

Hi. I'm Dory . 你好 我叫多莉
I suffer from short-term remembory loss. 我有短期失忆症
Yes! - That's exactly what you say! 真棒 -你说的真好
Okay, okay. We'll pretend to be the other kids now. 好 现在我们两个假装是别人家的孩子
Hi, Dory! - Ahoy there! 你好 多莉 -我在这呢
Do you want to play hide-and-seek ? 你想和我们一起玩捉迷藏么
Okay. I love-- Okay. 好啊 我喜欢… 好的
We'll hide and you count and come find us. 那我们先去藏起来 你数到十然后来找我们
Okay, Daddy. 好的 爸爸
No, not Daddy. I'm the nice fish who wants to be your friend, okay? 不不不 现在我不是你爸爸 是一个想和你叫朋友的别人家的孩子
Okay, Daddy. - No. 好的 爸爸 -不
I'm hiding. - Now count to ten. 那我现在去藏起来 -那我现在数到十
One, two, three... 一 二 三
I like sand. Sand is squishy . 我喜欢沙子 它们又黏又漂亮
Mommy, can I go play with them? 妈妈 我可以和它们一起玩么
Dory. Dory. Dory, honey. - Dory. Kelpcake. 多莉 多莉 嘿 亲爱的 - 多莉 小心
Undertow , sweetie. 这有急流 亲爱的
Remember, honey, we have to stay away from the undertow. 记得 我们必须要离这些急流远一点
Okay, sweetheart , what about that rhyme we learned? 你现在还记得我们教你的那首歌怎么唱么
sweetheart:n.亲爱的;甜心;爱人;心上人 rhyme:韵律
We see the undertow and we say... 我们看见急流 我们远…
Let's go 冲过去
No. It's, " Heck no." Okay? Let's try it again. 不 应该是“远离它” 知道了么 来 我们再试一次
We see the undertow and we say... 我们看见急流 我们远…
There's the undertow! 这里有急流
There's the undertow. There is the undertow 这里有急流
Hey, you found the undertow. And we see the undertow 看 你发现了急流
Did I forget again? - No, no. No. 难道我又忘记了么 - 不 没有
No, sweetie. Don't worry about it. - No biggie , kelpcake. 不 亲爱的 你别担心 - 这没什么大不了的 小海带
What if I forget you? Would you ever forget me? 如果我忘记了你们怎么办 你们会忘记我么?
What if:如果…怎么办?
Oh, kelpcake, no. 不 不会的 小海带
We will never forget you, Dory. And we know you'll never forget us. 我们是绝对不会忘记你的 而你也绝对不会忘记我们
Hello? 有人么
Hello! 这里有人么
Did you hear that? - What's that? Hear what? 你刚刚听到了么 -什么?听到什么?
Stan, I just heard someone say hello. - I didn't hear anybody say hello. 斯坦 我刚刚听到了有人说话 我刚刚什么都没听到
I don't know, Stan. I just heard someone say hello. 我不确定 斯坦 我记得刚才我听到了有人说话
There's a lot of fish here. Anybody could have just said hello. 这里有很多鱼 谁都有可能说话
Hello? - There. 有人么? -这里有
Where? - There. There. Right there. 哪里? -这
Where am I looking? - There! 我正在过来 - 这里!
Oh. - Hello! 你好
Hello? - Oh my goodness, it's a child! 你好 - 我的天啊 那是一个孩子
Hi, kid. Over here. Hello? - Hello? Hi. 孩子 我在这呢 你好吗 -你好
Hi. I'm Dory. Can you please help me? 我叫多莉 你们能帮帮我么
Hi, Dory. Are you lost? 多莉 你走丢了么
Yeah, where are your parents? - Um... 你的父母在那里啊
I can't remember. 我想不起来了
Oh. - Well we'll look around. 你看看周围
Are any of these fish your parents? 看看哪个是你的父母
Hi, I'm Dory. Can you please help me? 你好 我叫多莉 你们能帮帮我么
What? 什么?
Honey, you just said that. 亲爱的 这个你刚刚说过了
I did? 我说过了?
I'm sorry. I suffer from short-term remembory loss. 对不起 我有短期失忆症
Oh, how awful. - Short-term memory loss? 噢 这可怜的孩子 - 短期失忆症