

Holidays, the whole world loves them. 全世界都喜爱节日
That's why there are so many. 这就是为什么我们节日多多
Christmas. 圣诞节
Easter. 复活节
Hanukkah . 光明节
The one thing they all have in common... 它们的共同点是
Food, like Thanksgiving. 像感恩节那样充满了美食
That's what it's all about. 这就是节日的意义所在
A time to sit down over the holiday meal. 围坐在桌边享用节日大餐
It's everyone's favorite part. 是所有人最喜欢的部分
Unless of course, you are the meal. 当然了 除非你就是那盘中餐
My name is Reggie, by the way . 顺便说一句 我叫雷吉
by the way:顺便说一下;
I'm the turkey screaming for his life. 我就是这只拼命哀嚎的火鸡
Thanksgiving is a turkey's worst nightmare . 感恩节是火鸡们最黑暗的梦魇
And trust me, I've tried to warn them. 相信我 我试图警告过他们了
You don't get it! 你们不懂
They're fattening us up so they can eat us! 人类把我们养肥只是为了吃掉我们
fattening:adj.要使人发胖的; v.(使)长胖,长肥; (fatten的现在分词)
It's such a beautiful day. - This is the best day ever! 天气真好 -今天天气最好了
Probably the best day of my life. 可能是我生命中最棒的一天
Hey, corn! - Corn! 看 有玉米 -玉米
And every year, they don't listen. 他们从来不听我的
I'm not gonna dress it up. Turkeys are dumb . 我可不准备用词委婉 火鸡们蠢爆了
Corn. Corn. 玉米 玉米
Really dumb. 蠢到一定境界了
Hey, guys, check it out. 伙计们 快来试试
Turkeys are so dumb, they think the farmer's their friend. 火鸡们太蠢了 他们以为农夫是朋友
He's so cool! - He's the best. 他酷毙了 -他最好了
He's so nice. - I love the farmer! 他人真好 -我爱农夫小哥
Percy's going to turkey paradise ! 珀西要去火鸡天堂了
Turkey paradise... 火鸡天堂啊
Go, Percy, you lucky son of a gun ! 快去吧珀西 你个走了狗屎运的家伙
son of a gun:n.龟孙子;破烂货;他妈的;
See what I mean? 知道我什么意思了吧
But the truth is, I've always been a little bit different. 但实际上 我总是有些与众不同
From the very beginning, I never felt like I fit in. 从一破壳 我就没觉得我融入过集体
Our world is made of corn. 我们的世界是由玉米做成的
Leafy corn. 叶子形的玉米
Corn-corn! 玉米形的玉米
Fire corn! 着火的玉米
That's an awesome theory, but I think they actually call that the sun. 这个理论很不错 但我认为人们叫它太阳
Out! Out! 滚出去 滚出去
But I kept trying... 但我坚持不懈
Yeah. No. - Hey, Aspen . 是啊 不 -你好啊 艾思本
Your wings must be tired because it looks like you flew straight out of heaven. 你的翅膀一定疲惫万分 因为你看上去像是直接从天堂飞落的
Seriously? 你开玩笑吧
You wanna fly, Bobby ? 你想飞吗 波比
I guess it's just you and me. - Beat it, weirdo ! 这里只有我们俩吧 -走开 怪胎
Yeah, that's what I thought! 对 我想的就是这个
...and trying. 我一试再试
When you're in a flock , you know you belong to something bigger, that you're not alone. 当你身处鸡群中 你知道你属于 一个更大的社会 你并不是孤身一人
Reggie, it's chilly ! 雷吉 好冷啊
Reggie, you're cold! 雷吉 你身上凉死了