

Hi, Charlie, there you are. 嗨 Charlie 快看看你
Nine months old and look how cute you are. 才九个月大 多可爱啊
And look how cute I am. 再看看我多么可爱啊
It's your big sister Teddy here, 我是你的姐姐Teddy
And I'm making this video diary 我在拍视频日记
video diary:n.录影日记;影音日记;
To help you survive our... 来帮你立足于我们这个
Special family. 特别的家
Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas. 嗨 看来老爹已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了
Oh, and there's mom, 哦 这是妈妈
Looking lovelier than ever this morning. 今天早上看起来最可爱了
Not in the mood . 没那心情和你开玩笑
in the mood:兴致勃勃;
Okay. I think you've had enough bananas. 好了 我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了
So we're switching to sweet peas! 我们改吃点甜豌豆吧
You're gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy . 你会喜欢吃的 快看 妈妈认为它们很美味哦
Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay? 非常聪明 一定要让妈妈先尝 懂吗
Oh, and there's your older brother PJ 哦 那是你的大哥 PJ
Doing today's homework at the last minute as usual. 像往常一样在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业
It's not today's homework. 这才不是今天的家庭作业
This is yesterday's homework. 这是昨天的家庭作业
There's a chance you two will be in high school together. 你可能有机会和你哥哥 一起念高中哦
Oh, and there's dad preparing for another day's work. 哦 那是爸爸在准备下一天的工作
He kills bugs for a living. 他靠杀虫来赚钱
Honey, come on. we've been through this. 宝贝 拜托 我们已经说过这个了
I don't kill bugs. 我不是杀虫
I'm a pest control specialist. 我是害虫防治专家
Either way... 还不都是得
So now you've met the whole family. 现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦
Forgetting somebody? 忘记某人了吧
Gabe! no no no. I didn't forget about you. Gabe 不是 不是的 我没有忘记你
I was just saving the best for last. 我只是打算拿你来压轴
Gharlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe. Charlie 那是你的小哥哥Gabe
You want to say something to Charlie? 你想对Charlie说点什么吗
You ruined my life. 你毁了我的生活
Okay, so it's taking Gabe a little bit longer 好了 看来Gabe还需要点时间
To get used to you. You were kind of a surprise. 来适应你 因为你有点像个惊喜
get used to:开始习惯于
I thought surprises were supposed to be good. 我还以为惊喜是好事呢
And... cut. 好了 就到这里了
Okay, gang , listen up. 好了 大家听着
gang:n.一群; v.(英)去;
I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital 我今晚要回到医院工作
For the first time since Charlie was born, 这是从Charlie出生后我第一次上班
So I want everyone to stay at home 所以我想让你们今晚全都留在家
and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom. 帮你爸爸照顾宝宝 - 等下 不行 妈妈
I'm not gonna be here tonight. 我今晚不能待在家里
I have a study date at the library. 我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了
Don't you mean "studly" date... 你的意思是借学习之机
With Spencer? 和Spencer约会吧
Oh, save it for your pillow . 哦 留着亲你的枕头吧
I'm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule . 我很抱歉 Teddy 但是你得重新安排你的计划
But, dad-- 但是 爸爸
Bob! - Uh, dad's not available right now. Bob - 嗯 爸爸现在也不管用了
Mom, don't take this the wrong way, 妈妈 别误会我的意思
But why did you guys have to have another baby? 但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝 呢
Well, because three kids was just too easy. 那个嘛 因为三个孩子太好养了
Three's for quitters . 胆小鬼才只生三个