

I'm a veteran of the starship Enterprise. 我是进取号战舰的退伍老兵
veteran:n.老兵; adj.(尤指军事方面)老练的; starship:n.星际飞船;
I soared through the galaxy driving a huge starship with a crew made up of people from all over this world, many different races, many different cultures, many different heritages , all working together, and our mission was to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations , to boldly go where no one has gone before. 我飞翔在银河之间 驾驶着巨型的星际飞船 带领着来自全世界的 人类船员 和很多不同文化,不同遗产传承的 其它种族 同心协力 我们的任务是探索陌生的新世界 寻找新的生命和文明 向未知的宇宙洪荒大胆前进
soared:v.飙升(soar的过去分词);骤然上升; galaxy:n.银河;[天]星系;银河系;一群显赫的人; made up of:由…组成,由…构成; mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; explore:v.探索:探测:探险: seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; civilizations:n.文明(civilization的复数形式); boldly:adv.大胆地;冒失地;显眼地;
I am the grandson of immigrants from Japan who went to America, boldly going to a strange new world, seeking new opportunities. 我是来自日本移民的第三代后裔 我的祖父母来到美国 勇敢地进入一个陌生的新世界 寻找新的机会
immigrants:n.移民(immigrant的复数); seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词)
My mother was born in Sacramento , California. 我的母亲出生在加利福尼亚州萨格拉门托市
My father was a San Franciscan. 我的父亲是旧金山人
They met and married in Los Angeles, and I was born there. 他们在洛杉矶相遇并结婚 我就在那里出生
I was four years old when Pearl Harbor was bombed on December 7, 1941 by Japan, and overnight , the world was plunged into a world war. 我当时只有4岁 珍珠港 在1941年12月7日被日本轰炸 一夜之间,全世界 陷入了世界性的战争
Pearl:n.珍珠; v.使成小圆粒; adj.珍珠(制)的; Harbor:n.港口;港湾;(比喻)避难所;[军]坦克掩蔽场;v.停泊;包含;隐匿;怀抱(恶意); overnight:adj.夜间的; v.在夜间; n.(美)前一天的晚上; plunged:投入;跳进;使陷入;使投入(plunge的过去式和过去分词);
America suddenly was swept up by hysteria . 突然之间,美国充满了 歇斯底里的情绪
swept:v.扫除(sweep的过去式和过去分词);adj.扫频的; hysteria:n.癔病,歇斯底里;不正常的兴奋;
Japanese-Americans, 日裔美国人
American citizens of Japanese ancestry , were looked on with suspicion and fear and with outright hatred simply because we happened to look like the people that bombed Pearl Harbor. 日本人后裔的美国公民 遭到了 怀疑和恐惧 以及赤裸裸的仇恨 只是因为我们碰巧长得像 轰炸珍珠港的那些人
ancestry:n.祖先;血统; suspicion:n.怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿;v.怀疑; outright:v.全部地; adj.完全的,彻底的; hatred:n.仇恨;憎恨;厌恶;
And the hysteria grew and grew until in February 1942, the president of the United States, 歇斯底里的情绪在不断增长 直到1942年2月 美国总统
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ordered all Japanese-Americans on the West Coast of America to be summarily rounded up with no charges, with no trial, with no due process. 富兰克林德拉诺罗斯福 命令美国西海岸的 所有日裔美国人 立即集合 没有罪名,没有审判 未经法律诉讼程序
West Coast:n.美国西海岸(尤指加利福尼亚州); summarily:adv.概要地;立刻;概略地;
Due process, this is a core pillar of our justice system. 法律诉讼程序,是我们司法体制的 核心支柱
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; pillar:n.支柱; v.用柱子装饰[支持]; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
That all disappeared . 一切都没有
We were to be rounded up and imprisoned in 10 barbed-wire prison camps in some of the most desolate places in America: the blistering hot desert of Arizona , the sultry swamps of Arkansas, the wastelands of Wyoming , Idaho, Utah , Colorado , and two of the most desolate places in California. 我们必须被集中起来 被监禁在10个铁丝网围绕的战俘集中营 它们都位于美国最偏远的地区 亚利桑那州酷热的沙漠 阿肯色州潮湿的沼泽 怀俄明、爱达荷、犹他和科罗拉多州的不毛之地 还有两个位于加利福尼亚州最荒凉的地带
imprisoned:v.监禁;关押;(imprison的过去分词和过去式) barbed-wire:刺钢丝(用作铁丝网等); desolate:adj.荒凉的;无人烟的;vt.使荒凉;使孤寂; blistering:adj.猛烈的; n.[涂料]起泡; v.起水疱; Arizona:n.美国亚利桑那州; sultry:adj.闷热的;狂暴的;淫荡的; swamps:n.[地理]沼泽; vt.使陷入沼泽; vi.陷入沼泽; wastelands:n.[农]荒地(wasteland的复数); Wyoming:n.美国怀俄明州; Utah:n.美国犹他州; Colorado:n.科罗拉多;[城]科罗拉多州;科罗拉多河;
On April 20th, I celebrated my fifth birthday, and just a few weeks after my birthday, my parents got my younger brother, my baby sister and me up very early one morning, and they dressed us hurriedly . 4月20日,是我5周岁的生日 生日之后的几个星期 我的父母把我弟弟 妹妹和我 很早就叫起来 匆忙给我们穿上衣服
My brother and I were in the living room looking out the front window, and we saw two soldiers marching up our driveway . 弟弟和我坐在客厅里 从窗户向外看 我们看到两名士兵走到门前的车道
living room:n.客厅;起居室; driveway:n.(从建筑物,住房,车库等通往大路的)私人车道;
They carried bayonets on their rifles . 他们的步枪上装着刺刀
bayonets:刺刀;[机]卡销(bayonet的复数); rifles:n.[军]步枪(rifle复数);来福枪;卡宾枪;
They stomped up the front porch and banged on the door. 他们走过门廊 大声地敲门
stomped:v.迈着重重的步子走(或跳舞、移动);(stomp的过去分词和过去式) porch:n.门廊;走廊; banged:v.猛敲;砰的关上;猛摔;砰地一扔;(bang的过去分词和过去式)
My father answered it, and the soldiers ordered us out of our home. 我的父亲打开门 士兵命令我们离开家
My father gave my brother and me small luggages to carry, and we walked out and stood on the driveway waiting for our mother to come out, and when my mother finally came out, she had our baby sister in one arm, a huge duffel bag in the other, and tears were streaming down both her cheeks. 父亲给我和弟弟 一人一个小箱子 我们走出来,站在外面 等着妈妈 我的母亲最后走出来 一只手抱着妹妹 另一只手拿着一个大袋子 她的脸颊上挂着眼泪
luggages:n.行李;皮箱; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; duffel bag:n.筒状帆布包(或旅行包);(用帆布或软皮制造的)大旅行袋;
I will never be able to forget that scene. 我永远忘不了那个场景
It is burned into my memory. 它深深地烙印在我的记忆中
We were taken from our home and loaded on to train cars with other Japanese-American families. 我们被从家里带走 装上一列火车 车上还有其他日裔美国人家庭
There were guards stationed at both ends of each car, as if we were criminals. 每节车厢两端 都有士兵把守 好像我们是罪犯
We were taken two thirds of the way across the country, rocking on that train for four days and three nights, to the swamps of Arkansas. 我们跨越了这个国家四分之三的距离 在摇摇晃晃的车厢中度过了四天三夜 最终来到阿肯色州的沼泽地带
I still remember the barbed wire fence that confined me. 我依然记得围绕在身边的 铁丝网
barbed wire:刺钢丝(用作铁丝网等); confined:adj.狭窄的; v.限制(confine的过去式和过去分词);
I remember the tall sentry tower with the machine guns pointed at us. 我记得高高的哨兵塔 上面架设的机枪瞄准我们
I remember the searchlight that followed me when I made the night runs from my barrack to the latrine . 我记得晚间 从兵营跑到厕所时 跟随我的探照灯光
searchlight:n.探照灯;探照灯光; barrack:n.营房;兵舍;vt.使…驻兵营内;向…提供营房;vi.住入营房; latrine:n.公共厕所;
But to five-year-old me, 但是对于5岁的我来说
I thought it was kind of nice that they'd lit the way for me to pee . 我觉得这还不错,因为他们在我尿尿时 会为我照亮
I was a child, too young to understand the circumstances of my being there. 我还是个孩子 不能理解我为什么 会待在那里
Children are amazingly adaptable . 孩子们的适应能力非常强
What would be grotesquely abnormal became my normality in the prisoner of war camps. 这些极为反常的安排 反倒成为我在战俘营中 习以为常的日常生活
grotesquely:adv.奇异地;荒诞地; abnormal:adj.反常的,不规则的;变态的; normality:n.常态;[化学]当量浓度;[化学]规定浓度; prisoner of war:n.战俘;俘虏;
It became routine for me to line up three times a day to eat lousy food in a noisy mess hall. 我习惯了每天三次的列队 习惯了在嘈杂的食堂中吃恶心的食物
lousy:adj.非常糟的;极坏的;恶劣的; mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺;
It became normal for me to go with my father to bathe in a mass shower. 习惯了和父亲一起 集体洗澡
bathe:v.用水清洗(尤指身体部位); n.(在海、河等中的)游泳; mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
Being in a prison, a barbed-wire prison camp , became my normality. 在一个监狱中,一个铁丝网环绕的战俘集中营里 这都是我的日常生活
prison camp:n.集中营;战俘营;
When the war ended, we were released , and given a one-way ticket to anywhere in the United States. 战争结束了 我们也被释放了 每个人领到一张单程车票 可以去美国的任何地方
released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) one-way:adj.单程的;单行道的;单方面的;
My parents decided to go back home to Los Angeles, but Los Angeles was not a welcoming place. 我的父母决定回家 回到洛杉矶 但是洛杉矶并不友好
We were penniless . 我们身无分文
Everything had been taken from us, and the hostility was intense . 所有的一切都被抢走了 周围的敌意还非常明显
hostility:n.敌意;战争行动; intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的;
Our first home was on Skid Row in the lowest part of our city, living with derelicts , drunkards and crazy people, the stench of urine all over, on the street, in the alley , in the hallway. 我们第一个落脚地是 城市最下方的贫民窟 与流浪汉、醉鬼 和疯子们住在一起 街道、小巷和走廊中 弥漫着 排泄物的臭气
Skid Row:n.贫民区; derelicts:n.遗弃物;被社会抛弃的人(derelict的复数); drunkards:n.酒鬼,醉汉; stench:n.恶臭;臭气;vt.使…散发恶臭;vi.发恶臭; urine:n.尿; alley:n.小巷;小路;小径;
It was a horrible experience, and for us kids, it was terrorizing . 对我们孩子来说 那是一段可怕的经历
horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, terrorizing:v.恐吓;恫吓;威胁;(terrorize的现在分词)
I remember once a drunkard came staggering down, fell down right in front of us, and threw up. 我记得有一次 一个醉汉踉踉跄跄地走过来 就在我们眼前跌倒 然后开始呕吐
staggering:adj.惊人的; v.蹒跚; (stagger的现在分词)
My baby sister said, Mama, let's go back home, because behind barbed wires was for us home. 我的妹妹说:“妈妈,我们回家吧。” 因为铁丝网的里面 就是 我们的家
My parents worked hard to get back on their feet. 我的父母努力工作 养活一家人
We had lost everything. 我们失去了一切
They were at the middle of their lives and starting all over. 他们在中年时期 一切重新开始
They worked their fingers to the bone, and ultimately they were able to get the capital together to buy a three-bedroom home in a nice neighborhood . 他们拼命地工作 最终,我们 有足够的钱 在一个不错的街区买一所有三个卧室的房子
ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究; neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的;
And I was a teenager, and I became very curious about my childhood imprisonment . 那时候我十几岁 对童年时的监禁生活 非常好奇
curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 imprisonment:n.监禁,关押;坐牢;下狱;
I had read civics books that told me about the ideals of American democracy . 我阅读了公民教育手册,其中提到 美国民主的理念
civics:n.公民;公民学; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治;
All men are created equal, we have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and I couldn't quite make that fit with what I knew to be my childhood imprisonment. 所有的人生而平等 我们有不可剥夺的 生活、自由和追求幸福的权利 这与我童年监禁生活 的经历判若云泥
inalienable:adj.不可分割的;不可剥夺的;不能让与的; liberty:n.自由;许可;冒失; pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪;
I read history books, and I couldn't find anything about it. 我遍阅历史书籍 找不到有关这件事的任何描述
And so I engaged my father after dinner in long, sometimes heated conversations. 于是我在晚饭后找到父亲 与他进行长时间,有时候是激烈的讨论
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
We had many, many conversations like that, and what I got from them was my father's wisdom . 我们有过很多很多这样的讨论 从中我收获了 父亲的智慧
He was the one that suffered the most under those conditions of imprisonment, and yet he understood American democracy. 在监禁期间 他遭受的苦难最深 但他依然理解美国式民主
He told me that our democracy is a people's democracy, and it can be as great as the people can be, but it is also as fallible as people are. 他告诉我,我们的民主 是人民的民主 人民强大,民主也强大 但它也像人一样会犯错误
He told me that American democracy is vitally dependent on good people who cherish the ideals of our system and actively engage in the process of making our democracy work. 他告诉我,美国民主 主要取决于那些善良的人 他们珍爱我们体制的理念 积极地推动 民主的发展
vitally:adv.极其;紧要地;生死攸关地; dependent on:依赖于;依靠; cherish:v.珍爱;怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等); in the process of:在…的过程中;
And he took me to a campaign headquarters — the governor of Illinois was running for the presidency — and introduced me to American electoral politics . 他把我带到一个竞选总部 伊利诺伊州长正在竞选总统 让我开始接触美国选举政治
headquarters:n.总部;指挥部;司令部; Illinois:n.伊利诺斯州(美国州名); presidency:n.总统(或董事长,会长,大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配; electoral:adj.选举的;选举人的; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数)
And he also told me about young Japanese-Americans during the Second World War. 他还给我讲 年轻的日裔美国人 在二战中的故事
When Pearl Harbor was bombed, young Japanese-Americans, like all young Americans, rushed to their draft board to volunteer to fight for our country. 珍珠港遭到轰炸之后 年轻的日裔美国人和年轻的美国人一样 纷纷前往征兵处 志愿为祖国而战
draft:n.草案; v.起草; adj.供役使的; volunteer:n.志愿者;志愿兵;adj.志愿的;v.自愿;
That act of patriotism was answered with a slap in the face . 爱国的热情 遭到了当头一棒
patriotism:n.爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神; a slap in the face:脸上挨了一耳光;耳光;
We were denied service, and categorized as enemy non-alien. 我们被拒绝入伍 我们被认为是敌对的非盟友
denied:v.否认;拒绝;否定;不承认;(deny的过去分词和过去式) categorized:adj.分类的;v.分类(categorize的过去式);
It was outrageous to be called an enemy when you're volunteering to fight for your country, but that was compounded with the word non-alien, which is a word that means citizen in the negative . 敌人的称呼让人愤怒 当你志愿为祖国而战 却被冠以“非盟友”的称呼 这个词的意思是 “公民”的对立面
outrageous:adj.粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的; volunteering:v.自愿做;义务做;无偿做;当志愿兵(volunteer的现在分词) compounded:adj.[生物]复合的,化合的;v.混合;组成(compound的过去式和过去分词); negative:adj.[数]负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的;n.否定;负数;[摄]底片;v.否定;拒绝;
They even took the word citizen away from us, and imprisoned them for a whole year. 他们甚至剥夺了我们公民的身份 还把他们监禁一年
And then the government realized that there's a wartime manpower shortage , and as suddenly as they'd rounded us up, they opened up the military for service by young Japanese-Americans. 之后,政府意识到 战争期间人手匮乏 就像他们突然把我们抓起来一样 他们又突然向年轻的日裔美国人 敞开了军队的大门
wartime:n.战时; manpower:n.人力;人力资源;劳动力; shortage:n.短缺;不足;缺少; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人;
It was totally irrational , but the amazing thing, the astounding thing, is that thousands of young 这完全没有道理可讲 但神奇的 令人震惊的是 成千上万
irrational:adj.不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的;n.[数]无理数; astounding:adj.令人震惊的;使大吃一惊的;v.使震惊;使大惊;(astound的现在分词)
Japanese-American men and women again went from behind those barbed-wire fences, put on the same uniform as that of our guards, leaving their families in imprisonment, to fight for this country. 来自铁丝网后面的 年轻日裔美国男女 穿上与守卫同样的军装 离开监狱中的家庭 为祖国而战
They said that they were going to fight not only to get their families out from behind those barbed-wire fences, but because they cherished the very ideal of what our government stands for, should stand for, and that was being abrogated by what was being done. 他们说,他们的战争 不仅仅是为了让家人 走出铁丝网 而且因为他们相信 我们的政府捍卫的理念 他们也要捍卫 被目前行为 所破坏殆尽的理念
cherished:adj.珍爱的;珍视的;珍视;珍爱;珍藏的; abrogated:vt.废除;取消;
All men are created equal. 所有的人生而平等
And they went to fight for this country. 于是他们挺身而出,为祖国而战
They were put into a segregated all Japanese-American unit and sent to the battlefields of Europe, and they threw themselves into it. 他们被安排在一个单独的 日裔美国人作战部队 被送往欧洲战场 他们投身战争
segregated:adj.被隔离的;v.隔离(segregate的过去式);分离; battlefields:n.杀戮战场(BBC的纪录片);
They fought with amazing, incredible courage and valor . 以异乎寻常的勇气 和毅力作战
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; valor:n.英勇;勇猛(等于valour);
They were sent out on the most dangerous missions and they sustained the highest combat casualty rate of any unit proportionally . 他们执行最危险的任务 平均各作战部队的情况 他们的伤亡率最高
missions:n.任务; v.给…交代任务; (mission的复数) sustained:adj.持续的; v.维持; (sustain的过去分词和过去式) combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗; casualty:n.意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室; proportionally:adv.成比例地;相称地,适当地;
There is one battle that illustrates that. 有一场战役说明了这一点
It was a battle for the Gothic Line. 那是哥特防线的一场战役
The Germans were embedded in this mountain hillside , rocky hillside , in impregnable caves, and three allied battalions had been pounding away at it for six months, and they were stalemated . 德国人被困在 山坡的一侧 一面是高耸的峭壁 一面是坚不可摧的山洞 三个盟军营 已经连续进攻了 6个月 双方陷入僵局
embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式); hillside:n.山坡,山腹;山腰; rocky:adj.岩石的;多岩石的;困难的;难以维持的; impregnable:adj.无法攻取的;不受影响的;要塞坚固的;可以受孕的; allied:adj.联合的;同盟的;与…同属一系;v.联合(ally的过去分词); battalions:n.(军队的)营;(有组织的)队伍;(battalion的复数) stalemated:v.胶著(stalemate的过去式和过去分词);
The 442nd was called in to add to the fight, but the men of the 442nd came up with a unique but dangerous idea: 442营得到命令 进入战场 442营的士兵 有了一个异想天开 又极为危险的想法
The backside of the mountain was a sheer rock cliff . 山的后面 是一个岩石峭壁
backside:n.背部;后方;臀部; sheer:adj.纯; v.十足地; n.透明薄纱; v.[航海](使)偏航; (使)转向; cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁;
The Germans thought an attack from the backside would be impossible. 德国人认为对方绝不可能 从后面发动进攻
The men of the 442nd decided to do the impossible. 442营的士兵决定把它变成可能
On a dark, moonless night, they began scaling that rock wall, a drop of more than 1,000 feet, in full combat gear . 在一个星月无光的晚上 他们开始测量峭壁的高度 超过1000英尺 全副武装的士兵
moonless:adj.无月亮的; scaling:n.缩放比例; v.剥落; gear:n.齿轮; v.适合;
They climbed all night long on that sheer cliff. 花了整整一晚 攀登这座峭壁
In the darkness, some lost their handhold or their footing and they fell to their deaths in the ravine below. 在黑暗中 一些人由于失手 或者失足 跌入下面的深渊 坠亡
handhold:n.握住;线索;把柄; ravine:n.沟壑,山涧;峡谷;
They all fell silently. 他们无声无息地落下
Not a single one cried out, so as not to give their position away. 没有一声叫喊 以免暴露行踪
The men climbed for eight hours straight, and those who made it to the top stayed there until the first break of light, and as soon as light broke, they attacked. 士兵们攀爬了8个小时 到达顶部的人 在等待清晨的第一缕阳光 破晓时分 他们发动了进攻
as soon as:一…就;
The Germans were surprised, and they took the hill and broke the Gothic Line. 德国人无法想象 他们占领了山头 突破了哥特防线
A six-month stalemate was broken by the 442nd in 32 minutes. 6个月的僵局 被442营 在32分钟内打破
It was an amazing act, and when the war ended, the 442nd returned to the United States as the most decorated unit of the entire Second World War. 这是一次极为成功的行动 战争结束后 442营士兵回到美国 他们是二战中 功勋最为显着的部队
They were greeted back on the White House Lawn by President Truman, who said to them, 他们在白宫草坪,得到杜鲁门总统 的接见,他说:
White House:n.白宫(美国总统官邸,位于首都华盛顿); Lawn:n.草地;草坪;
You fought not only the enemy but prejudice , and you won. “你们不但与敌人作战 还在与世俗的偏见和你们自己作战。”
They are my heroes. 他们是我心目中的英雄
They clung to their belief in the shining ideals of this country, and they proved that being an American is not just for some people, that race is not how we define being an American. 他们沐浴着这个国家闪亮的理念 爬上了峭壁 他们证明,美国人的称号 不仅仅属于一部分人 美国人并不是一个种族的名称
clung:v.坚持(cling的过去分词);紧握;贴近; define:v.定义;使明确;规定;
They expanded what it means to be an American, including Japanese-Americans that were feared and suspected and hated. 他们重新定义了美国人的概念 其中也包括了那些 被人怀疑和仇恨的日裔美国人
expanded:adj.扩充的;展开的;vt.扩大(expand的过去式); suspected:v.怀疑;不信任;(suspect的过去分词和过去式)
They were change agents , and they left for me a legacy . 他们促成了未来的变化 他们给我留下了 丰厚的遗产
agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数) legacy:n.遗赠,遗产;
They are my heroes and my father is my hero, who understood democracy and guided me through it. 他们是我的英雄 我的父亲是我的英雄 他了解民主的含义 引导我走出迷惘
They gave me a legacy, and with that legacy comes a responsibility, and I am dedicated to making my country an even better America, to making our government an even truer democracy, and because of the heroes that I have and the struggles that we've gone through, 他们留给我的东西 让我形成了一种责任感 我下定决心 让我的国家 成为一个更好的美国 让我们的政府 变得更加民主 由于我心目中的那些英雄 由于我们经历的那些苦难
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
I can stand before you as a gay Japanese-American, but even more than that, 我可以作为一个日裔美国同胞 站在你们的面前 更重要的是
I am a proud American. 我是一个自豪的美国人
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)