

Will you two slow down? 你俩吃慢点
You're eating like they're going to take it away from you. 又没人跟你们抢
I'm a growing girl. 人家正在长身体
It's such a pleasure seeing you and... 见到你真得很开心 而且...
seeing how well work is going. 看到你工作如此顺利
Work's going really well, yeah. 工作确实很顺利
My boss said that he wants to see my book when it's done, which is really exciting. 我们老板说等我完成后 他想看我写的书 把我激动坏了
Where are you at with that? 你的创作进展如何
Oh, well, i've done four of the essays, and i'm just kind of polishing them up. 已经写了4篇散文 正在不断修改润色
And my hope is that it's going to be nine. 我的目标是9篇散文
But, you know, it's a memoir . so-- have to live them first. 但因为是回忆录 所以...后5篇等经历了再回忆吧
Ted, I don't want to just leave it till the end of dinner. 泰德 我不想拖到晚餐结束后 才摊牌
I hear that. um... 我明白
Hannah, your mother and I have been... 汉娜 你妈妈和我最近一直在
talking, and we feel that it may be time-- how can I phrase this? 讨论 我们觉得该是时候... 该怎么表述呢
Well, we see how well you're doing at work. 你工作的出色我们有目共睹
And you really seem to be figuring out what it is that you want. 看起来你也逐渐弄清 自己的人生追求
But it may be time for one final push. 但或许是 最后推一把 的时候了
What is a "final push"? 什么叫 最后推一把
We're not going to be supporting you any longer. 我们不再承担你的生活费用了
You see, i wasn't going to phrase it like that, Loreen, 我本不打算如此表述的 洛琳
the way you phrased it. - But I have no job. 你这么说就太那啥了 -但我没工作呀
No, you have an internship that you say is going to turn into a job. 但你说你有份有望转正的 实习工作
I don't know when. 又不清楚得等到啥时候
You graduated from college two years ago. 你大学毕业都2年多了
We've been supporting you for two years, and that's enough. 我们承担了2年多的生活费 这差不多了
Do you know how crazy the economy is right now? 你们知道现在经济环境有多糟糕吗
I mean, all my friends get help from their parents. 我身边的朋友都得到家里的支助
We are sympathetic to that. 为此我们深表同情
But i'm your only child , it's not like i'm draining all your resources . 但我是你们的独生女 又不是说你们的家当全花我身上了
only child:n.独生子(或女); draining:v.排空;(使)流光;放干;喝光;喝干;(drain的现在分词) resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
I mean, this feels very arbitrary . 这做法也太武断了
You don't know anything about our finances. 你完全不了解家里的财务状况
We're professors, Hannah. Professors. 我们是教授 汉娜 教授而已
We can't keep bankrolling your groovy lifestyle. 你洋气的生活方式不该一直由我们来买单
bankrolling:v.资助;提供资金给;(bankroll的现在分词) groovy:adj.槽的;绝妙的;时髦的;
My "groovy" lifestyle? 我 洋气 的生活方式
The bills add up. we're covering your rent, your insurance , your cell phone. 账单越叠越高 你的房租 保险 连电话费都是爹妈支付的
You said it was cheaper for you if i was on the Family Plan. 是你说 俺们E家 套餐可以减少3个人的话费
Yeah. 确实
May i get you more of anything? 还需要点些小食吗
No, she's fine. 不 她吃饱了
Delicious. - Yeah. 味道很好 -是啊
This is nuts. 这太疯狂了
Ted, can you help me here? 泰德 帮我说说
I could be a drug addict . do you realize how lucky you are? 我本可走上瘾君子的道路 你们知道自己有多幸运吗
I mean, it doesn't have to be heroin , it could be something more insidious , like pills . 不一定是海洛因 我可以染上更棘手的东西 比如药物依赖
heroin:n.[药][毒物]海洛因,吗啡; insidious:adj.阴险的;隐伏的;暗中为害的;狡猾的; pills:n.药丸; v.起球; (pill的第三人称单数和复数)
Which are legal , and which a lot of kids do, all the time. 那可是合法的 好多小孩都染上了 很难戒掉