张投影片, 即-我们如何推广保护区?
How do we realize Sylvia's dream? 如何实现西尔维娅的梦想?
Where eventually do we take this? 我们最终会收获什么?
Here's the Pacific with large MPAs and large conservation zones on it. 这是现在的太平洋 有着巨大的海洋保护区, 大片保护区域的太平洋。
And as you can see , we have a patchwork across this ocean. 大家能看到, 这样的星星点点的“补丁”遍布太平洋。
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; patchwork:n.拼缝物,拼缀物;混杂物;
I've just described to you the one story behind that rectangular area in the middle, the Phoenix Islands, but every other green patch on that has its own story. 我刚才只讲述了其中一个故事, 就是中间那个矩形区域,菲尼克斯群岛。 每个其他的绿色区域 都有它自己的故事。
described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式) rectangular:adj.矩形的;成直角的;
And what we need to do now is look at the whole Pacific Ocean in its entirety and make a network of MPAs across the Pacific so that we have our world's largest ocean protected and self-sustaining over time. 现在我们要做的就是 纵观整个太平洋 作为一个整体, 使其海洋保护区在 真个太平洋行程一个网络。 这样我们世界上最大的海洋 才能得到应有的保护并自我维护 长久可持续发展。
entirety:n.全部;完全; self-sustaining:adj.自立的;自谋生活的;自撑的;
Thank you very much. (Applause) 非常感谢大家。