

Why do we have to sneak out of the house if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway? 我们为什么要偷偷溜出去 因为我们在偷偷乘地铁前 都不算犯错了呢
sneak:v.溜; n.鬼鬼祟祟的人; adj.暗中进行的;
You think you're ready to just walk by your parents? 你觉得你准备好 从你父母面前大摇大摆地走过了吗
I think I'm ready. 我觉得我准备好了
Let me see your face as you walk by your parents. 让我看看你从你父母面前走过时的表情
'"Why are you making that face at us, Riley ?" 你为什么要对我们做出这副表情 莱丽
Because I'm sneaking onto the subway. 因为我要偷偷去乘地铁啦
Out the window. - Let's go. 果断爬窗户 -走吧
Daddy, what are you doing here? 老爸 你守在这儿干什么
Being smarter than me. 显示比我棋高一着呗
How come you're always smarter than me? 你怎么总是比我棋高一着呢
Here's what I'm thinking. 我是这么想的
It's not your world yet. It's still my world. 现在世界还不是你的 依然属于你老爹我
Because if it was your world, 因为如果这是你们的世界
Maya would have you on the subway already, thinking you put something over on me. 玛雅已经带你上地铁了 心想着 你们成功骗过了我
But you didn't. 但你们没有去成
Know how I know? Look at ya. 知道我是怎么知道的吗 瞧瞧你们
You're right here. 你们就活生生在我面前
How long do I have to live in my father's world? 我还得在我父亲的世界里生活多久啊
Until you make it yours. 直到你把它变成你的世界
Riley, do you know what I want more than anything? 莱丽 你知道我最期望的是什么吗
Go ahead, make it yours. 勇敢去闯吧 把它变成你的世界
I will. And when I do will you still be there for me? 我会的 等我成功了 你还会在我身边守护着我吗
Right here. 永远相伴
We'll be right here. 我们会一直在你身边守护着的
Weasel ! - Maya! 鼬鼠 -玛雅
Who's the new chick? - "Chick"! 这个面生的小妞是谁 -小妞
Down here I'm a chick. 下到地铁里 我就成小妞了
No wonder my parents don't want me on the subway. 难怪我父母不希望我乘地铁呢
You're slouching , Maya. - Thanks, Gretchen. 你有点无精打采的 玛雅 -谢了 格雷琴
Whoa, Riley. You don't do lip gloss . 莱丽 你平常都是不抹唇彩的啊
Oh, what I forgot to mention 我忘了说
Is that I'm completely reinventing myself. 我现在要脱胎换骨
I ride the subway now, I have kiwi lips now and I'm just as cool as you now. 我现在乘地铁 抹艳丽的唇彩 我跟你一样酷了
Yeah? Let's see how cool you can be when you look at him. 是吗 我们看看你面对他时能有多酷
Yeah, you're gonna need some lessons. 我就知道你得好好学学
Okay, let me show you everything you need to know about boys and girls. 好了 我来向你展示一遍 所有关于男孩女孩的那点事
Hi, I'm Maya. You're really cute. 嗨 我叫玛雅 你真的好帅哟
We should hang out sometime. You make me happy. 我们该抽空出去玩玩 你让我好开心
You don't pay enough attention to me. 你花在我身上的心思根本不够
This isn't working out. 我们不可能成的
It's you, not me. 是你的问题 不是我
We can still be friends. Not really. 我们还是可以继续做朋友的啊 别妄想了
He's available. We just broke up. 他现在名草无主了 我们刚刚分手了
Are you okay? Do we need to talk about it? 你还好吧 你需要跟我倾诉一下吗
You still want to be like me? 你还想变得跟我一样吗
I want to be exactly like you. 我想变得跟你一模一样
I think too much and you don't think at all. 我总是想太多 而你根本不用脑子想
See, you get me. So let's not think. 瞧吧 你真懂我 我们就先别乱想了