

Wow. - Mmm. 哇 -嗯
Wow. - Mm-hmm. 哇 -嗯哼
Wow. - Yes, Marlin . 哇 -是的,莫林
No, I see it. It's beautiful. 我看到了 这真是太美了
So, Coral , when you said you wanted an ocean view... 记得么, 卡萝, 当你说你想看到这个海洋的景色的时候...
you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you? 没想到我们会搬到海边来住 想过吗?
Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. 喔,耶 这里可是鱼的自由天地啊
breathe out:呼出;
Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? 你说你老公我,说话算不算数啊?
My man delivered. - And it wasn't so easy. 算数,行了吧 -我可是费了不少波折的啊
Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. 因为有许多其他的小丑鱼也觊觎这块地方
You better believe they did... every single one of them. 你最好相信这点-- 他们谁不想住这啊
Mm-hmm. You did good. 嗯 你做得很好
And the neighborhood is awesome . 还有邻居们是在是太棒了
neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的; awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的;
So, you do like it, don't you? 那么,你喜欢这里,是不是?
No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. 是的,是的 我喜欢,我喜欢 我真的很喜欢这里
But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable ... 但是,莫林,我知道住在这里会很惬意...
with the great schools and the amazing view... 伴随着大学校和这美妙的风景...
but do we really need so much space? 但是我们真的需要这么大的地方吗?
but do we really need so much space? 但是我们真的需要这么大的地方吗?
Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. 卡萝,亲爱的,我们在说我们的孩子们
They deserve the best. Look, look, look. 他们应该得到最好的东西 看,看,看
They'll wake up, poke their little heads out... 他们醒来, 把他们小小的脑袋从这里探出来...
and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 然后他们看到了一只鲸鱼! 就在他们卧房的窗户外面
and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 然后他们看到了一只鲸鱼! 就在他们卧房的窗户外面
Shh. You'll wake the kids. 嘘 你会吵醒孩子们的
Oh, right, right. 喔,好的,好的
Aw, look. They're dreaming. 噢,看 他们还在梦乡中
We still have to name them. 我们还要给他们起名字
You want to name all of them right now? 你现在想给所有这些孩子起名字?
All right, we'll name this half Marlin Junior ... 好吧,我们把这一半叫做小莫林...
and this half Coral Junior. 这一半叫做小卡萝
OK, we're done. - I like Nemo . 好了,我们就这么决定了 -我喜欢尼莫这个名字
Nemo. We'll name one Nemo... 尼莫 我们只能选其中的一个叫尼莫...
but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. 但是我愿意把其他的都叫做小莫林
Just think, in a couple of days... 只要一想, 用不了几天...
we're going to be parents. - Yeah. 我们就要当爸爸妈妈了 -是啊
What if they don't like me? 他们要是不喜欢我怎么办?
What if:如果…怎么办?
Marlin. - No, really. 莫林 -不,是真的
There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you. 这里有400多个蛋 按机率来算总会有一个会喜欢你的
What? 怎么了?
You remember how we met? - I try not to. 你还记得我们是怎么认识的吗? -我不想记起来了
Well, I remember. "Excuse me, miss... 那好,我记得 对不起,小姐...
'"can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?" 你能帮我看一下我嘴唇上是否有个鱼钩?
You got a little closer because it was wiggling . 你靠近一点呀,因为它还在晃动着
Get away, get away! - Here he is. Cutie's here. 走开,走开! -我来啦 美人在这呢
Where did everybody go? 大家都去哪了?
Coral, get inside the house. 卡萝,快回房子里
No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. 不,卡萝,别动 孩子们不会有事的
Just get inside... You, right now. 快进去-- 你快点,现在就进去
No! Ow! 不! 噢!
Ooh! 喔!
Ooh! Ooh! 哦! 哦!
Coral! 卡萝!
Coral? 卡萝?
Coral? 卡萝?