

Listen to yourself, Bob. 听听你是啥样 Bob
You follow her to work. 你跟踪到她上班的地方
You eavesdrop on her calls. You open her mail. 窃听她的电话 私拆她的信件
The minute you started doing these things, the relationship was over. 当你开始做这些事 你俩的关系就算完了
Thank you for your call. 感谢您的电话
Roz, I think we have time for one more. Roz 还可以再接一个电话进来
Yes, Dr Crane . On line four, we have Russell from Kirkland. 好的Crane医生 四号线 欢迎来自柯克兰的Russell
Hello, Russell, this is Dr Frasier Crane. I'm listening. 你好 Russell 我是Frasier Crane医生 您请讲
'I've been feeling sort of, you know, depressed lately. 我最近有点感觉 有些失落
depressed:adj.沮丧的; v.使抑郁; (depress的过去式和过去分词)
'My life's not going anywhere. It's not that bad. 我的生活停滞不前了 也不算坏
'It's just, same old apartment, same old job. Sometimes...' 就是 老样子的公寓 老样子的工作 有时
Russell, we're just about the end of our hour. Russell 我们的时间要到了
Let me see if I can cut to the chase by using myself as an example. 我就直接用我做例子给你说说
cut to the chase:开门见山;提到关键问题;转入(或切入)正题;
Six months ago, I was living in Boston . 六个月前 我住在波士顿
My wife had left me, which was very painful . 我妻子离开了我 我很痛苦
Then she came back to me, which was excruciating . 然后她回到我身边 令我更加痛苦
On top of that, my practice had grown stagnant , and my social life consisted of hanging around a bar night after night. 除此之外 我的诊所停滞不前 我的社交生活就是一晚继一晚地呆在酒吧里
stagnant:adj.停滞的;不景气的;污浊的;迟钝的; consisted:vi.组成;在于;符合;
You see, I was clinging to a life that wasn't working anymore. 我沉浸在没有出路的生活里
clinging:adj.紧身的; v.依附; (cling的现在分词)
I knew I had to do something, anything. 我知道我得做些什么 不管什么
So I ended the marriage once and for all , packed my things and moved back here to my hometown of Seattle . 所以我果断离了婚 打包行李 搬回来我的家乡 西雅图
once and for all:一劳永逸地;彻底地;最后一次; Seattle:n.西雅图(美国一港市);
Go, Seahawks! 加油 海鹰队
I took action, Russell, and you can too. 我行动了 Russell 你也可以
Move, change, do something. 向前走 去改变 做些事
If it's a mistake, do something else. 如果做错了 做点别的事
Will you do that, Russell? 你会这样做吗 Russell
Will you? 你会吗
Russell? I think we lost him. Russell 他掉线了吧
No, we cut to the news 30 seconds ago. 没 三十秒前我们切到新闻了
Oh, for crying out loud ! 搞什么名堂啊
for crying out loud:搞什么名堂(不耐烦的一种表现);哎呀(生气时的叹词);
I finally bare my soul to all the Seattle. 我终于对整个西雅图袒露心声
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; bare:adj.空的;赤裸的,无遮蔽的;v.露出,使赤裸;
They're listening to Chopper Dave's Rush Hour Roundup ! 他们却去听Chopper Dave的高峰要闻摘要
Chopper:n.[电子]斩波器;斧头;切碎机;vt.用直升机运送;vi.乘直升机飞行; Rush Hour:n.交通拥挤时间;高峰时刻;adj.高峰时刻的; Roundup:n.综述;集拢;围捕;摘要;
Well, the rest of the show was pretty good. 节目的其他部分倒是不错
It was a good show, wasn't it? 节目是不错吧 对吧
Here, your brother called. 这儿 你弟给你留言了
Roz in the tray we call that " Avoidance ". Roz 我们称这为逃避
tray:n.盘;托盘;碟;(各种用途的)浅塑料盒; Avoidance:n.逃避;废止;职位空缺;
Don't change the subject. Tell me what you think. 别转移话题 告诉我你怎么想的
Did I ever tell you what this little button does? 我告诉过你这个小按钮干啥用的吗
I am not a piece of Lalique. 我可不是Lalique的作品
I can handle criticism . How was I today? 我禁得起批评 我今天怎样
handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸; criticism:n.批评;批判;评论;指责;
Let's see. You dropped two commercials , you left a total of 28 seconds of dead air, you scrambled the station's call letters , you spilt yoghurt on the control board, and you kept referring to Jerry, with the identity crisis , as "Jeff". 你漏掉了两支广告 整整28秒的无声空白 你弄乱了电台的来电信件 你把酸奶洒在控制台上 你一直把那个有身份危机的Jerry 叫成Jeff
commercials:n.商业广告;宣传;商业股票;(commercial的复数) scrambled:v.爬,攀登;争抢;抢占;争夺;(scramble的过去式和过去分词) call letters:n.(电台、电视台的)代号字母; spilt:v.洒出的,溢出的(spill的过去式及过去分词); yoghurt:n.酸奶(等于yoghourt);酸乳酪; referring:v.引用;提到;将…归因于…;把…提交;(refer的现在分词) identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式; crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的;
You say my brother called? 你说我弟弟给我电话了
So I said to the gardener , "Yoshi, I did not want a Zen garden in my backyard . 所以我对那园丁说 Yoshi 我不想在后院搞一个禅意花园
gardener:n.园丁;菜农;园艺爱好者; backyard:n.后院;后庭;
If I want to read gravel in ten minutes to mantain my inter harmony , 要是我想通过注视这些碎石十分钟 来保持内心的和谐
gravel:n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑; inter:pref.表示"在一起,交互"之义;表示"在…中间,在…之间"之义; harmony:n.协调;和睦;融洽;调和;
I'll move to Yokohama. 我会搬去横滨
This offends him, so he starts pulling up Maris' prized camellias by the handful. 这就惹恼他了 于是他 开始一把一把地拔Maris那些值钱的山茶花
offends:v.得罪;冒犯;犯罪;犯法;(offend的第三人称单数) camellias:n.山茶花;