

Easy, boy. 慢点 伙计
What do you expect? They're savages . 他们是野人 还能怎么样
One lot steals a goat from another lot, before you know it they're ripping each other to pieces. 这伙顺手牵了那伙的山羊 你还没反应过来 已经杀得碎尸满地了
I've never seen wildlings do a thing like this. 我没见过野人会做这种事
I never seen a thing like this, not ever in my life. 活到现在都没见过这种场面
How close did you get? - Close as any man would. 你离得多远 -不能再近了
We should head back to the wall . 我们应该返回长城
back to the wall:走投无路;背靠著墙;陷于困境;
Do the dead frighten you? 死人吓着你了吗
Our orders were to track the wildlings. 我们受命追查野人行踪
We tracked them. They won't trouble us no more. 已完成任务 现在野人不会骚扰我们了
You don't think he'll ask us how they died? 你以为他不会追问野人的死因吗
Get back on your horse. 去牵马
Whatever did it to them could do it to us. 不管是什么杀了野人 也可能杀死我们
They even killed the children. 那些家伙连孩童都没放过
It's a good thing we're not children. 值得庆幸 你我皆非孩童
You want to run away south, run away. 你想往南逃 尽管去吧
Of course they will behead you as a deserter , if I don't catch you first. 到时自然要被当作逃兵砍头 还要看你能否先过我这一关
behead:vt.砍头;使河流被夺流; deserter:n.逃兵;开小差的人;
Get back on your horse. 快去牵马
I won't say it again. 我说最后一次
Your dead men seem to have moved camp. 看来你说的那些死人转移阵地了呀
They were here. 刚才就在这里
See where they went. 瞧瞧他们去哪儿了
What is it? 那是什么
It's... 是...
Go on, father's watching. 继续 父亲正看着你
And your mother. 你母亲也在
Fine work as always. Well done . 一如既往的漂亮 非常好
Well done:好样的,干得好;
Thank you. 多谢夸奖
I love the detail that you've managed to get in these corners. 我真喜欢你绣在边角的花纹
Quite beautiful. 太漂亮了
The stitching ... 针脚...
And which one of you was a marksman at 10? 你们笑的几个 十岁就是神箭手了吗
Keep practicing, Bran . 接着练 布兰
Go on. 继续
Don't think too much, Bran. 别想太多 布兰
Relax your bow arm. 持弓臂放松
Quick, Bran! Faster. 布兰 跑快点
Lord Stark! 史塔克大人
My lady. 夫人
A guardsman just rode in from the hills. 有巡山的卫兵刚刚来报
They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch. 说他们捉获一个守夜人逃兵
Get the lads to saddle their horses. 让孩子们备马
lads:n.小伙子;老朋友;(lads是lad的复数) saddle:n.马鞍;车座;(动物的)脊肉;v.给(马)备鞍;
Do you have to? 非杀不可吗
He swore an oath , Cat. 他背弃了誓言 凯特
The law is law, my lady. 法律就是法律 夫人
Tell Bran he's coming too. 告诉布兰他也要去
Ned. 奈德
10 is too young to see such things. 他才十岁 观刑还太小
He won't be a boy forever. 他不会永远都是个孩子
And winter is coming. 况且凛冬将至
Good lad, go run back and get the rest. 好小子 快去把剩下的都找回来
White walkers. 白鬼
I saw the white walkers. 我看到了白鬼