

Over one third of our planet is frozen, and yet, the icy worlds of the Arctic and Antarctic are as alien to most of us as the surface of another planet. 我们的星球有三分之一被冰雪覆盖 然而北冰洋和南极洲的冰雪世界 对多数人来说简直跟外星地表 一样奇异
They are places of superlatives . 这里充满了各种极致
From ice caps that hold nearly 80% of our planet's fresh water to frozen forests that encircle the entire globe. 从冰帽里贮藏着地球上80%的淡水 到环绕星球一周的冰冻森林
These are places that feed our imaginations , places that seem to be borrowed from fairy tales. 这些地方能引起我们的想象 宛如从童话中借来的一般
imaginations:n.[心理]想象力;空想;幻想物; fairy:n.仙子;adj.美丽的;优雅的;妖精(一样)的;
They're dominated and shaped by the ice... 它们由冰雪主宰和塑造
..both by its coming and by its going. 无论是因其前进还是后腿
This is our planet's last true wilderness and one that is changing just as we're beginning to understand it. 这是我们星球最后的真正荒原 而且在我们刚刚开始了解时候 它已经开始变化
In this series , we'll be travelling to all parts of these lonely lands, both north and south, to witness its wonders perhaps for the last time and to discover some extraordinary examples of survival against all the odds , as can be found anywhere on the planet. 在本系列中 我们将前往 这些遍及地球南北的 孤寂之地 也许是最后一次见证那里的奇观 并且要探索一些地球上 在最为恶劣严酷的环境下 生存的非凡代表
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; odds:n.几率;胜算;不平等;差别;
The poles are permanently capped with ice. 两极有永久性的冰帽
poles:n.极点(pole的复数形式);雪杖;杆位次数; permanently:adv.永久地,长期不变地; capped:v.给…戴帽; adj.包过的;
Nowhere is colder, windier or more hostile to life. 没有哪里更加寒冷刺骨 狂风呼号 更加不利于生命
Nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的; hostile:adj.敌意的; n.敌对分子;
I'm standing at the North Pole - the very top of the Earth. 我正在在北极 地球的顶部
North Pole:n.北极;
Up here, it's easy to see why the polar regions are so cold. 为什么极地如此之冷在此一目了然
polar:adj.极地的;南极(或北极)的;n.极线;极面; regions:n.地区;地域;行政区;左近;(region的复数)
The sun never rises high enough in the sky to warm my back and those rays that do strike the surface are mostly reflected back from this great whiteness . 太阳从不会升高照暖我的后背 就连到达地表的光线 也大都被皑皑白雪反射回去了
reflected:adj.反射的;得自他人的;v.反射;思考;(reflect的过去式和过去分词) whiteness:n.白,洁白,苍白;[矿业]白度;
But the fundamental problem is that there's no sun here at all for half the year. 更关键的问题是这里有整整半年 不见天日
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
The polar winter is unrivalled in its harshness . 极地的冬季严酷无比
unrivalled:adj.无与伦比的;无敌的; harshness:n.严肃;刺耳;粗糙的事物;
A night that lasts for months. 慢慢长夜绵延数月
Only the toughest stay, as temperatures plunge to minus 70 degrees centigrade . 只有最坚韧的才会留下 因为气温会降到摄氏零下70度
plunge:v.暴跌;使突然前冲(或下落);骤降;突降;n.跳水;突然跌落;突然分离;骤减; minus:prep.减,减去;n.负号,减号;不足;负数;adj.减的;负的; centigrade:adj.摄氏的;[仪]摄氏温度的;百分度的;
And yet, the greatest challenge to life here is not the cold, but the extreme swings between the seasons. 但是对生命最大的挑战并非严寒 而是季节间的极端变化
When the sun finally returns, an extraordinary transformation begins. 当太阳终于回来后 了不起的变化就开始了
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革;
This frozen world begins to melt away . 冰封的世界开始消融
melt away:v.消失;融掉;
The polar spring brings a brief opportunity for life. 极地之春为生命带来了短暂的机会
By summer, the sun no longer sets and works its magic for 24 hours a day. 到了夏日 太阳不再落下 整天24小时不断地施展其魔法
Now it's a race to breed before the sun departs . 现在是赶在日落前进行繁殖的竞赛
breed:v.繁殖;孕育;培育(动植物);导致;以…方式教育;n.品种; departs:vi.离开;出发,起程;违反;去世;adj.逝世的;
By autumn, all but the hardiest abandon the poles and the ice extends its grip . 到了秋天 除了最坚强的都已离开 冰雪的控制开始蔓延
hardiest:能吃苦耐劳的;坚强的(hardy的最高级); abandon:n.狂热;放任;v.遗弃;放弃; extends:v.使伸长;扩大;扩展;延长;使延期;(extend的第三人称单数) grip:n.紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带;vt.紧握;夹紧;vi.抓住;
Land and sea close down for the long, polar winter, until, once again, the sun returns. 陆地和海洋在漫长的极地冬季里 冰封连接在一起 直到太阳再次回归
close down:关闭;停止播音;
It's spring in the High Arctic and the sun illuminates a giant frozen ocean, the first stop on our journey . 现在是高纬北极地区的春天 阳光照亮了巨大的冰封海洋 这是我们旅途的第一站
illuminates:v.照明;阐释(illuminate的第三人称单数形式); giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行;
The most powerful land predator is on the prowl . 最强有力的陆地掠食者在悄然潜行
predator:n.[动]捕食者;[动]食肉动物;掠夺者; prowl:vi.徘徊,潜行;vt.在…搜寻;潜行于;n.徘徊,潜行;悄悄踱步;
A male polar bear is searching for a mate . 这只雄性北极熊正在寻找配偶
polar bear:n.北极熊;白熊; mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对;
Willing females are few and far between and the sea ice on which he travels will soon melt and vanish . 有性趣的雌性不多 都相距甚远 它所行走的海冰很快会消融不见
few and far between:稀少;彼此相距很远;不常发生; vanish:v.消失;突然不见;成为零;n.弱化音;
He's running out of time to find a mate in this vast, frozen desert. 它在这巨大的冰冻荒漠里 寻找配偶的时间所剩无几
Ten miles ahead, a single female without cubs exactly what the male is seeking . 前面十英里处 有一只没有孩子的单身雌性 正是它所要找的
female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; cubs:n.(美)小熊; v.(野兽)生仔; adj.没经验的; (cub的复数) seeking:v.寻找;寻求;谋求;争取;(向人)请求(seek的现在分词)