

Pat Mitchell: That day, 帕特·米切尔:那天
Pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍;
January 8, 2011, began like all others. 2011年1月8日,像所有其它日子一样开始。
You were both doing the work that you love. 你们俩都在做着自己所喜爱的事情
You were meeting with constituents , which is something that you loved doing as a congresswoman , and Mark, you were happily preparing for your next space shuttle . 你正在会见选民 这是你作为一个国会议员 而喜欢做的事。 而马克,你正在开心地准备着 你的下一次太空穿梭
constituents:n.构成要素;选民;成分;(constituent的复数) congresswoman:n.(美)国会女议员;众议院女议员; space shuttle:n.航天飞机;
And suddenly, everything that you had planned or expected in your lives was irrevocably changed forever. 突然间,全部你所计划好的事情 或者生命中值得期待的事情 都被不可挽回地永远改变了
Mark Kelly: Yeah, it's amazing, it's amazing how everything can change for any of us in an instant . 马克·凯利:是的,真是感叹, 令人感叹的是,它如何 能在一瞬间改变我们的所有事情
in an instant:瞬间;马上;
People don't realize that. 人们没有意识到
I certainly didn't. 我当然也没有
Gabby Giffords: Yes. 加贝·吉福兹:是的
MK: And on that Saturday morning, 马克:在那个周六的早上
I got this horrible phone call from Gabby's chief of staff . 我接到这个可怕的电话 是加贝的幕僚长打来的
horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, chief of staff:n.总参谋长;参谋总长;
She didn't have much other information. 她没有更多其他的信息
She just said, "Gabby was shot." 她只是说:“加贝被枪击中了。”
A few minutes later, I called her back and I actually thought for a second, well, maybe I just imagined getting this phone call. 几分钟之后,我打回给她 我其实想了一下 嗯,或许我只是在想象中接到这个电话
I called her back, and that's when she told me that Gabby had been shot in the head. 我打回给她,就是那个时候她告诉我 加贝被击中了头部
And from that point on, 而从那一刻起
I knew that our lives were going to be a lot different. 我就知道我们的生活将会天翻地覆
PM: And when you arrived at the hospital, what was the prognosis that they gave you about Gabby's condition and what recovery , if any, you could expect? 帕特:那么当你到达医院时 他们告诉你关于加贝的预后如何 如果可以的话 你能指望什么程度的康复?
prognosis:n.[医]预后;预知; recovery:n.恢复,复原;痊愈;重获;
MK: Well, for a gunshot wound to the head and a traumatic brain injury , they typically can't tell you much. 马克:对于头部的枪伤 以及外伤性脑损伤 他们通常都无法告诉你太多
gunshot:n.射击;射程;炮击;adj.射击的;枪炮射击所致的; wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害; traumatic:adj.外伤的;创伤的;n.外伤药; injury:n.伤害,损害;受伤处; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地;
Every injury is different. It's not predictable like often a stroke might be predictable, which is another TBI kind of injury. 每一个创伤都是不同的,它 不像中风通常可以预测 这是另一种TBI式的创伤
predictable:adj.可预言的; stroke:n.中风;笔画;钟声;抚摩;v.抚摩(动物的毛皮);轻抚;轻挪;轻触;
So they didn't know how long Gabby would be in a coma , didn't know when that would change and what the prognosis would be. 所以他们无法知道加贝会陷入昏迷多久 无法预料什么时候会发生变化 以及预后会怎么样
PM: Gabby, has your recovery been an effort to create a new Gabby Giffords or reclaim the old Gabby Giffords? 帕特:加贝,你的痊愈是 一个努力创造新的加贝·吉福兹 还是重塑旧的加贝·吉福兹的过程?
GG: The new one -- better, stronger, tougher. 加贝:新的我 - 更好,更强壮,更坚毅
(Applause) (掌声)
MK: That to say, when you look at the picture behind us, to come back from that kind of injury and come back strong and stronger than ever is a really tough thing to do. 马克:就是说 当你看着我们身后的照片 从那样的创伤中康复过来 以及比以往变得坚强,强壮 实在是一件很艰难的事情
I don't know anybody that's as tough as my wonderful wife right here. 我不知道有没有人 像我这位了不起的妻子一样坚毅
(Applause) (掌声)
PM: And what were the first signs that recovery was not only going to be possible but you were going to have some semblance of the life that you and Gabby had planned? 帕特:那么什么是最初的迹象表明了 痊愈不只是可能的 而且你开始有了一些的想象 关于你和加贝能重新过上曾经计划中的生活?
MK: Well, the first thing, for me, was 马克:嗯,对于我来说,第一件事是
Gabby was still kind of almost unconscious , but she did something when she was in the ICU hospital bed that she used to do when we might be out to dinner at a restaurant, in that she pulled my ring off and she flipped it from one finger to the next, and at that point I knew that she was still in there. 虽然加贝仍是几乎不省人事 但当她仍在症加强护理病房的病床上时,她做了一些事情 是她过去常常做的 当我们出去餐厅吃晚饭时 她会摘掉我的戒指 然后她会把它从一个手指换到下一个手指 在那一刻我知道了 她仍然是她
unconscious:adj.无意识的;失去知觉的;未发觉的; flipped:v.(使)快速翻转;按(开关);轻掷;(flip的过去分词和过去式)
PM: And there were certain words, too. 帕特:肯定还有某些词语
Didn't she surprise you with words in the beginning? 她刚开始说话的时候没有让你大吃一惊吗?
MK: Well, it was tough in the beginning. GG: What? What? Chicken. Chicken. Chicken. 马克:嗯,刚开始是有点困难加贝:什么?什么?鸡肉,鸡肉,鸡肉
MK: Yeah, that was it. 马克:是的,就是这样
For the first month, that was the extent of Gabby's vocabulary. 在最初的一个月里 那就是加贝的所有的词汇
For some reason, she has aphasia , which is difficulty with communication. 因为某一些原因,她患上了失语症 就是语言沟通有困难
She latched on to the word "chicken," 她抓住”鸡肉“这个词
which isn't the best but certainly is not the worst. 这不是最好的,但肯定也不是最坏的
(Laughter) (笑声)
And we were actually worried it could have been a lot worse than that. 而我们实际上很担心 她的情况可以比那个糟糕得多
PM: Gabby, what's been the toughest challenge for you during this recovery? 帕特:加贝,最困难的挑战是什么? 在你康复过程中
GG: Talking. Really hard. Really. 加贝:说话。真的很难,真的
MK: Yeah, with aphasia, Gabby knows what she wants to say, she just can't get it out. 马克:是的,虽然有失语症,但加贝清楚什么是她想说的 她只是说不出来
She understands everything, but the communication is just very difficult because when you look at the picture, the part of your brain where those communication centers are are on the left side of your head, which is where the bullet passed through. 她明白所有的事情 但是交流却非常困难 因为当你看着图片 你的语言中枢所在的那一部分大脑 在你头部的左侧 正是子弹穿过的地方
PM: So you have to do a very dangerous thing: speak for your wife. 帕特:所以你不得不做一件很危险的事 帮你的妻子说话
speak for:要求得到;代表…讲话;
MK: I do. 马克:我的确这么做
It might be some of the most dangerous things I've ever done. 这可能是我所做过最危险的事之一了
PM: Gabby, are you optimistic about your continuing recovery -- walking, talking, being able to move your arm and leg? 帕特:加贝,你乐观吗? 对于你持续的康复 走路,说话 能活动你的手脚
GG: I'm optimistic. It will be a long, hard haul , but I'm optimistic. 加贝:我是乐观的。这过程可能漫长而困难 但是我是乐观的
haul:v.拉; n.大批赃物;
PM: That seems to be the number one characteristic of Gabby Giffords, wouldn't you say? (Applause) 帕特:看来那是加贝·吉福兹的首要特质 你们说呢? (掌声)
MK: Gabby's always been really optimistic. 马克:加贝永远都是这么的乐观
She works incredibly hard every day. 她每天都非常努力
GG: On the treadmill , walked on my treadmill , 加贝:在跑步机上,在我的跑步机上走
Spanish lessons, French horn . 西班牙语课程,法国号
French horn:n.圆号;
MK: It's only my wife who could be -- and if you knew her before she was injured , you would kind of understand this -- somebody who could be injured and have such a hard time communicating and meets with a speech therapist , and then about a month ago, she says, "I want to learn Spanish again." 马克:这只有我的妻子能做到 如果你在她受伤前就认识她 你大概就会明白了 她能在经历受伤 以及一段沟通非常困难的时期 去见语言治疗师后 然后在大概一个月前,她说 “我想重新学习西班牙语。”
injured:adj.受伤的:委屈的: v.伤害,使受伤: n.伤员; therapist:n.临床医学家;治疗学家;
PM: Well, let's take a little closer look at the wife, and this was even before you met Gabby Giffords. 帕特:嗯,让我们更仔细看看 你的妻子,这是更早 在你遇见加贝·吉福兹以前
And she's on a motor scooter there, but it's my understanding that's a very tame image of what Gabby Giffords was like growing up. 她坐在那摩托车上 但据我了解那已经是一个非常低调的形象 在加贝·吉福兹的成长过程中
motor scooter:n.小型摩托车; tame:adj.养驯的;驯服的;平淡无奇的;枯燥乏味的;v.驯化;驯服;使易于控制;
MK: Yeah, Gabby, she used to race motorcycles. 马克:是的,加贝她过去常常赛车
So that's a scooter, but she had -- well, she still has a BMW motorcycle. 所以那是个小型摩托车,但她有—— 嗯,她仍拥有一辆BMW摩托车
PM: Does she ride it? MK: Well, that's a challenge with not being able to move her right arm, but I think with something I know about, Velcro , we might be able to get her back on the bike, 帕特:她还骑吗?马克:嗯,那是一个挑战 她没法移动她的右手臂 但我想用某些我知道的东西,魔术贴 我们或许能让她重新骑上摩托车,
Velcro her right hand up onto the handlebar . 用魔术贴把她的右手固定在手把上
PM: I have a feeling we might see that picture next, 帕特:我感觉在不久的将来我们能看到那个画面
Gabby. 加贝
But you meet, you're already decided that you're going to dedicate your life to service. 但你们相遇的时候,你已经决定了 你将会投入你的一生去服务
You're going into the military and eventually to become an astronaut. 你将要从军 最终成为一名宇航员
military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; eventually:adv.最后,终于;
So you meet. 所以你们相遇了
What attracts you to Gabby? 加贝哪里吸引你?
MK: Well, when we met, oddly enough, it was the last time we were in Vancouver , about 10 years ago. We met in Vancouver , at the airport , on a trip that we were both taking to China, that I would actually, from my background, 马克:嗯,当我们相遇的时候,够奇怪的 那是上一次我们在温哥华的时候了 大约十年前。我们在温哥华相遇 在机场里,我们俩都在前去 中国的路上 以我的背景,我会说
oddly:adv.古怪地;奇妙地;单数地; Vancouver:n.温哥华(加拿大主要港市); airport:n.机场;航空港;
I would call it a boondoggle . 我会称之为浪费公帑
Gabby would — GG: Fact-finding mission . 加贝会——加贝:寻找真相的任务。
Fact-finding:n.实情调查;调解;adj.实情调查的; mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教;
MK: She would call it an important fact-finding mission. 马克:她会称之为一个重要的寻找真相的任务
She was a state senator at the time, and we met here, at the airport, before a trip to China. 她那时候是一个州议员 我们相遇了,在机场里 在飞往中国之前
PM: Would you describe it as a whirlwind romance ? 帕特:你会形容这是闪电式的恋爱吗?
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; whirlwind:n.旋风;旋风般的快速行动;adj.旋风般的; romance:n.爱情;恋爱;风流韵事;传奇故事;
GG: No, no, no. 加贝:不,不,不
(Laughter) (笑声)
A good friend. 一个好朋友
MK: Yeah, we were friends for a long time. 马克:是的,我们做了很久的朋友
GG: Yes. (Laughter) 加贝:是的 (笑声)
MK: And then she invited me on, about a year or so later, she invited me on a date. 马克:然后她邀请我,大约一年以后 她邀我去约会
Where'd we go, Gabby? 我们去哪了,加贝?
GG: Death row . 加贝:死囚区
Death row:n.死囚牢房;死囚区;
MK: Yes. Our first date was to death row at the Florence state prison in Arizona , which was just outside Gabby's state senate district. 马克:是的。我们的第一次约会就在死囚区 在亚利桑那州的佛罗伦萨州立监狱 就在加贝州议员选区的外面
Arizona:n.美国亚利桑那州; senate:n.参议院,上院;(古罗马的)元老院;
They were working on some legislation that had to do with crime and punishment and capital punishment in the state of Arizona. 他们正在为立法而努力 必须处理关于犯罪、刑罚 以及死刑的事情,就在亚利桑那州里
legislation:n.立法;法律; capital punishment:n.死刑;极刑;
So she couldn't get anybody else to go with her, and I'm like, "Of course I want to go to death row." 所以她无法找到人陪她去 那我就说,“好啊,我想去死囚区看看。”
So that was our first date. 所以那就是我们的第一次约会
We've been together ever since. GG: Yes. 从此我们就一直在一起加贝:是的
PM: Well, that might have contributed to the reason that Gabby decided to marry you. 帕特:嗯,那可能就是促使 加贝决定嫁给你的原因
contributed:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物); (contribute的过去式和过去分词)
You were willing to go to death row, after all. 你毕竟愿意去死囚区
MK: I guess. 马克:我猜是这样的
PM: Gabby, what did make you want to marry Mark? 帕特:加贝,是什么事情使你想嫁给马克?
GG: Um, good friends. Best friends. Best friends. 加贝:嗯,好朋友,最好的朋友,最好的朋友
MK: I thought we always had a very special relationship. 马克:我想我们一直 都有一段非常特别的关系
We've gone through some tough times and it's only made it stronger. GG: Stronger. 我们一起走过了一些困难的日子 而这些这会使我们的关系更牢固加贝:更牢固
PM: After you got married, however, you continued very independent lives. 帕特:然而,你们结婚之后 你们继续过着非常独立的生活
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
Actually, you didn't even live together. 实际上,你们甚至没有住在一起
MK: We had one of those commuter marriages. 马克:我们有着一段两地分居的婚姻
In our case, it was Washington, D.C., Houston , 在我们的例子里,就是在华盛顿、休斯顿
Tucson. 和图桑
Sometimes we'd go clockwise, sometimes counterclockwise , to all those different places, and we didn't really live together until that Saturday morning. 有时候我们顺时针走 有时候逆时针 去不同的地方 我们不是真正地生活在一起 直到那个星期六的早上
Within an hour of Gabby being shot, 在加贝被枪击的一个小时里
I was on an airplane to Tucson, and that was the moment where that had changed things. 我坐上了去往图森的飞机 而就是那一瞬间 改变了所有的事情
PM: And also, Gabby, you had run for Congress after being a state senator and served in Congress for six years. 帕特:而且,加贝,你当时正在竞选连任国会议员 在成为州参议员 在服务国会六年以后
What did you like best about being in Congress? 你最喜欢什么事情 关于在国会里工作?
GG: Fast pace. Fast pace. 加贝:快节奏,快节奏
PM: Well it was the way you did it. GG: Yes, yes. Fast pace. 帕特:嗯,这就是你工作的方式加贝:是的,是的。快节奏
PM: I'm not sure people would describe it entirely that way. 帕特:我不确定人们会完全这样形容国会
(Laughter) (笑声)
MK: Yeah, you know, legislation is often at a colossally slow pace, but my wife, and I have to admit, a lot of other members of Congress that I know, work incredibly hard. 马克:是啊,你知道,立法通常是 异常的慢节奏 但是我必须承认,我的妻子还有 很多我认识的国会成员 都非常努力地工作
I mean, Gabby would run around like a crazy person, never take a day off, maybe a half a day off a month, and whenever she was awake she was working, and she really, really thrived on that, and still does today. GG: Yes. Yes. 我的意思是,加贝是工作狂 从来都不休息 或许一个月休息半天 以及她只要是醒着都在工作 她真的真的热衷于工作 到今天仍旧是如此加贝:是的,是的
PM: Installing solar panels on the top of her house, 帕特:在她屋顶安装太阳能板
Installing:v.安装;设置;建立(程序);(install的现在分词) panels:n.面板(panel的复数); v.嵌镶(panel的第三人称单数形式);
I have to say. 我不得不说
So after the tragic incident, Mark, you decided to resign your position as an astronaut, even though you were supposed to take the next space mission. 所以在那悲剧事件之后,马克 你决定辞去 你作为宇航员的工作 即使你原本打算接受 下一个太空任务
tragic:adj.悲剧的;悲痛的,不幸的; resign:v.辞职;辞去(某职务); supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
Everybody, including Gabby, talked you into going back, and you did end up taking. 每个人,包括加贝 都劝说你回去 你最后也接受了
MK: Kind of. The day after Gabby was injured, 马克:有一点。在加贝受伤后的那一天
I called my boss, the chief astronaut, 我打给我的老板,首席宇航员
Dr. Peggy Whitson, and I said, "Peggy, I know I'm launching in space in three months from now. 佩吉·惠特森博士,然后我说 “佩吉,我知道我即将登陆太空 在三个月内
Gabby's in a coma. I'm in Tucson. 加贝昏迷了。我现在在图森
You've got to find a replacement for me." 你需要帮我找一个替补的人”
So I didn't actually resign from being an astronaut, but I gave up my job and they found a replacement. 所以我没有真正地辞去宇航员的职务 但我放弃了我的工作,而他们找到了替补者
Months later, maybe about two months later, 几个月之后,可能大概两个月后
I started about getting my job back, which is something, when you become this primary caregiver person, which some people in the audience here have certainly been in that position, it's a challenging role but at some point 我开始要回我的工作 这代表着一些东西 当你成为主要的给予关心的人, 在观众里有一些人 一定也经历过同样的事情 这是一个很挑战的角色,但到了某种程度
you've got to figure out when you're going to get your life back, and at the time, I couldn't ask Gabby if she wanted me to go fly in the space shuttle again. 你必须搞清楚什么时候会把你的生活找回来 在那时候,我不能问加贝 她是否想我再去航天飞机飞行
But I knew she was— GG: Yes. Yes. Yes. 但我知道她是加贝:是的,是的,是的
MK: She was the biggest supporter of my career , and I knew it was the right thing to do. 马克:她是我事业的最大的支持者 而我知道这是正确的事情
supporter:n.支持者;拥护者; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
PM: And yet I'm trying to imagine, Mark, what that was like, going off onto a mission, one presumes safely, but it's never a guarantee , and knowing that Gabby is — 帕特:可是我试着想象,马克 那是什么样的,离开去执行任务 普遍认为是安全的,但从来没有人能保证 在了解加贝是 —
presumes:vt.假定;推测;擅自;意味着;vi.相信;擅自行为; guarantee:n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;v.保证;担保;
MK: Well not only was she still in the hospital, on the third day of that flight, literally while I was rendezvousing with the space station , and you've got two vehicles moving at 17,500 miles an hour, 马克:嗯,她不仅还在医院里 在那次飞行任务的第三天 不夸张地说我正在 会合空间站 你有两个每小时移动17,500英里的飞行器
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: rendezvousing:v.约会;会合(rendezvous的ing形式); space station:n.太空站;航天站;宇宙空间站; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数)
I'm actually flying it, looking out the window, a bunch of computers, 我是真的在驾驶它,望着窗外 很多电脑
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
Gabby was in brain surgery , literally at that time having the final surgery to replace the piece of skull that they took out on the day she w as injured with a prosthetic , yeah, which is the whole side of her head. 加贝正在接受脑部手术 那时真的是最后一个手术 要换一片头盖骨 那是他们在她受伤那天拿出来的 用人工头盖骨代替,是的,就是她整边的头骨
surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; prosthetic:adj.假体的;非朊基的;
Now if any of you guys would ever come to our house in Tucson for the first time, 如果你们有机会 第一次参观我们图森的家
Gabby would usually go up to the freezer and pull out the piece of Tupperware that has the real skull. (Laughter) 加贝通常会去冰柜 拿出一个保鲜盒 里面有真正的头骨 (笑声)
freezer:n.冰箱;冷冻库;制冷工; Tupperware:n.特百惠塑料容器(主要用于贮存食物);
GG: The real skull. MK: Which freaks people out, sometimes. 加贝:真头骨马克:有时候会吓到人
freaks:n.狂热爱好者; v.(使)强烈反应,震惊,畏惧; (freak的第三人称单数和复数)
PM: Is that for appetizer or dessert , Mark? 帕特:那是开胃菜还是甜品呢,马克?
appetizer:n.开胃物,开胃食品; dessert:n.甜食;甜品;餐后甜点;
MK: Well, it just gets the conversation going. 马克:嗯,那只是让对话持续下去
PM: But there was a lot of conversation about something you did, Gabby, after Mark's flight. 帕特:但一定有很多谈话关于 你做的一些事情,加贝,在马克的飞行任务之后
You had to make another step of courage too, because here was Congress deadlocked again, and you got out of the rehabilitation center, got yourself to Washington 你不得不又迈出勇气的一步 因为国会又陷入僵局了 你离开了康复中心 设法让自己去华盛顿
deadlocked:adj.僵持的;陷入僵局的;v.使僵持(deadlock的过去分词); rehabilitation:n.康复;恢复;善后;平反;复权;
so that you could walk on the floor of the House -- 以便你能在国会里行走
I can barely talk about this without getting emotional — and cast a vote which could have been the deciding vote. 我很难不带感情地去谈这件事— 并投下一票,那可能是 决定性的一票
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的;
GG: The debt ceiling. The debt ceiling. 加贝:债务上限,债务上限
MK: Yeah, we had that vote, 马克:是啊,我们赢了那次的投票
I guess about five months after Gabby was injured, and she made this bold decision to go back. 我猜大概是在加贝受伤的五个月之后 她做出了这个大胆的决定要回去
A very controversial vote, but she wanted to be there to have her voice heard one more time. 一个有争议的选择 但是她想回去 让她的声音再一次被倾听
PM: And after that, resigned and began what has been a very slow and challenging recovery. 帕特:在那之后,辞职 然后开始是一个漫长 并且艰难啊的恢复过程
What's life like, day to day? 每天的生活是什么样的?
MK: Well, that's Gabby's service dog Nelson. 马克: 这是加贝的服务犬纳尔逊
GG: Nelson. 加贝:纳尔逊
MK: New member of our family. GG: Yes, yes. 马克:我们家的新成员加贝:是的是的
MK: And we got him from a— 马克:我们是从一个
GG: Prison. Murder. MK: We have a lot of connections with prisons, apparently . (Laughter) 加贝:监狱,一个谋杀犯马克:我们与监狱有很多的联系 经常有联系,似乎是 (大笑声)
Nelson came from a prison, raised by a murderer in Massachusetts. 纳尔逊从一个监狱来, 被一名来自马萨诸塞州的谋杀犯养大
But she did a great job with this dog. 但是她跟这只狗很合得来
He's a fabulous service dog. 他是一只很棒的服务犬
PM: So Gabby, what have you learned from your experiences the past few years? 帕特: 那么加贝,你学到了什么 从你过去几年的经验?
MK: Yeah, what have you learned? GG: Deeper. Deeper. 马克:哦,你学到了什么?加贝:更深厚,更深厚
PM: Your relationship is deeper. 帕特:你们的关系更深厚了
It has to be. You're together all the time now. 必须是这样的。 你们现在无时无刻都在一起
MK: I imagine being grateful, too, right? 马克:我想这是值得感恩的,对吧?
GG: Grateful. 加贝:感恩的
PM: This is a picture of family and friends gathering, but I love these pictures because they show the Gabby and Mark relationship now. 帕特:这是一张家人还有朋友一起聚会的照片 但我喜欢这些照片是因为他们显示了 加贝还有马克现在的关系
And you describe it, Gabby, over and over , as deeper on so many levels. Yes? 并且你一遍又一遍形容这种关系,加贝 在很多层面上更深厚了,对吧?
over and over:反复;再三;
MK: I think when something tragic happens in a family, it can pull people together. 马克:我觉得当悲剧发生在 一个家庭时,它可以使家人们团结起来
Here's us watching the space shuttle fly over Tucson, the Space Shuttle Endeavour , the one that I was the commander on its last flight, on its final flight on top of an airplane on a 747 on its way to L.A., 我们在这看着航天飞机 飞到图森上空 奋进号航天飞机 那艘我担任最后一次飞行任务指挥官的航天飞机 它最后一次在一架飞机上空飞行 是一架在去往洛杉矶路上的747飞机
Endeavour:n.尽力,竭力;vt.竭力做到,试图或力图(做某事);vi.竭力;企图; commander:n.指挥官;司令官;
NASA was kind enough to have it fly over Tucson. NASA有点受够了它飞在图森上面
PM: And of course, the two of you go through these challenges of a slow and difficult recovery, and yet, Gabby, how do you maintain your optimism and positive outlook ? 帕特:当然,你们俩 经历了这些 漫长而又艰难的恢复挑战 然而,加贝,你是怎么保持 你的乐观还有积极的展望?
maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见); optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; outlook:n.见解;前景;人生观;可能性;
GG: I want to make the world a better place. 加贝:我想把世界变得更好
(Applause) (掌声)
PM: And you're doing that even though your recovery has to remain front and center for both of you. 帕特:并且你在做这个的时候 尽管你的康复不得不作为 你们两人的中心
You are people who have done service to your country and you are continuing to do that with a new initiative , a new purpose. 你们是那些曾经服务于 你们的国家并且打算继续这样做 怀着新的精神,新的目的
And Gabby, what's on the agenda now? 加贝,你们现在有什么打算?
GG: Americans for Responsible Solutions. 加贝:「美国责任拥有枪支行动」
MK: That's our political action committee , where we are trying to get members of Congress to take a more serious look at gun violence in this country, and to try to pass some reasonable legislation. 马克:这是我们的政治行动委员会 我们正试着让国会议员们 从更严肃的角度看看这个国家的枪支暴力 并且尝试着 通过一些可行的法律
political action committee:n.政治行动委员会(美国组织,为所支持的公职候选人筹集资金); violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; reasonable:adj.合理的,公道的;通情达理的;
GG: Yes. Yes. (Applause) 帕特:是的 是的 (掌声)
MK: You know, this affected us very personally , but it wasn't what happened to Gabby that got us involved . 马克:你知道,这件事对我们的影响是很私人的 但是这不仅是只发生在加贝身上,这涉及了我们所有人
personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
It was really the 20 murdered first graders and kindergartners in Newtown, Connecticut, and the response that we saw afterwards where -- well, look what's happened so far. 这是那些在康乃迪克洲纽镇被谋杀的20个一年级学生 还有幼儿园老师们 看看我们在这之后的反应 看看到现时为止发生了什么
graders:分级机;分类机;…年级学生;[建]平地机(grader的复数); kindergartners:n.幼儿园教师;幼儿园里的小孩;(kindergartner的复数) response:n.响应;反应;回答;
So far the national response has been pretty much to do nothing. 到目前为止,国家的反应就是 基本上不做任何事
We're trying to change that. 我们正试图去改变这些
PM: There have been 11 mass shootings since Newtown, a school a week in the first two months of last year. 帕特: 这已经发生了11起群众枪击事件 在纽镇事件之后 一个学校在去年头两个月的一周中
mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
What are you doing that's different than other efforts to balance rights for gun ownership and responsibilities? 你们做了些什么不同于其他人的努力 从而平衡 枪支的拥有权和责任?
different than:不同于;
MK: We're gun owners, we support gun rights. 马克:我们是枪支持有者,我们支持枪支权利
At the same time , we've got to do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the dangerously mentally ill. 与此同时,我们要竭尽所能地 让枪支远离罪犯之手 还有危险的精神病人
At the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; dangerously:adv.危险地;不安全; mentally:adv.精神上,智力上;心理上;
It's not too difficult to do that. 这不是很难做到
This issue , like many others, has become very polarizing and political, and we're trying to bring some balance to the debate in Washington. 这个问题,像其他一些一样 已经成为了非常极端以及政治上的问题 我们正尝试着带来一些平衡 到华盛顿的辩论中
issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; polarizing:v.(使)两极化,截然对立; (polarize的现在分词) debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑;
PM: Thank you both for that effort. 帕特:谢谢你们做出的这些努力
And not surprisingly for this woman of courage and of a sense of adventure , you just keep challenging yourself, and the sky seems to be the limit. 对这位有勇气的女性并不感到意外 还有充满冒险精神 你就是这样一直挑战自己 感觉天空才是极限
surprisingly:adv.令人惊讶地;出乎意料地 adventure:n.冒险;奇遇;经历;冒险游戏;v.探险;以…冒险;大胆进行;闯;
I have to share this video of your most recent adventure. 我必须要分享这个 你最新的冒险视频
Take a look at Gabby. 看看加贝吧
Take a look at:看一看;检查;
MK: This is a couple months ago. 马克:这是几个月前
(Video) MK: You okay? You did great. GG: Yes, it's gorgeous . Thank you. (视频)马克:你还好吗?你做的很好加贝:是的,这很棒。谢谢你。
Good stuff . Gorgeous. Oh, thank you. 好东西,太漂亮了,噢,谢谢你
Mountains. Gorgeous mountains. 山,很漂亮的山
(Applause) (掌声)
MK: Let me just say one of the guys that Gabby jumped with that day was a Navy SEAL who she met in Afghanistan who was injured in combat , had a really rough time. 马克:让我这样说吧 那天其中一个跟加贝一起跳伞的人 是一名海豹突击队队员 她在阿富汗遇见的 那名突击队员在战斗中受伤了 有过一段艰难的时光
Navy:n.海军;深蓝色的; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲); combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗;
Gabby visited him when he was at Bethesda and went through a really tough period. 加贝拜访了他 当他在贝塞斯达的时候 并且经历了一段非常艰难的时期
He started doing better. 他开始变得好一点了
Months later, Gabby was shot in the head, and then he supported her while she was in the hospital in Houston. 几个月后,加贝被枪击中了头部 然后他支持着她 当加贝在休斯顿的医院里时
So they have a very, very nice connection. 所以他们有着非常非常好的关系
GG: Yes. 加贝:是的
PM: What a wonderful moment. 帕特:多美好的时刻啊
Because this is the TED stage, 因为这是TED 的舞台
Gabby, I know you worked very hard to think of the ideas that you wanted to leave with this audience. 加贝,我知道你很努力地 想留下一些想法 给这些观众
GG: Thank you. 加贝:谢谢
Hello, everyone. 大家好
Thank you for inviting us here today. 感谢你们今天邀请我们来这里
It's been a long, hard haul, but I'm getting better. 这是一个漫长,艰难的过程 但是我正在康复
I'm working hard, lots of therapy -- speech therapy , physical therapy , and yoga too. 我很努力 很多的治疗--语言康复治疗 物理治疗,还有瑜伽
speech therapy:n.言语治疗;言语矫治; physical therapy:n.理疗;物理疗法; yoga:n.瑜珈(意为"结合",指修行);瑜珈术;联想可360°翻转的平板电脑;
But my spirit is strong as ever. 但是我的精神比以往更强大了
I'm still fighting to make the world a better place, and you can too. 我会继续奋斗把这个世界变得更好 你们也可以
Get involved with your community . 参与到你们的社区活动之中
Be a leader. Set an example. 做一个领导者,树立一个榜样
Be passionate . Be courageous . 怀抱热情,充满勇气
passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的; courageous:adj.有胆量的,勇敢的;
Be your best. Thank you very much. 竭尽所能。非常感谢你们
(Applause) (掌声)
MK: Thank you. GG: Thank you. 马克:谢谢加贝:谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
MK: Thank you everybody. GG: Bye bye. (Applause) 马克:谢谢各位加贝:再见 (掌声)