

I want to talk to you about one thing and just one thing only, and this has to do with when people ask me, what do you do? 我想和各位聊一個話題, 就一個話題, 這涉及到人們常問我的一個問題: 你是從事哪個行業的?
To which I usually respond , 對此我總是這樣答覆,
I do computer music. 我搞電腦音樂這行。
Now, a number of people just stop talking to me right then and there, and the rest who are left usually have this blank look in their eye, as if to say, what does that mean? 很多人 馬上就此打住,不再追問, 餘下一些人呢, 則從眼神裡流露出迷茫, 好似在說,那是什麽概念?
And I feel like I'm actually depriving them of information by telling them this, at which point I usually panic and spit out the first thing that comes to my mind, which is, I have no idea what I'm doing. 我也覺得那樣答覆 給他們的訊息量太少。 此時我常常感到心慌, 腦海裡浮現的第一個念頭隨即脫口而出: 我自己也不清楚那是什麽概念。
depriving:v.剥夺;使丧失;使不能享有;(deprive的现在分词) panic:adj.恐慌的;n.惊恐;恐慌;惶恐不安;v.惊慌失措; I have no idea:我没有头绪…;
Which is true. 這是實話。
That's usually followed by a second thought, which is, whatever it is that I'm doing, 隨後我腦海裡又浮出第二個念頭: 無論我從事的這行是什麼,
I love it. 我都充滿熱情。
And today, I want to, well, share with you something I love, and also why. 今天,我想... 和各位分享我所熱愛的這個領域, 介紹我愛這行的原因。
And I think we'll begin with just this question: 我想我們不妨先從一個問題開始:
What is computer music? 何謂電腦音樂?
And I'm going to try to do my best to provide a definition , maybe by telling you a story that goes through some of the stuff 首先我想先講一個故事, 來給它下個定義吧, 故事貫穿了我至今
definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
I've been working on. 仍在持續研發的一些東西。
And the first thing, I think, in our story is going to be something called ChucK . 我想,故事中先出場的角色 應該是這個叫做 ChucK 的工具。
Now, ChucK is a programming language for music, and it's open-source , it's freely available, and I like to think that it crashes equally well on all modern operating systems. ChucK 是一種音樂創作專用的程式語言, 它是一款開放軟體,免費下載使用, 我覺得它在所有現代作業系統上 都能很好地崩潰。
And instead of telling you more about it, 我覺得,與其用言語描述,
I'm just going to give you a demo . 還不如給各位演示一下。
By the way , I'm just going to nerd out for just a few minutes here, so I would say, don't freak out. 不好意思,我等一下會像電腦阿宅一樣。 我希望各位不要詫異。
By the way:顺便说一下; nerd:n.呆子;讨厌的人; freak:n.怪人,怪事;畸形人;反复无常;adj.奇异的,反常的;
In fact, I would invite all of you to join me in just geeking out. 實際上,我想邀請各位 跟我一起宅一下。
If you've never written a line of code before in your life, do not worry. 如果你之前從沒寫過代碼, 也不用擔心。
I'll bet you'll be able to come along on this. 我敢保證,你很快就能上手。
First thing I'm going to do is to make a sine wave oscillator , and we're going to called the sine wave generator "Ge." 首先我要編製 一個正弦波振盪器, 暫時把這個正弦波發生器命名為
sine:n.正弦;prep.(拉)无(等于without); oscillator:n.[电子]振荡器;摆动物;动摇的人; generator:n.发电机;发生器;电力公司;
And then we're going to connect "Ge" to the DAC. 我們再把 Ge 連接到 DAC。
Now this is kind of the abstraction for the sound output on my computer. Okay? 說白了 就是我電腦上的音頻輸出。理解了吧?
abstraction:n.抽象;出神;心神专注;提取;分离; output:n.(人、机器、机构的)产量;输出;输出功率;输出量;v.输出;
So I've connected myself into the speaker. 這樣我就把電腦接到揚聲器了。
Next, I'm going to say my frequency is 440 hertz , and I'm going to let time advance by two seconds through this operation. 下一步,我要把頻率設為 440 赫茲, 我還要做個操作 把時間提前兩秒。
frequency:n.频率;发生率;重复率;频繁; hertz:n.[物]赫兹(频率单位);
All right, so if I were to play this -- you would hear a sine wave at 440 hertz for two seconds. 好了,我們來試播一下... 各位聽到的是一段兩秒鐘的 440 赫茲正弦波。
Okay, great. Now I'm going to copy and paste this, and then just change some of these numbers, 220.5, 440 I shall leave it as that, and .5 and 880. 好,很棒。下面我來複製、貼上這段代碼, 然後簡單改一下數字, 220.5,440 不用改, 還有 .5 和 880。
paste:v.粘贴; n.面团; adj.人造的;
By doubling the frequency, we're actually going up in successive octaves , and then we have this sequence -- 頻率翻倍後, 我們實際上是連續八度音階上升, 然後我們聽到這種序列的...
successive:adj.连续的;继承的;依次的;接替的; octaves:n.八度(octave的复数); sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列;
Okay, great, now I can imagine creating all kinds of really horrible single sine wave pieces of music with this, but I'm going to do something that computers are really good at, which is repetition . 嗯,不錯,我想如果用這種方法來編 各種單個正弦波的樂曲, 那得多恐怖啊。 不過我要發揮電腦的強項, 也就是重複。
horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, repetition:n.重复;重做;重说;重做的事;重说的话;
I'm going to put this all in a while loop , and you actually don't need to indent , but this is purely for aesthetic reasons. 我把這段代碼放入一個 while 循環, 實際操作時不需行首縮進, 我這樣做純粹是為了美觀。
loop:n.循环;回路;环路;圈;v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动; indent:vt.定货;缩排;印凹痕;vi.切割成锯齿状;n.缩进;订货单;凹痕;契约; purely:adv.完全;仅仅; aesthetic:adj.美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的;
It's good practice. 這是個好習慣。
And when we do this — that's going to go on for a while . 這步完成後, 這樣要持續好一陣子。
for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
In fact, it's probably not going to stop until this computer disintegrates . 事實上,它可能不會停下來, 除非這臺電腦支離破碎了。
And I can't really empirically prove that to you, but I hope you'll believe me when I say that. 當然我也沒經歷過,不能向各位證實, 但是我希望各位相信我。
Next, I'm going to replace this 220 by math.random2f. 接下來,我要將這個 220 替換成 math.random2f。
I'm going to generate a random number between 30 and 1,000 and send that to the frequency of me. 我會任意生成一個數字, 介於 30 至 1,000 之間, 再發送到我的頻率。
generate:v.产生;引起; random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地;
And I'm going to do this every half a second. 我希望每半秒鐘執行一次。
(Tones) (音調)
Let's do this every 200 milliseconds . 每 200 毫秒執行一次吧。
(Tones) (音調)
One hundred. 一百。
(Tones) (音調)
All right. 不錯。
At this point, we've reached something that I would like to think of as the canonical computer music. 現在我們終於小有收穫, 我覺得這可稱為 電腦音樂的範本。
This is, to me, the sound that mainframes are supposed to be making when they're thinking really hard. 我覺得這是主機 發出的聲音, 表示它們在很認真地思考。
mainframes:n.大型主机(mainframe的复数形式); supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
It's this sound, it's like, the square root of five million. 這種聲音有點像 五百萬的平方根。
square root:平方根;
So is this computer music? 各位覺得這是電腦音樂嗎?
Yeah, I guess by definition, it's kind of computer music. 我想按定義來說是的, 它算是電腦音樂。
It's probably not the kind of music you would listen to cruising down the highway, but it's a foundation of computer-generated music, and using ChucK, we've actually been building instruments in the Stanford Laptop Orchestra , based right here at Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics . 也許不是你在高速公路上 中速行駛時聽的那種音樂, 但它的確給電腦生成的音樂打下基礎, 藉助 ChucK, 我們一直在為史丹佛筆電交響樂團 我們的基地就設在史丹佛電腦音樂與聲學研究中心 (CCRMA)。
cruising:v.乘船游览;慢速行驶,巡行;(cruise的现在分词) foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; computer-generated:adj.计算机产生的;电脑生成的; instruments:n.器械;仪器;器具;手段(instrument的复数) Laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑; Orchestra:n.管弦乐队;乐队演奏处; Acoustics:n.声学;音响效果,音质;
Now the Laptop Orchestra is an ensemble of laptops , humans and special hemispherical speaker arrays. 筆電交響樂團由 筆電、表演者和特製的半球形揚聲器陣列組成。
ensemble:n.全体;总效果;全套服装;全套家具;合奏组;adv.同时; laptops:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;(laptop的复数) hemispherical:adj.半球的;半球状的;
Now the reason we have these is so that for the instruments that we create out of the laptop, we want the sound to come out of somewhere near the instrument and the performer, kind of much like a traditional , acoustic instrument. 之所以需要這些設備, 是因為我們藉助筆電 所打造的樂器,我們希望它們的聲音 來自設備和表演者 附近某處, 這有點像傳統的聲學儀器。
Like, if I were to play a violin here, the sound would naturally not come out of the P.A. system, but from the artifact itself. 比方說,如果我在這兒演奏小提琴, 音樂自然不會 從擴音裝置裡發出,而是從樂器本身發出。
naturally:adv.自然地;自然而然地;轻而易举;天生地;大方地; artifact:n.人工制品;手工艺品;
So these speakers are meant to emulate that. 所以,這些揚聲器採用相似的原理。
In fact, I'm going to show you how we actually built them. 接下來我給各位介紹一下 體的製作過程。
The first step is to go to IKEA and buy a salad bowl . 首先是去宜家 買一個沙拉專用木碗。
salad bowl:色拉盘;
This is an 11-inch Blanda Matt. 這是 11 英寸的布朗達麥特。
That's the actual name, and I actually use one of these to make salad at home as well, I kid you not. 這是它的原名, 其實我就是用這個碗 在家裡做沙拉,真的,我沒騙各位。
And the first step is you turn it upside down , and then you drill holes in them, six holes per hemi, and then make a base plate, put car speaker drivers in them along with amplifiers in the enclosure , and you put that all together and you have these hemispherical speaker arrays. 第一步,倒過來放, 然後在上面鑽孔, 每個半球面上鑽六個孔, 再做一塊底板, 放入汽車揚聲器驅動系統, 裡面再放進功放, 把這些零件組裝起來後, 就成了這些半球形揚聲器陣列。
upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的; amplifiers:n.[电子]放大器,增强剂(amplifier的复数);功放; enclosure:n.附件;围墙;围场;
Add people, add laptops, you have a laptop orchestra. 加上演奏者和筆電, 我們就組建了一支筆電交響樂團。
And what might a laptop orchestra sound like? 筆電交響樂團聽起來效果如何?
Well, let me give you a demonstration of about 200 instruments we've created so far for the Laptop Orchestra. 現在,我給各位演示一下 迄今為止我們給筆電交響樂團 打造的 200 多種樂器。
And what I'm going to do is actually come over to this thing. 接下來我要走到這個東西旁邊。
This thing I have in front of me actually used to be a commodity gaming controller called a Gametrak. 我前面這件東西 原本是一個遊戲控制器產品, 名字叫 Gametrak。
This thing actually has a glove you can put on your hands. 控制器自帶手套一隻,
It's tethered to the base, and this will track the position of your hands in real time . 它與底板相連, 能追蹤雙手的運動軌跡, 即時跟蹤。
tethered:v.拴(牲畜);(tether的过去式和过去分词) track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
It was originally designed as a golfing controller to detect the motion of your swing. 這個設計起初是用作高爾夫球控制器, 監測揮杆的運動軌跡。
originally:adv.原来;起初; detect:vt.察觉;发现;探测; motion:n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;v.运动;打手势;
That turned out to be a rather large commercial non-success, at which point they slashed prices to 10 dollars, at which point computer music researchers said, "This is awesome ! 結果這個產品的銷售業績 差得一塌糊塗, 最後這家公司把價格降到 10 美元, 最後電腦音樂的研究人員 表示:「這太棒了!
commercial:adj.贸易的;商业的;赢利的;以获利为目的的;n.(电台或电视播放的)广告; slashed:v.削减(slash的过去式及过去分词); awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的;
We can prototype instruments out of this." 我們可以用這東西打造樂器原型。」
So let me show you one instrument we've created, one of many, and this instrument is called " Twilight ," 我給各位展示我們製作的一種樂器, 這個樂器只是其中一種, 名字叫做「暮光」,
and it's meant to go with this metaphor of pulling a sound out of the ground. 寓意是地平線上升起的音樂。 我來試試效果怎麼樣。
metaphor:n.暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法; sound out:试探…的意向;
So let me see if this will work. 我來試試效果怎麼樣。
(Music) (音樂)
And put it back. 再放回去。
And then if you go to the left, right, it sounds like an elephant in pain. 然後往左, 往右, 聽起來像大象在呻吟。
This is a slightly metallic sound. 現在有點像金屬的聲音。
slightly:adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地; metallic:adj.金属的,含金属的;
Turn it just a bit. 稍微轉一下。
(Music) (音樂)
It's like a hovering car. 這時又像在空中盤旋的汽車。
Okay. 好了。
This third one is a ratchet-like interaction , so let me turn it up. 第三種聲音像棘輪在轉動,所以 我把聲音調高點。
(Music) (音樂)
So it's a slightly different interaction. 聽起來效果略有不同。
The fourth one is a drone . 第四種聲音像雄蜂。
(Music) (音樂)
And finally , let's see, this is a totally different interaction, and I think you have to imagine that there's this giant invisible drum sitting right here on stage, and I'm going to bang it. 最後,我們聽一下, 這個效果截然不同, 我想各位不妨設想一下, 臺上放著一面隱形的大鼓, 我來敲一下。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; drum:n.鼓; v.打鼓; bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
(Drum) (鼓聲)
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So there we go, so that's one of many instruments in the Laptop Orchestra. 演示完畢,這就是筆電交響樂團 樂器組合中的一種。
(Applause) (掌聲)
Thank you. 謝謝各位。
And when you put that together, you get something that sounds like this. 當我們把這些組合起來後, 就會產生這樣的聲音。
(Music) (音樂)
Okay, and so, I think from the experience of building a lot of instruments for the Laptop Orchestra, and I think from the curiosity of wondering, what if we took these hopefully expressive instruments and we brought it to a lot of people, plus then a healthy bout of insanity — put those three things together — led to me actually co-founding a startup company in 2008 called Smule. 嗯,所以我覺得根據 給筆電交響樂團製造各種樂器的經驗, 同時懷著一份對新鮮事物的好奇心, 我想能否把這些 有望一鳴驚人的樂器 帶給大眾, 加上一股有益身心的癡狂, 能否把這些想法結合起來, 於是在 2008 年我與人聯合創辦了一家企業 名字叫做 Smule。
curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; what if:如果…怎么办? expressive:adj.表现的;有表现力的;表达…的; bout:n.回合;较量;发作;一阵; insanity:n.疯狂;精神错乱;精神病;愚顽;
Now Smule's mission is to create expressive, mobile music things, and one of the first musical instruments we created is called Ocarina . Smule 的使命是創造 令人驚嘆叫絕的移動樂器, 首批樂器當中, 有一種叫做 Ocarina。
mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教; mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; Ocarina:n.陶制的卵形笛;
And I'm going to just demo this for you real quick. 下面我給各位快速演示一下。
is based on this ancient flute-like instrument called the ocarina, and this one is the four-hole English pendant configuration , and you're literally blowing into the microphone to make the sound. 是仿照古代一種笛子, 陶笛製作而成, 這個樂器採用英式 4 孔懸墜型結構, 我們是通過吹麥克風 來發聲。
pendant:n.下垂物,垂饰; configuration:n.配置;结构;外形; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: microphone:n.麦克风;传声器;话筒;
And there's actually a little ChucK script running in here that's detecting the strength of your blowing and also synthesizing the sound. 裡面實際上有一段 ChucK 程式, 能檢測出 我們吹奏的力度 並合成聲音。
script:n.剧本;电影剧本;笔迹;广播(或讲话等)稿;v.为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本; detecting:n.检测;检定;v.发现;探知(detect的现在分词);adj.探测的; synthesizing:v.合成;(音响)合成;综合;(synthesize的现在分词)
(Music) (音樂)
And vibrato is mapped to the accelerometer , 用加速計來使顫音形象化,
vibrato:n.(意)颤音;抑扬顿挫; accelerometer:n.[航][物]加速计;
(Music) (音樂)
All right. So let me play a little ditty for you, a little Bach. 好的。接下來我給各位演奏一支小曲, 巴赫的作品。
And here, you'll hear a little accompaniment with the melody . 我們將聽到音樂的伴奏。
accompaniment:n.伴奏;伴随物; melody:n.旋律;歌曲;美妙的音乐;
The accompaniment actually follows the melody, not the other way around. 伴奏會追隨樂曲的節奏, 而不是相反的情況。
(Music) (音樂)
And this was designed to let you take your time and figure out where your expressive space is, and you can just hang out here for a while, for a really dramatic effect, if you want, and whenever you're ready — 這支曲子可以 讓我們停下來, 忘卻言語,用心感悟,身處何處, 讓時間停止片刻, 感受非凡一刻,如果你想的話, 當你做好準備時...
(Music) (音樂)
And on these longer notes, 對於這些長音符,
I'm going to use more vibrato towards the end of the notes to give it a little bit more of an expressive quality. 我想在音符的尾聲部份 增加一些顫音, 豐富音符的表現力。
(Music) (音樂)
Huh, that's a nice chord to end this excerpt on. 哈,這段和弦為這節樂曲畫上完美的句號了。
chord:n.弦;和弦; excerpt:n.摘录,引用;vt.引用,摘录;vi.摘录,引用;
(Applause) (掌聲)
Thank you. 謝謝各位。
So I think a good question to ask about Ocarina is, is this a toy or it an instrument? Maybe it's both, but for me, I think the more important question is, is it expressive? 現在,關於 Ocarina,我覺得各位可能會問, 它究竟是玩具還是樂器?也許兼而有之。 但對我而言,我更關注的問題是, 它的表現力如何?
And at the same time , I think creating these types of instruments asks a question about the role of technology , and its place for how we make music. 與此同時,我也在想, 製作出這些樂器後, 我們不禁會思考技術的作用, 以及技術對音樂創作的影響。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
Apparently , for example, not that long ago, like only a hundred years ago — that's not that long in the course of human history — families back then used to make music together as a common form of entertainment. 舉個明顯的例子, 不久之前,大概一百年前, 說不久,是因為這段時間在人類歷史長河裡不算太長, 那時家家戶戶 常常全家總動員,一起創作音樂, 自娛自樂。
Apparently:adv.显然地;似乎,表面上; in the course of:在…过程中;在…期间;
I don't think that's really happening that much anymore. 不過,我覺得這種情況 現在很少見了。
You know, this is before radio, before recording. 當然,那時還沒有收音機、錄音機。
In the last hundred years, with all this technology, we now have more access to music as listeners and consumers , but somehow , I think we're making less music than ever before. 過去一百年間,憑藉技術的力量, 我們可以更方便地 欣賞和享受音樂了。 然而,我認為當今我們所創作的音樂作品數量 堪稱史上最少。
listeners:n.听众;监听器(listener的复数); consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数) somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
I'm not sure why that would be. 我不清楚這其中的原因。
Maybe it's because it's too easy just to hit play. 也許是因為點擊播放簡直輕而易舉。
And while listening to music is wonderful, there's a special joy to making music that's all its own. 儘管欣賞音樂令人心曠神怡, 創作整首樂曲 更是別有一番樂趣。
And I think that's one part of the goal of why I do what I do is kind of to take us back to the past a little bit. Right? 我想這正是我現在 的工作目標之一, 就是讓我們重返過去。對不對?
Now, if that's one goal, the other goal is to look to the future and think about what kind of new musical things can we make that we don't perhaps yet have names for that's enabled by technology, but ultimately might change the way that humans make music. 除了這個目標,另外一個目標 是展望未來,思考 我們能夠創作哪些新型樂曲。 這些樂曲甚至連名字都還未知。 樂曲創作藉助技術完成,但最終 卻可能改變人類創作音樂的方式。
enabled:v.使得;授予…权力;(enabled是enable的过去式) ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究;
And I'll just give you one example here, and this is Ocarina's other feature. 在此我舉一個例子, 就是 Ocarina 的第二個特徵。
This is a globe, and here you're actually listening to other users of Ocarina blow into their iPhones to play something. 這是地球, 我們可以聽到 其他 Ocarina 用戶 對著 iPhone 吹奏某種音樂。
This is "G.I.R." from Texas, "R.I.K." I don't know why it's these three-letter names today, Los Angeles. 這是來自美國德州的 G.I.R. 。 還有 R.I.K. ,來自洛杉磯,不知道今天怎麼那麼巧都三個字母。
They're all playing pretty, somewhat minimal music here. 他們的演奏非常漂亮, 讓我們聽一下精華部分。
somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微; minimal:adj.最低的;最小限度的;
(Music) (音樂)
And the idea with this is that, well, technology should not be foregrounded here, we've actually opened this up. 這裡有一個概念,那就是 我們不要過分強調科技, 我們已經實現突破。
The first thought is that, hey, you know there's somebody somewhere out there playing some music, and this is a small but I think important human connection to make that perhaps the technology affords . 第一個想法,嘿,你知道 某個地方有個人 正在演奏某種音樂, 這種人際交流雖然只是一個細節, 但我覺得很重要, 因為這是技術所能實現的結果。
As a final example, and perhaps my favorite example, is that in the wake of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan, a woman reached out in one of our singing apps to try to get people to join in to sing with her on a version of " Lean on Me." 最後再舉個例子, 這也許是我最喜歡的例子, 2011 年日本發生地震 和海嘯災難後, 一位女士用我們的一款歌唱應用軟體 邀請其他人和她一起唱 「靠在我肩」這首歌。
in the wake of:紧紧跟随;随着…而来;作为…的结果;仿效; tsunami:n.海啸; disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸; Lean:v.前俯(或后仰):倾斜:adj.肉少的:难以赚钱的:贫乏的:n.瘦肉:
Now, in these apps, there's this thing that allows any user to add their voice to an existing performance by any other user or group of users, so in some sense, she's created this kind of global ad hoc corral of strangers, and within weeks, thousands of people joined in on this, 有了這種應用軟體, 任何用戶都可以把自己的聲音 加到其他用戶或用戶群組 已創作的樂曲當中, 因此,在某種意義上,她創作了 一首全球陌生人即興大合唱, 數週內,成千上萬的用戶 加入這項活動,
performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; ad hoc:na.特别是;特别的; corral:n.畜栏;环形车阵;vt.把…关进畜栏;捕捉;把…布成车阵;
and you can kind of see people coming from all around the world and all these lines converging on the origin where the first rendition of the song was sung, and that's in Tokyo. 你能看到幾乎來自全球各地的用戶, 所有的聲音都匯聚到「起點」, 這首歌第一版誕生的地方, 也就是東京。
converging:n.合并,会聚;adj.会聚的,收敛;v.聚合,集中于一点(converge的现在分词); rendition:n.译文;演奏;提供;引渡逃奴;
And this is what it sounds like when there's 1,000 people. 我們來聽聽千人同時歌唱的效果
This is 1,000 voices. 這裡有一千種聲音。
(Recording) ? Sometimes in our lives ? (錄音)? 每個人的一生中 ?
? We all have pain, we all have sorrow ? ? 難免會有傷痛,難免會有悲苦 ?
? But if we are wise ? ? 但若理智思考 ?
? We know that there's always tomorrow ? ? 我們會發現明天會更好 ?
? Lean on me ? ? 靠在我肩 ?
? When you're not strong ? ? 當你脆弱疲勞 ?
? And I'll be your friend ? ? 我永遠是你的朋友 ?
? I'll help you carry on ? ? 我會助你繼續奔跑 ?
? For it won't be long ? ? 因為不久之後 ?
? Till I'm gonna need ? ? 我也將要一個肩膀 ?
? Somebody to lean on ? ? 來讓我依靠 ?
Is this computer music? 這是電腦音樂嗎?
(Applause) (掌聲)
Was that computer music? 那是電腦音樂嗎?
Yeah, I guess so; it's something that you really couldn't have done without computers. 嗯,我想是的。這種音樂沒有電腦, 我們是無法創作出來的。
But at the same time, it's also just human, and I think what I've essentially answered so far is maybe why I do the stuff that I do, and let's just finally return to the first question: 我想,我也許基本上回答了這個問題, 就是我為何從事手頭的工作? 最後讓我回到最初的問題:
What is computer music? 電腦音樂是什麽東西?
And I think that the catch here is that, at least to me, computer music isn't really about computers. 我想,這個問題的玄機, 至少在我看來, 就是電腦音樂
It is about people. 它關乎人,
It's about how we can use technology to change the way we think and do and make music, and maybe even add to how we can connect with each other through music. 關乎我們如何利用技術 改變我們思考、 創作和製造音樂的方式, 也許還能豐富我們 透過音樂進行交流的方式。
And with that, I want to say, this is computer music, and thank you for listening. 總而言之,我覺得, 這就是電腦音樂,感謝各位聆聽。
(Applause) (掌聲)