

Anna. Elsa. 安娜 艾莎
Bedtime soon. 马上就该睡觉了
The princess is trapped in the snow goblin 's evil spell. 公主被雪妖精的邪恶咒语困住了
princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; trapped:adj.受困的;受限制的;v.使落入险境;使陷入困境;(trap的过去分词和过去式) goblin:n.小妖精;顽皮的丑小鬼; evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸;
Quick, Elsa! Make a prince! A fancy one! 快 艾莎 做个王子 帅点的
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象;
Oh, no! The prince is trapped, too. 不好 王子也被困住了
Who cares about danger when there's love? 在爱情面前 谁还在乎危险
Anna. Bleugh! 安娜 我要吐了
Kissing won't save the Forest. 亲亲可不能拯救森林
The lost fairies cry out. 迷路的仙子们哭喊起来
What sound does a giraffe make? 长颈鹿会发出什么叫声
Never mind . 不管了
Never mind:没关系;
They wake the fairy queen... 她们唤醒了仙子女王
who breaks the spell and saves everyone! 她打破了咒语 拯救了所有人
And they all get married! 然后大家都结婚了
What are you playing? 你们在演什么
Enchanted Forest. 魔法森林
The prince and the princess... 公主和王子...
That's like no enchanted forest I've ever seen. 这可不像是我见过的魔法森林
You've seen an enchanted forest? 你还见过魔法森林
Wait, what? 等等 什么
I have. Once. 我确实见过一次
And you've never told us this before? 你居然从来没告诉过我们
Well, I could tell you now, if you... 我现在就可以告诉你们 只要你们...
Now. - Okay, tell us now. 现在就说 -现在就告诉我们吧
Are you sure about this? 你确定要告诉她们吗
It's time they know. 是时候让她们知道了
Let's make a big snowman later. 我们之后堆个更大的雪人吧
If they can settle and listen. 只要她们能坐好乖乖听
Far away... 在很远很远的地方
as north as we can go... 在世界的最北方
stood a very old and very enchanted forest. 有一座很古老的魔法森林
But its magic wasn't that of goblin spells and lost fairies. 但它的魔法不是妖精的咒语和迷路的仙子
It was protected by the most powerful spirits of all... 它被最强大的精灵保护着
those of air... 风精灵
of fire... 火精灵
of water... 水精灵
and earth. 土精灵
But it was also home to the mysterious Northuldra people. 但那里也是神秘的诺桑德拉人的家园
Were the Northuldra magical, like me? 诺桑德拉人也像我一样有魔法吗
No, Elsa. They were not magical. 不 艾莎 他们本身并没有魔法
They just took advantage of the Forest's gifts. 他们只是善于利用森林的馈赠
Their ways were so different from ours... 他们的生活方式与我们大相径庭
but still, they promised us friendship. 尽管如此 他们仍然答应与我们建立友谊
In honor of that, your grandfather, King Runeard, built them a mighty dam to strengthen their waters. 为纪念两族交好 你们的祖父 鲁纳德国王 为他们建了一座坚固的水坝来加固他们的水域
It was a gift of peace. 这是一份象征和平的礼物
That's a big gift of peace. 真是一份象征和平的大礼
And I was so honored to get to go to the Forest to celebrate it. 我很荣幸能去森林里庆祝大坝落成
Stand tall , Agnarr. 站直了 安纳尔
Stand tall:形象高大;昂首站着;
I wasn't at all prepared for what the day would bring. 我对于那天将要发生的事情毫无准备
We let down our guard. 我们卸下了防备
We were charmed . 我们被迷住了
charmed:adj.让人心醉的,迷人的; v.吸引; (charm的过去分词和过去式)
It felt so... 一切都那么
magical. 魔幻