

Andrew! 安德鲁
Andrew! 安德鲁
Andrew! 安德鲁
Thousands gathered in the Bay Area last night to honor the victims of the 2014 attacks. 昨晚数千人齐聚在湾区 缅怀2014年袭击中丧生的受害者
Part of a wave of memorials and protests demanding that the secretive monster-hunting coalition known as Monarch be held accountable . 部份纪念者和抗议者 要求秘密寻找怪兽的联盟 即帝王组织为此负责
memorials:n.纪念碑(或像等);纪念品;(memorial的复数) protests:v.抗议;反对(protest的三单形式);n.抗议(protest的复数); secretive:adj.秘密的;偷偷摸摸的;促进分泌的; coalition:n.联合;结合,合并; Monarch:n.君主,帝王;最高统治者; accountable:adj.有责任的;有解释义务的;可解释的;
The recent spike in mass die-offs in the world's oceans could be caused by efforts to locate and track Godzilla , who hasn't been seen in over five years. 近来全球海洋生物的大规模死亡 或与找寻哥斯拉下落的行动有关 据悉哥斯拉已五年未见踪影
spike:n.长钉,道钉;钉鞋;细高跟;vt.阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; die-offs:绝种;顺次枯死;物种数量非人为锐减; locate:v.确定…的准确地点;把…安置在(或建造于);创办于(某地); track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪; Godzilla:n.哥斯拉(动画片名称);
Top brass at the mysterious Monarch organization will face another intense grilling as the government continues to push for extermination of the Titans . 神秘的帝王组织负责人 将面临另一场严厉的听证会 因政府继续施压 望灭绝巨兽
Top brass:高级军官;要员;顶部轴衬; mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的; grilling:n.盘问,责问,审问(的一段时间);v.烧烤;盘问;追问;审问;(grill的现在分词) extermination:n.消灭;根绝; Titans:n.泰坦巨神;(美)大力神Ⅱ型洲际导弹(Titan的复数);
And rumors persist that Monarch may be hiding even more creatures discovered since the attacks of 2014. 关于帝王组织的谣言也甚嚣尘上 自2014年袭击事件以来 该组织或已秘密捕获多只巨兽
rumors:n.谣传,流言(rumor的复数);v.谣传(rumor的第三人称单数); persist:v.保持;持续存在;维持;顽强地坚持; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
A historic tragedy that changed the world as we know it forever. 这起历史悲剧永远改变了我们熟知的世界
historic:adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的; tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品;
The day the world discovered that monsters are real. 那天 世界发现怪兽真实存在
Shit! 见鬼
Shit, shit, shit! 见鬼 见鬼 见鬼
Maddie? 麦迪
Good morning! 早上好
Good morning, Mom! - Oh, God! 早上好 妈妈 -天哪
Okay. 好吧
I made us breakfast. 我做了早饭
It's, uh... 这是
Eggs, toast , and what was once bacon . 鸡蛋 土司和烤焦的培根
toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯; bacon:n.咸肉;腌肉;熏猪肉;
And which do you recommend ? 你有推荐吗
The toast and eggs. 土司和鸡蛋
Thank you. 谢谢
Coffee? 来点咖啡
What were you working on? 你刚才在干嘛
I was looking at recipes . 看菜谱
For toast? 做土司还要看菜谱
Dad's been emailing me. 爸爸一直在给我发邮件
But he looks good. 但他看上去不错
Healthy. 健康
Have you responded ? 你回信了吗
Not yet. 还没有
Madison, I just don't want to see you get hurt. 麦迪逊 我只是不希望你受伤
I know. 我知道
Especially with everything that's going on right now. - Mom, I know. 发生了这么多事 尤其需要小心 -妈妈 我知道
Listen, I know things haven't been easy for you. 听着 我知道你一直过得不容易
But we're gonna get through this. 但我们能挺过去
Together. 一起
You sure he's gonna be okay? 你确定他会没事吗
He is in the safest place that he could be right now. 他在目前对他来说最安全的地方
You wanna hear some good news? 你想听听好消息吗
I finished it. 我完成了
Really? 真的吗
You think it's gonna work? 你觉得会有用吗
It's gonna work. 会有用的
It's gonna be okay. 会没事的
Doctor Russell, we need you in Containment . 拉塞尔博士 您得来控制室