

My name is Henry Morgan. 我叫亨利.摩根
My story is a long one. 我的故事说来话长
It might sound a bit implausible . 听起来有点难以置信
In fact, you probably won't believe me. 也许你都不会相信
But I'll tell you anyway, because, beyond all else, 但我还是要告诉你 因为相比起来
I have lots and lots of time. 我最不缺的就是时间
Doors are closing. 车门即将关闭
How did you know I was Russian? 你怎么知道我是俄罗斯人
Korovka. Russian chocolate. 科洛夫卡 俄罗斯巧克力
You have a smudge . 你嘴边还有巧克力渍
Good luck at the performance tonight. 祝你今晚的演出顺利进行
Sorry. 抱歉
I noticed the indentations on your fingers. 我注意到你手指的压痕
At first I thought the violin, but the spacing is a bimarkingst too wide, and there's no markings under your chin , so cello . 一开始我以为你是拉小提琴的 但压痕的间距太宽了 而且你的下巴没有印子 所以应该是大提琴
markings:n.标记;记分;成交价格记录(marking的复数); chin:n.下巴;颏;v.(口)用下巴夹住(提琴等);(单杠)引体向上使下巴高过横杠;谈话; cello:n.大提琴;
How did you know I have a performance? 那你怎么知道我今晚有演出
Your collar has a bit of moisture . 你的领子有点湿
collar:n.衣领;领子;箍;(动物,尤指狗的)颈圈;v.抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住; moisture:n.水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量;
Freshly showered. 看得出来你刚刚洗过澡
So I assumed you're either headed to work or going out on a date, and, with all due respect, it would be unusual for a woman as beautiful as you to be taking the subway to a date. 所以我猜 你不是去上班 就是去约会 我无意冒犯 但是佳人如你 是不会 坐地铁去约会的
You see a lot. 你看到的真多
Well, I've seen a lot. 我只是见得多了而已
Next stop: 66th Street, Lincoln Center. 下一站 六十六大街 林肯中心
Perhaps you would like to come to the performance? 你愿意来看我的演出吗
Maybe afterwards, you could grab a drink? 之后说不定我们能一起喝一杯
I would love to. 我很乐意
I've lived a full life, been madly in love. 我曾经有美满的生活 深爱过
I've had my heart broken. 也曾经一度心碎
I've fought in wars and seen more than my fair share of death. 从前征战沙场 目睹无数死亡
In my long life, I've experienced many ends, but only one beginning. 在我漫长的一生中 我经历过无数个尽头 却只有一个开始
It all started 200 years ago. 一切始于两百年前
It's just a fever. This man will be fine. 只是感冒而已 这伙计没什么大碍
He's not a man. He's property. 他不是伙计 他就是个东西而已
He has cholera . Throw him overboard . 他得了霍乱 把他丢下船
cholera:n.[内科]霍乱; overboard:adv.自船上落下;向船外;adj.极其热心的;全身心投入的;
I can assure you he is not infected ! 我可以保证 他没有染病
assure:vt.保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚; infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式)
You allow my men to remove him, or I shall. 你最好让我的手下把他带出去 不然我就自己动手了
Step aside, Dr. Morgan, or I will shoot you. 摩根医生 一边站着去 不然我就开枪了
I cannot let you do this. 我不能让你这么做
So be it. 那就你去死吧
You see, something happened that night. 那晚发生了一些事
I was transformed . 我被转化了
I still feel love, pleasure, pain. 我仍然能感知到爱 快乐和痛苦
My life is just like yours. 我的生命和你的几乎一样
Except for one small difference. 除了一个小小的差别
It never ends. 我的生命从没有尽头
Since that night nearly two centuries ago, every time I die, I always return in water, and I'm always naked . 自从近两个世纪前的那晚之后 每次我经历死亡 总是会回到水里 而且总是一丝不挂