

I have to tell you, it's more than a little intimidating being up here, an old American guy trying to tell Africans something new about your own continent . 我得告訴各位, 站在這裡讓我有點恐懼, 因為我這個美國老人 竟然想在這裡告訴非洲人 非洲大陸的新事物。
more than a little:非常;十分; intimidating:adj.吓人的;令人胆怯的;v.恐吓;威胁;(intimidate的现在分词) continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的;
But sometimes, an outsider can see things in a different way, like from the air. 但有時候,局外人反而 能用不同的角度來看事物, 比如,從空中看。
That's what I found by flying low and slow all over the African continent as I photographed the spectacle of its diversity . 當我慢速低空飛過整個非洲大陸, 並拍攝其壯觀的多樣性時, 了解到了這一點。
spectacle:n.景象;场面;奇观;壮观;公开展示;表相,假相n.(复)眼镜; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化:
And I wasn't always an old guy. 還有,其實我也年輕過。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
This is me in 1979, a kid from California backpacking his way through the Ituri Forest of Zaire. 這是 1979 年的我, 一個來自加州的小伙子, 背著背包穿越薩伊的伊圖里森林。
I was on a yearlong hitchhiking trip. 我當時在進行一年的搭便車旅行。
yearlong:adj.整整一年的;持续一年的; hitchhiking:v.搭便车;搭顺风车;(hitchhike的现在分词)
I had just dropped out of Stanford University, and I went from Tunis to Kisangani to Cairo and learned how to live on 10 dollars a day. 我剛從史丹佛大學畢業, 我從突尼斯到基桑加尼再到開羅, 學會如何用十塊美金過一天。
It was an amazing experience for me. 對我來說,那是很棒的經驗。
I spent about a week in this Dinka cattle camp on the banks of the Nile in South Sudan. 我在這個丁卡小牛集中地 待了大約一週, 它位在南蘇丹的尼羅河河岸。
The Dinka taught me how to tie papyrus into a shelter, and also I observed how they had adapted their way of life around the migratory needs of their beloved cattle. 丁卡人教我如何綁紙草蓋房子, 此外,我觀察他們如何根據 他們心愛小牛的遷移需求, 來調整他們的生活方式。
papyrus:n.纸莎草;纸莎草纸; observed:adj.观察的;观测的;v.观察;遵守;注意到(observe的过去分词形式); adapted:adj.适于…的; v.使适应,使适合; (adapt的过去分词和过去式) migratory:adj.迁移的;流浪的; beloved:adj.心爱的;挚爱的;n.心爱的人;亲爱的教友;
It was a like a graduate course in ecological ethnography , and I got busy taking notes with a camera. 那就像是研究所的 一堂生態人種學課程, 而我忙著用照相機做筆記。
ecological:adj.生态的,生态学的; ethnography:n.民族志;人种志;人种学;
With no money for rides, they often made the Mzungu ride on the roof of the trucks, or in this case, on the top of the train going across South Sudan. 沒有錢乘車, 他們通常都會坐在卡車頂上, 在這裡則是坐在橫越 南蘇丹的火車頂上。
I felt like I was riding on the back of an insect going across the enormous tapestry of Africa. 我感覺我好像騎在昆蟲的背上, 橫越一幅巨大的非洲織錦。
enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; tapestry:n.织锦;挂毯;绣帷;vt.用挂毯装饰;
It was an incredible view from up there, but I couldn't help but think, wouldn't it be even more amazing if I could fly over that landscape like a bird? 上頭的視野真棒, 但我忍不住會想, 如果我能像鳥一樣飛在那地景上方, 會不會更不可思議?
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境;
Well, that notion stayed with me, and 20 years later, after becoming a professional photographer, 那想法揮之不去, 二十年後, 成為職業攝影師之後,
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员;
I was able to talk National Geographic into doing a big story in the central Sahara, and I came back with a new kind of flying machine . 我得以說服國家地理雜誌, 做一篇撒哈拉沙漠中部的大報導, 我帶著一種新的飛行機器回到非洲。
Geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; flying machine:n.航空器;
This is me piloting the world's lightest and slowest aircraft . 這是我駕駛世界上最輕 且最慢的飛行機的模樣。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
It's called a motorized paraglider . 它叫做動力滑翔傘。
motorized:adj.摩托化的;机动化的;v.使…机械化(motorize的过去分词); paraglider:n.滑翔伞;滑翔伞运动员;
It consists of a backpack motor and a parachute-style wing, and it flies at about 30 miles an hour. 它包含一個裝在背後的馬達 以及像降落傘的機翼, 它的時速大約是三十英哩。
With 10 liters of fuel, I can fly for about two hours, but what's really amazing about it is it gives me an unobstructed view, both horizontally and vertically , like a flying lawn chair. 用十公升的燃料, 我就可以飛大約兩小時, 但它真正了不起的地方是, 它讓我的視野完全沒有障礙阻擋, 垂直面和水平面都是, 就像一張飛行躺椅。
liters:n.(计量)公升(容量单位)(liter的复数) unobstructed:adj.没有障碍的;畅通无阻的; horizontally:adv.水平地;地平地; vertically:adv.垂直地; lawn:n.草地;草坪;
My hitchhiker's dream of flying over Africa came true when I spotted these two camel caravans passing out in the middle of the Sahara. 我看到這兩支駱駝商隊 在撒哈拉沙漠中部行進時, 我這個搭便車旅行者想要 飛越非洲的夢想成真了。
spotted:adj.有花点的;有斑点的;v.看见;看出;发现;让步;(spot的过去分词和过去式) caravans:n.有篷的车辆;小型面包车(caravan的复数);
The one in the foreground is carrying salt out of the desert, while the one in the background is carrying fodder for the animals heading back in. 在前景的那支商隊要把鹽帶離沙漠, 背景的那支商隊則是帶著飼料, 是給要回到沙漠的動物吃的。
foreground:n.前景;最显著的位置; fodder:n.饲料;素材;vt.喂;
I realized you couldn't take this kind of picture with a conventional aircraft. 我發現,用普通的飛行機 無法拍攝這種照片。
An airplane moves too fast, a helicopter would be too loud with too much downdraft , and it dawned on me that this crazy little aircraft I was flying would open up a new way of seeing remote parts of the African landscape in a way that had never really been possible before. 飛機的移動速度太快, 直升機太吵且會造成太多下降氣流, 我漸漸發現,我在空中 駕駛的這台瘋狂小飛行器 能夠開啟一種新方式, 來看非洲地景的偏遠部分, 這是以前完全不可能做到的。
airplane:n.飞机; downdraft:n.下坡,向下之气流或风; dawned:n.天亮了;v.破晓(dawn的过去分词); remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的;
Let me show you how it works. 耳聞不如一見。
(Applause) (掌聲)
Thanks. 謝謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)
This may seem a bit dangerous, but I am not some kind of adventure dude . 這可能看起來有點危險, 但我並不是冒險型的人。
adventure:n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏;v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯; dude:n.男人,小伙子;(非正式)花花公子;
I'm a photographer who flies, and I only fly to take pictures. 我是個會飛的攝影師, 我只為了拍照而飛。
My favorite altitude is between 200 and 500 feet, where I can see the world three-dimensionally, but also at a human scale . 我最喜歡的高度 約是 60 到 150 公尺, 在那裡我能用 3D 的方式看世界, 同時也還能看得清楚底下的人。
altitude:n.海拔;海拔高度;高程;(海拔高的)高处; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
I find that a lot of what I'd done over the years in Africa, you could try to do with a drone, but drones aren't really made for exploration . 我發現,這些年來 我在非洲所做的很多事, 很可能你可以試著用無人機來做。 但無人機設計的目的並非探索。
drones:v.嗡嗡叫;嗡嗡响;(drone的第三人称单数) exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术;
They only fly for about 20 minutes of battery life and about three kilometers of range, and all you get to see is what's on a little screen. 根據電池生命, 它們只能飛二十分鐘, 飛行範圍約三公里, 你所能看到的只有小螢幕上的影像。
But I like to explore . 但我喜歡探索,
I want to go over the horizon and find new things, find weird stuff , like this volcanic caldera in Niger. 我想要越過地平線, 發現新事物,發現奇特的東西, 就像尼日的這個巨火山口。
to go over:复习; weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: volcanic:adj.火山的;猛烈的;易突然发作的;n.火山岩; caldera:n.[地质]破火山口;火山喷口;
If you look at the altimeter on my left leg, you'll see that I'm about a mile above takeoff . 如果你們看我左腿上的高度計, 可以看到我大約在 比起飛點高 1.6 公里的高度。
altimeter:n.测高仪,高度计; takeoff:起飞;开始;起跳;起跳的,起飞的;
Flying that high really freaked me out, but if you talk to a pro pilot, they'll tell you that altitude is actually your friend, because the higher you are, the more time you have to figure out your problems. 飛那麼高真的讓我嚇壞了, 但如果你和專業飛行員談談, 他們會告訴你, 高度其實是你的朋友, 因為你飛得越高, 就越有多時間想辦法解決你的問題。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
As a rank amateur , I figured this gave me more time to scream on the way back down. 身為完全業餘的人, 我認為這會給我更多時間 一路尖叫到落地。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
To calm myself down, I started taking pictures, and as I did, it became rational again, and I was getting buffeted by a Harmattan wind which was coming out of the upper right hand corner of this picture, and I started to notice how it had filled the entire crater with sand. 為了讓自己冷靜下來,我開始拍照, 當我這麼做時,理智又回來了, 我不斷被乾燥的熱風吹打, 風來自這張照片的右上角方向, 我開始注意到這風如何 將沙子帶到火山口中。
rational:n.理性;人类;合理的事物;[数]有理数;adj.合理的;理性的;明智的;理智的; buffeted:斗争;奋勇前进;连续猛击(buffet的过去式和过去分词); Harmattan:n.(非洲干燥含沙的)[气象]哈麦丹风; upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂; crater:n.火山口;弹坑;弧坑;[天文学]巨爵座;v.(使)成坑状;
When I got to the north of Chad, I found a different kind of volcano . 當我到查德北部時, 我發現了一種不同的火山。
These had had their entire exteriors stripped away, and all that was left was the old core , and in the middle of the Sahara, 這些火山的外部都被剝去了, 僅存的只有古老的核心, 且在撒哈拉沙漠中,
exteriors:adj.外部的;表面的;外在的;n.外部;表面;外型;外貌; stripped:adj.剥去的;v.剥夺;脱衣;把…剪成条状;(strip的过去式和过去分词) core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
I felt like I was seeing the earth with its living skin stripped away. 我覺得我好像看到 地球的皮被活剝了。
Much of the Sahara is underlain by an enormous freshwater aquifer . 撒哈拉絕大部分區域是由底下的 巨大淡水地下蓄水層支撐。
underlain:v.在…的下面(underlie的过去分词); freshwater:adj.淡水的;无经验的;n.淡水;内河;湖水; aquifer:n.(美)蓄水层;含水土层;
When you go to the basin , sometimes you can see it leaking out. 當你到盆地時, 有時可以看見水漏出來。
basin:n.水池;流域;盆地;盆; leaking:v.渗漏;泄露(秘密信息);走漏;(leak的现在分词)
If you were to walk through those palm groves, you could drink fresh water out of your footsteps . 如果你走路穿過那些棕櫚樹叢, 你可以喝從你的腳印滲出來的淡水。
palm:n.手掌;手心;棕榈树;v.把…藏在手中(尤指玩戏法); footsteps:n.脚步(footstep的复数形式);步距;
But that green lake water? 但那綠色湖泊的水呢?
Due to extreme evaporation , it's saltier than seawater and virtually lifeless . 因為極端的蒸發, 它比海水還要多鹽份, 湖裡幾乎沒有生命。
extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; evaporation:n.蒸发;消失; seawater:n.海水; virtually:adv.事实上,几乎;实质上; lifeless:adj.无生命的;死气沉沉的;无趣味的;
In Niger, I was amazed to see how the locals learned how to exploit a different kind of desert spring. 在尼日,讓我驚訝的是 當地人如何學會利用 各種類的沙漠泉水。
Here, they mix the salty mud with spring water and spread it out in shallow ponds , and as it evaporated , it turned into a spectacle of color. 在這裡,他們把鹹泥巴和泉水混合, 然後把它散佈到淺池塘中, 等它蒸發,就會出現壯觀的顏色。
ponds:n.[水文]池塘(pond的复数);v.堵成池;筑成池塘(pond的三单形式); evaporated:adj.浓缩的;脱水的;蒸发干燥的;v.蒸发;消失(evaporate的过去式);失去水分;
My rig is also amazing for looking at agriculture. 用我的裝備來看他們的農業也好棒。
rig:n.钻机; v.装配;
This picture was taken in southern Algeria, where the locals have learned how to garden in a mobile dune field by tapping into shallow groundwater . 這張照片是在南阿爾及利亞拍攝的, 當地人學會如何在會動的 沙丘原野中從事園藝, 靠的是淺層地下水。
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; dune:n.(由风吹积而成的)沙丘; groundwater:n.地下水;
I also loved looking at how animals have adapted to the African landscape. 我也很喜歡看動物 如何去適應非洲的地景。
This picture was taken in Lake Amboseli, just across the border from here in Kenya. 這張照片是在安博塞利湖拍攝的, 就在肯亞邊境旁邊。
The elephants have carved the shallow lake water up into a network of little pathways , and they're spaced just enough apart that only elephants, with their long trunks, can tap into the most succulent grasses. 大象彷彿在雕刻,讓淺湖水變成 一套網狀的通路, 且距離取得剛好, 只有大象能用牠們的長鼻子 取用最多水份的青草。
carved:v.雕刻;刻;把(熟肉)切成块;(carve的过去分词和过去式) pathways:n.小路;小径(pathway的复数); succulent:adj.多汁的;多水分的;多汁性的;n.肉质植物;多汁植物;
In Namibia, the zebra have learned how to thrive in an environment that gets no rainfall at all. 在納米比亞,斑馬學會 在一個完全沒有降雨的環境中茁壯成長。
thrive:v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达; rainfall:n.降雨;降雨量;
These grasses are irrigated by the dense coastal fog that blankets the area every morning. 灌溉這些草的是海岸濃霧, 每天早晨,濃霧都會籠罩這個區域。
irrigated:[农工]灌溉的; dense:adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的; coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的;
And those bald patches out there? 那些光禿的小區域呢?
bald:adj.秃顶的;秃头的;无毛的; patches:n.斑点;小块;补丁;眼罩;v.打补丁;缝补;修补;(patch的第三人称单数和复数)
They call them fairy circles, and scientists still struggle to understand what causes them. 當地人稱這是妖精圓圈, 科學家仍然在努力了解它們的成因。
This is Mount Visoke, with a small crater lake in its summit at 3,700 meters. 這是比蘇奇火山,高度 3700公尺的 頂峰上有個火山口湖。
Mount:n.山;坐骑;山峰;衬纸板;v.登上;爬上;攀登;准备; summit:n.峰会;山顶;顶点;最高点;
It forms the roof of the Great Rift Valley and also the border between Rwanda and Congo. 它形成了東非大裂谷的屋頂, 以及盧安達與剛果之間的邊界。
Rift Valley:n.地堑;裂谷;
It's also the center of the reserve for the fabled mountain gorilla . 它也是神話中的山地 大猩猩的保護區中心。
reserve:n.储备,储存; vt.储备; vi.预订; fabled:adj.寓言中的,虚构的;v.虚构(fable的过去分词); gorilla:大猩猩
They're actually the big money-maker in Rwanda, and on this side of the border, conservation has become a huge success. 牠們其實是盧安達的搖錢樹, 在邊界的這一邊,保育十分成功。
money-maker:n.会挣钱的人;赚钱的生意;赚钱的东西; conservation:n.保存,保持;保护;
Rwanda has the highest rural population density in Africa, and I saw it in almost every corner of the country I went to. 盧安達有非洲最高的農村人口密度。 不論我走到盧安達的 哪個角落,幾乎都會看到。
rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的; density:n.密度;
I've heard it said that competition for land was one of the things that led to the tensions that caused the genocide of the 1990s. 我聽說,土地競爭 是導致緊繃狀況的原因之一, 後來導致了九○年代的大屠殺。
competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; tensions:张力;紧张; genocide:n.种族灭绝;灭绝整个种族的大屠杀;
I went back to South Sudan a few years ago, and it was amazing to see how much things had changed. 幾年前,我回到南蘇丹, 看到一切都改變了好多, 很讓我吃驚。
The Dinka were still in love with their cattle, but they had turned in their spears for Kalashnikovs . 丁卡人仍然熱愛他們的小牛, 但他們已經把長矛 換成卡拉希尼科夫槍。
The cattle camps from above were even more spectacular than I could have imagined, but things had changed there too. 從上方看到的小牛集中地更壯觀了, 遠超過我的想像, 但那裡也變了。
You see those little blue dots down there? 你們有看到下面的藍點嗎?
The Dinka had adapted to the new reality, and now they covered their papyrus shelters with the tarps from UN food convoys . 丁卡人得要適應新的現實, 他們在紙草屋上覆蓋了 聯合國食物救援隊的防水布。
tarps:abbr.战术空中侦察吊舱系统; convoys:n.护送;护卫;护航队;vt.护航;护送;
In Mali, the Bozo people have learned how to thrive in the pulsating rhythms of the Niger River. 在馬利,博佐族人學會如何在 尼日河的搏動節奏中茁壯成長。
Bozo:n.傻瓜;笨蛋; pulsating:adj.脉动的;脉冲的;搏动的;v.颤动;有规律地跳动(pulsate的现在分词); rhythms:韵律;
As the rainy season ends and the water subsides , they plant their rice in the fertile bottoms. 當雨季節束,水消退之後, 他們把稻米種植在肥沃的底部。
subsides:v.平息(subside的第三人称单数);下降;减弱; fertile:adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的;
And that village in the lower right corner, that's Gao, one of the jumping off points for the major trade routes across the Sahara. 在照片右下角有個村落, 那是加歐,橫越撒哈拉沙漠 主要貿易路線的出發點之一。
At the end of the harvest, the Bozo take the leftover rice straw and they mix it with mud to reinforce their roofs and the village mosque . 在收穫結束時, 博佐族會把殘存的稻草拿來用, 將它們和泥巴混合,來強化 他們的屋頂和村落的清真寺。
leftover:n.吃剩的食物;遗留物;adj.剩余的;吃剩的;未用完的; straw:n.稻草; adj.稻草的; reinforce:vt.加强,加固; vi.求援; n.加强; mosque:n.清真寺;
I must have flown over a dozen villages like this along the Niger River, and each one was unique , it had a different pattern. 我大概飛越了十多個 像這樣的尼日河延岸村落, 每一個都獨一無二,有不同的模式。
and each mosque was like a sculptural masterpiece , and no two were alike. 每座清真寺都像是個雕塑傑作, 沒有任何兩座是相似的。
sculptural:adj.雕刻的;雕刻般的; masterpiece:n.杰作;名著;代表作
I've flown all over the world, and nothing can really compare to the cultural diversity of Africa. 我已經飛過全世界,沒有什麼比得上 非洲的文化多樣性。
compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较; cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的;
You see it in every country, from Morocco to Ethiopia , to South Africa, to Mozambique, to South Sudan, to Mali. 在每個國家都看得到, 從摩洛哥, 到衣索比亞, 到南非, 到莫三比克, 到南蘇丹, 到馬利。
The array of environments and cultural adaptations to them is really extraordinary , and the history is pretty cool too. 各式各樣的環境以及 對環境所做出的文化適應 實在很不凡, 歷史也相當酷。
array:n.数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服;v.排列,部署;打扮; adaptations:n.适应;改编(adaptation的复数); extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
From the air, I have a unique window into the earliest waves of colonial history. 從空中,我有個獨特的視野 可以看見最早的殖民歷史浪潮。 這是昔蘭尼, 在利比亞的海岸山脈上,
This is Cyrene on the coastal mountains of Libya , that was founded by the Greeks, in 700 BC, as a learning center, and Timgad, which was founded in what's now Algeria by the Romans in 100 AD. 這是昔蘭尼, 在利比亞的海岸山脈上, 在西元前 700 年由希臘人建造, 做為學習中心用, 還有提姆加德,它的所在地 現在是阿爾及利亞, 由羅馬人在西元 100 年建立。
This was built as a retirement community for old Roman soldiers, and it amazed me to think that North Africa was once the breadbasket for the Roman Empire. 它本來的用途是當 老羅馬士兵的退休社區, 光是想到北非曾經是 羅馬帝國的糧倉,就讓我感到驚奇。
retirement:n.退休;退职;退休年龄;退休生活; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; Roman:n.罗马人;古罗马语;adj.罗马的;罗马人的; breadbasket:n.胃;面包篮;产粮地区;大型空投炸弹;
But 700 years after Timgad was built, it was buried in sand, and even then, the African climate was wetter than it is today. 但提姆加德在建立之後七百年, 就被掩埋在沙中, 即使是當時,非洲氣候也比現在還濕。
The African climate continues to change, and you see it everywhere, like here in the Gorges de Ziz, where a freak rainstorm came barreling out of the Sahara and blanketed the mountains in snow. 非洲氣候持續在改變, 在各處都可以看到, 比如在濟茲峽谷這裡, 一場反常的暴風雨 快速掃過撒哈拉沙漠, 讓山上被雪覆蓋。
Gorges:戈格斯; barreling:n.滚磨;研磨;圆筒;v.把…装桶;快速移动;(barrel的现在分词)
I never thought I would see date palms in snow, but the kids that day had a great time throwing snowballs at each other. 我從來沒有想過 我會看到雪中的棗椰樹, 但那天,孩子們都 開心地向彼此丟雪球。
But it made me wonder, how are Africans going to adapt to this rapidly changing climate going forward? 但這現象讓我納悶, 非洲人要如何適應 正在快速變遷的氣候?
In a continent as dynamic and diverse as Africa, sometimes it seems that the only constant is change. 在像非洲這樣動態且多元的大陸, 有時似乎唯一不變的事 就是一切在變。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的; diverse:adj.不同的;多种多样的;变化多的;
But one thing I've learned is that Africans are the ultimate improvisers , always adapting and finding a way forward. 但我學到了一件事, 非洲人非常會即興做出應變, 他們總是在適應並找到前進的路。
ultimate:adj.最终的;极限的;根本的;n.终极;根本;基本原则; improvisers:用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。; adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词)
Thank you. 謝謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)