

Guatemala is recovering from a 36-year armed conflict . 瓜地马拉正在从36年前的武力冲突中恢复过来
Guatemala:n.危地马拉(拉丁美洲国家);危地马拉人; conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触;
A conflict that was fought during the Cold War. 这个冲突是在冷战期间发生的
It was really just a small leftist insurgency and a devastating response by the state. 那其实只是一个很小的左翼暴动 和一个政府方面具有极端破坏性的反应
leftist:n.左派;急进派;左翼的人;左撇子;adj.左派的;左撇子的;急进派的; insurgency:n.叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态; devastating:adj.毁灭性的; v.毁灭; (devastate的现在分词) response:n.响应;反应;回答;
What we have as a result is 200,000 civilian victims, 160,000 of those killed in the communities : small children, men, women, the elderly even. 结果是20万的人民受害 其中16万人在他们的社区内被杀 小孩,男人,女人,甚者老人
as a result:结果; civilian:adj.民用的;百姓的,平民的;n.平民,百姓; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) elderly:adj.上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的;
And then we have about 40,000 others, the missing, the ones we're still looking for today. 此外,还有4万人失踪 我们至今仍在寻找这些人
We call them the Desaparecidos. 我们称他们为“消失者”
Now, 83 percent of the victims are Mayan victims, victims that are the descendants of the original inhabitants of Central America . 有百分之八十三的受害者是马雅人 这些马雅受害者是 中美洲原始住民的后代
descendants:n.后裔;后代;子孙;派生物;(descendant的复数) original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; inhabitants:n.居民(inhabitant的复数); Central America:n.中美洲(包括危地马拉、伯利兹、洪都拉斯、萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加以及巴拿马);
And only about 17 percent are of European descent . 只有差不多百分之十七是欧洲人的后代
But the most important thing here is that the very people who are supposed to defend us, the police, the military , are the ones that committed most of the crimes. 但是最重要的是 那些应该是要保护我们的人,警察和军队 正是杀害这些人民的罪魁祸首
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
Now the families, they want information. 现在受害者的家人们想要知道
They want to know what happened. 到底发生了什么事?
They want the bodies of their loved ones. 他们要取回他们所爱的家人的尸体
But most of all, what they want is they want you, they want everyone to know that their loved ones did nothing wrong. 但最重要的是,他们想要你们 他们要每个人都知道他们所爱的家人并没有做错任何事
Now, my case was that my father received death threats in 1980. 我家的情况是我父亲在1980年受到死亡威胁
And we left.
We left Guatemala and we came here. 我们就离开瓜地马拉来到这里
So I grew up in New York, 所以我是在纽约长大的
I grew up in Brooklyn as a matter of fact , and I went to New Utrecht High School and I graduated from Brooklyn College. 实际上我是在布鲁克林区长大的我上过新优翠特高中 然后毕業于布鲁克林学院
as a matter of fact:事实上;
The only thing was that 唯一的一件事是
I really didn't know what was happening in Guatemala. 我真的不知道在瓜地马拉究竟发生了什么事
I didn't care for it; it was too painful . 我也不想知道;因为太痛苦了
But it wasn't till 1995 that I decided to do something about it. 一直到1995年我才决定要为它做点什么
So I went back. 所以我回去了
I went back to Guatemala, to look for the bodies, to understand what happened and to look for part of myself as well. 我回到瓜地马拉去寻找那些被杀害者的尸体 去了解事件的真相也去寻找我自己的一部分
The way we work is that we give people information. 我们工作的方式是:由我们给大家资讯
We talk to the family members and we let them choose. 和家人讨论,让他们选择
We let them decide to tell us the stories, to tell us what they saw, to tell us about their loved ones. 我们让他们决定要不要将他们的故事告诉我们 告诉我们他们看到的 告诉我们关于他们所爱的家人的事
And even more important, we let them choose to give us a piece of themselves. 更重要的是 我们让他们决定是否给我们他们自己的一部分
A piece, an essence , of who they are. 主要是,”他们是谁“的一部分
And that DNA is what we're going to compare to the DNA that comes from the skeletons . 那些DNA就是我们要用来比对 骨骸的DNA
compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较; skeletons:n.骷髅;[解剖]骨骼(skeleton的复数);流言(歌曲名);
While we're doing that, though, we're looking for the bodies. 在做那个的同时我们也在找受害者的尸体
And these are skeletons by now, most of these crimes happened 32 years ago. 那些现在都已成为骨骸了 大多数的罪行发生在32年前
When we find the grave , we take out the dirt and eventually clean the body, document it, and exhume it. 当我们找到坟墓时 我们清掉泥土,最后清洁身体,做资料,再取出来
grave:adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;v.雕刻;铭记; dirt:n.污垢;尘土;下流话; eventually:adv.最后,终于; exhume:vt.发掘;掘出;
We literally bring the skeleton out of the ground. 我们真的是从地下取出骨骸
Once we have those bodies, though, we take them back to the city, to our lab, and we begin a process of trying to understand mainly two things: 拿到这些尸体后, 我们将他们带回到我们所在城市的实验室 然后我们开始试着去了解主要的两点:
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地;
One is how people died. 第一点是他们是怎么死的
So here you see a gunshot wound to the back of the head or a machete wound, for example. 这里你看到的是从头后面开枪的伤口 或者例如是用弯刀砍的伤口
gunshot:n.射击;射程;炮击;adj.射击的;枪炮射击所致的; wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害; machete:n.弯刀;大砍刀;马谢特琴;
The other thing we want to understand is who they are. 另一点我们要了解的是他们是谁
Whether it's a baby, or an adult. 是一个婴儿? 或是一个成人?
Whether it's a woman or a man. 是女人? 还是男人?
But when we're done with that analysis what we'll do is we'll take a small fragment of the bone and we'll extract DNA from it. 但是当我们完成分析后 我们会拿骨头的一小碎片 然后从那里抽取出DNA
analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; fragment:n.片段;破片;弹片;小块;v.分割;使成碎片; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹;
We'll take that DNA and then we'll compare it with the DNA of the families, of course. 我们再拿那个DNA 和他们家人的DNA做比对
The best way to explain this to you is by showing you two cases. 为各位解释这一点的最好方法就是让你们看两个例子
The first is the case of the military diary. 第一个是是军方日记
Now this is a document that was smuggled out of somewhere in 1999. 这个是在1999年从某处偷渡出来的文件
And what you see there is the state following individuals , people that, like you, wanted to change their country, and they jotted everything down. 然后你这里看到的是政府追踪一个人 一个像你一样想要改变他们的国家的人 他们将每件事记录下来
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); jotted:v.摘记下来;
And one of the things that they wrote down is when they executed them. 他们写下来的其中一件事是他们杀害这些人的日期
Inside that yellow rectangle , you see a code, it's a secret code: 300. 在那个黄色的方块内 有一个密码:300
And then you see a date. 然后你看到一个日期
The 300 means "executed" and the date means when they were executed. 那个300是指“已杀害”那个日期是他们被杀害的日期
Now that's going to come into play in a second .
in a second:立刻,很快;
What we did is we conducted an exhumation in 2003, where we exhumed 220 bodies from 53 graves in a military base. 我们在2003年做了一次坟墓挖掘 那次我们在一个军事基地内的53个坟墓挖出了220个尸体
conducted:v.组织;安排;实施;执行;指挥;带领;引导;(conduct的过去分词和过去式) exhumation:n.发掘;尸体发掘;掘尸; exhumed:v.掘出;恢复(exhume的过去式); graves:n.坟墓; adj.重大的; v.对(船底)作清洗并涂上沥青等涂料; v.庄重地; (grave的第三人称单数)
Grave 9, though, matched the family of Sergio Saul Linares . 而从第九号坟墓堆出来的是沙基欧·沙无·李拿瑞斯
Now Sergio was a professor at the university. 沙基欧是一位大学教授
He graduted from Iowa State University and went back to Guatemala to change his country. 他毕業于爱荷华州立大学 回到瓜地马拉去改变他的国家
State University:n.(美国)州立大学;
And he was captured on February 23, 1984. 他在1984年2月23日被抓走
And if you can see there, he was executed on March 29, 1984, which was incredible . 如果你看得到的话他是在1984年3月29日被杀的 真是不可思议
We had the body, we had the family's information and their DNA, and now we have documents that told us exactly what happened. 我们有尸体,家人资料和他们的DNA 现在我们也有文件资料告诉我们发生的事情
But most important is about two weeks later, we go another hit, another match from the same grave to Amancio Villatoro. 但更重要的,大约两星期后 我们有找到另一个成功的配对 也是在同一个坟墓叫做阿曼西欧·威亚头罗
The DNA of that body also matched the DNA of that family. 那个尸体的DNA也和那个家人配对成功
And then we noticed that he was also in the diary. 然后我们也注意到他也被记载在日记里
But it was amazing to see that he was also executed on March 29, 1984. 惊人的是 他也是在1984年3月29日被杀的
So that led us to think, hmm, how many bodies were in the grave? 那让我们开始思考,到底那个坟墓有几个尸体
Six. 有6个
So then we said, how many people were executed on March 29, 1984? 然后我们就在想到底有几个人在1984年3月29日被杀呢
That's right, six as well. 没错,也是六个
So we have Juan de Dios, Hugo, Moises and Zoilo. 我们找到璜·德·蒂欧斯,乌钩,摩伊瑟斯和索依楼
All of them executed on the same date, all captured at different locations and at different moments. 他们在不同地方被抓但都是在同一天被杀 不同的时间被杀
All put in that grave. 都放在同一个坟墓
The only thing we needed now was the DNA of those four families 我们只需要这个四个家人的DNA
So we went and we looked for them and we found them. 我们就去找他们,而我们也找到了
And we identified those six bodies and gave them back to the families. 我们确认了那六个尸体然后还给他们的家人
The other case I want to tell you about is that of a military base called CREOMPAZ. 另一个我要告诉你们的案例是 一个名为哥列偶安巴斯的军事基地
It actually means, "to believe in peace," but the acronym really means 它的意思其实是“相信和平”但是这条大写缩写代表的是
Regional Command Center for Peacekeeping Operations. 维持和平作業地区指挥中心
Regional:adj.地区的;局部的;整个地区的; Peacekeeping:adj.维护和平的;执行停火协定的;
And this is where the Guatemalan military trains peacekeepers from other countries, the ones that serve with the U.N. 这是瓜地马拉军方训练其他国家来的和平维持者的地方 这些人为联合国服务
and go to countries like Haiti and the Congo. 然后他们去像海地和刚果这样的国家
Well, we have testimony that said that within this military base, there were bodies, there were graves. 我们有证词说,在这个军事基地里 有尸体和坟墓
So we went in there with a search warrant and about two hours after we went in, we found the first of 84 graves, a total of 533 bodies. 所以我们拿着搜查令去到那里我们进去两小时后 我们发现84座坟墓中的第一座,里面总共有533个尸体
search warrant:n.搜查证;搜查令;
Now, if you think about that, peacekeepers being trained on top of bodies. 你想想看 和平维持者是在尸体的上面受训的
It's very ironic . 实在是很讽刺!
But the bodies -- face down, most of them, hands tied behind their backs, blindfolded , all types of trauma -- these were people who were defenseless who were being executed. 大多数的尸体,面向下,手被绑在背后 眼睛被蒙住,各种各样的伤痕 - 这些人在被杀时是完全没有抵抗力的
blindfolded:v.(用布等)蒙住…的眼睛(blindfold的过去分词和过去式) trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤; defenseless:adj.无防备的;
People that 533 families are looking for. 他们是533个家庭在找的家人
So we're going to focus on Grave 15. 我们现在要谈谈第十五号坟墓
Grave 15, what we noticed, was a grave full of women and children, 63 of them. 第15号坟墓,我们注意到,是一个满是女人和小孩子的坟墓 共63人
And that immediately made us think, my goodness, where is there a case like this? 那让我们马上想到 我的天,哪曾有这样的案件?
When I got to Guatemala in 1995, 当我1995年到达瓜地马拉时
I heard of a case of a massacre that happened on May 14, 1982, where the army came in, killed the men, and took the women and children in helicopters to an unknown location. 我听说有一件在1982年5月14日发生的屠杀 军队去到那里,杀掉男人 将女人和小孩子们用直升机载到不明地点
Well, guess what? 你猜怎么样?
The clothing from this grave matched the clothing from the region where these people were taken from, where these women and children were taken from. 这个坟墓里的衣服和那个地区的服装吻合 也就是他们被带走的地区 这些女人和小孩子们被带走的地区
So we conducted some DNA analysis, and guess what? 所以我们做了一些DNA分析,你猜怎么了?
We identified Martina Rojas and Manuel Chen. 我们对到了玛尔丁娜.罗哈斯和曼努尔.陈
Both of them disappeared in that case, and now we could prove it. 这两个人都是在那里失踪的,现在我们可以证明
We have physical evidence that proves that this happened and that those people were taken to this base. 我们有物证可以证明这个事件的确曾发生 以及这些人的确是被带到了这个基地
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
Now, Manuel Chen was three years old. 曼努尔·陈才三岁
His mother went to the river to wash clothes, and she left him with a neighbor. 他的母亲将他托付给一个邻居然后去河边洗衣服
That's when the army came and that's when he was taken away in a helicopter and never seen again until we found him in Grave 15. 那时军队来到 那时他被直升机带走后就没有人再见到他 直到我们在第15号坟墓里发现他
So now with science, with archaeology , with anthropology , with genetics , what we're doing is, we're giving a voice to the voiceless . 所以现在用科学,考古学,人类学,和遗传学 我们所做的是我们让无声者发出声音
archaeology:n.考古学;考古学的; anthropology:n.人类学;人类学家; genetics:n.遗传学; voiceless:adj.无声的;清音的;沉默的;
But we're doing more than that. 但我们所做的还更多
We're actually providing evidence for trials, like the genocide trial that happened last year in Guatemala where General Ríos Montt was found guilty of genocide and sentenced to 80 years. 我们实际上在为审判提供证据 例如瓜地马拉去年举行的种族屠杀的审判 利欧斯·蒙特将军被判种族屠杀罪和80年的监禁
genocide:n.种族灭绝;灭绝整个种族的大屠杀; guilty:adj.有罪的;内疚的;
So I came here to tell you today that this is happening everywhere -- it's happening in Mexico right in front of us today -- and we can't let it go on anymore. 所以我今天来这里告诉你们这是每个地方都在发生的事 就在我们的眼前,在墨西哥发生 我们不能再让它继续发生了
We have to now come together and decide that we're not going to have any more missing. 我们现在必须联合起来并决定 我们绝不再让任何人失踪
So no more missing, guys. 不再有人失踪
Okay? No more missing. 好吗?不再有人失踪!谢谢
Thank you.