

I love to collect things. 我喜欢收集东西。
Ever since I was a kid, I've had massive collections of random stuff , everything from bizarre hot sauces from all around the world to insects that I've captured and put in jars. 从我小时候起,我就有一大堆的收集品 什么都收集,不管是来自世界各地的怪味辣椒酱 还是各种昆虫 我都会收集放进瓶子里。
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: bizarre:adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等); sauces:n.调味酱,调味汁(sauce的复数形式); captured:adj.捕获的;被俘的;v.捕获;占领;引起;(capture的过去式和过去分词)
Now, it's no secret, because I like collecting things, that I love the Natural History Museum and the collections of animals at the Natural History Museum in dioramas . 现在你们都知道了,因为我喜欢收集 所以我喜欢自然历史博物馆 还有里面收集到的 制成立体模型的各种动物。
Natural History:n.自然史; dioramas:n.实景模型;透视缩影(diorama的复数);
These, to me, are like living sculptures , right, that you can go and look at, and they memorialize a specific point of time in this animal's life. 这些对我来说就是有着生命的雕像, 没错,你可以去看一看, 他们捕捉下了这些动物 生命中的某些特定的时刻
sculptures:n.[建]雕塑(sculpture的复数); v.雕刻; memorialize:vt.纪念;请愿;提出请愿书; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
So I was thinking about my own life, and how I'd like to memorialize my life, you know, for the ages, and also — (Laughter) — the lives of my friends, but 所以我就会思考我自己的生活, 想一想我要怎样去记录我的生活, 给未来的人看,同时,——(笑声)—— 也记录我朋友的生活,但是
the problem with this is that my friends aren't quite keen on the idea of me taxidermy-ing them. (Laughter) 问题就在于我的朋友都不太热衷于 把他们“标本化”这一想法。(笑声)
So instead, I turned to video, and video is the next best way to preserve and memorialize someone and to capture a specific moment in time. 所以其而代之的,我选择录像这个方式, 录像是保存和记录人类的另一个最佳选择 可以及时抓住特定的某一瞬间。
So what I did was, I filmed six of my friends and then, using video mapping and video projection , 所以我所做的,就是拍下我的六个朋友的录像 然后,用全景显示和视频投影,
I created a video sculpture, which was these six friends projected into jars. (Laughter) 我做出了一个视频版的雕像, 这就是我放映在瓶中的六个朋友。(笑声)
So now I have this collection of my friends 现在我“收集”了这些朋友
I can take around with me whenever I go, and this is called Animalia Chordata, from the Latin nomenclature for human being, classification system. 我就能带着他们到处走了, 这就叫“Animalia Chordata”, 它是拉丁语,意思就是 人类分类系统。
Latin:adj.拉丁语的;用拉丁语写成的;n.拉丁语; nomenclature:n.命名法;术语; classification:n.分类;分级;分类法;归类;
So this piece memorializes my friends in these jars, and they actually move around . (Laughter) 这件作品将我的朋友们记录在这些瓶子里, 而且他们可以动来动去的。(笑声)
memorializes:vt.纪念;请愿;提出请愿书; move around:v.走来走去;绕着…来回转;
So, this is interesting to me, but it lacked a certain human element . (Laughter) 这对我来说挺有趣的, 但还缺少了某些人类的元素。(笑声)
It's a digital sculpture, so I wanted to add an interaction system. So what I did was, 这是个数码雕像,所以 我增加了一个互动系统。
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰;
I added a proximity sensor , so that when you get close to the people in jars, they react to you in different ways. 我加了一个距离传感器,所以当你接近 这些瓶中人的时候,他们会有不同的反应。
proximity:n.接近,[数]邻近;接近;接近度,距离;亲近; sensor:n.传感器; react:v.起反应;回应;(对食物等)有不良反应,过敏;起化学反应;
You know, just like people on the street when you get too close to them. 就像你接近 大街上的人一样。
Some people reacted in terror. (Laughter) 有些人的反应会显得很恐慌。(笑声)
reacted:v.起反应; (react的过去分词和过去式)
Others reacted in asking you for help, and some people hide from you. 有些人的反应是请求你的帮助, 有些人则会躲着你。
So this was really interesting to me, this idea of taking video off the screen and putting it in real life, and also adding interactivity to sculpture. 这个想法真的很有趣, 既能把屏幕上的视频拿下来放到现实生活中, 又能和这些雕像进行互动。
So over the next year, I documented 40 of my other friends and trapped them in jars as well and created a piece known as Garden, which is literally a garden of humanity . 到了第二年,我制作了另外40个朋友“标本” 然后也把他们“收集”在我的瓶子里 然后将这件作品取名“花园”, 意指一个集合了不同人性的花园。
trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
But something about the first piece, the Animali Chordata piece, kept coming back to me, this idea of interaction with art, and I really liked the idea of people being able to interact, and also being challenged by interacting with art. 但我的第一件作品, 那件“Animali Chordata”,却一直浮现在我眼前, 我不断思考和艺术进行互动这一想法, 说真的我很喜欢人与艺术之间进行互动这一想法, 同时也享受在这过程中所遇到的挑战。
So I wanted to create a new piece that actually forced people to come and interact with something, and the way I did this was actually by projecting a 1950s housewife into a blender . (Laughter) 所以我想要制作另一件作品 一件能够促使人们去和别的事物进行互动的作品, 我还是采用投影的方式 将一个上世纪50年代的家庭主妇放进了搅拌机。(笑声)
housewife:n.家庭主妇; blender:n.(电动)食物搅拌器;
This is a piece called Blend, and what it does is it actually makes you implicit in the work of art . 这件作品叫“搅拌机”,它用暗示的方法 让你参与到这件作品中。
implicit:adj.含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的; work of art:艺术品;
You may never experience the entire thing yourself. 你可能从未经历过这种事情。
You can walk away, you can just watch as this character stands there in the blender and looks at you, or you can actually choose to interact with it. 你可以走掉,也可以单单看着这个主妇 看她站在搅拌机中和你深情对望 又或者你可以选择“调侃”她一下。
So if you do choose to interact with the piece, and you press the blender button, it actually sends this character into this dizzying disarray of dishevelment. 如果你选择了后者, 那么你就按下“搅拌”这个按钮, 它就会将这个主妇搅得天崩地裂,天旋地转,天昏地暗。
dizzying:adj.使人眩晕的;使人头昏眼花的; disarray:n.无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整;vt.使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服;
By doing that, you are now part of my piece. 当你这样做的时候,你就成为了作品的一部分了。
You, like the people that are trapped in my work — (Blender noises, laughter) — have become part of my work as well. (Laughter) 你就像其他被我困在瓶中的人一样 ——(搅拌机的声音,笑声)—— 也都成为我作品的一部分。(笑声)
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
But, but this seems a bit unfair, right? 但,这样好像有点不公平,对吧?
I put my friends in jars, I put this character, this sort of endangered species character in a blender. 我把朋友放进瓶子里,我把这个家庭主妇也放进去, 把这种濒临绝种的生物放进搅拌器里。
endangered:v.使遭危险;危及;危害;(endanger的过去分词和过去式) species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
But I'd never done anything about myself. 但我从来没拿过我自己开刀。
I'd never really memorialized myself. 我从没有记录过自己。
So I decided to create a piece which is a self-portrait piece. 所以我决定做一件“自录像”。
This is sort of a self-portrait taxidermy time capsule piece called A Point Just Passed, in which I project myself on top of a time card punch clock, and it's up to you. 这是一件自我标本化的时间胶囊作品 取名为“消逝” 在这件作品里,我把自己投影在打卡考勤钟的上面, 然后剩下的就需要你来决定了。
taxidermy:n.(动物标本)剥制术; time capsule:n.时代文物贮藏器(收藏具有时代特征的物品); time card:n.考勤卡;工作时间记录卡; punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
If you want to choose to punch that punch card clock, you actually age me. 如果你选择进行打卡, 那么实际上你是在让我变老。
So I start as a baby, and then if you punch the clock, you'll actually transform the baby into a toddler , and then from a toddler I'm transformed into a teenager. 所以我一开始是婴儿,然后你打了卡, 你就会把我从婴儿变成一个小孩, 然后从一个小孩又变成一个年轻人。
toddler:n.学步的小孩;幼童装; transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式)
From a teenager, I'm transformed into my current self. 从年轻人,我又变成现在的我。
From my current self, I'm turned into a middle-aged man, and then, from there, into an elderly man. 从现在的我,又变成中年男子, 接着,变成一个老年人。
middle-aged:adj.中年的;具有中年人特点的;适合于中年人的; elderly:adj.上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的;
And if you punch the punch card clock a hundred times in one day, the piece goes black and is not to be reset until the next day. 如果你在一天时间内打卡100次, 这件作品会变黑 直到第二天才会恢复初始状态。
So, in doing so, you're erasing time. 所以,这么做,你擦去的是时间。
You're actually implicit in this work and you're erasing my life. 你实际是隐含在这件作品里面的一部分 因为你在擦拭我的人生。
So I like this about interactive video sculpture, that you can actually interact with it, that all of you can actually touch an artwork and be part of the artwork yourselves, 我喜欢这种真正能与之互动的 互动型视频雕像, 而且能与之触碰 并亲自参与到作品中来的,
and hopefully, one day, I'll have each and every one of you trapped in one of my jars. (Laughter) 希望有一天,我能将你们所有人都收集起来 放进我的瓶子里。(笑声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)