

They say if you want a glimpse of the future... 人们常说如果你想知晓未来
Just look behind you. 只需回首过去
I used to think that was bollocks . 我原以为这都是胡说八道
Now I realize... 现在我明白了
you can't outrun the past. 人永远逃不出历史的宿命
When we were kids... 在我们还小的时候
You'd start fights with the toughest bastards in the yard. 你总是向街坊里的恶霸寻衅
But I was the one... 而我总是那个
who were to step in and finish them. 挺身而出 解决他们的人
You'd steal from the corner shop , but it was me who'd brave the old man's belt . 你会在街角的商店里偷东西 但我是那个 替你挡下父亲鞭打的人
corner shop:n.(尤指住宅区附近的)小商店; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰;
I'd hoped you'd outgrown it. 我希望你能变得强大
That playing the gangster made you harder, smarter, better. 成为罪犯之后的你 变得强硬 睿智 更加强大
But deep down, I guess I always knew you'd end up like this, despite everything I did teach you. 尽管我已经教了你一切 但在内心深处 我想我一直都知道你会以这样的方式结束
Still, you're my flesh and blood . 不管怎样 你是我的亲兄弟
flesh and blood:adj.血肉般的;
So you remain my cross to bear. 照顾你是我的责任
Rest now, little brother. 好好休息吧 弟弟
While I settle your one last score. 让我来再为你收拾一次残局
Take care of my brother. 照顾好我弟弟
Anything happens to him... 他如果有什么三长两短
I'll come back looking for you. 我会回来找你们算账
Here. 给你
Hold this. 拿好了
Grenade ! 手雷
Come on, Dom, so where are you taking me? 说吧 多姆 你到底要带我去哪里
They say an open road helps you think... 他们说空旷的公路有助你思考
about where you've been... 关于你去过哪里
where you're going. 要到哪里去的问题
So you don't remember any of this yet? 你真的一点都不记得了吗
It's not fair. 这不公平
You know I don't. 你知道我失忆了
So what is it exactly that you're trying to show me? 你到底想带我去看什么
That. 就是那儿
Race Wars. 极速大赛
We used to come here? 我们以前参加过这个吗
Come here? 何止是参加
We invented it. 是我们创造了它
Keep it under 9000 rpms. 转速控制在九千以下
Kid's gonna fire his pistons after the first 200. 用不了两百米这小子的活塞就会报废
You know that's not my style, I got to ride or die, right? 你知道这不是我的风格 不飙宁死 不是吗
How about you just ride on this one. 这次不提死字好吗
Are you ready? 准备好了吗
I know you're ready! 我知道你已经跃跃欲试了
Go! 出发
Nice job! 干得漂亮
That's the girl I heard so much about. 这不就是传说中的女孩吗
Where you been at, ghost girl? 你之前跑哪去了 死而复生的女孩
That's the girl... 就是那个女孩
Ghost girl... 死而复生的女孩
Letty, what the hell? 莱蒂 你搞什么鬼