

(Whistling) (口哨声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
That was whistling . 这就是吹口哨。
I'm trying to do this in English. 我试着用英语来说。
What is a chubby , curly-haired guy from Holland -- why is he whistling? 好一个从荷兰来的胖胖的卷毛儿的家伙呀! 他为什么要吹口哨?
chubby:adj.圆胖的,丰满的; Holland:n.荷兰;
Well actually, I've [been] whistling since the age of four, about four. 事实上,我大概从4岁起就开始吹口哨了。
My dad was always whistling around the house, and I just thought that's part of communication in my family. 我爸爸总是在屋子周围吹口哨, 我认为那是我家庭沟通的一部分。
So I whistled along with him. 于是我开始和他一起吹。
whistled:n.口哨; vt.吹口哨;
And actually, till I was 34, 事实上直到34岁前,
I always annoyed and irritated people with whistling, because, to be honest, my whistling is a kind of deviant behavior. 我总是用吹口哨烦扰甚至激怒人们。 因为,说老实话, 我吹口哨成了一种怪异的行为。
annoyed:adj.恼怒;生气;烦恼;v.使恼怒;使生气;打扰;骚扰(annoy的过去分词和过去式) irritated:adj.烦恼;恼怒;v.使烦恼;刺激(irritate的过去分词和过去式) deviant:n.不正常者;偏移值;变异物;adj.不正常的;离经叛道的;
I whistled alone. I whistled in the classroom. 我有时独自吹,有时在教室吹,
I whistled on [my] bike. I whistled everywhere. 有时边骑自行车边吹,我随处都在吹口哨。
And I also whistled at a Christmas Eve party with my family-in-law. 我也在平安夜派对上吹, 在我岳父家里。
Christmas Eve:圣诞夜,平安夜
And they had some, in my opinion , terrible Christmas music. 在我看来他们放了一些 很糟糕的圣诞音乐。
in my opinion:在我看来;我认为;
And when I hear music that I don't like, 当我听到自己不喜欢的音乐时,
I try to make it better. 我试着把它“吹”得更好。
So "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer " -- you know it? 《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》,你们知道吧?
(Whistling) (口哨声)
But it can also sound like this. 它也可以被演绎成这样:
(Whistling) (口哨声)
But during a Christmas party -- at dinner actually -- it's very annoying . 但是在圣诞派对上, 确切的说是在晚餐上,这很招人烦。
So my sister-in-law asked me a few times, "Please stop whistling." 所以我的小姨子 几次要求我“别再吹了!”
And I just couldn't. 然而我就是停不下来。
And at one point -- and I had some wine, I have to admit that -- at one point I said, "If there was a contest, I would join." 我得承认,在喝了点小酒的情况下, 我冒出了这句话:如果有那么一个口哨大赛,我就去参加。
And two weeks later 两周后,
I received a text message : "You're going to America." 我收到了一条短信:你要去美国啦!
text message:n.文本信息;短信息;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So, okay, I'm going to America. 所以,好吧,我要去美国啦!
I would love to, but why? 我很想去,但是为什么去呢?
So I immediately called her up, of course. 我理所当然地立刻给她打了电话。
She Googled , and she found this World Whistling Championship in America, of course. 她“谷歌”过了, 然后发现了这个世界口哨锦标赛。 当然,是在美国举办的。
Googled:vt.在谷歌上搜索;(google的过去式和过去分词) Championship:n.锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位;
She didn't expect me to go there. 她没认为我真会去那儿。
And I would have lost my face. 我会丢人现眼的。
I don't know if that's correct English. 我不知道这么用英语说对不对。
But the Dutch people here will understand what I mean. 不过在场的荷兰人可以明白我的意思。
Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
(Laughter) (笑声)
I lost my face. 我真的丢人现眼了。
(Applause) (掌声)
And she thought, "He will never go there." 她想,“他不会去参加的。”
But actually I did. 但事实上,我去了。
So I went to Louisburg, North Carolina , southeast United States, and I entered the world of whistling. 我到了北卡罗来纳州的路易斯堡, 在美国东南部。 我随之走进了口哨的世界。
Carolina:n.卡罗莱纳州(在美国东南部); southeast:adj.东南的;来自东南的;n.东南;东南地区;adv.来自东南; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
And I also entered the world championship, and I won there in 2004. 我也进入了世界锦标赛, 并且赢得了2004年的冠军。
(Applause) (掌声)
That was great fun, of course. 这…… 这当然很有趣。
And to defend my title -- like judokas do and sportsmen -- 为了捍卫了自己的头衔, 你知道,像男人或者运动员那样,
I thought, well let's go back in 2005, and I won again. 我想,2005年再去一次吧, 然后我就又赢了一次。
Then I couldn't participate for a few years. 之后我有几年不能参赛。
And in 2008 I entered again in Japan, Tokyo, and I won again. 再之后,2008年,我又参加了一次, 在日本东京,并且我又赢了。
So what happened now is I'm standing here in Rotterdam, in the beautiful city, on a big stage, and I'm talking about whistling. 于是就有了现在这个 站在鹿特丹这座优美的城市中一个大舞台上演讲的我, 讲述着关于口哨的事情。
And actually I earn my money whistling at the moment. 事实上我现在靠吹口哨赚钱。
So I quit my day job as a nurse. 于是我辞去了护士的工作。
(Applause) (掌声)
And I try to live my dream -- well, actually, it was never my dream, but it sounds so good. 我试图实现我的梦想。 其实事实上,这根本不是我的梦想,但它听上去好极了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Okay, I'm not the only one whistling here. 各位,我并不是在场唯一吹口哨的。
You say, "Huh, what do you mean?" 你会说:“呃,你什么意思?”
Well actually, you are going to whistle along. 好的,事实上,大家要一起吹。
And then always the same thing happens: people are watching each other and think, "Oh, my God. 接着总是会发生同样的事—— 人们面面相觑,心里暗想:“哦,天哪。
Why? Can I go away?" 为什么要这样?我可以走吗?”
No, you can't. 不,你不行。
Actually it's very simple. 事实上,这很简单。
It's about 80 minutes long. 大概80分钟长。
No, no, no. It's four minutes long. 不不不,它只有4分钟长。
And I want to first rehearse with you your whistling. 我首先想和你们彩排一下你们的口哨声。
So I whistle the tone . 我吹一声。
(Whistling) (口哨声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Sorry. I forgot one thing. 对不起,我忘了一件事。
You whistle the same tone as me. 你们和我吹一个调。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I heard a wide variety of tones . 我听到了各种音调。
variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化; tones:n.声调;基本音色(tone的复数);v.调节音调(tone的第三人称单数);
(Whistling) (口哨声)
This is very promising. 这前景很好!
This is very promising. 这前景很好!
I'll ask the technicians to start the music. 我请技术人员放一下音乐。
And if it's started, I just point where you whistle along, and we will see what happens. 当音乐响起来时,我会指出你们在哪儿跟着吹, 我们一起来见证将会发生什么。
Oh, hah. 哦,呵呵,
I'm so sorry, technicians. 很抱歉,技术人员。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm so used to that. 我太习惯请技术人员帮助了。
I start it myself. 我自己来播放。
Okay, here it is. 好的,开始了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Music) (音乐声)
(Whistling) (口哨声)
Okay. 好的。
(Whistling) (口哨声)
It's easy, isn't it? 这很简单,不是吗?
(Whistling) (口哨声)
Now comes the solo . I propose I do that myself. 现在到了独奏部分。我打算自己来演绎。
solo:n.独奏; adj.独奏的; v.单人攀登; v.单独地; propose:v.建议;提议;求婚;打算;
(Whistling) (口哨声)
(Applause) (掌声)
Max Westerman: Geert Chatrou, the World Champion [of] Whistling. 马克思?威斯特曼:海尔特?查特尔,世界口哨冠军。
Geert Chatrou: Thank you. Thank you. 海尔特?查特尔:谢谢!谢谢!