

Well, I have known many alpha males in my life, chimpanzee alpha males, and I'm going to talk about what an alpha male is, because I think we can all learn a lot from our close relatives where we have alpha males. 我一生中認識很多雄性領袖, 黑猩猩雄性領袖, 我要來談談雄性領袖是什麼, 因為我認為,在我們 也有雄性領袖的事物上, 有很多能向我們的近親學習的。
chimpanzee:n.[脊椎]黑猩猩; alpha male:n.老大(某一群体中最有权力的男子或雄性动物); relatives:n.亲戚;亲属;同类事物;(relative的复数)
And as an example, I want to give you Amos, a male that I knew who was a young male and he was alpha male, he was very popular, but he got sick and he lost his position because, you know, chimpanzee males they can spot from a mile away if you are weak and they went for him, 舉例來說,我認識 一隻雄性黑猩猩叫做艾莫斯, 牠很年輕,且牠是雄性領袖, 牠非常受歡迎, 但牠生病了, 牠失去了牠的地位,因為, 你們知道的,雄猩猩 在一英哩外就能發現你很虛弱, 所以牠們找上牠,
and he lost his position, and then he got sicker and sicker until at some point we had to isolate him. 牠失去了牠的地位, 接著牠越病越重, 直到某個時點,我們得要將牠隔離。
isolate:v.孤立; n.[微]分离菌;
The group lived on a grassy island, and we had to isolate him in a cage, but we cracked open the cage so that the rest of the chimps still had access to him. 這群動物住在滿是青草的島嶼上, 我們得要用一個籠子將牠隔離, 但我們讓籠子開了個縫, 讓其他的黑猩猩 仍然能接觸到牠。
grassy:adj.长满草的;草绿色的; cracked:adj.疯狂;破裂的;有裂纹的;v.破裂;裂开;断裂;(crack的过去分词和过去式) chimps:n.(非洲的)黑猩猩;
And what happened was most touching. 接下來發生的事情非常感人。
Other chimps would bring food to him, they would bring wood wool to him, which is this thing that they use to sleep in and build nests out of, and females would put the wood wool behind his back. 其他黑猩猩會帶食物給牠, 會帶木毛給牠, 木毛是牠們用來當床 以及建立巢穴用的, 母黑猩猩會把木毛放在牠背後。
He was leaning heavily against the wall, and the way we do with pillows to patients in a hospital, they were putting that stuff behind his back. 牠很沉重地傾身靠在牆壁上, 就像在醫院裡我們 會拿枕頭給病人墊著, 牠們則是把木毛放在牠的背後。
leaning:n.倾向;偏向;爱好;v.前俯(或后仰);倾斜;倚靠;(lean的现在分词) pillows:n.枕头;v.枕着(某物);(pillow的第三人称单数和复数) patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
And I thought, this is the way to go for an alpha male. 我心想,這是對待 雄性領袖的方式。
He was loved and respected, and everyone was taking care of him, and this is not always how it goes, because some males don't answer well when they lose their position. 牠是被愛戴且尊敬的, 每隻黑猩猩都在照顧牠, 通常不見得會如此, 因為有些雄猩猩在失去地位之後 並沒有被好好地對待。
So Amos was an example of a male who was liked as a leader, and I think the term alpha male, if you look it up on the internet, you will find all these business books that tell you how to be an alpha male, and what they mean is how to beat up others 所以,艾莫斯是個 被愛戴的雄性領導者的例子, 至於「雄性領袖(alpha male)」 這個詞,若你們上網查, 會找到各種商業書籍, 教你如何成為雄性領袖, 而他們的意思是要擊敗其他人,
and beat them over the head and let them know that you are boss and don't mess with me and so on. 且要直接打向頭部, 讓其他人知道你是老大, 不要來惹我等等。
And basically an alpha male for them is a bully . 因為,對他們來說, 雄性領袖就是個惡霸。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; bully:vt.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;n.仗势欺人者;adj.快活的;盛气凌人的;
And I really don't like that kind of description , because I am actually partly responsible for the term "alpha male" 而我真的不喜歡那種描述, 因為對於「雄性領袖」這個詞, 我其實也有點責任,
description:n.说明;形容;描写(文字);类型; responsible:adj.负责的,可靠的;有责任的;
because I wrote this book "Chimpanzee Politics ," 因為《黑猩猩政治學》 這本書是我寫的,
which was recommended by Newt Gingrich to freshmen congressmen . 而紐特金瑞契把這本書 推薦給新進的國會議員。
recommended:v.推荐;举荐;介绍;劝告;建议;(recommend的过去分词和过去式) Newt:n.蝾螈;笨蛋;新手; freshmen:n.大学一年级新生;新手(freshman的复数); congressmen:n.国会议员(congressman的复数);
I don't know what good it did, but he recommended that book to them, and after that the term "alpha male" became very popular. 我不知道這本書有什麼好處, 但他就推薦給了他們, 從那之後,「雄性領袖」 這個詞就變得很熱門。
But I think it is used in a mischaracterization. 但我認為這個詞 被用在錯誤的描述中。
It's used in a very superficial way that doesn't relate to what a real alpha male is. 它被拿來做很表淺的解讀, 那和真正的雄性領袖是不一樣的。
And so I'm here to explain what that is. 所以,我來是此要解釋 雄性領袖是什麼。
The term itself goes back actually much further. 這個詞本身的源頭 要再向前追溯許多。
It goes back to the '40s and '50s, research on wolves, and basically the definition is very simple. 要回到四○及五○年代, 關於狼的研究, 基本上,定義十分簡單。
The highest ranking male is the alpha male. 等級排名最高的雄性, 就是雄性領袖。
The highest ranking female is the alpha female. 等級排名最高的雌性, 就是雌性領袖。
Every primate group has one alpha male, one alpha female, not more than that, there's only one. 每個靈長類動物群體,都會有 一隻雄性領袖、一隻雌性領袖, 不會超過,就只有一隻。
And I will explain how that goes. 我來解釋一下這個過程。
So first, the body language . 首先,肢體語言。
body language:n.身势语;
What you see here is two male chimpanzees who are the same size, but one is walking upright , has his hair up, has a big rock in his hand, and he's the alpha male. 你們在這裡看到的是 大小相同的兩隻雄猩猩, 但有一隻用直立的姿勢走路, 牠的毛也是站立著的, 手上拿著一塊大石頭, 牠就是雄性領袖。
chimpanzees:n.[脊椎]黑猩猩(chimpanzee的复数); upright:n.立柱;adj.直立的;挺直的;竖直的;垂直的;adv.竖立着;垂直着;
The other male is pant-grunting to him, is being submissive to him and bowing for him, and that is the sort of ritual they need to go through many times a day in order to have a stable relationship. 另一隻雄性則是 喘吁吁地對牠發出呼嚕聲, 對牠表示順從,對牠屈身, 牠們一天需要做許多次這種儀式, 才能夠有穩定的關係。
submissive:adj.顺从的;服从的;柔顺的; ritual:n.仪式;惯例;礼制;adj.仪式的;例行的;礼节性的; stable:n.马厩;牛棚;adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的;vi.被关在马厩;赶入马房;
I'll show you a video from the field. 讓我放一段實地拍攝的 影片給各位看。
What you will see here is a female pant-grunting to an alpha male and you will see how that goes. 會看到一隻雌猩猩對雄性領袖 喘吁吁地發出呼嚕聲, 各位可以看到這個過程。
The male is approaching , she grunts at him. 雄性正在靠近, 雌性對牠發出呼嚕聲。
approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词) grunts:v.发出呼噜声;发出哼声;咕哝;(grunt的第三人称单数)
(Chimpanzee grunts) (黑猩猩發出呼嚕聲)
He has all his hair up and he displays . 雄性的毛都立起來了, 牠在求偶炫耀。
displays:v.陈列; n.陈列;
I'm actually standing far too close. 我其實站得太近了。
A chimpanzee is far stronger than I am, and I just was not very prudent , this particular video. 黑猩猩比我強壯太多, 在這支影片中,我不夠審慎。
So what you saw him do is he was lifting himself up and standing on two legs, and putting his arms out. 所以,你們看見牠所做的, 是牠把自己抬起來,用兩腳站立, 伸出雙臂。
That's called the bipedal swagger . 這叫做雙足式的昂首闊步。
bipedal:adj.两足动物的;二足的;n.两足动物; swagger:v.大摇大摆;大摇大摆地走;n.大摇大摆;神气十足;adj.漂亮的
It's a very common posture in high-ranking males, and it's very recognizable because humans do this kind of stuff. 這是排名等級高的雄性 非常常見的姿勢, 這非常容易被認出來, 因為人類也會做這個動作。
posture:n.姿势;态度;看法;立场;处理方式;v.故作姿态;装样子 high-ranking:adj.职位高的;阶级高的; recognizable:adj.可辨认的;可认识的;可承认的;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
Humans do this all the time. 人類常常會做。
And what I really like about this particular picture is the two old guys to the side. 這張照片,我很喜歡的一點, 是旁邊的兩個老傢伙。
This is very chimpanzee. 這是非常黑猩猩的景象,
In chimpanzees, we have usually old males who are over the hill , who cannot be alpha male themselves anymore, but they start playing games and forming coalitions , and behind the backs of others. 在黑猩猩中, 通常會有已經過了顛峰期的雄猩猩, 牠們不能再是雄性領袖, 但牠們會開始玩權謀,組成聯盟, 在別的黑猩猩背後做手腳。
over the hill:已过壮年的;走下坡路; coalitions:n.联合;结盟(coalition的复数);
And they become extremely influential , and you may actually have old males who are more influential than the alpha male himself. 牠們會變得十分有影響力, 確實有可能會有老的雄猩猩 比雄性領袖本身還要有影響力。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; influential:adj.有影响的;有势力的;n.有影响力的人物;
Just as an example, the three males that I used to work with most at the Dutch zoo long ago, where I worked, and the middle male here is a 17-year-old alpha male. 舉個例子, 我很久以前在荷蘭動物園工作時 最常接觸三隻雄猩猩, 中間的那一隻是十七歲的雄性領袖。
Dutch:adj.荷兰的; n.荷兰人; v.费用平摊地;
The male who is grooming on the side is twice as old, and this old male has made him the leader. 在旁邊被牠梳洗的那一隻 年齡有兩倍大, 這隻老的雄猩猩讓牠成為領袖。
So you can imagine that that old male has an enormous amount of power, because he has made the alpha male alpha male. 所以,各位可以想像, 這隻老的黑猩猩有非常大的權力, 因為是牠讓雄性領袖 成為雄性領袖的。
The male on the right is individually the strongest male. 右邊的那一隻, 個別來說是最強壯的雄猩猩。
In captivity , you can test it out, and you can know that this male has no trouble with either one. 在囚禁的狀況下測試, 可以得知這隻雄猩猩 和其他兩隻沒有個別的過節,
He has only trouble with the combination of the two. 牠唯一不滿的就是 兩隻黑猩猩結合在一起。
And so the coalition formation that goes on in chimpanzee society makes it much more complex than you think. 所以,在黑猩猩社會中 也會有聯盟形成, 讓牠們的社會比想像中還複雜。
formation:n.形成;编队;组成;队形; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
It means, for example, that the smallest male in a group can be the alpha male. 這意味著,比如, 群體中最小的雄猩猩 也可能成為雄性領袖。
You don't need to be the biggest and strongest male. 雄性領袖不需要最高大、最強壯。
The smallest male, if he has the right friends and keeps them happy, or he has female support, he can be the alpha male. 最小的雄猩猩如果能找對朋友 並讓這些朋友保持開心, 或能得到雌性的支持, 牠就有可能當上雄性領袖。
So the coalition system makes everything complex, and I'm always waiting here in the US for the primaries, the end of the primaries, because that's a moment where you need to demonstrate unity . 結盟的體制讓一切變複雜了, 而我一直在美國這裡等待著, 等待初選,等待初選結束, 因為在那一刻就會需要展現團結。
demonstrate:vt.证明;展示;论证;vi.示威; unity:n.团结;一致;联合;个体;
Now let me first show you how the unity is shown in chimpanzees. 我先讓各位看看在黑猩猩中的 團結是什麼樣子的。
What you see here is two males on the left who are standing together. 在左圖中有兩隻雄猩猩, 牠們站在一起。
You also see the big canine teeth that they have. 可以看見牠們有很大顆的犬齒。
And they're standing together and they demonstrate to the rest of the group, "We are together. We are a unit." 牠們站在一起, 向群體中的其他黑猩猩宣示: 「我們是一起的。我們是一體的。」
The males on the right are walking together in synchrony . 右邊的雄猩猩同步走在一起。
That's another way of demonstrating that you are together. 那是另一種宣示牠們在一起的方式。
And so demonstrating unity is extremely important in a coalition system, and as I said , in the primaries always I'm waiting for that moment because then you have two members of the same party who have been fighting with each other, and they need to come together at some moment. 在結盟的體制中,宣示出團結 是非常重要的, 如我先前所言,在初選中, 我總是在等待那個時刻, 因為接著就會有同黨派的兩個成員, 牠們本來一直在互相鬥爭, 卻在某個時刻得要聯手。
as I said:正如我所说的
And it leads to very awkward situations. 這會造成非常尷尬的情況。
People who don't like each other need to embrace each other and stand together, and that's absolutely essential for the unity of the party, and if you don't do that, the party may fall apart . 不喜歡彼此的人得要擁抱彼此, 站在一起, 對於黨派的團結, 這點是絕對必要的, 如果你不這麼做,黨派可能會分裂。
embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的; fall apart:崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎;
And so if it doesn't go well, like in this particular case -- 如果不太順利,就像這個案例—–
(Laughter) (笑聲)
then the party is in deep doo-doo because they have not demonstrated unity. 那麼這個黨派就有大麻煩了, 因為他們沒有展現出團結。
doo-doo:n.大便; demonstrated:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式)
So that's a very important part of the coalition system, and that's something that we share between humans and chimpanzees. 所以,那是結盟的體制 非常重要的一部分, 這也是人類和黑猩猩的共同之處。
Now, how do you become an alpha male? 那麼,你要如何成為雄性領袖?
First of all , you need to be impressive and intimidating and demonstrate your vigor on occasion and show that you are very strong, and there's all sorts of ways of doing that. 首先,你得要讓人印象深刻 且要令人生畏, 偶爾要展現出你的精力, 顯示你非常強壯, 要做到這一點的方式很多。
First of all:adv.首先; impressive:adj.感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的; intimidating:adj.吓人的;令人胆怯的;v.恐吓;威胁;(intimidate的现在分词) vigor:n.[生物]活力,精力; on occasion:有时;偶尔;
But other things that you need to do is you need to be generous . 但你還需要做其他的事, 你得要大方。
So, for example, males who go on a campaign to dethrone the leader, which may take two or three months where they're testing all the coalitions in the group, they also become extremely generous. 所以,舉例來說, 如果雄性想要競選, 罷黜現有的領袖, 這可能要花二或三個月的時間, 牠們會用這段時間 測試群體中的所有聯盟, 牠們也會變得十分大方。
They share food very easily with everyone. 牠們會很輕易就和大家分享食物。
Or they start to tickle the babies of the females. 或是牠們會開始逗弄雌猩猩的寶寶。
They're normally , male chimpanzees, not particularly interested in infants , but when they are campaigning like that, they get very interested in infants and they tickle them, and they try to curry favor with the females. 正常來說,雄猩猩 對於嬰兒不會特別感興趣, 但當牠們要從事競選時, 牠們就會對嬰兒 很感興趣,會逗弄嬰兒, 牠們會試圖巴結討好雌猩猩。
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; infants:n.婴儿(infant的复数);婴幼儿; curry favor:拍马屁;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
So in humans, of course, 當然,換作是人類,
I am always intrigued by these men who are candidates and hold babies up like this. 這些男性候選人 像這樣高舉著嬰兒時, 總讓我感到很好奇。
intrigued:adj.感兴趣的; v.密谋; (intrigue的过去式和过去分词)
This is not particularly something that babies like -- 嬰兒並不會特別喜歡 被這樣對待——
(Laughter) (笑聲)
but since it is a signal to the rest of the world, they need to hold them in the air. 但畢竟這是在對全世界 傳遞一個訊息, 他們總是得把嬰兒高舉在空中。
And I was really intrigued by, when we had a female candidate in the last election, the way she held babies was more like this, which is what babies really like. 還有一點也讓我覺得很好奇的, 就是上一次的選舉中有女性候選人, 她抱起嬰兒的方式比較像是這樣, 這才是嬰兒喜歡的方式。
But she of course didn't need to send the message that she could hold a baby without dropping it, which was what the man was doing. 但,當然,她並不需要 傳遞訊息告訴大家 她能夠抱著嬰兒 且不會讓嬰兒摔落, 這是剛剛那位男性在傳遞的訊息。
So this is a very common tactic , and male chimpanzees, they spend a lot of time currying favor with all sorts of parties when they are campaigning. 所以,這是個很常見的戰略, 而雄猩猩 在競選的時候,會花很多時間 討好各黨派。
tactic:n.策略,战略;adj.按顺序的,依次排列的; currying:n.加脂法;[皮革]加脂操作;v.在…中加咖喱粉;梳刷;鞭笞(curry的ing形式);
Now, what are the privileges and the costs of being an alpha male? 當上雄性領袖有什麼特權 和代價?
privileges:n.[计]特权(privilege的复数); v.给与…特权(privilege的第三人称单数形式);
The biggest privilege is females. 最大的特權就是雌猩猩。
Food is really irrelevant . 食物其實不重要。
Male chimpanzees can go a week without food if there's a female in estrus and they're sexually interested in her. 如果雄猩猩對 發情的雌猩猩有「性」趣, 牠們可以一星期不吃東西。
estrus:n.发情期;动情周期; sexually:adv.性,性欲
Food is secondary to sex. 性比食物更重要。
And so the male chimpanzees -- and we evolutionary biologists , of course, we have an explanation for this, is that sex leads to reproduction , and reproductive success is the measure of evolution. 所以,雄猩猩—— 當然,我們演化生物學家 對此有一種解釋說法, 就是性會導致繁殖, 而演化成功就是用繁殖來測量的。
evolutionary:adj.进化的;发展的;渐进的; biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数); reproduction:n.繁殖,生殖;复制;复制品; reproductive:adj.生殖的;再生的;复制的;
That's how everything evolves . 那就是萬物演化的方式。
And so if males can enhance their reproductive success by being high ranking, you get automatically the ambition to be high ranking in the males. 所以,若雄性能夠透過 取得高的等級地位 來增加繁殖的成功, 雄性自動就會有野心 想要取得高的等級排名。
enhance:v.提高;增强;增进; automatically:adv.自动地;机械地;无意识地;adj.不经思索的; ambition:n.追求的目标;野心;志向;抱负;
So that's the privilege. 所以,那是項特權。
The costs, one cost is of course that you need to keep your partners happy. 至於代價,其中一項當然就是 你得要讓你的伙伴開心。
So if you come to power with the support of an old male, you need to let that old male mate with females. 如果你是因為老的雄猩猩支持 才得以取得權力, 你就得讓那隻老的雄猩猩 和雌猩猩交配。
If you don't do that, that old male is going to get mad at you, and you're going to lose him as a partner. 如果不這麼做,那隻 老的雄猩猩就會生你的氣, 你就會失去這個伙伴。
So there's a transaction going on. 所以,這可說是一項交易。
If you become alpha male this way, you need to keep your partners happy. 如果你用這種方式成為雄性領袖, 你就得要讓你的伙伴開心。
And so that's one of the costs. 那是其中一項代價。
The second cost is that everyone wants your position. 第二項代價是大家都想要你的位置。
Alpha male position is a very important position, and everyone wants to take it from you, and so you constantly have to watch your back. 雄性領袖的位置非常重要, 大家都想從你手上將之奪走, 所以你得要常常嚴防暗算。
You have to be extremely vigilant . 你得要極度警戒。
For example, you have to disrupt the coalitions of others and that's what male chimpanzees do quite a bit. 比如,你得去瓦解其他猩猩的聯盟, 雄猩猩常常會結盟。
Divide and rule strategies , they have. 牠們有「分而治之」的策略。
And so that's a very stressful situation, and we actually have data on this. 所以,那是個壓力非常大的情況, 我們有確實的相關資料佐證。
The data comes from the field, from baboons not chimpanzees in this case, where they did fecal samples on the baboons and they analyzed them for glucocorticoids . 資料來自實地, 這項研究的對象是狒狒, 而非黑猩猩, 在研究中,他們取得 狒狒的糞便樣本, 他們分析樣本中的糖皮質激素。
fecal:adj.排泄物的;残渣的;糟粕的; analyzed:v.分析(analyze的过去式和过去分词);检讨; glucocorticoids:n.肾上腺糖皮质激素;(glucocorticoids是glucocorticoid的复数);
And what you see here is a graph where you see that the lower ranking the male baboon is, the higher is his cortisol level in the feces , but the alpha male, as you see, 各位看到的這張圖中, 當雄性狒狒的等級排名越低, 牠糞便中的皮質醇含量就會越高。 但各位可以看到,雄性領袖
baboon:n.[脊椎]狒狒; cortisol:n.[生化]皮质醇;考的索;[药]氢化可的松; feces:n.排泄物;渣滓;
has just as high a level as the lowest-ranking males, and so you may think that being alpha male is nice and dandy and is wonderful, but it's actually a very stressful position, and we can demonstrate that physiologically . 和最低等級排名的雄性狒狒 有一樣高的皮質醇含量。 因此,各位可能認為身為 雄性領袖是很好很棒的一件事, 但那其實是個壓力很大的位置, 我們可以從生理層面 來展示這一點。
dandy:adj.上等的,极好的(口语);服装华丽的;n.花花公子;好打扮的人; physiologically:adv.生理学方面;
Now, what are the obligations ? 至於義務呢?有什麼義務?
And here, for me, it gets really interesting, and it deviates very much from your typical image of the alpha male. 對我來說,這就是 十分有趣的地方, 這和各位對於雄性領袖的 典型形象認知有很大的差別。
deviates:vi.脱离;越轨;vt.使偏离; typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的;
The alpha male has two sorts of obligations. 雄性領袖有兩種義務。
One is to keep the peace in the group. 第一,是要維持群體中的和平。
We call that the control role, to control fights in the group, and the second is to be the most empathic , the consoler in chief, basically, of the nation, so to speak . 我們稱之為控制的角色, 控制群體中的打鬥, 第二,可以說是要當整個國度中 最有同理心的主要安慰者。
empathic:adj.移情作用的;神入的; consoler:用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。; so to speak:可以说;打个譬喻说;
So first of all, keeping the peace. 所以,首先,維護和平。
This is a male who stops a fight between two females. 這是一隻雄猩猩在阻止 兩隻雌猩猩的鬥爭。
Two females on the left and the right have been screaming and yelling at each other over food, because food is very important for the females, and so he stops the fight between them and stands between them like this. 左邊和右邊的兩隻雌猩猩 為了食物一直在對彼此吼叫, 因為對雌猩猩來說,食物十分重要, 所以,這隻雄猩猩阻止牠們爭吵, 像這樣站在牠們之間。
And it's very interesting to me that alpha males, when they do this, they become impartial . 我覺得很有趣的一點是, 當雄性領袖在做這件事時, 牠們能夠很公正。
They don't support their mom or their best buddy . 牠們不會支持自己的母親 或是最好的朋友。
No, no, they stop fights, and they come up for the underdog in general . 不會,牠們就是阻止鬥爭, 且一般來說牠們 會為劣勢的一方出頭。
underdog:n.比赛中不被看好者;失败者;受压迫者;斗败了的狗; in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
And this makes them extremely popular in the group, because they provide security for the lowest-ranking members of the group. 這讓牠們在群體中非常受歡迎, 因為牠們能提供安全感, 保護等級排名最低的群體成員。
And so they become impartial, which is an unusual condition for a chimpanzee to be in, because they're usually very fond of their friends and so on, and these alpha males who are good at this, they can be very effective at keeping the peace in the group. 所以,牠們就會變得很公正, 這在黑猩猩當中是很不尋常的, 因為牠們通常都非常 喜愛自己的朋友等等, 且非常擅於此道的雄性領袖 能在群體中非常有效地維護和平。
And the second thing they do is they show empathy for others. 牠們所做的第二件事, 就是展現對其他黑猩猩的同理。
Now, I do an enormous amount of research on empathy, and I don't have time to go into it, but empathy is nowadays a topic that we study in rodents and dogs and elephants and primates , all sorts of animals. 我針對同理心做了很大量的研究, 我沒有時間深入探討這主題, 但現今,同理心是研究探討的主題, 大象、靈長類動物, 各式各樣的動物。
rodents:n.啮齿动物,啮齿类; primates:n.灵长类;
And what you see here is two bonobos . 各位看見的是兩隻倭黑猩猩。
The one in front has been beaten up in a fight. 前面的這一隻 在一場打鬥中被打得很慘。
The one in the back puts her arms around her and consoles her. 後面的那一隻把牠的 手臂繞過牠、安慰牠。
This is also actually how we measure empathy in young children, by looking at how they respond to distressed individuals . 這其實就是我們用來測量 孩童同理心的方式, 我們會看孩童對於 沮喪的人有什麼反應。
respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; distressed:adj.烦恼的; v.使忧虑; (distress的过去分词和过去式) individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数);
And high-ranking males, they do a lot of this. 高等級排名的雄性常常會這麼做。
High-ranking males provide an enormous amount of comfort in the group, and they go to places where there are earthquakes or hurricanes and they provide comfort. 高等級排名的雄性會 在群體中提供大量的安慰, 雄性會到有地震的地方, 或有颶風的地方, 提供安慰。
The pope does this. The presidents do this. 教宗這麼做。總統這麼做。
All the leaders in the world have to do this job. 世界上所有的領導者 都得做這項工作。
The queen does it and so on. 女王也會做,以此類推。
They all have to do this job, so providing consolation , and that's a very important task. 他們都得做這項工作, 所以,提供安慰是一項 非常重要的工作任務。
And males who are good at these two, keeping the peace and providing comfort, they become extremely popular leaders, and there's actually some self-interest involved in it. 擅長做這兩件事的雄性, 會維護和平也會提供安慰, 就能成為非常受歡迎的領袖, 其實這裡還涉及到一些自我利益。
self-interest:n.私利;利己主义; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
They don't do it just for the group, because it also stabilizes their position. 這麼做的目的不只是為了群體, 也是為了穩固自己的地位。
The more popular a male becomes as alpha male and the more the rest of them respects them and looks up to them, the better their position is defended in case it's going to be challenged by somebody else, 當雄性領袖變得越受歡迎, 且有越多其他成員尊敬、崇拜牠們, 當有其他成員要向牠們挑戰時, 牠們的位置就更安全,
because then, of course, the whole group is going to support that male because they want to keep a leader who is good for them. 因為當發生這種狀況時, 當然整個群體都會支持牠, 因為大家都想要保有 一個對牠們好的領袖。
So the group is usually very supportive of males who are good leaders, and it's not supportive at all of bullies . 所以,群體通常都 非常支持好的雄性領袖, 且完全不支持惡霸。
supportive:adj.支持的;支援的;赞助的; bullies:n.仗势欺人者;横行霸道者;v.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;(bully的第三人称单数和复数)
And when bullies lose their position, they may end up in a very bad situation there. 當惡霸失去了牠們的位置, 牠們的處境可能會非常糟。
This is data actually on the consolation behavior. 這是關於安慰行為的資料。
This is data on consolation in chimpanzees, and you see for the medium- and low-ranking individuals, the females do more of it than the males. 這些資料是黑猩猩的安慰行為資料, 各位可以看到, 中低等級排名的黑猩猩, 雌猩猩會比雄猩猩更常安慰。
This is basically the whole community . 基本上,這是整個社群。
And this is true for all the mammal studies on empathy is that females have more of it than males. 所有的哺乳動物同理心研究都發現 雌性會比雄性更常做出安慰行為。
But look at the alpha male. 但,看看雄性領袖。
The alpha male does far more than anybody else. 雄性領袖遠比任何成員 做的安慰行為都更多。
And so that's the data on alpha males being the consoler in chief, basically. 基本上,資料呈現出的是 雄性領袖在擔任主要安慰者。
The last thing I want to say is something about alpha females. 我想談的最後一件事, 和雌性領袖有關。
The last thing I want:我最不希望的就是;
This is a picture of Mama, the alpha female in the Arnhem zoo where I used to work, who is now all over the internet, 這張照片中的是「媽媽」, 牠是阿納姆動物園中的雌性領袖, 我先前在那裡工作, 牠現在在網路上火紅,
I think a hundred million clicks at the moment, for a video of her dying at the age of 59, which happened last year. 她在 59 歲時過世的影片, 在那時應該有十萬次點閱了, 發生的時間是在去年。
And Mama was an absolute centrum of the group. 媽媽是群體中的絕對中心。
So she was not physically capable of dominating the males. 在身體上,牠並沒有 能力可以支配雄性。
capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的; dominating:adj.个性强势的; v.支配; (dominate的现在分词)
She ranked below the males, but she was the center of the community, and if there was big trouble in the community, everyone would end up in the arms of Mama. 牠的等級排名比雄性還低, 但牠卻是社群的中心, 如果社群中出現大麻煩, 大家最終都會以 得到媽媽的懷抱收場。
And so she was a very important figure. 所以牠是個非常重要的角色。
And so I don't want to minimize the position of alpha females in the chimpanzee group. 所以,我並不想把雌性領袖
And then we have a species that is equally close to us as the chimpanzee, the bonobo. 另外還有一種物種跟我們的相近程度 不輸給黑猩猩,就是倭黑猩猩。
We often forget about the bonobo, but the bonobos have a matriarchal society and the alpha individual is a female, generally . 我們常常忘了倭黑猩猩, 但倭黑猩猩的社會是母權的社會, 一般來說,領袖的角色 是由雌性來擔任。
matriarchal:adj.母系氏族的;女家长的; generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地;
Generally, it's a female who is at the top of the community, and we know much less about how this is done and how they get to that position, and what they do with it, because we know much less about bonobos in general. 一般來說,這個角色是 位在社群最頂端的雌性, 我們不是很了解 這個過程是如何的、 牠們如何得到這個位置, 及要用這個位置做什麼, 因為我們對於倭黑猩猩的 一般知識就比較缺乏。
But I do want to emphasize that the alpha in a group doesn't need to be a male, and that actually in one of our close relatives, it is a female. 但我想要強調的是, 群體中的領袖不見得一定是雄性, 在與我們最接近的物種中, 就有一種的領袖是雌性。
So the message I want to leave you with is that if you are looking at men in our society who are the boss of, let's say, a family or a business or Washington or whatever, you call them alpha male, you should not insult chimpanzees by using the wrong label . 我想要留給各位的訊息是, 如果對於我們人類社會中的男性, 比如身為老大的男性, 不論是在家中、在企業中, 或在華府等等, 你稱他們為雄性領袖時, 你不該用錯誤的標籤 來侮辱黑猩猩。
insult:v.侮辱;辱骂;损害;n.侮辱;凌辱;无礼; label:n.标签;标记;谓;唱片公司;v.贴标签于;用标签标明;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
You should not call a bully an alpha male. 不要把惡霸稱為雄性領袖。
Someone who is big and strong and intimidates and insults everyone is not necessarily an alpha male. 如果這個人個頭很大、很強壯、 會威嚇人,且會侮辱大家, 他不見得就是雄性領袖。
intimidates:v.恐吓;威胁;(intimidate的第三人称单数) insults:v.侮辱;辱骂(insult的第三人称单数);n.无礼;损害(insult的复数); necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地;
An alpha male has all sorts of qualities, and I have seen bully alpha males in chimpanzees, they do occur , but most of the ones that we have have leadership capacities and are integrated in their community, and, like Amos at the end, they are loved and respected, and so it's a very different situation than you may think. 雄性領袖有各式各樣的特質, 我曾在黑猩猩中看過 惡霸型的雄性領袖, 確實有, 但大部分我們看見的雄性領袖 都具有領導能力, 且和牠們的社群結合成為一體, 就像艾莫斯,到了最後, 還是受到愛戴和尊敬的, 這和各位的想法可能有很大的差異。
occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; capacities:n.能力;容量;性能;生产量(capacity的复数); integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词)
And I thank you. 謝謝各位。
(Applause) (掌聲)