

Alright, I want to tell you how I got my superpowers through fatherhood . 我想告诉你们我如何 透过当父亲而获得超强的力量。
superpowers:n.超级大国;超能力;超级强权;(superpower的复数形式) fatherhood:n.父亲的身分;父权;父性;父道;
I was working a job I hated, OK? 当时我厌恶我的工作。
And I don't know if anyone here ever worked a job they hated. 不知道在座有没有人 曾经从事他们厌恶的工作。
Has anyone here ever worked a job they hated? 有没有人曾经从事厌恶的工作?
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK, good, because I'm not alone and I have something to confess; I don't want you guys to judge me. 好,很好,因为我并不孤单, 我有事要坦白,不想让你们论断我。
This feels like a safe space, is it a safe space? 这里像是个安全的地方。 这地方安全吗?
Audience: Yes.
Glen Henry: OK, I was working the job I hated, my manager and I were not getting along. 亨利:好,当时我厌恶我的工作, 我和上司处不来。
I was sitting in my car, looking in the rearview mirror, trying to figure out which friend I could call to call in a bomb threat, so I didn't have to go back in the building. 我坐在车里,看着后视镜, 试图弄清楚我能叫哪个朋友 打电话恐吓有炸弹, 那我就不必再回到办公室。
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK, this was having a lot of issues for me, 对我来说问题很多,
I was having a lot of issues at my job and I'd come home every day from work and my wife would ask me the same question. 我在工作中遇到很多问题, 每天下班回家, 妻子会问我同样的问题。
And when you hate your job, this is the worst question anyone could ask you. 当你厌恶你的工作时, 这是被问的最糟糕问题。
She'd say, "Hey babe, how was your day?" 她会问:「嘿,宝贝, 今天过得怎么样?」
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I'd say, "Why you bringing up old stuff ?" 我会说:「你怎么老是说同样的话?」
(Laughter) (笑声)
I just left it, I don't want to think about that place again. 我刚刚离开,不愿再想到那个地方。 (注:他的办公室)
See, we were spending about 40 percent of my income on childcare . 我的收入约有 40% 用在托儿上。
We had one child. 那时我们有一个孩子,
And we were pregnant with our second child. 怀了第二个。
And we were trying to figure out how we were going to fix this whole thing of this money situation, and she said, "Hey, babe, I've got a great idea." 我们试图弄清楚如何解决钱的问题。 她说:「嘿,宝贝,我有个好主意。」
I said, "What's up?" 我说:「说来听听。」
She said, "I think you'd be a great stay-at-home dad." 她说:「我认为 你会是个很棒的留守父亲。」
(Laughter) (笑声)
I was like, "Why would you say something like that?" 我回她:「你为什么这样说?」
(Laughter) (笑声)
She said, "Because babies like you." 她说:「因为宝宝喜欢你。」
(Laughter) (笑声)
I was like, "No, they don't." 我说:「不,他们不喜欢。」
She was like, "No, they do like you. 她说:「错了,他们喜欢你。
And I think it would be great for our children to see what love looks like, coming from a father." 我认为这将会很棒, 让我们的孩子享受父爱会很棒。」
I was like, OK. 我接受了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, I had issues with this, because I haven't seen a lot of stay-at-home dads before and I thought men would judge me, so get this, I said this -- please don't be offended -- I said, "Uh, you know, that sounds boring . 我有这问题, 因为我以前没见过几个留守的爸爸, 我以为男人会评判我,听着, ──请不要被冒犯──我说: 「呃,那听起来很无聊。
offended:v.得罪;冒犯;犯罪;犯法;(offend的过去分词和过去式) boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词)
And what do stay-at-home moms do all day, anyway?" 而且,到底全职妈妈整天做些什么?」
Audience: Ooh! 观众:哦!
She smiled at me a smile only a woman full of knowledge can smile 她微笑看着我,只有 充满智慧的女人才有的那种微笑,
(Laughter) (笑声)
and said, "Well, this should be easy for you. 并说:「这对你来说应该很容易,
And it will save us some money, it seems like a no-brainer ." 还会为我们省些钱, 看起来轻而易举。」
(Laughter) (笑声)
Fast-forward six months, 快转六个月,
I'd been a stay-at-home dad for about a week. 我在家里待了约一星期。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I was standing in my bathroom, looking into the mirror 我站在浴室里,望着镜子……
(Laughter) (笑声)
crying, tears -- 哭泣,眼泪……
(Laughter) (笑声)
running all down my face. 不停地流下来。
(Laughter) (笑声)
My one-and-a-half-year-old was banging on the bathroom door -- because I locked them out, you know -- 我一岁半的孩子猛敲浴室的门, 因为我锁了门,隔开他们。
(Laughter) (笑声)
crying, tears running down his face. 他在哭泣着,泪流满面。
And my newborn was in the bassinet , crying, tears running down his face. 新生婴儿在摇篮里哭着,泪流满面。
newborn:adj.新生的;再生的;n.婴儿; bassinet:n.摇篮;摇篮车;
I looked at myself in the mirror, and I said ... 我看着镜子里的自己,说:
'"Which friend can you call to call in a bomb threat? 「能打电话给哪位朋友通报有炸弹?
We've got to get out of here ." 我们必须逃离这里!」
get out of here:出去(表示气愤或不耐烦等)
(Laughter) (笑声)
See, I had traded my manager for my children. 我把上司换为孩子,
I didn't know what I got myself into. 不知道自己陷入了什么样的境地。
I thought I knew everything about being a stay-at-home parent, and in fact, I knew nothing at all. 我自以为懂得怎么做个留守家长, 事实上,我什么都不懂。
Because even though my manager was -- well, at least my children were a lot cuter than my manager, they were just as demanding. 因为即使我的经理── 至少我的孩子比经理可爱多了── 他们同样苛刻。
(Video) Child: Wipe my butt . (影片)小孩:擦我的屁股。
Wipe:v.擦;抹;拭;消除;n.擦;拭;揩;(湿)抹布; butt:n.屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端;v.以头抵撞;碰撞;
Papa, wipe my butt. 爸爸,擦我的屁股。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Wipe my butt. 擦我的屁股。
(Laughter) (笑声)
GH: What had I gotten myself into? 亨利:我沦落到什么境地?
I thought I knew everything about being a stay-at-home parent -- in fact, I knew nothing. 我自以为完全懂得 怎样当个留守家长, 事实上,我什么都不懂。
I thought that all I had to do was feed them, change their diapers , and they'd be fine. 我以为只要喂他们、 换尿布,就没事了。
Like, I really thought that's it. 我真的以为就那样。
'" Sesame Street" on TV, keep them distracted , apple sauce in a bowl, milk in a bottle, they'd be fine. 电视上的「芝麻街」 攫取他们的注意力, 给一碗苹果酱、一瓶牛奶, 他们就妥当了。
Sesame:n.芝麻; distracted:adj.心烦意乱; v.转移(注意力); (distract的过去分词和过去式) sauce:n.酱;调味汁;讨厌的话(或举动);v.给…加滋味;(俚)对…说冒昧话;
But if you leave children alone, they'll get into just a little bit of mischief . 但是如果你让孩子独处, 他们就会稍稍恶作剧。
(Video) Child: Hi. (影片)孩子:嗨。
GH: Where is the powder ? 亨利:爽身粉在哪里?
Child: I don't know. 孩子:我不知道。
GH: Well, where did you put it, where did it -- 亨利:你放哪儿去了,在哪里 ,
Who did it? 谁干的?
Child 1: No, you did it! Child 2: No, you did it! 孩子1:不是我,是你干的! 孩子2:不是我,是你干的!
Child 1: No, you did it! Child 2: No, you did it! 孩子1:不是我,是你干的! 孩子2:不是我,是你干的!
(Laughter) (笑声)
GH: You know what else I thought I knew about being a stay-at-home parent? 亨利:可知道其他的 我自以为明白的育儿做法吗?
I thought that all I had to do was take them to the park once a week, because if I took them to the park once a week, they'd be fine. 我以为只需每周带他们去公园一次, 每周带他们去公园一次就够了。
In fact, I knew nothing at all. 事实上,我什么也不懂。
OK. 好。
If you take kids to park every day then that means they get dirty every day. 如果你每天带孩子去公园, 就意味着他们每天都会弄脏。
If they got dirty every day, they need baths every day, if they got baths every day -- 如果他们每天都很弄脏, 他们每天都需要洗澡, 如果他们每天都洗澡──
I just don't think you understand, see, having two kids under two, you end up changing over 20 dirty diapers a day, OK. 我不认为你们明白, 有两个两岁以下的孩子, 你每天得要更换 20 片脏尿布。
And if you give them a bath, that's just more nakedness . 如果为他们洗澡, 脱掉尿布的次数就更多,
(Laughter) (笑声)
And a higher probability of getting peed on, and no one likes getting peed on, even if it's from a baby. 并且更可能被噴到尿。 即使是「婴儿」噴的尿也没人会喜欢。
probability:n.可能性;机率;[数]或然率; peed:v.撒尿;(pee的过去式和过去分词)
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I read this article by Father Lee which cites a survey done by two detergent companies, Omo and Persil. 但是我读过李神父的文章, 他引用了 Omo 和 Persil 这两家洗衣精公司的调查。
cites:n.引文(cite的复数形式);v.援引(cite的第三人称单数形式); survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; detergent:n.清洁剂;去垢剂;
And they did this study and it said, that at two hours a day, prisoners get more outside time than children. 研究调查说:就算囚犯每天 只得到短短两小时的放风时间, 那还是比孩子得到的长。
That convicted me and so we went outside. 那定了我的罪,我们只好到室外放风。
(Video) (Music) (影片)(音乐)
(Laughter) (笑声)
GH: See, I knew nothing about being a stay-at-home parent, and once I embraced the fact that I knew nothing, 亨利:看,我根本不知道 怎么当个留守家长。 一旦接受了我什么都不懂的事实,
I began to learn from my new managers. 我开始向我的新上司学习。
And I always was told that as a stay-at-home parent, you get no sleep. 我总是被告知 作为在留守家长,你没得睡。
Or as a parent in general , you get no sleep. 或者作为一般的家长,你没得睡。
in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
But that's not true, because if you sleep when they do, you actually can get some sleep. 但事实并非如此, 因为他们睡的时候你也睡, 实际上你可以睡一会儿。
(Laughter) (笑声)
You know what else I thought as a stay-at-home parent? 可知道作为留守家长 我还有什么其他的想法吗?
I though I knew that the best way to teach kids right from wrong was to discipline them, because that would make sure they understood right from wrong, the pain, the fear -- that would teach them. 我以为教孩子们对错的最好方式 就是管教他们, 因为这会确保他们明白对错, 痛苦、恐惧能教会他们。
But the truth is, the best way to teach my children right from wrong is to teach them. 但事实上教育我孩子是非的最好方法 是教导他们。
Take out a whiteboard and draw pictures and make connections that they can understand. 拿出白板,绘制图片, 建立他们能够理解的联系。
That was the best way. 这是最好的方法。
A lot of these images you're seeing are coming from my YouTube channel, "Beleaf in Fatherhood." 很多你们看到影像来自我的 YouTube 频道「信仰父亲」。
I document the misadventures of being a stay-at-home dad. 我记录了留守父母的不幸经历。
And it's not perfect, it's just showing that I'm trying. 那并不完美,只表明我在努力。
And I'm not trying to be an example but just proof that it's possible for whoever else is doing this. 我不想成为范例, 而是证明任何人都做得到。
proof:n.证据;证实;adj.能抵御;可防护; whoever:任何人:无论是谁:
You know what I also knew about being a stay-at-home parent? 作为留守家长,我还知道什么呢?
I knew that children needed love, but I just didn't know what love looked like. 我知道孩子需要爱, 但我不知道爱长什么样子。
(Video) (Music) (影片)(音乐)
GH: It turns out putting diapers on your head and play-fighting until the kids fall asleep is a great way to love your kids. 亨利:事实证明,头戴尿布, 打打闹闹,玩到孩子们入睡为止, 是爱你孩子的好方法。
So, I was learning a lot, but it's not all fun and boogers , is it? 我学了很多, 但不全是乐趣和鼻屎。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I asked a group of stay-at-home parents what's the hardest thing, the thing they underestimated most about being stay-at-home parents, and they said that the loneliness was one of those things. 我问一群留守家长什么最难、 最被他们低估。 他们说最被低估的其中一件是孤独,
Not having someone else to talk to, feeling inadequate , feeling selfish for wanting me-time. 没有别人可以交谈, 因为想要有自己的时间 而感到自私、不适任。
And nursery rhymes suck . 童谣也很糟糕。
nursery:n.苗圃;托儿所;温床; rhymes:n.押韵(rhyme的复数);尾韵;v.押韵(rhyme的第三人称单数形式); suck:v.吸吮;吸取;n.吮吸;
(Laughter) (笑声)
Like, really, "Mary Had a Little Lamb " is cool the first couple of times, but after all these years on repeat, you wonder why Mary just ain't make herself a wool skirt and have lamb chops , you know what I'm saying? 真的,听「玛丽有只小绵羊」的 前几遍还好, 但经过这么多年的重复, 你想知道为什么玛丽不干脆 为自己做件羊毛裙子和羊排, 知道我的意思吧?
Lamb:n.羔羊;小羊;羊羔肉;v.产羊羔 wool:n.毛;毛线;毛料;毛织物; chops:n.排骨;摆簧夹;削球(chop的复数);vt.砍(chop的第三人称单数形式);
(Laughter) (笑声)
The one thing I underestimated most was the emotional fatigue . 我最低估的一件事是情绪疲劳。
emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; fatigue:n.疲劳;劳累;厌倦;(金属或木材的)疲劳;v.疲劳;使疲乏;(士兵)担任杂役;
See, I was an artist, so I'd write songs for other artists. 我是个艺术家,为其他艺术家写歌。
Because that's how I made money from home. 因为那是我在家赚钱的方式。
But when you're with your kids all day, you become emotionally tired. 但是整天和孩子在一起, 你会总是感到很累。
And that means all your creativity comes from your emotions , so you’re just tapped out, you're done. 你所有的创造力来自你的情感, 一旦情感被掏空,你就完了。
So you become done with time. 你随着时间的推移而逐渐掏空。
Nap time, time-tables, time-out , time like to cook, with all types of time, you're just done. 午睡时间、时间表、纪律反省时间、 做饭的时间,各类型的时间, 时间都被用掉了,
Nap:n.打盹;短绒毛;赛马情报;v.打盹;(naps是nap的复数) time-out:n.休息时间,暂停;
You had no time for anything. 你没有时间做任何事情。
And some people are done with their spouse as a stay-at-home parent. 有些人因为天天留守在家 而与配偶分手,
Because the spouse just doesn't get it. 因为配偶就是不明白。
I was talking to a friend of mine, he said, "Man, I come home from work, drawers are open, clothes hanging outside the drawers, the kids are still in their pajamas ... 我曾和一位朋友交谈,他说: 「天啊,我下班回家, 抽屉开着,衣服挂在抽屉外面, 孩子们仍然穿着睡衣......
And it can't be that hard to have dinner ready when I get home, right?" 当我回到家时 晚餐已经准备好,不难吧?」
(Laughter) (笑声)
Start to freak out, you know what I'm saying? 开始吓坏我了,知道我在说什么吧?
(Laughter) (笑声)
He was trying to confide in me -- 他试图向我倾诉──
confide in:信任,信赖;向…吐露秘密;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I said, "You have no idea what you're talking about." 我说:「老兄,你不知所云。
(Laughter) (笑声)
She wakes up every morning, tired from the night before, baby attached to her breast, dropping this kid off at school, and taking this one to the park. 她每天早上醒来, 前晚的疲累还没恢复, 怀抱着婴儿,送这个孩子上学, 带那个去公园。 待洗的衣服堆满满,
Laundry piles up to the skies, he has a conversation on the phone for an hour with your mom about God knows what, takes the dog you wanted for a walk ... 她与你妈妈讲了一个小时电话, 天知道讲了些什么, 遛你要养的狗…… (笑声)
Laundry:n.洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服; piles:n.痔疮;痔;
And nobody died, bro. 兄弟,没有人死亡。
She kept your kids alive all day, that's hard." 她让你的孩子活了一整天,这很难。」
(Laughter) (笑声)
I have become an advocate for stay-at-home parents. 我已经成为留守家长的倡导者。
Why? 为什么?
Because finally , I was standing in their shoes. 因为到头来,我设身处地。
Because when you're standing in someone else's shoes, you see the world from a different perspective . 因为当你设身处地, 你会从不同的角度看待世界。
And when you start to take steps , it feels like baby steps, wobbling . 当你走着新的步伐, 感觉像婴儿学步,摇摆不定。
take steps:采取措施;采取步骤; wobbling:adj.摇晃的;颤动的;n.摆动;颤动;v.蹒跚;晃动;踌躇(wobble的ing形式);
But then they turn into stomps . 但随后变成了跺脚。
And you start making footprints for the next generation to walk in. 你开始为下一代铺路。
See, we're walking on a certain path, as parents. 我们走在父母这条特定的道路上,
We're all in this together. 我们一起,没人能否认
No one can deny that family is one of the biggest foundations in anyone's life. 家人是每个人人生最大的基石之一。
deny:v.否定,否认;拒绝给予;拒绝…的要求; foundations:n.基础;地基;基金会;粉底;(foundations是foundation的复数)
And we're all walking on this path, and we're pulling these thickets out of the way, and these thorns , making it easier for the ones coming after us. 我们都走在这条路上, 我们正把这些灌木丛、荆棘拽出来, 让以后的人走得更容易。
thickets:n.[林]灌木丛;丛林;错综复杂; thorns:n.[植]刺,刺尖;[植]荆棘;(thorn的复数形式)
It turns out, parenting has a lot more to do with landscaping . 事实证明,养儿育女与造景相关。
And learning. More than teaching. 还有学习多于教导。
And the best thing to do is to show up for class. 最好的办法是出席学习。
Be present is what I learned as a stay-at-home dad. 「出席,不缺席」 是我当留守父亲学到的东西。
And let your presence be a gift. 让你的出席成为礼物。
(Video) Shh. (影片)嘘。
(Door unlocking) (门锁开了)
Hi! 嗨!
(Children giggling) (孩子咯咯笑)
(Laughter) (笑声)
GH: This was me, coming home from tour one day. 亨利:这是我,有一天从巡演回家。
I thought that the father was supposed to pursue the child. 我原以为父亲应该追着孩子。
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) pursue:v.继续;从事;追赶;纠缠;
But it turns out the father makes himself present. 但事实证明,父亲的出席,
And the children run after him. 使孩子们追着他跑。
And that right there is a superpower. 那就是超强的力量。
And that right there, my friends, is everything. 我的朋友,那就是一切。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)