

I beg your pardon. I forgot to knock. 抱歉 忘了敲门
I'm alone. 我是一个人
Aren't we all? 我们谁不是?
You're late, 007. - I had to stop in the bathroom. 你迟到了 007 - 我得去上厕所
Ready to save the world again? 又准备拯救世界吗?
After you, 006. 你先请 006
James, for England. 詹姆斯 为英国
For England, Alec. 为英国 艾力克
It's too easy. 太容易了
Half of everything is luck, James. 所有事情一半都是靠运气 詹姆斯
And the other half ? 另一半呢?
other half:n.另一半(指配偶或男友,女友);
Fate. 靠命运
Set timers : six minutes. - Six minutes, check. 计时六分钟 - 六分钟 无误
Fire! 开枪!
Closing time , James! Last call ! 打烊了 詹姆斯! 最后一次!
Closing time:n.(酒馆、商店等的)打烊时间; Last call:n.(酒吧打烊前)买饮料的最后机会;
Buy me a pint. 给我买一品脱
This is Colonel Ourumov! Come out with your hands above your heads! 我是巫上校 举起双手出来!
Colonel:n.(陆军、海军陆战队或美国空军)上校; Come out with:说出;发表;出版;供应,把…投入市场;
How original . 每个人都知道
Shout the door! Alec. There is a draft . 艾力克 关门 有风进来!
draft:n.草案; v.起草; adj.供役使的;
Alec? 艾力克
Move out Throw down your weapon and walk towards me, slowly. 出来 放下武器慢慢走过来
Finish the job, James! Blow them all to hell! 快完成任务 轰掉他们!
You have ten seconds. 给你十秒钟
Ten... 十...
nine... eight... 九 八...
seven... six... 七 六...
five... 五...
four... three... two... 四 三 二...
For England, James! 为英国 詹姆斯!
Hold your fire! You'll blow the gas tanks! 停火! 会打到瓦斯桶
This is your last chance. Come out with your hands above your.... 给你最后机会 举起手出来...
Wait! 等等!
You can't win. 你赢不了
Get out there! Move! Move it! 出来! 快! 快走!
Hold your fire! 不要开火!
Wait! 等等!
James, is it really necessary to drive quite so fast? 詹姆斯 你真的有必要开得这么快吗?
More often than you'd think. 比你预想的要经常多了
I enjoy a spirited ride as much as the next girl, but-- 我也像别的女孩一样爱坐飞车 不过...
Who's that? - The next girl. 那是谁? - 别的女孩
James, stop this! Stop it! I know what you're doing. 詹姆斯 别这样! 打住! 我知道你想干嘛
Really? What's that, dear? 真的? 我在干嘛 亲爱的?
You are just trying to show off the size of your, your-- 你只是现你的...
Engine? - Ego . 引擎? - 自大狂
We're having a pleasant drive and you've got to bring psychology into it. 我们开车寻开心你却来这套心理分析
I was just sent here to evaluate you. 我奉命来评估你
Let's try and put that behind us, shall we? 我们还是别想公事了
Ladies first 女士优先
James, I want you to stop this car. - Really? 詹姆斯 我让你停车 - 真的?
Stop this car at once! 马上停车!
As you can see , I have no problem with female authority . 你看...我完全能遵守女上司的命令
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; authority:n.权威;权力;当局;
James, you're incorrigible . 詹姆斯 你真是无药可救
What am I going to do with you? 我拿你没辙
Well, let's toast your evaluation , shall we? 好了 为你的评估干杯好吗?
toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯; evaluation:n.评价;[审计]评估;估价;求值;
A very thorough evaluation. 彻底的评估