

The most complex problems in our time can be solved with simple techniques , if we are able to dream. 在我们这个时代最复杂的问题 却能用简单的技术解决, 如果我们敢于逐梦的话。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数)
As a child, I discovered that creativity is the key to cross from dreams to reality. 小时候,我发现创造力 是跨越梦想与现实的关键。
I learned this from my grandmother, 我从我的祖母(Ruth Tichauer 医师)学到这点,
Dr. Ruth Tichauer, a Jewish refugee that settled in the heart of the Andes . 她是位犹太难民,定居在安第斯山脉中心地带。
Jewish:adj.犹太人的;犹太族的; refugee:n.难民;避难者;逃亡者;v.避难;adj.避难的; settled:adj.稳定的; v.结束; (settle的过去分词和过去式) Andes:n.安第斯山脉;
That is how I grew up: encouraged to see beyond any limitation . 那正是我长大的方式, 被鼓励去观察超越任何限制的事物。
So part of my education included helping her in remote , indigenous communities . 所以我受到的教育的一部分就是 在偏远的原住民社区里协助她。
remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的; indigenous:adj.本土的;土著的;国产的;固有的; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
I cherish those memories, because they helped me to understand life outside the city, a life with a lot of possibilities, without barriers , as language or culture. 我珍惜那些记忆, 因为它们幫助我了解城市以外的生活, 一种具有多种可能性的生活, 没有障碍,例如在语言或文化方面。
cherish:v.珍爱;怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等); barriers:n.障碍;栅栏;篱笆墙(barrier的复数形式);
During those trips, my grandmother used to recite a Kipling poem: "Something hidden. Go and find it. 在那些旅程中,我的祖母常常朗诵吉卜林的诗: 「去找。找那些被藏起之物。
Go and look behind the Mountains. 快,到山的后面找。
Something lost behind the mountains. 在山后,那些丢失之物,
Lost and waiting for you. Go!" 在遗失中正等待着你。去吧!」
In the coming years, I became a medical student. 在之后的数年,我成为一个医学生。
One of every hundred children born worldwide has some kind of heart disease . 全世界每一百个出生的小孩之中 就有一位有某种心脏病。
worldwide:adj.全世界的;adv.在世界各地; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
There's a part of this problem I think I can solve -- the part of this problem I have spent my life working on. 我想我能解决这问题的其中一部份 ── 这部分我已花费我的一生不断钻研。
The problem starts during pregnancy . 这问题是开始于怀孕期间,
The fetus needs to survive inside the mother. 胎儿需要在母体内生存,
Survival depends on communication between the systemic and the pulmonary blood. 存活则仰赖体循环 与肺循环间血液的交流。
Survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物; systemic:adj.系统的;全身的;体系的; pulmonary:adj.肺的;有肺的;肺状的;
At the moment of birth, this communication needs to stop. 而在出生时, 这种交流必须停止。
If it doesn't close, the baby has a hole in the heart . 假如没有关闭,婴儿的心脏就会有一个通孔。
hole in the heart:n.先天性心室间隔穿孔;
It is caused by prematurity and genetic conditions. 这是因早产及基因异常造成的,
prematurity:n.早熟;过早;早开花; genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的;
But what we know today is that a lack of oxygen is also one of the causes. 但现今我们知道的是 缺少氧气也是原因之一。
As you can see in the chart, the frequency of this kind of hole dramatically increases with altitude . 在这图表中你可看到, 这种心脏通孔的发生率 随着海拔高度的增长而急剧增加。
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; frequency:n.频率;发生率;重复率;频繁; dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; altitude:n.海拔;海拔高度;高程;(海拔高的)高处;
Video: (Baby crying) 影片:(婴儿哭声)。
When you look at patients with this condition, they seem desperate to breathe. 当你看到这种状况的病人, 他们似乎拼命地呼吸。
patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) desperate:adj.不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的;
To close the hole, major surgery used to be the only solution . 要关闭这通孔,动大手术是过去唯一的治疗方法。
surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
One night, my friend Malte, were camping in the Amazon region . 有天晚上,我的朋友 Malte 和我在亚马逊地区露营,
Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士; region:n.地区;范围;部位;
The only thing that would not burn in the fire was a green avocado branch. 唯一无法在营火里燃烧的是一枝牛油果的嫩枝。
Then came a moment of inspiration. 接着我们灵感泉涌,
So we used the branch as a mold for our first invention. 所以我们用树枝作为我们首次发明的模型。
The holes in children's hearts can be closed with it. 小孩心脏的通孔可以用它将之关闭。
A coil is a piece of wire wrapped onto itself. 线圈是由一条金属丝自我盘绕而成。
coil:n.盘管;螺旋管;感应圈;(一)圈;v.卷;卷曲;蜿蜒流进; wrapped:adj.极高兴的;十分满意的;v.用…包裹;用…缠绕;(wrap的过去分词和过去式)
It maybe doesn't look so fancy to you now, but that was our first successful attempt to create a device for this major problem. 现在你看它也许不怎么起眼, 但那是我们第一次成功的尝试, 为这重大问题制造出一个装置。
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; attempt:n.企图,试图;攻击;v.企图,试图;尝试; device:n.装置;策略;图案;
In this video, we can see how a very tiny catheter takes the coil to the heart. 在这影片中,我们可看到一条极细的导管 如何将线圈带到心脏,
The coil then closes the hole. 然后线圈将通孔关闭。
After that moment of inspiration, there came a very long time of effort developing a prototype . 在那灵感启发后, 经过一段非常长时间的努力, 研发出这种装置的雏形。
In vitro and in vivo studies took thousands of hours of work in the lab. 在实验室里,花费数千个小时作生物体外与体内的研究;
vitro:n.在试管内; vivo:v.活泼地; adj.生动的;
The coil, if it works, can save lives. 如果成功,这线圈能挽救无数生命。
I returned from Germany to Bolivia, thinking that wherever we go, we have the opportunity to make a difference . 我从德国返回玻利维亚, 心想:无论到哪里 我们都有机会有所作为。
make a difference:有影响,有关系;
With my wife and partner, Dr. Alexandra Heath , we started to see patients. 我与我的妻子,也是同事(Alexandra Heath 医师) 开始访视病人。
After successfully treating patients with our coil, we felt really enthusiastic . 使用我们的线圈成功治疗病人之后, 我们真的感到满腔热忱。
treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) enthusiastic:adj.热情的;热心的;狂热的;
But we live in a place that is 12,000 feet high. 但我们住在海拔 12,000 英尺的地方,
And, the patients there need a special device to solve their heart condition. 而且, 那里的病人需要一种特殊的装置来解决他们心脏的状况。
The hole in altitude patients is different, because the orifice between the arteries is larger. 在高海拔病人的心脏通孔是不同的, 因为动脉间的开口比较大。
orifice:n.[机]孔口; arteries:n.[解剖]动脉(artery的复数);v.给…提供动脉(artery的单数第三人称);
Most patients cannot afford to be treated on time, and they die. 大部份病人付不起费用,无法及时接受治疗, 因而死亡了。
afford:v.给予,提供;买得起; treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式)
The first coil could successfully treat only half of the patients in Bolivia. 在玻利维亚,最初的线圈 只能成功地治疗一半的病人。
The search started again. 研究再度展开,
We went back to the drawing board . 我们重新返回设计阶段,
back to the drawing board:重新开始;失败后另起炉灶;重来一次;
After many trials, and with the help of my grandmother's indigenous friends in the mountains, we obtained a new device. 经过许多试验, 在我祖母的山区原住民朋友协助下, 我们做了一种新的装置。
For centuries, indigenous women told stories by weaving complex patterns on looms , and an unexpected skill helped us for the new device. 数世纪以来,原住民妇女藉着在织布机上编织复杂图案述说故事, 而这种意料之外的技巧幫助了我们的新装置。
weaving:v.编,织;(用…)编成;编造(故事等);(weave的现在分词) looms:n.织布机(loom的复数);v.隐现(loom的三单形式);用织机织; unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的;
We take this traditional method of weaving and make a design made by a smart material that records shape. 我们采用这种传统编织法, 利用一种可记忆自身形状的智慧型材质完成了设计。
It seems this time, the weaving allows us to create a seamless device that doesn't rust because it's made of only one piece. 此次, 似乎编织法让我们设计出一种无瑕疵的装置, 它不会生锈, 因为它仅由一条金属丝做成。
seamless:adj.无缝的;无缝合线的;无伤痕的; rust:n.锈;铁锈;v.(使)生锈;
It can change by itself into very complex structures by a procedure that took decades to develop. 它能自己变形成为非常复杂的结构, 这过程花了数十年的研发,
structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式); procedure:n.步骤;手术;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;
As you can see, the device enters the body through the natural channels. 正如你们所看到的,这装置经由血液流动的通道进入人体。
Doctors have only to close the catheter through the hole. 医师只须将导管跨过通孔,
Our device expands , places itself and closes the hole. 装置会自行展开,它会自己摆好位置, 而后关闭心脏的通孔。
expands:v.展开; (expand的第三人称单数)
We have this beautiful delivery system that is so simple to use because it works by itself. 我们有这完美的置放系统, 使用非常简单, 因为它自己就能发挥作用。
No open surgery was necessary. 不再需要开心手术了!
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As doctors, we fight with diseases that take a long time and effort to heal -- if they do. 身为医师,我们锲而不舍地与痼疾作战 ──假如它们可治愈的话。
diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; heal:v.复原;治疗(病人);使又愉快起来;(使)结束
This is the child from before, after the procedure. 这是先前的那个小孩, 经过治疗以后的样子。
As you can see -- 正如你所看到的——
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As you can see, once the device is in place, the patient is 100 percent healed . 正如你所看到,一旦装置植入, 病人 100% 完全痊愈。
From start to finish, the whole procedure takes only 30 minutes. 从开始至结束, 整个过程只花 30 分钟。
That's very rewarding from the medical and human point of view . 从医疗以及常人的观点来看,那是非常值得的。
rewarding:adj.有益的;值得做的;报酬高的;v.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬;(reward的现在分词) point of view:观点;见地;立场;
We are so proud that some of our former patients are part of our team -- a team, thanks to added close interaction with patients that work with us. 我们感到自豪的是一些我们以前的病人 加入我们的团队, 这个团队归功于和我们一起工作的病人所附加的紧密互动。
Together, we have only one idea: the best solutions need to be simple. 我们只有一个共同的信念: 最佳解决方案必须很简洁。
We lost the fear of creating something new. 我们不再畏惧创造新型式。
The path, it's not easy. 这路不容易走,
Many obstacles arise all the time. 许多障碍一直出现;
obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式) arise:v.出现;发生;产生;起身;
But we receive strength from our patients. 但我们从病人得到力量,
Their resilience and courage inspire our creativity. 他们的适应能力与勇气 鼓舞我们的创造力。
resilience:n.恢复力;弹力;顺应力; inspire:v.激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感;
Our goal is to make sure that no child is left behind,not because of cost or access. 我们的目标是要确保 没有一个小孩会因为费用或就医机会的因素而被遗漏掉。
So we have to start a foundation with a one-to-one model. 所以我们必须建立一个基金会, 以一对一的模式,
foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; one-to-one:adj.一对一的;一一对应的;
We will give one device for free to make sure that every child is treated. 我们免费提供一支装置, 以确保每一个孩子都能接受治疗。
We are in many countries now, but we need to be everywhere. 我们现在已在许多国家中作業, 但我们必须扩大到各地。
This whole thing began with one impossible idea as will continue it, really: 整个事情始于一个异想天开的念头, 事实上也会持续下去:
No child is left behind. 没有一个小孩会被忽略遗漏。
Muchas gracias. (西语)非常谢谢!
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