

Chris Anderson: Thank you so much, Prime Minister , that was both fascinating and quite inspiring . Chris Anderson: 非常感谢您,首相先生。 刚才真是即精彩又耐人寻味。
Prime Minister:n.首相;总理; fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) inspiring:adj.鼓舞人心的;灌输的;v.鼓舞;激发;使感悟;(inspire的现在分词)
So, you're calling for a global ethic . 您在提倡一种全球伦理,
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; ethic:n.伦理;道德规范;adj.伦理的;道德的(等于ethical);
Would you describe that as global citizenship ? 它是否象征着世界公民的身份?
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; citizenship:n.[法]公民身份,公民资格;国籍;公民权;
Is that an idea that you believe in, and how would you define that? 这是一种您所认同的想法吗? 您怎么来定义全球伦理?
Gordon Brown: I think it is about global citizenship. It's about recognizing our responsibilities to others. Gordon Brown:我认为这就是世界公民的思考, 这关系到我们对其他人的责任。
There is so much to do over the next few years that is obvious to so many of us to build a better world. 为了创造一个更好的世界, 在今后几年中,有太多的工作要做, 这对许多人来讲是很明显的。
And there is so much shared sense of what we need to do, that it is vital that we all come together. 在做这些工作中,我们的命运 息息相关。 因此,团结合作是很重要的。
But we don't necessarily have the means to do so. 可是问题在于,我们目前缺乏团结合作的方法。
So there are challenges to be met. 所以我们就遇到了一些挑战。
I believe the concept of global citizenship will simply grow out of people talking to each other across continents . 我相信世界公民这一概念 会在世界不同地区人们之间交流时得以理解
grow out of:产生于;因长大而丢弃;长得太高大; continents:n.[地理]大陆,大洲(continent复数);
But then, of course, the task is to create the institutions that make that global society work. 当然,到时我们的任务便是 创造一个能使国际社会更好运作的机构。
But I don't think we should underestimate the extent to which massive changes in technology make possible the linking up of people across the world. 当然我认为我们不应低估 科技发展的巨大潜力。 科技发展使得全世界人们的密切联系成为可能
underestimate:v.低估;看轻;n.低估; extent:n.程度;范围;长度; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
CA: But people get excited about this idea of global citizenship, but then they get confused a bit again when they start thinking about patriotism , and how to combine these two. CA: 不过虽然说人们为世界公民这个想法感到兴奋, 大家还是会感到有点疑惑, 爱国主义与全球伦理, 到底如何结合二者.
confused:adj.困惑的; v.使糊涂; (confuse的过去分词和过去式) patriotism:n.爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神;
I mean, you're elected as Prime Minister with a brief to bat for Britain. 我的意思是,您作为首相, 自然要为英国国家利益努力.
How do you reconcile the two things? 您怎样使两者达成一致?
GB: Well, of course national identity remains important. GB: 不可否认,国家认同感是很重要的.
But it's not at the expense of people accepting their global responsibilities. 但是这并不妨碍人们接受应有的国际责任.
at the expense of:以…为代价;由…支付费用;
And I think one of the problems of a recession is that people become more protectionist , they look in on themselves, they try to protect their own nation, perhaps at the expense of other nations. 我认为经济衰退所带来的一个问题 是人们施行保护主义 他们只看到自己 尝试保护自己的国家 也许以其他国家为代价.
recession:n.经济衰退;经济萎缩;退后;撤回; protectionist:n.贸易保护主义者;adj.贸易保护主义的;保护贸易论的; look in on:顺便拜访;
When you actually look at the motor of the world economy , it cannot move forward unless there is trade between the different countries. 当你真正去看世界经济的动力,就会发现, 世界经济不会前进 除非国与国之间存在贸易.
And any nation that would become protectionist over the next few years would deprive itself of the chance of getting the benefits of growth in the world economy. 在将来几年中,任何施行保护主义的国家, 都会剥夺自己在世界经济中 得到发展的机会.
So, you've got to have a healthy sense of patriotism; that's absolutely important. 所以你要保持一种健康的爱国主义; 这是非常重要的.
But you've got to realize that this world has changed fundamentally , and the problems that we have cannot be solved by one nation and one nation alone. 但你也要意识到世界已经发生了根本的变化, 我们遇到的问题不能由 一个国家单独解决.
CA: Well, indeed. But what do you do when the two come into conflict and you're forced to make a decision that either is in Britain's interest, or the interest of Britons , or citizens elsewhere in the world? CA:是的,没错. 但是您会怎样做 如果您遇到矛盾的选择并且必须作出决定? 一个选择迎合英国的利益, 或者说英国人的利益, 而另一选择是为了其他国家公民的利益?
conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触; Britons:n.英国人;不列颠人,大不列颠人(Briton的复数形式); elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
GB: Well I think we can persuade people that what is necessary for Britain's long-term interests, what is necessary for America's long-term interests, is proper engagement with the rest of the world, and taking the action that is necessary. 我认为我们可以说服人们 为了英国的长远利益, 为了美国的长远利益, 必须要恰当地融入到世界中去, 并采取必要的措施.
persuade:v.说服;劝说;使信服;使相信; long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; engagement:n.婚约;约会;交战;诺言;n.参与度;
There is a great story, again, told about Richard Nixon . 有一个很棒的关于理查德.尼克松的故事.
1958, Ghana becomes independent , so it is just over 50 years ago, 1958年加纳独立, 在50多年前,
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
Richard Nixon goes to represent the United States government at the celebrations for independence in Ghana. 理查德.尼克松代表美国政府 参加在加纳举行的独立庆典.
represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) independence:n.独立;独立性;自恃心;独立不羁的精神;
And it's one of his first outings as vice president to an African country. 这是他作为美国副总统首次访问一个非洲国家.
He doesn't quite know what to do, so he starts going around the crowd and starts talking to people in the crowd and he says to people in this rather unique way, "How does it feel to be free?" 他还不知道该怎样做,于是他就在当地走, 开始和人们讲话 他问了一个独特的问题, “获得自由是什么感觉?”
And he's going around, "How does it feel to be free?" 他四下询问:“获得自由是什么感觉?”
'"How does it feel to be free?" “获得自由是什么感觉?”
And then someone says, "How should I know? I come from Alabama ." 然后有人回答:“我怎么知道?我是亚拉巴马州来的。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And that was the 1950s. 当时是50年代.
Now, what is remarkable is that civil rights in America were achieved in the 1960s. 值得注意的是 美国的民权运动是在1960年代实现其目标的。
remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; civil rights:na.公民权;
But what is equally remarkable is socioeconomic rights in Africa have not moved forward very fast even since the age of colonialism . 同样值得注意的 是非洲的社会经济权利 并没有得到很快的发展 从殖民主义的时代便是如此.
socioeconomic:adj.社会经济学的; colonialism:n.殖民主义;殖民政策;
And yet, America and Africa have got a common interest. 但是,美国与非洲 有着共同的利益
And we have got to realize that if we don't link up with those people who are sensible voices and democratic voices in Africa, to work together for common causes, then the danger of Al Qaeda and related groups making progress in Africa is very big. 我们要意识到如果我们没有听到 非洲那些理智与民主的呼声, 并与他们为共同目标协力工作, 那么 基地 组织和其他恐怖组织 在非洲进展的威胁就会很大.
sensible:adj.明智的; n.可感觉到的东西; democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的;
So, I would say that what seems sometimes to be altruism , in relation to Africa, or in relation to developing countries, is more than that, it is enlightened self-interest for us to work with other countries. 所以,在我看来一些表面上看似是 对非洲和其他发展中国家的 慈善行为, 其目的更大于此,与其他国际合作 也符合我们的自身利益.
altruism:n.利他;利他主义; enlightened:adj.开明的; v.启发; (enlighten的过去分词和过去式) self-interest:n.私利;利己主义;
And I would say that national interest and, if you like, what is the global interest to tackle poverty and climate change do, in the long run , come together. 在我看来,国家利益 或者说国际利益 在处理贫困和气候问题上 从长远来看是相吻合的.
tackle:v.处理; n.用具; poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; in the long run:长远;终究;
And whatever the short-run price for taking action on climate change or taking action on security, or taking action to provide opportunities for people for education, these are prices that are worth paying so that you build a stronger global society 不管短期里在处理环境问题和气候问题上要付出什么代价 或者说在保证安全问题上, 在教育机会问题上, 这些代价都是值得的 因为我们要建立一个更完善的全球社会
where people feel able to feel comfortable with each other and are able to communicate with each other in such a way that you can actually build stronger links between different countries. 在这之中,人们共处时觉得完全轻松自在 大家可以互相交流 并在国家之间建立起更紧密的联系.
CA: We're in Oxford, which is the home of philosophical thought experiments. CA: 我们现在在牛津,这里是 许多哲学思想试验的产生地.
And so here is one that kind of goes -- 我这里有一个情境——
I still just want to draw out on this issue . 我还是想提到这个问题.
So, you're on vacation at a nice beach, 假如说你在一个美丽的海滩度假,
And word comes through that there's been a massive earthquake and that there is a tsunami advancing on the beach . 你得到了消息,有强烈地震发生了 海啸正朝海岸袭来.
tsunami:n.海啸; on the beach:adj.在海滩上;失业的;潦倒的;退休的;
One end of the beach there is a house containing a family of five Nigerians. 在海滩的一头有一间屋子 里面有5个尼日利亚人
And at the other end of the beach there is a single Brit. 在海滩的另一头 有1个英国人
You have time to -- 你有时间--
(Laughter) (笑声)
You have time to alert one house. What do you do? 你有时间去通知一间屋子的人. 你会怎样做?
alert:n.警报; adj.警觉的; v.向…报警;
(Laughter) (笑声)
GB: Modern communications. GB:现代通讯设备.
(Applause) (掌声)
Alert both. 通知两组人。
(Applause) (掌声)
I do agree that my responsibility is first of all to make sure that people in our country are safe. 我同意我的责任 是首先保证我们国家人民的安全.
first of all:adv.首先;
And I wouldn't like anything that is said today to suggest that I am diminishing the importance of the responsibility that each individual leader has for their own country. 我不希望今天说的任何话映射到 我在削减这一责任的重要性的意思 这是每个领袖对自己国家的责任.
diminishing:v.减少; adj.逐渐缩小的; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
But I'm trying to suggest that there is a huge opportunity open to us that was never open to us before. 相反,我想阐明的是,我们面对着一种良机 一种前所未有的机遇.
But the power to communicate across borders allows us to organize the world in a different way. 这是一种跨越国界交流的能力 这能让我们以另一种方式,使世界更加井然有序.
And I think, look at the tsunami, it's a classic example. 而且,我认为,看看海啸的例子,这是个很好的例子.
Where was the early warning systems? 预先警报系统哪里去了?
early warning:adj.预先警报的,预警的;远程警戒的;
You know? Where was the world acting together to deal with the problems that they knew arose from the potential for earthquakes, as well as the potential for climate change? 对吧?世界的共同合作 来应对以前发生过的问题 比如潜在的地震威胁, 还有气候变化的威胁到哪里去了?
arose:vi.出现(arise的过去式);引发; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
And when the world starts to work together, with better early warning systems, then you can deal with some of these problems in a far better way. 当世界各国开始合作以后, 在运用更好的预先警报系统后, 你可以更好的解决这些问题.
I just think we're not seeing, at the moment, the huge opportunities open to us by the ability of people to cooperate in a world where either there was isolationism before 我认为在当前,我们还没有意识到 这些由人们的合作能力 所产生的机遇. 在世界上以前曾经有过孤立主义
cooperate:v.合作;配合;协作;结合; isolationism:n.孤立主义;
or there was limited alliances based on convenience which never actually took you to deal with some of the central problems. 以前出于便利考虑世界上的联盟合作很有限 这些都不能解决我们面对的一些主要问题.
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) alliances:n.联盟,同盟;盟国(alliance的复数形式);联姻; convenience:n.方便;便利;适宜;便利的事物(或设施);
CA: But I think this is the frustration that perhaps a lot people have, like people in the audience here, where we love the kind of language that you're talking about. CA:但是也许许多人都面临着一种压抑感 就像这里的很多观众一样, 我们很欣赏您用的这些措辞
It is inspiring. A lot of us believe that that has to be the world's future. 这些话很振奋人心。许多人都相信 这应该就是世界的未来.
And yet, when the situation changes, you suddenly hear politicians talking as if, you know, for example, the life of one American soldier is worth countless numbers of Iraqi civilians . 但当形势改变的时候, 你突然听到政治家们谈论,就好像 你知道,比如说,一个美国士兵的性命 等同于无数伊拉克平民的性命.
politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数) countless:adj.无数的;数不尽的; civilians:n.平民;市民;文官;无军职人员;(civilian的复数)
When the pedal hits the metal, the idealism can get moved away. 当形势所逼的时候, 理想主义就会消退.
pedal:v.踩踏板;骑车;n.踏板;脚蹬子;adj.脚的;脚踏的; idealism:n.唯心主义,理想主义;理念论;
I'm just wondering how -- whether you can see that changing over time, whether you see in Britain that there are changing attitudes , and that people are actually more supportive of the kind of global ethic that you talk about. 我只是想知道-- 您是否看的到随着随着时间推移所产生的变化, 您是否看到在英国本土 人们的态度改变了,事实上大家变得 更加支持您所说的这种全球伦理观念
attitudes:n.态度,看法(attitude复数); supportive:adj.支持的;支援的;赞助的;
GB: I think every religion, every faith , and I'm not just talking here to people of faith or religion -- it has this global ethic at the center of its credo . GB:我认为每一种宗教,每一种信仰, 我指的不仅仅是有宗教信仰的人士-- 都将全球伦理视为其信条的 核心.
faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰; credo:n.信条,教义;
And whether it's Jewish or whether it's Muslim or whether it's Hindu , or whether it's Sikh, the same global ethic is at the heart of each of these religions. 不管是犹太教徒还是回教徒 是印度教徒还是锡克教徒, 同样的全球伦理观念 是每一个宗教的的核心.
Jewish:adj.犹太人的;犹太族的; Hindu:adj.印度的;印度教的;n.印度人;印度教教徒;
So, I think you're dealing with something that people instinctively see as part of that moral sense. 所以说,你在同一种 人们凭直觉 认同为是道德感的一部分的思想打交道.
instinctively:adv.本能地; moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的;
So you're building on something that is not pure self-interest. 因此说这种思想并非仅仅建立在个人利益之上.
You're building on people's ideas and values -- that perhaps they're candles that burn very dimly on certain occasions. 你在加强人们的思想和价值观-- 也许在特定情况下 人们希望的烛火会变的暗淡.
But it is a set of values that cannot, in my view, be extinguished . 但是这是一种价值观,在我看来,永不会被熄灭.
Then the question is, how do you make that change happen? 问题就是, 你怎样促使这种变革的发生?
How do you persuade people that it is in their interest to build strong ... After the Second World War, we built institutions, the United Nations , the IMF, the World Bank , the World Trade Organization , the Marshall Plan. 你怎样说服人们 为了他们自己的利益, 应该建立强大的...在第二次世界大战后, 我们建立了一些机构,比如联合国, 国际货币基金组织,世界银行, 世贸组织,马歇尔计划.
United Nations:n.联合国; World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构); Organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体;
There was a period in which people talked about an act of creation , because these institutions were so new. 有一段时间人们谈论过这一创造的举动, 因为当时这些机构刚刚建立.
But they are now out of date . They don't deal with the problems. 但是它们现在过时了. 它们不能解决问题.
out of date:adj.过时的;
As I said , you can't deal with the environmental problem through existing institutions. 像我说的那样,现有的国际机构 不能处理环境问题.
As I said:正如我所说的
You can't deal with the security problem in the way that you need to. 你不能以合适的方式解决安全问题.
in the way:妨碍;挡道;
You can't deal with the economic and financial problem. 你不能解决经济和金融问题.
So we have got to rebuild our global institutions, build them in a way that is suitable to the challenges of this time. 所以我们要重建我们的国际机构, 使得它们能够合适地应对当前的挑战.
And I believe that if you look at the biggest challenge we face, it is to persuade people to have the confidence that we can build a truly global society with the institutions that are founded on these rules. 并且我认为当前我们面临的最大挑战, 就是让人们获得足够的信心 相信我们可以建立一个真正意义上的国际社会 拥有基于这些准则的国际机构.
So, I come back to my initial point. 这又回到了我开始提出的观点.
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于;
Sometimes you think things are impossible. 有时候你认为有些事情不可能完成.
Nobody would have said 50 years ago that apartheid would have gone in 1990, or that the Berlin wall would have fallen at the turn of the '80s and '90s, 50年前没有人会认为 种族隔离会在1990年不复存在, 或着说柏林墙 会在80年代末90年代初倒下
or that polio could be eradicated , or that perhaps 60 years ago nobody would have said that a man could have gone to the moon. 或者说小儿麻痹症会被根除,或者说大概60年前 没人会认为人类会登月成功.
polio:n.小儿麻痹症(等于poliomyelitis);脊髓灰质炎; eradicated:adj.画着根的;v.摆脱;擦掉;连根拔起(eradicate的过去分词);
All these things have happened. 可是所有这些都发生了.
By tackling the impossible, you make the impossible possible. 通过处理不可能的事情,不可能变成了可能.
CA: And we have had a speaker who said that very thing, and swallowed a sword right after that. Which was quite dramatic . CA:我们有过一个演讲者他也说了这样的话, 之后他马上吞下了一把剑. 这太猛了.
swallowed:v.吞下;咽下;吞没;淹没;侵吞(swallow的过去分词和过去式) dramatic:adj.突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的;激动人心的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
GB: Followed my sword will swallow. GB:下面我也要吞剑了.
CA: But, surely a true global ethic is for someone to say, "I believe the life of every human on the planet is worth the same, equal consideration , regardless of nationality and religion." CA:但是,一个人要相信真正意义上的全球伦理 他一定会说, **我相信地球上人人平等 人们应该被平等对待, 不论国籍和宗教.**
consideration:n.顾及;报酬;斟酌;仔细考虑; regardless:adj.不管的; v.不顾后果地;
And you have politicians who have -- 但是政治家是都是--
You're elected. In a way, you can't say that. 您是被选举产生的. 因此在某种程度上,你不能说那样的话.
Even if, as a human being, you believe that you can't say that, you're elected for Britain's interests. 即使从自身来讲您相信这些, 您还是不能这样说,因为您被选举代表英国的利益.
GB: We have a responsibility to protect. GB: 我们有保护的责任.
I mean look, 1918, the Treaty of Versailles , and all the treaties before that, the Treaty of Westphalia and everything else, were about protecting the sovereign right of individual countries to do what they want. 我的意思是说,看看1918年的凡赛尔条约, 还有以前的条约,如西伐利亚和约等等, 都是关于保护个别国家的国家主权 使他们能够为所欲为.
Treaty:n.条约,协议;谈判; Versailles:n.凡尔赛(法国城市); treaties:n.条约;协定问题(treaty的复数); sovereign:adj.至高无上的; n.君主;
Since then, the world has moved forward, partly as a result of what happened with the Holocaust , and people's concern about the rights of individuals within territories where they need protection, partly because of what we saw in Rwanda, partly because of what we saw in Bosnia . 从那之后,世界进步了, 这归咎于纳粹大屠杀的发生, 还有就是人们对在本国领土上 受保护权利的关注, 这也归咎于卢旺达屠杀的发生, 还有波斯尼亚屠杀的发生.
as a result:结果; Holocaust:n.大屠杀;毁灭; concern:v.涉及,关系到;使担心;n.关系;关心;关心的事; individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); territories:n.地区;领土;边疆区(territory的复数); Bosnia:n.波斯尼亚;波士尼亚;
The idea of the responsibility to protect all individuals who are in situtations where they are at humanitarian risk is now being established as a principle which governs the world. 这种对每一个公民保护的义务 在他们的人权 受到威胁的时候 被看做是治理这个世界的一项基本原则.
humanitarian:adj.人道主义的;博爱的;基督凡人论的;n.人道主义者;基督凡人论者; established:adj.已确立的;著名的;v.建立;创立;设立;(establish的过去分词和过去式) principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉;
So, while I can't automatically say that Britain will rush to the aid of any citizen of any country, in danger, 虽然我不能直接说 英国会去协助 世界上任何国家的遇到危险的公民,
I can say that Britain is in a postion where we're working with other countries so that this idea that you have a responsibility to protect people who are victims of either genocide or humanitarian attack, is something that is accepted by the whole world. 但是我可以保证英国 正在于别国合作 以保证这种保护公民的义务 不论是当人们受到种族灭绝的威胁的时候, 还是人权受到损害的时候, 能被全世界所接受.
Now, in the end, that can only be achieved if your international institutions work well enough to be able to do so. 归根结底,这个目标 只有在国际机构正常运作的情况下 才能实现.
And that comes back to what the future role of the United Nations, and what it can do, actually is. 因此我们又要回过头来讨论联合国将来的职能, 它能做的真正有什么.
But, the responsibility to protect is a new idea that is, in a sense , taken over from the idea of self-determination as the principle governing the international community . 但是,保护公民的责任 是一个新想法,在某种程度上, 这一想法取代了 民族自决的观念,成为了国际社会遵循的基本原则.
in a sense:在某种意义上; self-determination:n.民族自决;自我决定; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
CA: Can you picture, in our lifetimes, a politician ever going out on a platform of the kind of full-form global ethic, global citizenship? CA:您能否想象,在您的有生之年里, 一个政治家可以支持 这种完整意义上的全球伦理,全球公民权?
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
And basically saying that "I believe that all people across the planet have equal consideration, and if in power we will act in that way. 然后他会说说: 我相信地球上的所有人 应该被平等对待,执权者 应该遵循这样的原则.
And we believe that the people of this country are also now global citizens and will support that ethic ..." 我相信本国公民 现在也是国际公民并会支持国际伦理...
Gordon Brown: Is that not what we're doing in the debate about climate change? Gordon Brown: 这不正是我们在 气候问题的辩论中所做的吗?
We're saying that you can not solve the problem of climate change in one country; you've got to involve all countries. 我们提出说你不能靠一个国家的努力来解决气候变暖; 你需要各国共同努力.
You're saying that you must, and you have a duty to help those countries that cannot afford to deal with the problems of climate change themselves. 你提出说你必须要,你也有责任要帮助 那些缺乏经济实力来独自应对 气候变暖问题的国家.
You're saying you want a deal with all the different countries of the world where we're all bound together to cutting carbon in emissions in a way that is to the benefit of the whole world. 你提出说你想要与所有世界上不同的国家达成协议 因为我们命运以共 所以为了整个世界的命运要降低碳排放.
bound:n.跳跃:v.跳跃着跑:形成…的边界(或界限)adj.一定会:很可能会: carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; emissions:n.(光、热、气等的)发出,排放;排放物;散发物;(emission的复数)
We've never had this before because Kyoto didn't work. 我们以前从未实现这些因为京都议定书没有奏效.
If you could get a deal at Copenhagen , where people agreed, A, that there was a long-term target for carbon emission cuts, 如果你能在哥本哈根达成协议, 人们同意,第一,要有 一个长期的减排目标,
B, that there was short-range targets that had to be met so this wasn't just abstract; it was people actually making decisions that would make a difference now, and if you could then find a financing mechanism 第二,要去实现短期的目标 所以说这不仅是空头文字; 这是人们真正做出的决定 现在可以改变世界的决定, 如果可以找到一种融资机制
short-range:adj.短射程的;短期间的; make a difference:有影响,有关系; mechanism:n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧;
that meant that the poorest countries that had been hurt by our inability to deal with climate change over many many years and decades are given special help so that they can move to energy-efficient technologies , and they are in a position financially to be able to afford the long-term investment that is associated with cutting carbon emissions, then you are treating the world equally, 这就意味着 那些由于发达国家在过去很长时间里 没能解决环境问题而受到不利影响的贫穷国家 可以得到特殊的援助.这样它们就可以 使用节能科技, 并且它们的财务状况 也允许这些国家接受 有利于降低碳排放的长期性投资, 这样你就平等地对待了世界,
inability:n.无能力;无才能; energy-efficient:adj.节能的,节约能源的;高能效的; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); financially:adv.财政上;金融上; investment:n.投资;投入;封锁; associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式) treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词)
by giving consideration to every part of the planet and the needs they have. 因为你考虑到了地球的每一个角落 以及他们的需求.
It doesn't mean that everybody does exactly the same thing, because we've actually got to do more financially to help the poorest countries, but it does mean there is equal consideration for the needs of citizens in a single planet. 这并不意味着每个人要做完全一样的事情, 因为我们要在财政方面付出更多 以帮助那些最穷的国家,然而这却意味着要平等地对待 生活在这同一星球上 每一个公民的需求.
CA: Yes. And then of course the theory is still that those talks get rent apart by different countries fighting over their own individual interests. CA: 没错,不过毫无疑问有种见解依然存在, 那就是这样的对话被各国所阻挠, 大家都在为自己的个人利益而努力.
GB: Yes, but I think Europe has got a position which is 27 countries have already come together. GB: 是的,但是我认为欧洲有着一个 27国共同出台的立场.
I mean, the great difficulty in Europe is if you're at a meeting and 27 people speak, it takes a very very long time. 我是说,欧洲面临的巨大困难是 如果你在一个会议里有27人要发言, 这会花费很长时间.
But we did get an agreement on climate change. 但是我们的确在气候问题上达成了协议.
America has made its first disposition on this with the bill that President Obama should be congratulated for for getting through Congress . 美国已经首次在此问题上表了态 应该祝贺奥巴马总统使此议案 在国会上得到了通过.
disposition:n.处置;[心理]性情;[军]部署;倾向; Congress:n.国会;代表大会;会议;社交;
Japan has made an announcement. 日本也已发布了声明.
China and India have signed up to the scientific evidence . 中国和印度也已承认了科学依据.
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
And now we've got to move them to accept a long-term target, and then short-term targets. 现在我们要促使他们接受 一个长期的目标,然后是短期的目标.
But more progress has been made, I think, in the last few weeks than had been made for some years. 不过我认为过去几周里我们取得的进步 比过去许多年来还要多.
And I do believe that there is a strong possibility that if we work together, we can get that agreement to Copenhagen. 我相信 只要我们团结合作 在哥本哈根取得进展是有很大可能的.
I certainly have been putting forward proposals that would have allowed the poorest parts of the world to feel that we have taken into account their specific needs. 当然我也一直在忙于提案工作 以使得世界上最贫穷的国家 能够感受到我们已经考虑到了 他们特有的需求.
proposals:n.建议书(Proposal的复数);求婚; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
And we would help them adapt . 我们会帮助他们适应新的情况.
And we would help them make the transition to a low carbon economy. 我们会帮助他们的经济实现低碳消耗的过渡.
I do think a reform of the international institutions is vital to this. 我认为一个国际机构的改革对此十分重要.
When the IMF was created in the 1940s, it was created with resources that were five percent or so of the world's GDP. 当国际货币基金会在40年代创立时, 它拥有着相当于世界GDP总量百分之五的资源.
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
The IMF now has limited resources, one percent. 国际货币基金会现在拥有的资源十分有限,百分之一.
It can't really make the difference that ought to be made in a period of crisis . 它不能够在危机来临时起到应有的作用.
So, we've got to rebuild the world institutions. 所以我们必须要重建世界机构.
And that's a big task: persuading all the different countries with the different voting shares in these institutions to do so. 这是一项艰巨的任务:说服 这些机构里拥有着不同决议权的各国 来这样做.
There is a story told about the three world leaders of the day getting a chance to get some advice from God. 有一个关于三个世界领袖的故事 有一天他们得到了向上帝请教的机会.
And the story is told that Bill Clinton went to God and he asked when there will be successful climate change and a low carbon economy. 故事说比尔克林顿来到上帝那里 他问上帝什么时候 气候问题会解决,低碳经济会实现.
And God shook his head and said, "Not this year, not this decade, perhaps not even in your lifetime." 上帝摇摇头说:“今年不行, 这十年不行,也许在你有生之年都不行.
And Bill Clinton walked away in tears because he had failed to get what he wanted. 比尔克林顿哭着走开了 因为他没有得到他想得到的
And then the story is that Barroso, the president of the European Commission , went to God and he asked, he said, "When will we get a recovery of global growth?" 故事又讲到巴罗索,欧盟委员会主席, 他来到上帝那里问: “世界经济何时才能恢复发展?”
European Commission:n.欧盟委员会; recovery:n.恢复,复原;痊愈;重获;
And God said, "Not this year, not in this decade, perhaps not in your lifetime." 上帝说: 今年不行,这十年不行, 也许在你有生之年都不行.
So Barroso walked away crying and in tears. 巴罗索哭着走开了.
And then the secretary general of the United Nations came up to speak to God and said, "When will our international institutions work?" 然后联合国秘书长 来到上帝面前问: “国际机构什么时候才能有效工作?”
secretary general:n.秘书长;总书记;
And God cried. 然后上帝哭了.
(Laughter) (笑声)
It is very important to recognize that this reform of institutions is the next stage after agreeing upon ourselves that there is a clear ethic upon which we can build. 我们要充分意识到 在实施这种机制的变革之前 我们在一点上 要达成一致 那就是确立一种清晰的道德规范基础.
CA: Prime Minister, I think there are many in the audience who are truly appreciative of the efforts you made in terms of the financial mess we got ourselves into. CA:首相先生,我想在到场的观众之中 有很多人由衷地感谢您在 我们遇到金融危机时所付出的努力.
appreciative:adj.感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的; mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺;
And there are certainly many people in the audience who will be cheering you on as you seek to advance this global ethic. Thank you so much for coming to TED. 在观众之中一定也有许多人 会在您推行这种全球伦理时给予您全力的支持 非常感谢来到TED.
GB: Well thank you. GB: 谢谢.
(Applause) (掌声)