

Mom, check it. Fresh as hell, right? 妈 瞧瞧 酷毙了 对吧
Eddie, don't say "Hell." 埃迪 不准说 毙
He also said " Butthole " In the car. 他刚在车上还说了 屁眼子
Shut up, Evan, you little Chinese narc ! 闭嘴 埃文 你个中国小奸细
Isn't that necklace heavy? 那个项链不重吗
Life's heavy, son. 生活本身就很沉重 孩子
Please, mom, can I get this? 求你了 妈 能给我买这身吗
How much? 多少钱
Too much. 太贵了
Moms thought everything was too much. 我妈什么都觉得贵
She never understood that you couldn't haggle at jcpenney. 她从来不懂杰西潘尼连锁店里是不能还价的
It's like, "Those are set prices, mom." 我想说 那些都是定好的一口价 妈
That's me, your boy Eddie Huang in the headphones . 那个戴着耳机的小男孩就是我 埃迪.黄
My family was moving from Washington, D.C., to Orlando, Florida. 我们一家人正从华盛顿特区 搬到佛罗里达州的奥兰多
I was 11 years old, and it was 1995. 我当时11岁 那是1995年
This is the story of my family, an American family, the Huangs. 这是我们家的故事 一个美国家庭 黄氏一家
That's my dad. 那是我爸
He loved everything about America. 他爱美国的一切
Full-on bought into the American dream . 对美国梦深信不疑
Full-on:adj.最典型的;最强烈的; American dream:n.美国梦(美国人传统的价值观和社会标准,如民主、权利平等和财富);
Moms was always hard on me way before all that "Tiger mom" stuff . 我妈向来对我很严厉 比现在常提的什么 虎妈 还要厉害得多
She thought I was trying to cause trouble wearing that nas shirt, but she didn't understand. 她觉得我穿着那种纳斯T恤是想惹事 但是她根本不明白
If you were an outsider , hip-hop was your anthem . 如果你是个圈外人 嘻哈乐就是你的圣歌
outsider:n.外人;无取胜希望者; hip-hop:n.街舞,即兴音乐;嘻哈; anthem:n.赞美诗;圣歌;v.唱圣歌庆祝;唱赞歌;
And I was definitely the black sheep in my family. 我绝对是我们家的 败家子
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; black sheep:败家子;害群之马;
These other people are Emery , Evan, and grandma. Whatever. 其他家庭成员有埃莫瑞 埃文和奶奶 随便啦
Was I excited about the move? No. 我对搬家感到激动吗 当然不
Did anyone ask me if I was excited? 有人问过我是否激动吗
Hell, no. 当然没有
But it's hard getting respect when you're 11. 但一个11岁孩子的意见 是很难被尊重的
*I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes.* *我看到了神迹 让我眼界大开*
*I saw the sign* *我看到了神迹*
Dad! Turn off the music! 爸 关掉音乐
Eddie, I know you're not excited to leave D.C., but you're gonna love Orlando. 埃迪 我知道你不高兴离开华盛顿 但你肯定会爱上奥兰多的
I've been there for six months setting up the restaurant, and I've grown to love it like the daughter we wished Evan had been. 我在那里待了6个月 把餐厅先开起来 我慢慢开始喜欢这地方了 就像我们曾经希望埃文是个女孩 好好爱她那样
I don't know why we have to move. 我真不明白我们为什么要搬家
Why couldn't you keep on going back and forth between Orlando and D.C.? 你为何不一个人 在奥兰多和华盛顿间往返兼顾呢
back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的;
Because I didn't come to America to work for your mom's brother selling furniture for the rest of my life. 因为我来到美国可不是为了 给你妈妈的姐夫打工 帮他卖一辈子家具
Your father is right. 你爸说的对
This is why we left Chinatown in D.C. 我们就是因此才离开华盛顿的唐人街的
This is why we left our family and friends. 也是我们抛下家人和朋友的原因
Exactly. 对极了
This is why we left everything we know to come to a place where we know nothing and where the humidity is not good for my hair. 我们就是因此才抛下熟悉的一切 到了一个我们一无所知的地方 并且这里的湿度还不利于我的头发
Right, okay. - And for what? 好吧 好吧 –为了什么呢
So your father can own a cowboy restaurant. 就为了让你爸可以当个牛仔餐厅的老板