

So I'll be talking about the success of my campus , the University of Maryland , Baltimore County , UMBC, in educating students of all types, across the arts and humanities and the science and engineering areas. 我要跟大家分享一下我所领导的大学 马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校(UMBC)的成功经验 我们如何去教育个性迥异的学生 无论是艺术、人文、科学还是工程领域
campus:n.(大学)校园;大学,大学生活;校园内的草地; Maryland:n.马里兰(美国州名); Baltimore:n.巴尔的摩(美国一座港市); County:n.郡,县; humanities:n.人文学科(humanity的复数); engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词)
What makes our story especially important is that we have learned so much from a group of students who are typically not at the top of the academic ladder -- students of color, students underrepresented in selected areas. 我们的故事之所以非常重要 是因为我们招收的学生 并不是一开始就是学术界的佼佼者 而是有色人种或那些常被忽视的人群
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; typically:adv.代表性地;作为特色地; academic:adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者; ladder:n.阶梯;途径;梯状物;v.成名;发迹;在…上装设梯子; underrepresented:adj.代表名额不足的;未被充分代表的;
And what makes the story especially unique is that we have learned how to help African-American students, Latino students, students from low-income backgrounds, to become some of the best in the world in science and engineering. 而我们的故事有一个独特之处 就是我们学会了如何帮助非洲裔学生、拉丁裔学生 和低收入家庭来的学生成为 世界顶尖的科学技术和工程人才
unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; African-American:非洲裔美国人(指美国黑人); Latino:adj.拉丁美洲的;拉丁美洲人的;n.拉丁美洲人;
And so I begin with a story about my childhood . 我想从我的童年开始讲起
We all are products of our childhood experiences. 我们都是童年经历的产物
It's hard for me to believe that it's been 50 years since I had the experience of being a ninth grade kid in Birmingham , Alabama , a kid who loved getting A's, a kid who loved math, who loved to read, a kid who would say to the teacher -- 真是很难相信我从九年级毕业已经有50年了 那时候我还是阿拉巴马州伯明翰市的一个学习用功,总是拿到A的小孩 那时候我还是阿拉巴马州伯明翰市的一个学习用功,总是拿到A的小孩 我酷爱数学,喜欢阅读 常跟老师说——
Birmingham:n.伯明翰(英国一座城市); Alabama:n.阿拉巴马州(美国州名);
when the teacher said, "Here are 10 problems," to the class, this little fat kid would say, "Give us 10 more." 当老师在课堂上宣布“作业是这10道题目”的时候 矮胖的我总是说,“再来10道!”
And the whole class would say, "Shut up, Freeman ." 然后全班的孩子都嚷到,“闭嘴,Freeman!”
And there was a designated kicker every day. 也是使得我变成了公认的出气桶
designated:adj.派定的;v.命名;指定;标明;指明;(designate的过去式和过去分词) kicker:n.踢者;爱发牢骚的人;喷射器;
And so I was always asking this question: "Well how could we get more kids to really love to learn?" 所以我当时一直纠结于一个问题 我们怎样让更多的孩子喜欢学习?
And amazingly, one week in church, when I really didn't want to be there and I was in the back of the room being placated by doing math problems, 一次教堂发生的奇妙事情给了我答案 我当时是很不情愿去教堂的 所以我坐在最后一排做我的数学题
I heard this man say this: "If we can get the children to participate in this peaceful demonstration here in Birmingham, we can show America that even children know the difference between right and wrong and that children really do want to get the best possible education." 然后我听到一个男人说 “如果我们的孩子们 能够参与到伯明翰的和平示威游行中来 那么我们就能够向全美国人民宣告就连小孩子都能辨别出其中的对错 而我们的孩子们有多么想要得到最好的教育”
participate:v.参加;参与; demonstration:n.示范;演示;论证;证明;
And I looked up and said, "Who is that man?" 我抬起头来问,“这个人是谁?”
And they said his name was Dr. Martin Luther King. 别人告诉我说他就是马丁·路德·金博士
And I said to my parents, "I've got to go. 然后我对我的父母说,“我要去参加游行。”
I want to go. I want to be a part of this." “我想去,我想要成为他们的一员。”
And they said, " Absolutely not ." 父母说,“想都别想。”
Absolutely not:绝对不会;绝对不是;绝对不行;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And we had a rough go of it. 我跟父母别扭了一段时间。
And at that time, quite frankly, you really did not talk back to your parents. 在那个年代我们很少反驳或顶撞自己的父母
And somehow I said, "You know, you guys are hypocrites . 但我那次顶撞了回去:“知道么,你们言行不一。”
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; hypocrites:n.伪君子;伪善者;
You make me go to this. You make me listen. “你们让我去教堂,让我去听演讲,”
The man wants me to go, and now you say no." “当这个人号召我去参与的时候,你们却说‘不行’。”
And they thought about it all night. 他们想了整整一个晚上
And they came into my room the next morning. 第二天早晨他们出现在了我的门口
They had not slept. 他们一宿没睡
They had been literally crying and praying and thinking, "Will we let our 12-year-old participate in this march and probably have to go to jail ?" 他们整晚都在哭泣着为我担心和祈祷 “我们是否应该让我们的孩子” “这个12岁的孩子冒着被逮捕入狱的危险参加游行?”
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱;
And they decided to do it. 终于他们下定了决心
And when they came in to tell me, 当他们刚告诉我这个决定的时候
I was at first elated . 我兴奋极了
And then all of a sudden I began thinking about the dogs and the fire hoses , and I got really scared, I really did. 然后突然间我开始想像自己游行时被狼狗追咬,被高压水枪冲的画面 我一下害怕极了,真的
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; hoses:n.软管;胶皮管;长统袜(hose的复数);
And one of the points I make to people all the time is that sometimes when people do things that are courageous , it doesn't really mean that they're that courageous. 从我的这段经历中我知道了一个道理 有时候有些人满怀勇气去做一件事情 或许并不表示他真的有那样的勇气
It simply means that they believe it's important to do it. 他只是相信这件事情非常重要,一定要去做
I wanted a better education. 我希望接受更好的教育
I did not want to have to have hand-me-down books. 我希望我们能够有很多新的课本
I wanted to know that the school I attended not only had good teachers, but the resources we needed. 我希望我所在的学校不仅拥有好的老师 还能拥有足够我们所需的资源
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
And as a result of that experience, in the middle of the week, while I was there in jail, 这次经历的一个收获 当时我还被关在牢里马丁·路德·金博士拜访我的父母, 说
as a result:结果;
Dr. King came and said with our parents, "What you children do this day will have an impact on children who have not been born." 当时我还被关在牢里马丁·路德·金博士拜访我的父母, 说 “你们的孩子今天的牺牲 必将会影响到尚未出生的下一代”
I recently realized that two-thirds of Americans today had not been born at the time of 1963. 我最近才意识到今天三分之二的美国人 是在1963年之后出生的
recently:adv.最近;新近; two-thirds:n.三分之二;三分之二的;三分之二地;
And so for them, when they hear about the Children's Crusade in Birmingham, in many ways, if they see it on TV, it's like our looking at the 1863 "Lincoln" movie: 对于他们来说,当他们通过电视或其它的方式听到 当年的伯明翰少年游行 或许跟他们看电影《林肯》的感觉差不多:
It's history. 太遥远了
And the real question is, what lessons did we learn? 重要的是,我们从中学到了什么?
Well amazingly, the most important for me was this: 这个问题的答案或许让你觉得意外
That children can be empowered to take ownership of their education. 最重要的是孩子们能够自己掌控教育的主动权
They can be taught to be passionate about wanting to learn and to love the idea of asking questions. 他们学习的热情可以被启发出来 渴望学习,并且热衷提出自己的问题
And so it is especially significant that the university I now lead, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, UMBC, was founded the very year I went to jail with Dr. King, in 1963. 在马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校(UMBC)这种现象尤其显著 在马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校(UMBC)这种现象尤其显著 这所大学创办于1963年,我与金博士入狱那一年 而现在我负责领导该校的事务
And what made that institutional founding especially important is that Maryland is the South, as you know, and, quite frankly, it was the first university in our state founded at a time when students of all races could go there. 这所学校的创办意义重大是因为 马里兰州属于南方州(美国南方的种族歧视更严重) 而且,实际上,这是当时全美第一所 自创办之日就没有进行种族限制的大学
And so we had black and white students and others who began to attend. 黑人学生、白人学生和其他肤色学生都在此求学
black and white:adj.印刷的;黑白混合的;用笔写的;
And it has been for 50 years an experiment. 这是一场持续了50年的实验
The experiment is this: 实验的目的是弄清楚
Is it possible to have institutions in our country, universities, where people from all backgrounds can come and learn and learn to work together and learn to become leaders and to support each other in that experience? 我们的大学乃至国家是否能够拥有这样一种体系 能够让学生不分背景成分的来此求学 学习如何与人合作、如何领导团队 能够在这场实验中学会相互帮助?
Now what is especially important about that experience for me is this: 现在这场实验对我而言的重要之处在于:
We found that we could do a lot in the arts and humanities and social sciences. 我们发现在艺术、人文和社会科学领域大有可为
And so we began to work on that, for years in the '60s. 于是我们从60年代开始就在这些领域发力
And we produced a number of people in law, all the way to the humanities. 我们培养了大量的人文和法律人才
We produced great artists. Beckett is our muse . 我们培养出大量的艺术家,Beckett 就是其中的佼佼者
A lot of our students get into theater. 我们有很多学生投入了演艺事业
It's great work. 很成功
The problem that we faced was the same problem America continues to face -- that students in the sciences and engineering, black students were not succeeding. 现在我们面对的问题,是美国一直以来都存在的 黑人学生在自然科学和工程学领域 还没有我们期待的那样成功
But when I looked at the data, what I found was that, quite frankly, students in general , large numbers were not making it. 但是当我开始研究这件事情 我发现,很明显的,有很多学生 大量的学生没能坚持学完这两个领域的课程
in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
And as a result of that, we decided to do something that would help, first of all , the group at the bottom, African-American students, and then Hispanic students. 基于这些研究结果 我们开始着手尝试帮助改善这一现状 首先是底层的非洲裔学生,然后是拉丁裔学生
first of all:adv.首先; Hispanic:adj.西班牙的;
And Robert and Jane Meyerhoff, philanthropists , said, "We'd like to help." 我们得到了慈善家梅尔霍夫夫妇的资助
Robert Meyerhoff said, "Why is it that everything I see on TV about black boys, if it's not about basketball, is not positive ? 罗伯特·梅尔霍夫一直有个疑问:“为什么每次在电视中看到有关 黑人孩子的新闻,除了打篮球的,都不是好消息?
I'd like to make a difference , to do something that's positive." 我想要改变这一现象,做一些充满正能量的事情”
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
We married those ideas, and we created this Meyerhoff Scholars program. 我们交流了想法,建立了梅尔霍夫奖学金计划
And what is significant about the program is that we learned a number of things. 这个项目最大的收获是 让我们从中学到了很多东西像是
And the question is this: 我们学校是如何
How is it that now we lead the country in producing African-Americans who go on to complete Ph.D.'s in science and engineering and M.D./Ph.D.'s? 帮助非洲裔美国学生完成自然科学博士学位 以及工程学硕士博士学位?
That's a big deal . Give me a hand for that. That's a big deal . 这是很大的成就,请给我一点掌声
a big deal:na.要人;重要的事; Give me a hand:帮我一下;
That's a big deal. It really is. 很大的成就,真的
(Applause) (掌声)
You see, most people don't realize that it's not just minorities who don't do well in science and engineering. 其实很多人都没有意识到 自然科学和工程学领域学不好的不仅仅是少数种族
Quite frankly, you're talking about Americans. 坦白地说,所有的美国民族都表现的不尽如人意
If you don't know it, while 20 percent of blacks and Hispanics who begin with a major in science and engineering will actually graduate in science and engineering, 你可能不知道,大学入学时报考自然科学 及工程学并顺利拿到相关专业文凭的 非洲裔和西班牙裔学生只有20%
only 32 percent of whites who begin with majors in those areas actually succeed and graduate in those areas, and only 42 percent of Asian-Americans. 在一样的领域, 白人学生比例則是32% 在一样的领域, 白人学生比例則是32% 而亚裔学生只有42%
And so, the real question is, what is the challenge? 所以真正的问题是,根源在哪里?
Well a part of it, of course, is K-12. 当然,大学之前的教育(K-12)很重要
We need to strengthen K-12. 我们需要强化 K-12 教育
But the other part has to do with the culture of science and engineering on our campuses . 但是另一方面需要我们去改变的 是大学校园中自然科学和工程学的教学文化
Whether you know it or not, large numbers of students with high SAT's and large numbers of A.P. credits who go to the most prestigious universities in our country begin in pre-med or pre-engineering and engineering, and they end up changing their majors. 可能你不知道,很多 SAT(美国的高考)高分考生 学分很高的学生 进入美国的著名大学之后 入学时选读医学预科或者工程预科后来很多学生都转去了别的专业
prestigious:adj.有名望的;享有声望的; pre-med:n.医学预科;
And the number one reason, we find, quite frankly, is they did not do well in first year science courses. 我们后来发现导致还专业的首要原因 竟然是因为他们第一年的成绩不理想
In fact, we call first year science and engineering, typically around America, weed-out courses or barrier courses. 事实上美国大学第一年的自然科学和工程学课程 我们管这些课程叫“筛选课程”
How many of you in this audience know somebody who started off in pre-med or engineering and changed their major within a year or two? 你们之中有多少人,认识一些人 在大学里先是读的医学或工程学预科 然后在一两年内换了专业?
It's an American challenge. Half of you in the room. 这是美国面对的难题。一半的人
I know. I know. I know. 我知道,我知道
And what is interesting about that is that so many students are smart and can do it. 这个结果好玩的地方 是这些人都那么聪明,本来可以完成学业的
We need to find ways of making it happen. 我们需要找到合适的途径帮助他们
So what are the four things we did to help minority students that now are helping students in general? 在过去及現在, 我們是用哪四项法宝来帮助弱勢学生? 在过去及現在, 我們是用哪四项法宝来帮助弱势学生?
Number one: high expectations . 法宝一:提高期望
It takes an understanding of the academic preparation of students -- their grades, the rigor of the course work, their test-taking skills, their attitude , the fire in their belly , the passion for the work, to make it. 这基于对大学生学科准备阶段的理解 综合他们的分数,课程任务的苛刻性 他们的考试技巧,他们的态度 他们心中的火焰,对课程的热情,来实现目标
rigor:n.严厉;精确;苛刻;僵硬; test-taking:n.应试;参加测试; attitude:n.态度;看法;意见;姿势; belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起;
And so doing things to help students prepare to be in that position, very important. 提前做足准备让学生准备好读这些专业是非常重要的
But equally important, it takes an understanding that it's hard work that makes the difference. 但是同样重要的是,我们也需要强调努力才有成功
I don't care how smart you are or how smart you think you are. 我不关心你有多聪明,或自己自己觉得自己多聪明
Smart simply means you're ready to learn. “聪明”在这里仅仅表示你没有准备好去学习
You're excited about learning and you want to ask good questions. 学习新东西让你兴奋,让你提出高质量的问题
I. I. Rabi, a Nobel laureate , said that when he was growing up in New York, all of his friends' parents would ask them "What did you learn in school?" at the end of a day. 诺贝尔奖得主 I. I. Rabi 小时候住在纽约 他的同学的家长会问他的同学: “今天在学校学了什么新东西?” 每天如此
And he said, in contrast , his Jewish mother would say, " Izzy , did you ask a good question today?" 他说她的犹太裔妈妈问的就不一样: “Izzy,今天你有提出有质量的问题么?”
contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比; Jewish:adj.犹太人的;犹太族的; Izzy:n.依奇(1996年美国亚特兰大夏季奥运会吉祥物);
And so high expectations have to do with curiosity and encouraging young people to be curious . 所以“高期望值”需要兴趣作为支撑 需要鼓励年轻人的好奇心
have to do with:与…有关; curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的;
And as a result of those high expectations, we began to find students we wanted to work with to see what could we do to help them, not simply to survive in science and engineering, but to become the very best, to excel . 这些高期望值的效果之一 就是我们发现有些学生变得更加主动 从我们这里寻找帮助 不仅仅是为了通过考试拿到学位 而是更进一步的追求更高的目标
Interestingly enough, an example: 这里有一个很好的例子
One young man who earned a C in the first course and wanted to go on to med school, we said, "We need to have you retake the course, because you need a strong foundation if you're going to move to the next level." 一个年轻人的第一门课拿到了C,他想去读医学 我们说,“我们需要让你重修这门课程, “因为在进入下一个阶段之前你需要一个坚实的基础”
retake:v.再取;重拍;补考;n.重考;重新摄录;重新摄录的照片或录音; foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
Every foundation makes the difference in the next level. 基础的牢固与否直接影响你在后续课程的表现
He retook the course. 他重修了之前的课程
That young man went on to graduate from UMBC, to become the first black to get the M.D./Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania . 这个年轻人顺利从 UMBC 毕业后 成为了宾州大学第一个黑人医学博士(M.D./Ph.D.)
He now works at Harvard . 他现在在哈佛任职
Nice story. Give him a hand for that too. 精彩的故事,给他一点掌声
(Applause) (掌声)
Secondly, it's not about test scores only. 法宝二:分数不是唯一
Test scores are important, but they're not the most important thing. 分数很重要,但是并不是最重要的
One young woman had great grades, but test scores were not as high. 一个年轻女学生很优秀,但是分数不高
But she had a factor that was very important. 但是她有一个很好的优点
She never missed a day of school, K-12. 她从小到大从来没有缺过一次课
There was fire in that belly. 她有着学习的热情
That young woman went on, and she is today with an M.D./Ph.D. from Hopkins. 她坚持了下来,她拿到了 Hopkins 大学的医学博士学位
She's on the faculty , tenure track in psychiatry , Ph.D. in neuroscience . 她留校任教,拥有精神病学终身教职,神经科学博士学位
faculty:n.科,系;能力;全体教员; tenure:n.任期;占有;vt.授予…终身职位; track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪; psychiatry:n.精神病学;精神病治疗法; neuroscience:n.神经系统科学(指神经病学,神经化学等);
She and her adviser have a patent on a second use of Viagra for diabetes patients . 她和她导师拥有一项利用万艾可治疗糖尿病的专利
adviser:n.顾问;劝告者;指导教师(等于advisor); patent:vt.授予专利; adj.专利的; n.专利权; Viagra:n.伟哥(一种治疗阳痿的药,壮阳药);万艾可; diabetes:n.糖尿病;多尿症; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
Big hand for her. Big hand for her. 为她鼓掌,请给她一点掌声
(Applause) (掌声)
And so high expectations, very important. 提高期望是很重要的
Secondly, the idea of building community among the students. 然后是让学生建立他们自己的圈子
You all know that so often in science and engineering we tend to think cutthroat . 你们都经常听说,在科学和工程领域 竞争非常残酷
Students are not taught to work in groups. 学生没有获得团队合作方面的教育
And that's what we work to do with that group to get them to understand each other, to build trust among them, to support each other, to learn how to ask good questions, but also to learn how to explain concepts with clarity . 而我们要做的就是把他们结合起来 让他们相互了解 建立信任,相互支持 学习如何提出有质量的问题 以及如何清晰的阐述概念
As you know, it's one thing to earn an A yourself, it's another thing to help someone else do well. 你也知道的,自己拿到高分是一回事 帮助他人做得更好是另外一回事
And so to feel that sense of responsibility makes all the difference in the world. 这种责任感对于整个世界的影响都是巨大的
So building community among those students, very important. 所以让学生之间建立联系,这点非常重要
Third, the idea of, it takes researchers to produce researchers. 法宝三:依靠专业人士培养专业人士
Whether you're talking about artists producing artists or you're talking about people getting into the social sciences, whatever the discipline -- and especially in science and engineering, as in art, for example -- you need scientists to pull the students into the work. 在艺术领域,艺术家培养出新的艺术家 在社会科学领域也是如此,这是一条通用的原则 自然科学和工程学领域也没有例外,例如 学生需要在科学家的带动下开始相关的工作
And so our students are working in labs regularly . 所以我们学校的学生固定会去实验室干活
labs:n.实验室;实验大楼;(lab的复数) regularly:adv.经常地;有规律地;定期的
And one great example that you'll appreciate : 对于这点有一个例子值得一提
During a snowstorm in Baltimore several years ago, the guy on our campus with this Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant literally came back to work in his lab after several days, and all these students had refused to leave the lab. 有一年巴尔的摩下了很大的暴风雪 这个得到霍华休斯医学研究中心赞助的家伙 暴风雪刚过去就跑回实验室工作 而他所有的学生都坚持呆在实验室
snowstorm:n.暴风雪;雪暴; Institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院; grant:v.授予;允许;承认;同意;n.拨款;[法]授予物;
They had food they had packed out . 他们自带干粮,把实验室挤满了
packed out:adj.爆满;挤满人(或物);
They were in the lab working, and they saw the work, not as schoolwork, but as their lives. 他们来实验室工作 他们把这些工作视为自生命的一部分,而不仅仅是作业而已
They knew they were working on AIDS research. 他们知道他们在研究的是艾滋病防治
They were looking at this amazing protein design. 他们醉心于创造新蛋白质的过程
And what was interesting was each one of them focused on that work. 尤其值得关注的是那里的每个人都非常专注
And he said, "It doesn't get any better than that." 而他说,“没有比这更美好的了。”
And then finally , if you've got the community and you've got the high expectations and you've got researchers producing researchers, you have to have people who are willing as faculty to get involved with those students, even in the classroom. 法宝四:当你已经给了他们高度期望 已经建立了学生圈子,已经有专业人士培养 你需要找到乐于跟学生交流的老师 愿意跟学生打交道,甚至是在教室(而不是实验室)
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
I'll never forget a faculty member calling the staff and saying, "I've got this young man in class, a young black guy, and he seems like he's just not excited about the work. 我一直记得一个老师打电话给另一个教员,说: 我发现班里有个年轻人,一个黑人小伙子 似乎对他现在的工作没有兴趣
He's not taking notes. We need to talk to him." 他不做笔记。我们要跟他聊聊
What was significant was that the faculty member was observing every student to understand who was really involved and who was not and was saying, "Let me see how I can work with them. 故事的重点是这位教员用心观察了每个学生的表现 用心去识别谁在用心听,谁又在开小差 并且说,“让我看看能为他做些什么
Let me get the staff to help me out." 我要找同事一起解决。”
It was that connecting. 就是这种相互的连接
That young man today is actually a faculty member M.D./Ph.D. in neuroengineering at Duke . 那个年轻人现在是杜克大学神经工程学教员,医学博士
Give him a big hand for that. 让我们为他鼓掌
(Applause) (掌声)
And so the significance is that we have now developed this model that is helping us, not only finally with evaluation , assessing what works. 值得一提的是我们开发的这套作法 实实在在的帮助了我们,不仅仅是一些衡量指标好看
significance:n.意义;重要性;意思; evaluation:n.评价;[审计]评估;估价;求值; assessing:v.评估,评定(性质、质量);估算,估定;(assess的现在分词)
And what we learned was that we needed to think about redesigning courses. 我们还从中学到的一点是我们需要重新设计我们的课程
And so we redesigned chemistry, we redesigned physics. 于是我们改革了化学专业、物理专业
But now we are looking at redesigning the humanities and social sciences. 现在我们正在尝试改革人文和社科专业
Because so many students are bored in class. 太多这些专业的学生觉得课程无聊了
Do you know that? 你知道么?
Many students, K-12 and in universities, don't want to just sit there and listen to somebody talk. 很多学生,无论是大学前还是大学生 他们不愿意干坐在那里听别人讲课
They need to be engaged . 他们需要参与其中
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
And so we have done -- if you look at our website at the Chemistry Discovery Center, you'll see people coming from all over the country to look at how we are redesigning courses, 于是我们这么做了——看看我们化学探索中心的网页 你会发现全国各地的人都在关注 我们如何改革化学课程
having an emphasis on collaboration , use of technology , using problems out of our biotech companies on our campus, and not giving students the theories, but having them struggle with those theories. 强调合作的重要性,强调对技术的利用 解决我们的生物科技公司遇到的实际问题 不是死板的传授理论 而是让学生自己去挑战这些理论
emphasis:n.强调;重视;重要性;(对某个词或短语的)强调; collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; biotech:abbr.生物技术;生物科技(biotechnology);
And it's working so well that throughout our university system in Maryland, more and more courses are being redesigned. 这些改动在我们马里兰大学的教育系统中非常成功 越来越多的课程正被改革
It's called academic innovation . 这称为学术创新
And what does all of that mean? 这些意味着什么?
It means that now, not just in science and engineering, we now have programs in the arts, in the humanities, in the social sciences, in teacher education, even particularly for women in I.T. 这意味着现在,我们不仅针对科学和工程领域 而且在艺术、人文、社会科学方向都有了计划 甚至是师范教育和 IT 女性培养计划
If you don't know it, there's been a 79-percent decline in the number of women majoring in computer science just since 2000. 或许你不知道,从2000年至今 计算机专业女学生比例已经下降了79%
decline:v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝;n.下降; computer science:n.计算机科学;
And what I'm saying is that what will make the difference will be building community among students, telling young women, young minority students and students in general, you can do this work. 而我想要传达的观点是 建立学生之间的联系,鼓励女学生、少数裔学生 以及所有的学生,肯定他们能够完成学业 非常的重要
And most important, giving them a chance to build that community with faculty pulling them into the work and our assessing what works and what does not work. 最重要的一点,让他们能够有机会 跟教员一起工作,让教员指导他们 并且评估什么措施有效什么措施需要改进
Most important, if a student has a sense of self, it is amazing how the dreams and the values can make all the difference in the world. 最最重要的,是学生的自我意识 他们心中的梦想和价值 将会改变世界,这真叫人激动
make all the difference:关系重大;大不相同;重要;
When I was a 12-year-old child in the jail in Birmingham, 当我12岁时被关在伯明翰监狱的时候
I kept thinking, "I wonder what my future could be." 我一直在想,“不知道我的未来会是什么样子。”
I had no idea that it was possible for this little black boy in Birmingham to one day be president of a university that has students from 150 countries, where students are not there just to survive, 我不知道这个伯明翰的黑人小孩子竟然有一天 成为一所拥有来自150个国家学生的大学的校长 这所学校的学生并不满足于混个文凭
where they love learning, where they enjoy being the best, where they will one day change the world. 他们热爱学习,他们享受做到最好 这些学生有能力改变世界
Aristotle said, " Excellence is never an accident. 亚里士多德说过,“优秀绝不会出自偶然
Aristotle:n.亚里士多德; Excellence:n.优秀;美德;长处;
It is the result of high intention , sincere effort and intelligent execution . 优秀是强烈的动机、不懈的努力和智慧的共同结果
intention:n.意图;目的;意向;愈合; sincere:adj.真诚的;诚挚的;真实的; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 execution:n.执行,实行;完成;死刑;
It represents the wisest option among many alternatives ." 它体现了所有选项中最具智慧的一个。”
represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数) option:n.选择;可选择的东西; alternatives:n.可供选择的事物;(alternative的复数)
And then he said something that gives me goosebumps . 接下来他说的话让我震撼不已
He said, "Choice, not chance, determines your destiny ." 他说,“决定你命运的,不是机会,而是选择。”
determines:v.查明;测定;准确算出;决定;裁决;安排;(determine的第三人称单数) destiny:n.命运,定数,天命;
Choice, not chance, determines your destiny, dreams and values. 不是机遇,而是你的选择,决定了你的命运、梦想和价值
Thank you all very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)