

You know that feeling when a guy you like sends you a text at two o'clock on a Tuesday night asking if he can come and find you, and you've accidentally made it out like you've just got in yourself, 你知道有种感觉 当一个你喜欢的男孩子在周二的凌晨两点 发信息给你 问你他现在是否能来找你 而你一不小心 撒谎告诉他你也刚刚才走进家门
so you have to get out of bed, drink wine, get in the shower, shave everything, dig out some Agent Provocateur business suspender belt , the whole bit and wait by the door until the buzzer goes? 所以你不得不从床上起来 喝点酒 洗好澡 把该刮的毛都刮了 然后找出几件密探内衣 吊袜腰带 全套装备 然后等在门边 等着门铃响
shave:v.刮胡子;(尤指)刮脸;(少量地)削减;n.修面;刮脸;剃须; Agent Provocateur:n.(受雇于政府,怂恿某些政治团体人士犯法以便将之逮捕的)密探; suspender:n.袜吊;吊裤带;悬挂物; belt:n.皮带;腰带;传动带;传送带;v.猛击;狠打;飞奔;飞驰; buzzer:n.蜂鸣器;嗡嗡作声的东西;信号手;
And then you open the door to him, like you've almost forgotten he's coming over. 然后你给他开了门 好像你几乎已经忘记他要来了
Hi. - Hey. 嗨 -嘿
And then you get to it immediately. 接下来你俩一触即发
After some pretty standard bouncing, you realise... 在一些几近标准的弹跳运动之后 你意识到
...he's edging towards your arsehole . 他正在慢慢靠近你的后庭
But you're drunk and he made the effort to come all the way here, so you let him. He's thrilled . 但是那时你已经喝醉了 而他也花了不少力气才来到你这儿 所以你就由着他了 他非常兴奋
thrilled:adj.非常兴奋; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的过去分词和过去式)
I'm so thrilled. 我好兴奋啊
And then the next morning, you wake to find him... 然后在第二天早上 你醒来了发现他
fully dressed, sat on the side of the bed, gazing at you. 衣冠端正 坐在你的床边 凝视着你
on the side of:拥护…;站在…一边;赞助; gazing:v.凝视;注视;盯着;(gaze的现在分词)
He says that... - Last night was incredible . 他说 -昨晚实在是不可思议
Which you think is an overstatement , but then he goes on to say that... 而你觉得他只是夸张了 但他接下去说
It was particularly special because... 昨晚特别的不一样 是因为
...I've never managed to actually... 我还从来没有真正地
...up the bum with anyone before. 走过别人的后庭
bum:n.屁股; vt.乞讨; adj.劣质的;
To be fair, he does have a large penis . 说实话 他的确有个大阴茎
And although it's always been a fantasy of mine, I've... 尽管这个一直以来都是我的幻想 我还
fantasy:n.幻想; adj.虚幻的; v.空想;
never found anyone I could do it with. 从来没有找到谁愿意和我做的
And then he touches your hair... 接着他抚摸了你的头发
...and thanks you with a genuine , earnest ... 还真挚诚恳地感谢了你
genuine:adj.真实的,真正的;诚恳的; earnest:adj.认真的,热心的;重要的;n.认真;定金;诚挚;
Thank you. 谢谢你
It's sort of moving. 还有点感人呢
Then he kisses you gently . 然后他温柔地亲吻了你
And then he leaves. 之后就离开了
And you spend the rest of the day wondering... 留你一人花了近一天的时间 思考
Do I have a massive arsehole? 我是不是有个巨大的后庭
This doesn't happen very often, does it? 这并不是经常发生 是吗
I su... 我估
I suppose it's... 我估计这
It's quite rare, yeah. 这挺罕见的 嗯
I hate myself. 我讨厌我自己
Are you going to work? 你是要去上班吗
No, actually... - OK, this is going to sound crazy but I think that I should take your number and I think I should call it, and I think I should ask you if you want to go out for a drink with me. 不 实际上 -好吧 这听起来会很疯狂 但是我觉得我应该要到你的电话 然后我应该打过去 我觉得我应该问你 是否愿意和我出去喝杯酒
go out for:努力争取;(运动员,运动队)尽力参加选拔赛;
Fuck me! You've got a boyfriend? 我去 你有男朋友了
No... 没有
No, we broke up quite recently , actually. 没有 我其实最近刚刚分手了
My God. I'm so sorry/really pleased. 天呐 我很抱歉 同时也很开心听到这个
How the hell did he manage to fuck that up? 他是怎么做到搞砸你们的关系的
'Power rarely gives up without a fight... 权力的割舍极少不经过斗争