

When I was a young man, I spent six years of wild adventure in the tropics working as an investigative journalist in some of the most bewitching parts of the world. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
adventure:n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏;v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯; tropics:n.热带地区; investigative:adj.研究的;调查的;好调查的; journalist:n.新闻工作者;报人;记日志者; bewitching:adj.迷人的; v.迷住; (bewitch的现在分词)
I was as reckless and foolish as only young men can be. 暂时没有中文字幕!
This is why wars get fought. 暂时没有中文字幕!
But I also felt more alive than I've ever done since. 暂时没有中文字幕!
And when I came home, I found the scope of my existence gradually diminishing until loading the dishwasher seemed like an interesting challenge. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
scope:n.能力; v.仔细看; gradually:adv.渐渐地;逐步地; diminishing:v.减少; adj.逐渐缩小的; dishwasher:n.洗碗工;洗碟机;
And I found myself sort of scratching at the walls of life, as if I was trying to find a way out into a wider space beyond. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
I was, I believe, ecologically bored . 暂时没有中文字幕!
ecologically:adv.从生态学的观点看; bored:adj.无聊的;厌倦的;烦闷的;v.使厌烦;钻,凿,挖;(bore的过去分词和过去式)
Now, we evolved in rather more challenging times than these, in a world of horns and tusks and fangs and claws . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) horns:n.喇叭; v.截锯…的角; tusks:n.獠牙(tusk的复数);[建]墙面牙石;v.用长牙掘(tusk的第三人称单数); fangs:n.[脊椎]尖牙; v.用尖牙咬; claws:n.(动物或禽类的)爪,脚爪; v.(用爪子或手指甲)抓,撕,挠(claw的第三人称单数和复数)
And we still possess the fear and the courage and the aggression required to navigate those times. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
possess:vt.控制;持有;迷住;具备; aggression:n.侵略;侵犯;攻击性;好斗情绪; navigate:vt.驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于;vi.航行,航空;
But in our comfortable, safe, crowded lands, we have few opportunities to exercise them without harming other people. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And this was the sort of constraint that I found myself bumping up against. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
constraint:n.[数]约束;局促,态度不自然;强制; bumping:v.碰上,撞上;颠簸行进(bump的现在分词)
To conquer uncertainty , to know what comes next, that's almost been the dominant aim of industrialized societies, and having got there, or almost got there, we have just encountered a new set of unmet needs. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
conquer:v.占领;攻克;征服;击败,战胜;对付,克服,控制;很受欢迎 uncertainty:n.不确定,不可靠; dominant:adj.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的;n.显性; industrialized:adj.工业化的;v.使工业化;将…组成产业(industrialize的过去分词); encountered:v.遭遇,遇到;偶然碰到;意外地遇见;(encounter的过去分词和过去式) unmet:adj.未满足的;未应付的;未相遇的;
We've privileged safety over experience and we've gained a lot in doing so, but I think we've lost something too. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
privileged:adj.有特权的; v.给予特权; (privilege的过去式和过去分词)
Now, I don't romanticize evolutionary time. 暂时没有中文字幕!
romanticize:v.使浪漫化;使传奇化;使更加富有吸引力; evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的;
I'm already beyond the lifespan of most hunter-gatherers , and the outcome of a mortal combat between me myopically stumbling around with a stone-tipped spear and an enraged giant aurochs isn't very hard to predict . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
lifespan:n.寿命;预期生命期限;预期使用期限; hunter-gatherers:n.采集狩猎的人; outcome:n.结果,结局;成果; mortal:adj.凡人的;致死的;终有一死的;不共戴天的;n.人类,凡人; combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗; stumbling:v.绊脚;蹒跚而行;(不顺畅地)说,读,演奏(stumble的现在分词) enraged:v.使异常愤怒;激怒;触怒;(enrage的过去分词和过去式) giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 predict:v.预报;预言;预告;
Nor was it authenticity that I was looking for. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I don't find that a useful or even intelligible concept. 暂时没有中文字幕!
I just wanted a richer and rawer life than I've been able to lead in Britain, or, indeed, that we can lead in most parts of the industrialized world. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And it was only when I stumbled across an unfamiliar word that I began to understand what I was looking for. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
stumbled:v.绊脚;跌跌撞撞地走;蹒跚而行;(stumble的过去分词和过去式) unfamiliar:adj.不熟悉的;不常见的;没有经验的;
And as soon as I found that word, 暂时没有中文字幕!
as soon as:一…就;
I realized that I wanted to devote much of the rest of my life to it. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
The word is " rewilding ," 暂时没有中文字幕!
and even though rewilding is a young word, it already has several definitions . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
But there are two in particular that fascinate me. 暂时没有中文字幕!
in particular:尤其,特别; fascinate:vt.使着迷,使神魂颠倒;vi.入迷;
The first one is the mass restoration of ecosystems . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集; restoration:n.恢复;复位;王政复辟;归还; ecosystems:n.生态系统(ecosystem的复数);
One of the most exciting scientific findings of the past half century has been the discovery of widespread trophic cascades . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; findings:n.调查发现;判决;裁决;(finding的复数) widespread:adj.普遍的,广泛的;分布广的; trophic:adj.营养的;有关营养的; cascades:n.[水文]小瀑布;叶棚(cascade的复数);v.瀑布似地落下(cascade的三单形式);
A trophic cascade is an ecological process which starts at the top of the food chain and tumbles all the way down to the bottom, and the classic example is what happened 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; food chain:n.食物链; tumbles:vi.摔倒; vt.使摔倒; n.跌倒; classic:n.名著;优秀的典范;adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的;
in the Yellowstone National Park in the United States when wolves were reintroduced in 1995. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
National Park:n.国家公园; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) reintroduced:vt.再引入;再提出;再介绍;
Now, we all know that wolves kill various species of animals, but perhaps we're slightly less aware that they give life to many others. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
species:n.[生物]物种;种类; slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地;
It sounds strange, but just follow me for a while . 暂时没有中文字幕!
for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
Before the wolves turned up, they'd been absent for 70 years. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
The numbers of deer, because there was nothing to hunt them, had built up and built up in the Yellowstone Park, and despite efforts by humans to control them, 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
they'd managed to reduce much of the vegetation there to almost nothing, they'd just grazed it away. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
vegetation:n.植被;植物,草木;呆板单调的生活; grazed:v.吃青草;放牧;放牛;放羊;擦伤;(graze的过去分词和过去式)
But as soon as the wolves arrived, even though they were few in number, they started to have the most remarkable effects. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
First, of course, they killed some of the deer, but that wasn't the major thing. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Much more significantly , they radically changed the behavior of the deer. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
significantly:adv.意味深长地;值得注目地; radically:adv.根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式;
The deer started avoiding certain parts of the park, the places where they could be trapped most easily, particularly the valleys and the gorges , and immediately those places started to regenerate . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; gorges:戈格斯; regenerate:vt.使再生;革新;vi.再生;革新;adj.再生的;革新的;
In some areas, the height of the trees quintupled in just six years. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Bare valley sides quickly became forests of aspen and willow and cottonwood . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Bare:adj.空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的;v.露出,使赤裸; aspen:adj.山杨的;类似白杨的;颤抖的;n.山杨; willow:n.柳树;柳;柳木;v.用打棉机打开和清理 cottonwood:n.杨木;三角叶杨;
And as soon as that happened, the birds started moving in. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
The number of songbirds , of migratory birds, started to increase greatly . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
songbirds:黄莺(songbird的复数) migratory:adj.迁移的;流浪的; greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常;
The number of beavers started to increase, because beavers like to eat the trees. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And beavers, like wolves, are ecosystem engineers. 暂时没有中文字幕!
They create niches for other species. 暂时没有中文字幕!
niches:n.[生态]生态位; v.把…放置在壁龛中;
And the dams they built in the rivers provided habitats for otters and muskrats and ducks and fish and reptiles and amphibians . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) habitats:n.[生态]栖息地;(动植物的)[经]产地(habitat的复数形式); muskrats:n.麝鼠;麝鼠毛皮; reptiles:n.爬行动物(reptile的复数);[脊椎]爬行类;爬虫类; amphibians:n.两栖动物;[古生]两栖类;
The wolves killed coyotes , and as a result of that, the number of rabbits and mice began to rise, which meant more hawks, more weasels , more foxes, more badgers . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
coyotes:n.土狼(coyote的复数); as a result:结果; weasels:n.鼬;黄鼠狼;(weasel的复数) badgers:獾;纠缠;
Ravens and bald eagles came down to feed on the carrion that the wolves had left. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Ravens:n.乌鸦(raven的复数);低质煤; bald:adj.秃顶的;秃头的;无毛的; carrion:adj.腐肉的;腐朽的;n.腐肉;臭尸;不洁之物;
Bears fed on it too, and their population began to rise as well, partly also because there were more berries growing on the regenerating shrubs , and the bears reinforced the impact of the wolves by killing some of the calves of the deer. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
berries:n.浆果;莓;(berry的复数) regenerating:v.再生(regenerate的ing形式);改革;使恢复原状; shrubs:n.[林]灌木;权木;矮树丛(shrub的复数); reinforced:adj.加固的;加强的;加筋的;v.加强;增援;(reinforce的过去式和过去分词) impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; calves:n.小牛; v.生小牛;
But here's where it gets really interesting. 暂时没有中文字幕!
The wolves changed the behavior of the rivers. 暂时没有中文字幕!
They began to meander less. 暂时没有中文字幕!
There was less erosion . The channels narrowed. 暂时没有中文字幕!
More pools formed, more riffle sections, all of which were great for wildlife habitats. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
riffle:n.浅滩; vt.迅速翻阅; vi.成涟漪;
The rivers changed in response to the wolves, and the reason was that the regenerating forests stabilized the banks so that they collapsed less often, so that the rivers became more fixed in their course. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
in response to:响应;回答;对…有反应; stabilized:adj.稳定的;减摇的;v.稳定(stabilize的过去分词); collapsed:v.倒塌,坍塌;倒下,昏倒;坐下;(collapse的过去分词和过去式)
Similarly , by driving the deer out of some places and the vegetation recovering on the valley sides, there was less soil erosion, because the vegetation stabilized that as well. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
So the wolves, small in number, transformed not just the ecosystem of the Yellowstone National Park, this huge area of land, but also its physical geography . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) physical geography:自然地理学;
Whales in the southern oceans have similarly wide-ranging effects. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
One of the many post-rational excuses made by the Japanese government for killing whales is that they said, "Well, the number of fish and krill will rise and then there'll be more for people to eat." 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Well, it's a stupid excuse, but it sort of kind of makes sense, doesn't it, because you'd think that whales eat huge amounts of fish and krill, so obviously take the whales away, there'll be more fish and krill. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
But the opposite happened. 暂时没有中文字幕!
You take the whales away, and the number of krill collapses . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Why would that possibly have happened? 暂时没有中文字幕!
Well, it now turns out that the whales are crucial to sustaining that entire ecosystem, and one of the reasons for this is that they often feed at depth and then they come up to the surface and produce what biologists politely call large fecal plumes , 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
crucial:adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的; sustaining:adj.持续的;支持的;v.维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受; come up to:v.达到;等于; biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数); fecal:adj.排泄物的;残渣的;糟粕的; plumes:羽状物;
huge explosions of poop right across the surface waters, up in the photic zone, where there's enough light to allow photosynthesis to take place , and those great plumes of fertilizer stimulate the growth of phytoplankton , 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
explosions:n.[力]爆炸;爆发(explosion的复数);怒气大作; poop:n.船尾;傻子;内幕消息;v.使精疲力尽;使船尾受击; photic:adj.光的;透光的;感光的;[生物]发光的; photosynthesis:n.光合作用; take place:发生;举行; fertilizer:n.[肥料]肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者; stimulate:v.刺激;激发;促进;激励; phytoplankton:n.[植]浮游植物(群落);
the plant plankton at the bottom of the food chain, which stimulate the growth of zooplankton , which feed the fish and the krill and all the rest of it. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
zooplankton:n.浮游动物; all the rest:其他所有相关信息;
The other thing that whales do is that, as they're plunging up and down through the water column , they're kicking the phytoplankton back up towards the surface where it can continue to survive and reproduce . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
plunging:adj.低领的; v.暴跌; (plunge的现在分词) column:n.栏目,纵队; reproduce:v.繁殖;复制;再现;生育;
And interestingly , well, we know that plant plankton in the oceans absorb carbon from the atmosphere -- the more plant plankton there are, the more carbon they absorb -- and eventually they filter down into the abyss and remove that carbon from the atmospheric system. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
interestingly:adv.有趣地; absorb:v.吸收;使并入;吞并;同化;理解;吸收;耗费;承受; carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格; eventually:adv.最后,终于; filter:n.滤波器;过滤器;滤光器;滤声器;v.过滤;渗入;(用程序)筛选;缓行; abyss:n.深渊;深邃,无底洞,地狱; atmospheric:adj.大气的,大气层的;
Well, it seems that when whales were at their historic populations, they were probably responsible for sequestering some tens of millions of tons of carbon every year from the atmosphere. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
historic:adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的; responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的; sequestering:vt.使隔绝;使隐退;没收,扣押;
And when you look at it like that, you think, wait a minute, here are the wolves changing the physical geography of the Yellowstone National Park. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Here are the whales changing the composition of the atmosphere. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
You begin to see that possibly, the evidence supporting James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis , which conceives of the world as a coherent , self-regulating organism , is beginning, at the ecosystem level, to accumulate . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; Gaia:n.盖亚(希腊神话中的大地女神,等于Gaea); hypothesis:n.假设; conceives:vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有;vi.怀孕;设想;考虑; coherent:adj.连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的;凝聚性的;互相耦合的;粘在一起的; self-regulating:adj.自制的;自动调节的; organism:n.生物;有机体;有机组织;(尤指)微生物; accumulate:vi.累积;积聚;vt.积攒;
Trophic cascades tell us that the natural world is even more fascinating and complex than we thought it was. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
They tell us that when you take away the large animals, you are left with a radically different ecosystem to one which retains its large animals. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And they make, in my view, a powerful case for the reintroduction of missing species. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Rewilding, to me, means bringing back some of the missing plants and animals. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It means taking down the fences, it means blocking the drainage ditches , it means preventing commercial fishing in some large areas of sea, but otherwise stepping back. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
drainage:n.排水;排水系统;污水;排水面积; ditches:n.(马术)沟; vt.挖沟(ditch的第三人称单数); commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告;
It has no view as to what a right ecosystem or a right assemblage of species looks like. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It doesn't try to produce a heath or a meadow or a rain forest or a kelp garden or a coral reef . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
heath:n.石南,石南植物;荒野;adj.杜鹃花科木本植物的; meadow:n.草地;牧场; kelp:n.[植]巨藻,海藻;海草灰;vi.烧制海草灰; coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的; reef:礁,礁脉
It lets nature decide, and nature, by and large , is pretty good at deciding. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
by and large:大体上,总的来说;
Now, I mentioned that there are two definitions of rewilding that interest me. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
The other one is the rewilding of human life. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And I don't see this as an alternative to civilization . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择; civilization:n.文明;文明社会;文明世界;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;
I believe we can enjoy the benefits of advanced technology , as we're doing now, but at the same time , if we choose, have access to a richer and wilder life of adventure when we want to because there would be wonderful, rewilded habitats. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
advanced:adj.先进的; v.前进; (advance的过去式和过去分词形式) technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
And the opportunities for this are developing more rapidly than you might think possible. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
There's one estimate which suggests that in the United States, two thirds of the land which was once forested and then cleared has become reforested as loggers and farmers have retreated , particularly from the eastern half of the country. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
estimate:v.估计;估算;估价;n.估价;(对大小、数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本; reforested:vt.重新造林; loggers:n.伐木工人(logger的复数形式); retreated:v.撤退;隐退(retreat的过去式及过去分词); eastern:adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东方国家的;n.东方人;东正教信徒;
There's another one which suggests that 30 million hectares of land in Europe, an area the size of Poland , will be vacated by farmers between 2000 and 2030. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
hectares:n.公顷(hectare的复数); Poland:n.波兰(欧洲国家); vacated:v.搬出,腾出,空出;辞(职);让(位);(vacate的过去分词和过去式)
Now, faced with opportunities like that, does it not seem a little unambitious to be thinking only of bringing back wolves, lynx , bears, beavers, bison , boar , moose , 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
unambitious:adj.无野心的;无名利心的;谦虚的; lynx:n.猞猁;山猫; bison:n.北美野牛;欧洲野牛; boar:n.野猪;(未阉的)公猪; moose:n.[脊椎]驼鹿;麋;[复数moose];
and all the other species which are already beginning to move quite rapidly across Europe? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Perhaps we should also start thinking about the return of some of our lost megafauna . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
What megafauna, you say? 暂时没有中文字幕!
Well, every continent had one, apart from Antarctica. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
When Trafalgar Square in London was excavated , the river gravels there were found to be stuffed with the bones of hippopotamus , rhinos , elephants, hyenas , lions. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
excavated:v.发掘;挖掘(excavate的过去式,过去分词); gravels:n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑; stuffed:adj.饱;装满的;v.填满;装满;给…装馅;(stuff的过去分词和过去式) hippopotamus:n.[脊椎]河马; rhinos:n.(非正式)犀牛;[俚]钱;现金; hyenas:n.土狼(hyena的复数形式);
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there were lions in Trafalgar Square long before Nelson's Column was built. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
All these species lived here in the last interglacial period, when temperatures were pretty similar to our own. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It's not climate, largely , which has got rid of the world's megafaunas. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It's pressure from the human population hunting and destroying their habitats which has done so. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
And even so, you can still see the shadows of these great beasts in our current ecosystems. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Why is it that so many deciduous trees are able to sprout from whatever point the trunk is broken? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
deciduous:adj.落叶性的,脱落性的;非永久性的; sprout:v.发芽;生长;出现;(使)涌现出;n.新芽;嫩枝;
Why is it that they can withstand the loss of so much of their bark ? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
withstand:vt.抵挡;禁得起;反抗;vi.反抗; bark:n.树皮; v.(狗)吠叫;
Why do understory trees, which are subject to lower sheer forces from the wind and have to carry less weight than the big canopy trees, why are they so much tougher and harder to break than the canopy trees are? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
understory:n.林下叶层;下层植被; sheer:adj.纯; v.十足地; n.透明薄纱; v.[航海](使)偏航; (使)转向; canopy:n.天篷;华盖;遮篷;苍穹;vt.用天蓬遮盖;遮盖;
Elephants. 暂时没有中文字幕!
They are elephant-adapted. 暂时没有中文字幕!
In Europe, for example, they evolved to resist the straight-tusked elephant, elephas antiquus, which was a great beast. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It was related to the Asian elephant, but it was a temperate animal, a temperate forest creature . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
temperate:adj.温和的;适度的;有节制的; creature:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人;
It was a lot bigger than the Asian elephant. 暂时没有中文字幕!
But why is it that some of our common shrubs have spines which seem to be over-engineered to resist browsing by deer? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
spines:n.[解剖]脊柱;棘状突起;体刺(spine的复数); browsing:v.随便看看;浏览;翻阅;浏览信息;(browse的现在分词)
Perhaps because they evolved to resist browsing by rhinoceros . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Isn't it an amazing thought that every time you wander into a park or down an avenue or through a leafy street, you can see the shadows of these great beasts? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
avenue:n.途径;(城镇的)大街;林荫道(尤指通往大住宅者);选择; leafy:adj.多叶的;叶状的;叶茂盛的;
Paleoecology, the study of past ecosystems, crucial to an understanding of our own, feels like a portal through which you may pass into an enchanted kingdom. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
portal:n.大门,入口; enchanted:adj.中魔法的;狂喜的;v.使着迷;对…用魔法;(enchant的过去分词和过去式)
And if we really are looking at areas of land of the sort of sizes I've been talking about becoming available, why not reintroduce some of our lost megafauna, or at least species closely related to those which have become extinct everywhere? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Why shouldn't all of us have a Serengeti on our doorsteps ? 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Serengeti:n.塞伦盖蒂平原(位于坦桑尼亚西北部); doorsteps:n.门阶;
And perhaps this is the most important thing that rewilding offers us, the most important thing that's missing from our lives: hope. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
In motivating people to love and defend the natural world, an ounce of hope is worth a ton of despair . 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
motivating:v.激励;刺激;调动…的积极性(motivate的ing形式); ounce:n.盎司;少量;雪豹; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望;
The story rewilding tells us is that ecological change need not always proceed in one direction. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
It offers us the hope that our silent spring could be replaced by a raucous summer. 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕! 暂时没有中文字幕!
Thank you. 暂时没有中文字幕!
(Applause) 暂时没有中文字幕!