

Hey, upper east siders , 曼哈顿东区的 贵族们
upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂; siders:n.支持者(sider的复数形式);十字头;横梁;
Gossip girl here, 我是 八卦天后
And I have the biggest news ever. 我得到了一个爆炸性新闻
One of my ma sources ... 我的线人之一
Melanie91... sends us this... 美兰尼91... 放出消息...
Spotted at grand central, 她出现在了中央火车站
Bags in hand... 手里还提着包
Serena van der woodsen. 她... 就是瑟琳娜.范德.伍德森
Was it only a year ago our "it" girl 我们的这位 她 不是在一年前
Mysteriously disappeared 就神秘消失了
Mysteriously:adv.神秘地;故弄玄虚地;难以理解地; disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词)
For " boarding school "? 然后去了所谓的寄宿学校?
boarding school:n.寄宿学校;
And just as suddenly,she's back. 突然 她竟回来啦
Don't believe me? 不相信我说的?
See for yourselves. 那你自己看吧
Lucky for us,lanie91 很幸运 美兰尼91用她的手机
Sent proof . 给我们发来了证据
Thanks for the photo,mel. 小美 谢谢你的照片啦
Dan,jenny,over here! 丹 珍尼 我在这!
Hey,dad! 爸爸
Hey,hey, you made it ! 你们终于到了!
you made it:你做到了;你成功了;
Welcome back. 欢迎回来
How was your weekend? 你们周末过得愉快吗?
How's your mom? 妈妈 好吗?
Fine. - she's good. 不错 -她很好
Uh,fine and good. 厄... 不错 也很好
She's... she's good and... and fine. 她... 她不错 挺好的
Like,"maybe I never should've left manhattan" - fine, 是哪一种好? 是 也许我不该离开曼哈顿 那种?
Or "taking a time-out from my marriage 还是 摆脱婚姻生活是我一生...
Was the best idea I ever had" fine? 所做的最正确的决定 ?
Dad,you know what? 爸爸 知道吗
I- I am,uh,i'm starving. 我... 我饿坏了
Let's go home. I'm cooking. 我们回家 我来做给你们吃
Caprese salad,a little mozzarella di bufala. 卡佩斯沙拉 再拌点奶酪
Caprese:n.红白小碟(一食品); mozzarella:n.马苏里拉奶酪;
Yeah,i'm gonna make you guys... 嗯 我会让你们...
Spotted... lonely boy. 发现... 内心孤独的男孩
Can't believe the love of his life has returned... 不敢相信 他一生的挚爱又回来了
If only she knew who he was. 只要她知道他是谁的话
But everyone knows serena,and everyone is talking. 但没人不知道瑟琳娜 大家都在猜测
Wonder what blair waldorf thinks. 布莱尔.霍道夫会有什么反映
Sure,they're b.f.s, 当然了 她们是BFS组合
But we always thought 但别忘了
Blair's boyfriend nate 布莱尔的男友内特
Had a thing for serena. 曾与瑟琳娜有一些感情纠葛
Design a dress for this woman.blair, 我必须为她设计一套礼服 布莱尔...
If you're gonna wear one of my designs, 如果你要穿我设计的服装
Tell me so we can at least get it properly fitted. 告诉我 至少我能为你量身定做一套
Thanks,mom. 谢谢妈妈
Keep that in mind. 我会记着的
Great party. 聚会很棒
She is mybest advertisement. 她就是我最好的活广告
So,nate,you started thinking about college? 内特 你开始考虑读大学了吗
Well,actually,i'm a dartmouth man. 事实上 我是达特茅斯大学毕业的
Yes,dad's always spoken very highly of dartmouth, 是的 爸爸对达特茅斯大学的评价总是很高
But I'd like to check out west. 但是我更喜欢西部的一些学校
You know,maybe u.s.c.,u.c.l.a.... 比如是思考利大学 或者加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校