

I think the future of this planet depends on humans, not technology , and we already have the knowledge. 我想地球的未来取决于人类自身, 而非技术,而且我们已经意识到这一点。
We’re kind of at the endgame with knowledge, but we’re nowhere near the endgame when it comes to our perception . 我们有点儿快到达知识终点的感觉, 但要是说到对“感知”的认识, 我们离这个终点却还很遥远。
endgame:n.最后阶段;尾声; nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的; perception:n.感知;知觉;看法;洞察力;
We still have one foot in the dark ages . 我们的一只脚还在中世纪的黑暗时代中。
dark ages:n.黑暗时代(欧洲历史上从罗马帝国衰亡至公元10世纪的时期);
And when you listen to some of the presentations here and the extraordinary range of human capability , our understandings, and then you contrast it with the fact we still call this planet, "Earth." It’s pretty extraordinary. 当你们在这里听到有些演讲, 谈及人类非凡的才能和认知, 然后你们把它跟事实对比一下 我们仍然叫这个行星“地球”,真是相当的不可思议。
presentations:n.展示;自我介绍;业务陈述(presentation的复数形式); extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量; contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比;
We have one foot in the dark ages. 我们的一只脚在黑暗时代里。
Just quickly, Aristotle , his thing was, it’s not flat, stupid, it’s round. 这里只快速点一下,亚里斯多德,他声称,它不是平的,它是圆的。
Galileo, he had the Inquisition so he had to be a little bit more polite. 伽利略,受宗教裁判所的压力,他必须稍微礼貌一些。
He was, it’s not in the middle, you know. 他说,你们要知道它不在中心。
And Hawkes : It’s not earth, stupid, it’s ocean. 而霍克斯说,它不是地球,笨蛋,它是海洋。
This is an ocean planet. 这是一个海洋行星。
T S Elliott really said it for me -- and this should give you goose bumps : "We shall not cease from exploration and the end of our exploring shall be to return where we started and know the place for the first time." 艾略特已经替我说得很好了- 这段话会让你起鸡皮疙瘩: “我们不应当停止探险, 而到达探险终点时,我们应该回到 出发的地方,并第一次真正了解它。”
goose bumps:鸡皮疙瘩; cease:v.(正式)停止;结束;中断;平息;n.(正式)不停地;不间断地;连续地; exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术; exploring:v.探索:考察:探查;(explore的现在分词)
And the next lines are, "Through the unknown remembered gate, where the last of earth discovered is that which is the beginning." 接下来的一句是,“穿过未知的门, 地球最后被发现的角落 即是我们开始了解它的地方。”
So I have one message. 于是我便得到一个信息,
It seems to me that we’re all pointed in the wrong direction. 我觉得我们似乎都在朝错误的方向走。
For the rocketeers in the audience, 在座的火箭专家们,
I love what you’re doing, I admire the guts , 我喜欢你们所做的一切,我敬佩你们的胆识,
I admire the courage, but your rockets are pointed in the wrong goddamn direction. 我敬佩你们的勇气,但你们的火箭 正在朝超级错误的方向飞。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And it’s all a question of perspective . 这完全是看问题的角度问题
Let me try and tell you. 让我试着来跟你们说说。
I don’t mean to insult you, but look, if I -- and I’m not doing this for real because it would be an insult, so I’m going to pretend, and it softens the blow. 我不想冒犯你们,但是, 如果我——我不会真的这么做, 因为这会是个侮辱, 所以我会假装,舒缓一下语气。
insult:v.侮辱;辱骂;损害;n.侮辱;凌辱;无礼; softens:vt.使温和;使缓和;使变柔软;vi.减轻;变柔和;变柔软;
I’m going to tell you what you’re thinking. 我来说说你们正在想的东西。
If I held up a square that was one foot square, the color of earth, and I held up another square that was the root two square, so it’s 1.5 times bigger, and was the color of the oceans, and I said, what is the relative value of these two things? 如果我拿起一块1平方英尺的方块,颜色代表地球, 再拿起一块根号2平方英尺的方块, 即比第一个大了1.5倍,颜色代表海洋 请问,这两者间有什么相关关系?
Well, it’s the relative importance. 就是二者间的相对重要性。
You would say, yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know this. 也许你会说,是,是,是,我们都知道,
Water covers twice the area of the planet than dry land. 地球上水覆盖的面积是陆地的两倍。
But it’s a question of perception. 但这是一个观念上的问题。
And if that’s what you’re thinking, if that’s what you think I mean when I say this is an ocean planet stupidly called earth. 如果这就是你们所想的, 我是说当我提到这个海洋星球被愚蠢地叫做地球时 你们想的就是这个的话,
If you think that that’s the relative importance, two to one, you’re wrong by a factor of ten. 如果你认为这就是它们的相对重要性, 2比1,那你就错了,错了10倍。
Now, you’re not as thick as two short planks , but you sound like it when you say "Earth," 你不会觉得自己跟这两片木板一样的厚吧? 但是,你说“地球”时就好象是这么认为的,
because that demonstration , if I turned around this way, that earth plane would be as thin as paper. 这是因为演示的关系,如果我把它这样转过来, 地球平面就会跟纸一样薄。
It’s a thin film, two-dimensional existence. 这是个薄层,以二维形式存在。
The ocean representation would have a depth to it. 而海洋的演示会表现出深度。
And if you hefted those two things you might find the relative scale of those is 20 to 1. 而且如果以体积来衡量二者, 你会发现它们的相对比例是20比1.
hefted:n.重量;重要性;vt.举起;举起试重量;vi.称重量; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
It turns out that something more than 94 percent of life on earth is aquatic . 事实上超过94%的地球生命 是水生生物。
That means that us terrestrials occupy a minority . 也就是说我们这些陆生者只占据了很小的一部分。
occupy:v.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌; minority:n.少数民族;少数派;未成年;adj.少数的;属于少数派的;
The problem we have in believing that is you just have to give up this notion that this Earth was created for us. 我们在思想上有个问题, 我们必须放弃 地球是为了我们而存在的想法。
Because it’s a problem we have. 因为我们确实有这个问题,
If this is an ocean planet and we only have a small minority of this planet, it just interferes with a lot of what humanity thinks. 如果(意识到)这是个海洋行星 而我们只拥有其一小部分的话, 人类的很多想法都会有所不同。
interferes:n.干涉(interfere的复数形式); v.妨碍; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
Okay. Let me criticize this thing. 好的,下来我要批评一个事情。
I’m not talking about James Cameron, although I could, but I won’t. 我说的不是詹姆斯·卡梅隆, 虽然我可以,但我不打算这么做。
You really do have to go and see his latest film, 你们真的有必要去看下他最新的电影,
Aliens of the Deep. It’s incredible . 《深海异形》。不可思议的电影。
It features two of these deep rovers , and I can criticize them because these sweet things are mine. 里面描述了两架这种深海探测器, 我批评它们,因为这些可爱的东西是我的。
This, I think, represents one of the most beautiful classic submersibles built. 这个,我想,是最漂亮的 经典潜水器之一。
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的; submersibles:adj.能潜水的;能沉入水中的;
If you look at that sub, you’ll see a sphere . 仔细看这个潜水器,你会看到一个球体。
This is an acyclic sphere. 这不是一个可以轮转的球体。
It generates all of the buoyancy , all of the payload for the craft , and the batteries are down here hanging underneath , exactly like a balloon. 它的全部浮力的产生, 全部载重的放置, 电池悬挂在下方, 就好象热气球一样。
generates:[计]生成;发生; buoyancy:n.浮力;轻快;轻松的心情;(股票)保持高价或回升; payload:n.(导弹,火箭等的)有效载荷,有效负荷; (工厂,企业等)工资负担; craft:n.工艺;船;手艺;飞行器;v.(尤指用手工)精心制作; batteries:n.电池;炮组;炮列;[法]殴打;(batteries是battery的复数) underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
This is the envelope and this is the gondola , the payload. 这是气囊,这是吊篮、载荷。
envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹; gondola:n.两头尖的平底船;狭长小船;无盖货车;
Also coming up later for criticism , these massive lights. 接下来要批评的,还有这一大堆的灯。
criticism:n.批评;批判;评论;指责; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的;
And this one actually carries two great manipulators . 这一个,携带有两个很大的机械手。
It actually is a very good working sub, that’s what it was designed for. 这确实是一个非常好的工作装置, 这也是它的设计目的。
The problem with it is, and the reason I will never build another one like it, is this is a product of two-dimensional thinking. 它的问题所在, 也是我永远不会再建一个这种潜水器的原因, 就是这是一个二维思维的产物。
It’s what we humans do when we go in the ocean as engineers. 作为工程师,我们人类深入海洋的思维方式就是这样。
We take all our terrestrial hang-ups , all our constraints , and importantly, these two-dimensional constraints that we have, and they’re so constrained we don’t even understand it, and we take them underwater. 我们把自己所有在陆地上的困扰, 所有的限制,特别是 这些二维思维的限制, 它们的束缚如此之深以至于我们甚至意识不到, 而我们把这些都带到了海里。
terrestrial:adj.地球的;陆地的,[生物]陆生的;人间的;n.陆地生物;地球上的人; hang-ups:n.悬料;烦恼;难题(hang-up的复数); constraints:n.[数]约束;限制;约束条件(constraint的复数形式); constrained:adj.不自然的; v.约束; (constrain的过去分词和过去式)
You notice that Jim Cameron is sitting in a seat. 你们可以看到卡梅隆正在里面坐着。
A seat works in a two-dimensional world where gravity blasts down on that seat, OK? 一个在二维世界中存在起作用的座椅, 是重力把人按在座椅上的,OK?
And in a two-dimensional world, we do know about the third dimension but we don’t use it because to go up requires an awful lot of energy against gravity. 而在一个二维世界中, 我们知道第三维, 但并不会利用它, 因为要向上飞需要很多的能量来克服重力。
And then our mothers tell us, careful you don’t fall down because you’ll fall over. 然后母亲告诉我们, 没有跌倒也要小心,因为你还会掉下来。
Now, go into the real atmosphere of this planet. 现在,进入这个行星真正的大气层。
This planet has an inner atmosphere of water. 这个行星具有一个由水组成的内部大气层。
It’s its inner atmosphere. It has two atmospheres . 这就是内部大气层。它有两个大气层。
atmospheres:n.[心理]气氛(atmosphere的复数形式); v.使有…的氛围(atmosphere的单三形式);
A lesser , outer gaseous atmosphere, a lighter one. 外面一个是小点的,气体的大气层,重量较轻。
lesser:adj.较少的;次要的;更小的;adv.较少地;更小地;不及; outer:adj.外面的,外部的;远离中心的;n.环外命中; gaseous:adj.气态的,气体的;无实质的;
Most of life on earth is in that inner atmosphere. 地球上绝大多数的生物生活在内部大气层里。
And that life enjoys a three-dimensional existence which is alien to us. 这些生物的享受着一个三维立体的生活空间, 对我们来说这简直天方夜谭。
Fish do not sit in seats. 鱼儿不会坐在椅子里。
(Laughter) (笑声)
They don’t. Their mothers don’t say to little baby fish, careful you don’t fall over. 它们不会。鱼儿的妈妈也不会对它们说, 没有摔倒你也要小心。
They don’t fall over. They don’t fall. 它们不会摔倒,不会的。
They live in a three-dimensional world where there is no difference in energy between going this way, that way, that way or that way. 它们活在一个三维的世界里, 在那里,向这个方向,或那个方向, 所需要的能量是没有区别的。
It’s truly a three-dimensional space. 这是一个真正的三维空间,
And we’re only just beginning to grasp it. 而我们才刚刚开始理解它。
I don’t know of any other submersible, or even remote , that just takes advantage that this is a three-dimensional space. 我不知道其他潜水器, 甚或是遥控潜水器, 有没有想到利用这种三维空间。
remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的; advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点:
This is the way we should be going into the oceans. 这才是我们迈向海洋所要采用的方式。
This is a three-dimensional machine. 这就是一个三维的机器。
What we need to do is go down the ocean with the freedom of the animals, and move in this three-dimensional space. 我们要做的就是像那些动物一样, 在这个三维的海洋空间里遨游。
OK, this is good stuff . 这确实是好东西。
This is man’s first attempt at flying underwater. 这是人类第一次尝试在水下飞翔。
Right now, I’m just coming down on this gorgeous , big, giant manta ray. 此刻,我正在水下和这只漂亮的,巨大的鲾鲼一起。
gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的; giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 manta:n.外套;女用披巾;
She has twice the wingspan that I do. 她的翼展是我的两倍。
There I’m coming, she sees me. 我开了过去,她看到我。
And just notice how she rolls under and turns. 请注意她是如何翻滚和转体。
She doesn’t sit there and try and blow air into a tank and kind of flow up or sink down, she just rolls. 她不是坐在那里,也没有通过鼓气到槽罐里 来控制上浮或下沉,她就是翻转。
And the craft that I’m -- this hasn’t been shown before. 而我的飞船—— 这是第一次在这里展示的。
Chris asked us to show stuff that hasn’t been shown before. 克里斯让我来这里秀一些从未展示过的东西。
I wanted you to notice that she actually turned to come back up. 我希望你们注意到 她实际上是翻个身又转回来的。
There I am; I see her coming back, coming up underneath me. 那就是我;我看到她回来了, 从我下面游上来。
I put reverse thrust and I try and pull gently down. 我翻转推进,想慢慢地往下。
reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的; thrust:v.刺;塞;冲;挤;n.刺;插;重点;猛推; gently:adv.轻轻地;温柔地;温和地;
I’m trying to do everything very gently. 我试着很小心地做这一切。
We spent about three hours and she’s beginning to trust me. 我们花了大概三小时,她逐渐开始信任我。
And this ballet is controlled by this lady here. 而这位“女士”也主导着这支“芭蕾”。
She gets about that close and then she pulls away. 一到完结,她就转身离开了。
So now I try and go after her, but I’m practising flying. 我试着要去追她,但我还在练习怎么飞……
practising:adj.积极履行义务的; v.练习; (practise的现在分词)
This is the first flying machine . This was the first prototype . 这是第一架会飞的潜水器。这是最原始的雏形。
flying machine:n.航空器; prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态;
This was a fly by wire. It has wings. 这是次连接导线的飞行。它拥有翅膀,
There’s no silly buoyancy tanks. 没有愚蠢的浮箱。
It’s permanently , positively buoyant . 它具有持久的浮力。
permanently:adv.永久地,长期不变地; positively:adv.肯定地;明确地;断然地; buoyant:adj.轻快的;有浮力的;上涨的;
And then by moving through the water it’s able to take that control. 通过在水中的运动, 它能够控制自如。
Now, look at that. Look it’s -- she just blew me away. 现在,看,看——她刚刚把我刮走了。
She just rolled right away from underneath, and really that’s the only real dive I’ve ever made in this machine. 她刚刚从下面翻了个跟斗, 这是我在这台机器里唯一一次真正的下潜。
right away:立刻; dive:n.潜水;跳水;俯冲;猛冲;v.猛冲;(头朝下)跳入水中;[体]跳水(运动);
It took 10 years to build. 它花了10年时间建成。
But this lady here taught me, huh, taught me so much. 但这位女士教了我,教了我太多东西。
We just learned so much in three hours in the water there. 我们在水里才三个小时就学到了这么多。
I just had to go and build another machine. 我需要再去建造一架机器。
But look here. Instead of blowing tanks and coming up slowly without thinking about it, it’s a little bit of back pressure, and that sub just comes straight back up out of the water. 但看这里,没有液体舱, 不用考虑上升有多么缓慢。 背部有些许压力, 潜水器直接可以往后退来到水面。
This is an internal Sony camera. Thank you, Sony. 这是一个内置的索尼摄像机。感谢索尼。
I don’t really look that ugly , but the camera’s so close that it’s just distorted . 我并没有里面看起来那么丑, 但摄像机太近了,有点变形。
ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的; distorted:adj.歪曲的;受到曲解的;v.扭曲(distort的过去式和过去分词);
Now, there she goes, right overhead . 看,她就在那,在头顶上。
This is a wide angle camera. 这是个广角摄像机。
She’s just a few inches off the top of my head . 她就在我头上几英寸的地方。
off the top of my head:灵光一闪;我估计;
'"Aah, ha, oh, he just crossed over the top of my head about, oh, I don’t know, just so close." “啊哈,噢,他刚刚从我的头上掠过, 噢,我不知道,太近了。”
over the top:adj.过多的;言过其实的;夸大其词的;
I come back up, not for air. 我往上开了一点,不是为了补充空气。
'"This is an incredible encounter with a manta. I’m speechless . “这次零距离接触鲾鲼真是令人难以置信。我激动得不知怎么说了。
encounter:v.遭遇,邂逅;遇到;n.遭遇,偶然碰见; speechless:adj.说不出话的;哑的;非言语所能表达的;
We’ve been just feet apart. I’m going back down now." 我们的距离就1英尺。我现在要再下去。”
Okay, can we cut that? Lights back up please. 好的,可以停了吗?请打开灯。
(Applause) (掌声)
Trying to fly and keep up with that animal, 想要“飞行”并跟上那只动物并不容易,
keep up with:赶得上;和…保持联系;
It wasn’t the lack of maneuverability that we had, it was the fact she was going so slow. 并非我们缺少机动性, 而是她实在游得太慢了。
I actually designed that to move faster through the water. 实际上我的设计就是要在水中更快地活动,
because I thought that was the thing that we needed to do: to move fast and get range. 因为我的想法就是 我们需要飞得快,飞得远。
But after that encounter I really did want to go back with that animal and dance. 但那次遭遇之后,我真想再回去跟她一起舞蹈,
She wanted to dance. 她想要跳舞。
And so what we needed to do was increase the wing area so that we just had more grip , develop higher forces. 我们要做的就是增加翅膀的面积 这样才能更好地控制,动力更强。
So the sub that was outside last year, this is the one. 去年这架潜水器就制造出来了,就是这个。
You see the larger wing area here. 你们可以看到这儿有面积更大的翅膀。
Also, clearly, it was such a powerful thing, we wanted to try and bring other people and we could figure out how to do it. 而且,这还是件很有影响力的事情, 我们希望能带动其他人 一起参与进来。
So we opened the world’s first flight school. 所以我们开设了世界上第一家“飞行”学校。
The rational for the world’s first flight school goes something like, when the coastguards come up to me and say -- they used to leave us alone when we were diving these goofy little spherical things. 这世界上第一家(海洋)飞行学校的合理性 搞成这个样子:当海岸警卫队找到我,跟我谈话, 在我们过去用这些愚蠢的圆形玩意潜水的时候, 他们对我们不闻不问。
rational:n.理性;人类;合理的事物;[数]有理数;adj.合理的;理性的;明智的;理智的; coastguards:n.海岸警备队;水上警察; come up to:v.达到;等于; diving:n.潜水;跳水;跳水运动;v.下潜;跳水;潜水;(dive的现在分词) goofy:adj.傻瓜的,愚笨的; spherical:adj.球形的,球面的;天体的;
But when we started flying around in underwater jet fighters they got a little nervous. 但当我们开始在在水下驾驶喷气式飞行器 飞行的时候他们倒有点紧张了。
And they would come up and say, do you have a license for that? 他们会冒出来说, 你有许可证吗?
And then I’d put my sunglasses on the beard that would all sprout out, and I would say, 听了这话,我把太阳镜拿下来, 我会说
I don’t need no stinking license. 我不需要什么狗屁许可证。
stinking:adj.发恶臭的; v.散发出恶臭;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I write these stinking license, which I do. 我写了这些讨厌的许可证,真的写了。
So Bob Gelfons' around here -- 所以Bob Gelfons在这儿呢——
But somebody in the audience here has license number 20. 但听众中有些人拥有20号许可证。
license number:n.(车辆的)登记号码;
They’re one of the first subsea aviators . 他们是第一批的海底飞行员。
So we’ve run two flight schools. 我们举办了两期飞行学校。
Where the hell that goes, I don’t know, but it’s a lot of fun. 这事今后怎么发展我不知道,但确实充满乐趣。
What comes next in 30 seconds? I can’t tell you. 接下来30秒有什么?我不能告诉你们。
But the patent for underwater flight, 但说到水下飞行的专利,
patent:vt.授予专利; adj.专利的; n.专利权;
Karen and I, we were looking at it. 凯伦和我正看看这事儿的发展
Some business partners wanted us to patent it. 有些商业伙伴希望我们申请专利。
We weren’t sure about that. 我们不确定。
We’ve decided we’re just going to let that go. 我们已经决定不去管它。
It just seems wrong to try and patent -- 申请专利对水下飞行的自由而言,
(Applause) (掌声)
- the freedom for underwater flight. 似乎不是一件正确的事情。
So anybody who wants to copy us and come and join us, go for it . 因此无论谁想仿效我们, 尽管行动,并加入我们,去吧。
go for it:努力争取;加油;
The other thing is that we’ve got much lower costs. 另一件事情是,我们的成本已经降低很多。
We developed some other technology called spider optics , and Craig Ventner asked me to make an announcement here this morning. 我们发展了其他一些, 称为“蜘蛛光学”的技术,克雷格·文特也要我 今天早上在这里做一个声明。
spider:n.蜘蛛; optics:n.[光]光学;
We’re going to be building a beautiful, little, small version of this, unmanned , super deep, for his boat to go and get back some deep sea DNA stuff. 我们将建造一个漂亮的,小型的, 这种潜水器,无人驾驶,能潜得超级深, 为他的考察船采集深海的DNA样品。
unmanned:adj.无人的; v.使失去男子气质(unman的过去式和过去分词形式);
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。